BlogClan Code of Conduct

What we expect from users:

  • Users will not post comments with discriminatory, offensive, or vulgar language. We will edit or delete your comment if it contains slurs, swears, or inappropriate content.
  • Users will not post comments about triggering topics, including detailed and graphic descriptions of mental health struggles. Comments of this nature will receive a mod edit encouraging the user to seek out other avenues to get help (also listed on the Hug Page).
  • Users will not engage in political or religious arguments. Religion as a concept may be discussed, but under no circumstances will users discriminate or insult others based on religious beliefs (e.g. claiming one religion is better than another).
  • Users will not give out personal information.
    • country and state are alright to share, but nothing more specific in regards to location. 
    • rough age is allowed and so are birthdays.
    • absolutely NO full names, school names, city names, districts/wards/etc, voice recordings, and NO pictures containing your face or any other identifying features (e.g. sweater with a school name).
  • Users will not insult or belittle other members to their faces or behind their backs. 
  • Debates over Warriors are not only allowed but encouraged; however, the mods will intervene if comments begin to be inflammatory or if people resort to insulting one another.
  • Users will not spam. Spam comments (for example, posting dozens of copies of the same comment on purpose) will be deleted.
  • Users will not disguise their identity by creating multiple aliases for the purpose of crafting a false identity – users may absolutely change their username or purrsona, but the deliberate crafting of a new identity (including new ‘personal’ details), especially if this new identity interacts with the community simultaneously as the old identity, is prohibited.
    • This includes games where try to guess who an anonymous BlogClanner is (“Guess who I am!”)
  • Users will not link to external chat sites unless they are the Warriors Wiki, BlogClan Wiki, or official Warriors sites.
    • users may link to fanfiction or fanart on other sites; however, the moderators do not read fanfiction posted to the site, and cannot guarantee they follow these guidelines
  • Users will do their best not to spoil new Warriors books. Upcoming or recently released Warriors books will have dedicated discussion and spoiler pages – events from books released within 2 month of the comment posted are considered spoilers and are barred from general discussion channels.
  • Users will, overall, be polite and friendly to their fellow users!
    • users with close friendships and sarcastic senses of humor may engage in playful teasing; however, users will ensure that their tone is clearly indicated through tone indicators: /j or /s for “joking” and “sarcastic”, respectively
      • users will also halt the teasing upon the first sign that the other participant no longer is enjoying the teasing. Jokes are only fun when everyone is laughing!
  • Users will not post or use content that they do not own and pass it off as their own work (plagiarism).
    • This includes generative AI, such as using AI generators to make images or stories.

What users can expect from BlogTeam:

  • Moderators will approve new comments made by users.
    • the main exception is comments that are direct questions to moderators, which will remain in moderation until the mod in question can respond
    • comments that violate user guidelines (or which need to be considered further to determine this) will also be held back until the moderators can resolve them properly. this may include drafting a response, editing the comment, or outright deleting it
  • Moderators will schedule posts, monitor and resolve technical issues, and update the blog to improve user experience when necessary.
  • Moderators will communicate with each other about hiatuses (expected or otherwise) and work to temporarily redistribute the workload to keep the blog running.
  • Moderators will communicate with each other to address serious problems, as BlogTeam believes in the necessity and benefit of differing perspectives and collaborative problem solving.
  • Moderators will de-escalate conflicts between users if necessary, acting as a neutral mediator between parties.
  • Moderators will direct people to appropriate avenues to seek support for mental or physical health.
  • Moderators will maintain a friendly, civil, and professional tone when communicating with users.
    • Moderators will under no circumstance swear, use slurs, or insult other members
    • Moderators will never encourage users to argue with each other, nor will they argue with users. 
    • Disagreements between users and moderators will be handled by the BlogTeam as a whole to discourage an impulsive moderator comment and facilitate collaborative problem solving
  • Moderators will oversee various community projects to keep the blog active and engaging for users (e.g. Cadvent, Gatherings).
  • Moderators will oversee the Live Chat when available.
  • Moderators will abide by the BlogClan Rules when issuing punishments.
    • with the exception of extreme cases (a user spamming slurs or inappropriate content, for instance), moderators will not ban users as an initial punishment
    • instead, moderators will attempt to work with the user to address the missteps, issue official warnings, and only issue bans when absolutely necessary

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