• Hi! Welcome to RantClan!
    (That sounds so weird)
    Rant about anyone Here, from real life or Warriors

    • I don’t like ANY Millie. My sister is just now reading The Sight, and I have a friend who likes Millie better than Silverstream. I told her that and she thought it was dumb, so she told me to tell my friend, and I quote, “You tell your dum-dum friend that Millie is fat and ugly and that I hate Millie!!” I thought that was really funny! I told her that while Millie isn’t fat, she most certainly IS ugly!!

  • HALT!
    If you clicked on my link because you want to become my mentor, pls state that you are here because of that. When I see your comment, I will let you know if you will be my mentor.
    Thank you!

  • 🎄I got a festive song for ya🎄
    Jingle bells🔔
    Millie smells💩
    Graystripe layed an eeeeegg🥚
    Bluestar’s mad😡🤪
    And Dovewing’s sad😤😟
    Cause her powers ran away🏃‍♀️
    (Finish the rest of the lyrics)

    • dashing through the snow
      in a one kitty open sleigh
      over the moonstone we go
      being super tough all the way
      ha ha ha

  • ❄️🌹Roselet🌹❄️🔥Rosepaw/flame🔥🌺Rose That Grows in Flame’s Light and Loves Qibli💘 Rose, Roseli, or Roselet! says:

    Flametail is the worst cat in warriors I hate him so much…

  • What’s y’all’s opinion on Ashfur?? My friends don’t like him, but I think he’s a pretty awesome villain!! He’s actually on my Top 5 Favorite Warrior Cats list:
    5) Ashfur
    4) Ivypool (I hate Dovewing!!)
    3) Mapleshade
    2) Bristlefrost (Root x Bristle forever!!)
    1) Firestar!! (Honestly, who doesn’t like him??)

    Tell me what you think and your top 5 (if you want!!)

    • Hi Flamepaw! I see you went to my beautiful messed up page!
      So first lemme answer you.
      5. Firestar
      4. Alderheart
      3. Leafpool
      2. Squirrelflight
      1. Mapleshade
      Now, pls tell me all about you! I’ll reply when I can!😁

      • Hi Olivenose!! I’m so glad I’m not the only Mapleshade lover!! I also really like Leafpool, she’s awesome!! Okay, well some things about me are that I love to sing and I’m partially fluent in ASL (American Sign Language) and Spanish! Along with that, I do martial arts and I’m a green belt!! I’ve also met some of my best friends there!! I’m very excited to be your apprentice and I’m looking forward to sharing facts about each other (if you’d like!) and opinions on characters!! Also, I think that this page is awesome! I personally LOVE ranting about characters and when I talk about a certain character with some of my friends, they just annoy me by saying how much they love Dovewing and Tigerheart as a couple. IT’S SO ANNOYING!!

        • Also, do you want to fill out the mentor/apprentice Allegiances form? (not trying to rush you, I’m just excited!!) 🙂 🙂

          • Yes, I would LOVE to fill out the form! I am Hispanic and I speak Spanish, btw!
            (Dove x Tiger is so bad and undeveloped. It is just “oh hi so you are also in the DF lets meet up secretly at night”)

            • Awesome!! And that’s really cool that you’re fluent in Spanish!! I’m so glad that I’m not the only Dove x Tiger hater and I’m really glad that we have a lot in common!! 🙂

              • Did u fill out the form yet? btw im in class now so ill be offline for a bit

                • Hi, Olivenose!! I filled out the form maybe a day (?) ago, so the mentor/apprentice thing on the Allegiances will probably show up! I just got back from school a little while ago so I might also be offline for a little bit, too. 🙂

                • Sorry about that comment that was a glitch

    • I’m great Flamie! I loved our drawing and I want to draw us together my style, if you like! Btw, your purrsona is a solid ginger cat with blue eyes, right? Mine is a black and brown patched tabby with green eyes.

      • Aw, I’m glad you liked the drawing!! And yes, that’s my purrsona!! On the allegiances, yours just said a calico (I think?) so that’s what I drew for yours (it might’ve said a tortie, I can check!!)! If you want to draw us, that’d be awesome!! I’m sure your art’s fantastic!! 🙂 🙂

  • When’s your clanniversary, Flam? And what’s your opinion on Hollyleaf? My clanniversary is on December 8, and I’m neutral on Hollyleaf, leaning a bit on the positive side.

    • My Clanniversary is October 9th (it’s either the 8th or 9th!) and I like Hollyleaf! I’m mostly neutral on her, but I like her! 🙂

        • I honestly don’t know when or how the “sussy whale” thing started on BlogClan, but I saw that video the other day, and at the end, there’s a blue whale and I just thought it’d be funny (I mean, I think it looks quite sussy!)! 🙂

  • Hello, mento! How’re you doing today?? 🙂

    • Oh! Hi Im fine! sorry a whole weekend has passed without blogging…

  • Flamepaw/spirit || Ospreysplash's awesome apprentice!! || She/her || Arson is life || Spirit of Flaming Arson in Newleaf Sun says:

    Man, going back here brings me so much nostalgia 😭😭😭