
Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this year’s gift exchange! As always, your creations were absolutely wonderful and you never fail to blow me away with your talent and creativity! To find your name in...
Okay, so this post is a little later than what I would’ve wanted, but I’ve had a busy week 😛 I’m also a little tired, so, only one cat pic this time 😛 You’re getting plenty from Cadvent, anyway...
The seventh edition of the Blog Monthly is here – written by Lil, fresh off the printing press Hello, everyone!! The Blog Monthly is back and better than ever! I hope you all love this edition, in my opinion it is one...
Blackstorm gives warrior names to bears from Care Bears.
Pandapeltl gives warrior names to dragons from Wings of Fire.
Rosefern shares some thoughts on Jayfeather and Jay’s Wing.
Hello! Sorry to interrupt, but can I join?
Name: Cloudwhisper
Purrsona: Fluffy white she-cat with amber eyes and black flecks
Attitude: Normally quiet but really friendly except to e n e m i e s, oftentimes sarcastic
Rank: Warrior
Gender: Female
Anything extra: Nope!
HELLO and welcome to be honest Irisflower is never active on the page but i guess you can me and lily are the only one rp tho XD
Cloverflight Pov:
Cloverflight came back from gathering herbs.
The camp was lively as ever, but something made her feel uncomfortable.
she looked around the clearing and noticed Cloudstorm,
his eyes were staring at something he could only see, his claw sheathing and unshealting (SORRY FOR bad grammar i just feel lazy today)
Cloverflight shivered and walked over to him.
“Is there anything wrong Cloudstorm?” she asked
he looked up and for a split second he saw anger but then it was gone just like that.
“Oh no nothing just thinking about how life as a loner sucked and clan life si better!” he meowed cheerfully
Cloverflight nodded still on sure but meowed anyway “okay if anything is wrong just come and see me” and she walked off
(thx lils and yes i have improved i just got used to writing this way!)
I think u can! But we’ll have to ask Irisstar first 😀
Iragaze’s POV:
I curled up next to Thistlepelt, watching our kits play outside the nursery. My heart filled with warmth and love as I saw the 4 precious furballs play fight each other, and joking around. I look at Thistlepelt, but the spot where he was meant to be was empty, and the war roared outside.
“Thistlepelt!” I cried desperately.
“Momma!” Larkkit shrieked from outside.
“Larkkit no!” I yowl.
“Momma help us!” Ibiskit wailed, but their cries were drowned by their pained screams and yowls.
“How could you?” Poppykit hissed.
“They were dying and you didn’t help them.” Jadekit growled.
“You are a terrible cat.” Irisstar crept slowly towards her, her fangs showing. “Poisondawn and MY mate died because you weren’t there.” Gingerheart meowed sadly, grief and anger in her fiery brown eyes.
“It’s all your fault, it’s all your fault, it’s all your fault, it’s all your fault,” The cats whispered, and the images of all her dead family went through her head, the chants got louder and louder.
My eyes flew open, the chants slowly getting more and more faint, and i looked around. I was in the warrior’s den, and my eyes went straight to the spot Thistlepelt and I shared.
“It’s all my fault.” I whispered to myself.
Guys can someone pls make diamondkit’s carination an app so that the plot can develop bcuz shes supposed to stop cloudy boi. Also pls make him and Irisstar’s mate : )
(idk i don’t think we should rush i, but sure!) Congrats on being a App lils
Okie doke fellas I got the basic plot soo yea (just follow along pls)
So cloud attacked the kits (wahhh how dare he >:( ) and disguised his scent with a fox scent. Diamondkit was destined to stop him but sadly passed away. Starclan granted her a 2nd life, that’s where Crystalkit comes in. Iragaze and Gingerheart realise he’s evil. He plots to destroy the clan and brings a pack of rouges to camp. Before he does so, Gingerheart and Iragaze kill him. Irisstar has gone crazy, just like Bluestar. But it doesn’t end there. Cloud wants revenge. Fast forward, Crystalkit is now Crystalglow and Iragaze has found a new mate and is currently pregnant with her 2nd litter. Cloud comes from the dark forest and slowly starts killing or Gingerhearts family, attempts to kill Iragaze while she was kitting (she survived yay), even after she survived he tried (and succeeded) to kill Iragaze’s kits. After a while, the dark forest comes and attacks the clans, but Cloud leads Iragaze and Gingerheart out into the bushes and attacks them. Iragaze dies in the batttle and Gingerheart is close to death, but Crystalglow comes out and attacks, killing Cloud. Back at camp, Diamondkit’s soul leaves Crystalglow and goes to starclan, having a short visit with her family, and they were finally free from Cloud… or were they? (we can find another plot after ehehehehehheheehhhheeee)
Yes! But lets not make it go so fast, like let her become an app and stuff
yea ofc
Cloverflight Pov:
It’s been a few days since Lilypelt has been cleared and allowed back into the nursery.
Cloverflight was arranging herbs when Gingerheart came running in.
“Lilypelt!” She called “the kits are coming!!”
Cloverpaw nodded and grabbed some herbs, signaling Lilypaw to follow her.
As they entered the nursery she could hear Lilypelt groaning in pain, meanwhile Hawkstorm (I think that’s her mate) paced outside the nursery.
As she entered the nursery she could see Cherrymist licking Lilypelt to help her.
“Lilypaw” she meowed as she stood next to Lilypaw “Put your paw here, feel her muscles tensing?” she asked
Lilypaw nodded
“That’s her body pushing the kits out, at any moment she will need to help pushing the kits out” She told her
“Now?” ask Lilypelt but got silenced by a wave of pain
“Not yet” answered Cloverflight after a few minutes Cloverflight meowed “Now!”
The first kit fell out
“Lilypaw, delicacy, open the sack and lick the fur of the kit and make sure to lick it the opposite way to warm it up.” Cloverflight instructed as she put her paw on Lilypelt’s stomach.
“It’s a tom” meowed Lilypaw as her tongue rasped on the kit’s fur.
“Is it breathing?” asked Cloverflight as she checked Lilypelt.
Instantly the little kit let out a squeak “yes.” meowed Lilypaw when a second kit plopped out. Gingerheart helped by opening the sack and licking the kit.
“Another tom!” she meowed as she licked the kit, the kit squeaked as iit breathed for the first time.
“You can do it Lilypelt!” comforted Cloverflight as another kit fell out
Lilypaw left the kit she was licking since it could now breath and went for the 3rd kit.
“A she-kit!” she mewed
“Okay you’re doing a great job Lilypelt, it feels like you got one more left” meowed Cloverflight
Then a 4th kit came out but Lilypelt groaned in pain but it sounded less painful as she relaxed and looked at her kits.
Cloverflight licked the 4th kik who was another she-kit, and put it next to Lilypelt’s belly to suckle, then they put the rest next to Lilypelt’s stomach.
Lilypelt purred as she saw her kits “can Hawkstorm enter?” she asked. Cloverflight nodded and signaled Lilypaw to get Hawkstorm.
When Hawkstorm entered, he purred as he saw his kits.
“They look just like you” he purred
“They also look like you” she put her tail on one “this one has your fur”
“Let’s name it Thornkit” meowed Hawckstorm, then looked at a she-kit “and this one Skykit cause it’s fur is white like yours”
“Yes.” she purred
(okay who wanna name the other two ((she-kit and a tom)))
Cloverflight Pov:
It’s been a few days since Lilypelt has been cleared and allowed back into the nursery.
Cloverflight was arranging herbs when Gingerheart came running in.
“Lilypelt!” She called “the kits are coming!!”
Cloverpaw nodded and grabbed some herbs, signaling Lilypaw to follow her.
As they entered the nursery she could hear Lilypelt groaning in pain, meanwhile Hawkstorm (I think that’s her mate) paced outside the nursery.
As she entered the nursery she could see Cherrymist licking Lilypelt to help her.
“Lilypaw” she meowed as she stood next to Lilypaw “Put your paw here, feel her muscles tensing?” she asked
Lilypaw nodded
“That’s her body pushing the kits out, at any moment she will need to help pushing the kits out” She told her
“Now?” ask Lilypelt but got silenced by a wave of pain
“Not yet” answered Cloverflight after a few minutes Cloverflight meowed “Now!”
The first kit fell out
“Lilypaw, delicacy, open the sack and lick the fur of the kit and make sure to lick it the opposite way to warm it up.” Cloverflight instructed as she put her paw on Lilypelt’s stomach.
“It’s a tom” meowed Lilypaw as her tongue rasped on the kit’s fur.
“Is it breathing?” asked Cloverflight as she checked Lilypelt.
Instantly the little kit let out a squeak “yes.” meowed Lilypaw when a second kit plopped out. Gingerheart helped by opening the sack and licking the kit.
“Another tom!” she meowed as she licked the kit, the kit squeaked as iit breathed for the first time.
“You can do it Lilypelt!” comforted Cloverflight as another kit fell out
Lilypaw left the kit she was licking since it could now breath and went for the 3rd kit.
“A she-kit!” she mewed
“Okay you’re doing a great job Lilypelt, it feels like you got one more left” meowed Cloverflight
Then a 4th kit came out but Lilypelt groaned in pain but it sounded less painful as she relaxed and looked at her kits.
Cloverflight licked the 4th kik who was another she-kit, and put it next to Lilypelt’s belly to suckle, then they put the rest next to Lilypelt’s stomach.
Lilypelt purred as she saw her kits “can Hawkstorm enter?” she asked. Cloverflight nodded and signaled Lilypaw to get Hawkstorm.
When Hawkstorm entered, he purred as he saw his kits.
“They look just like you” he purred
“They also look like you” she put her tail on one “this one has your fur”
“Let’s name it Thornkit” meowed Hawckstorm, then looked at a she-kit “and this one Skykit cause it’s fur is white like yours”
“Yes.” she purred
(okay who wanna name the other two ((she-kit and a tom)))
(i posted this comment 2 times already i think it’s getting buried!)
oki ummm maybe rosekit aaand stormkit
Gingerheart’s POV:
My remaining kit Bearkit curled up next to me and Crystalkt, my foster kit curled up beside him. Her smowy white fur was alarmingly similar to Diamondkit’s, but some on, it’s a coincidence! Poppypaw poked her head through the opening of the nursery with a big plump mouse and a squirrel in her jaws. She scanned the nursery until she saw me. She swiftly (hehehe swifty. sorry um-) padded over and dropped the squirrel beside me.
“How’s the kits?” She asked with concern. “Has Bearkit healed completely?”
I nodded silently, still looking at Crystalkit.
“She looks like Diamondkit…” She mumured, just loud enough for me to hear.
I gulped down the lump in my throat and nodded again. It was one of the most painful memories. First I lost my mate, and now 3 of my kits. Poppypaw had understood, as she had been a friend of the kits.
“Poppypaw?” Bearkit squeaked. “Is that you?”
“Yes it’s me. I came to give some prey to you guys.” Poppypaw chirped, hiding the sadness she had inside. “I’ll leave you in peace so you can sleep, okay?”
She padded over to a tired Lilypelt and dropped the mouse next to her, meowing a few words of congratulations and support, then she walked off.
“Mama!” Bearkit squealed. “I’m going to be an apprentice tomorrow!”
Already?! I thought. Time flies, doesn’t it?
“That’s amazing!” I purred.
“I’m going to be the best warrior alive! Then I’ll protect you and Crystalkit!” He gazed at the tiny furball fondly, and licked her gently on the forehead.
Crystalkit squirmed and looked at him. He looked back with a huge smile, but that smile slowly faded away.
“She.. she looks a bit like Diamondkit… doesn’t she?” He whispered to me, sorrow in his eyes.
I sighed. “Yes, she does.”
Bearkit looked at her, then curled up silently next to me, and slowly he drifted off to sleep.
Heyo does anyone wanna do Irisstar’s POV? I’m doing Crystalkit’s one since shes the hero and Iragaze’s, sometimes Gingerheart soo Creamo can u pls fill those in? Tysm 🙂
Okay also when did Cherrykit die?
(i´m just going to say Cherrykit never died)
oh she died when diamondkit died but diamondkit only came back to fulfil the prophecy
Irisstar Pov:
Irisstar walked out of her den, then jumped up on the Irisstone
“All Cats old enough to groom their pelts gather between the Irisstone”she called summing the clan, some came out of the dens, and a patrol came just in time to see the ceremony.
She saw Gingerheart and her two kits Padded up to sit with the clan, Crystalkit and Bearkit’s fur were both well groomed
As Irisstar looks at the clan she makes eye contact with Cloudstorm, she slightly blushed and then starts the ceremony.
” Crystalkit and Bearkit you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed.”
Bearkit was trembling in excitement, meanwhile Crystalkit looked calm.
“Bearkit, from this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Bearpaw Your mentor will be Willowdawn . I hope Willowdawn will pass down all they know on to you”
Irisstar signals Willowdwan to come Forward as she continued
“Willowdawn, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You have received excellent training from Frostbite, and you have shown yourself to be a Quick thinker and Good hearted. You will be the mentor of Bearpaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to Bearpaw.”
Willowdawn stepped forward to touch noses with Bearpaw.
After that Irisstar meowed
“Crystalkit come forward”
Gingerheart nugged her to move forward, Crystalkit’s eyes shining with excitement
“Crystalkit, from this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Crystalpaw Your mentor will be Vanillamoon. I hope Vanillamoon will pass down all they know on to you”
Vanillamoon walks over as Irisstar continued
“Vanillamoon, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You have received excellent training from Riverfrost, and you have shown yourself to be fast and kindhearted. You will be the mentor of Crystalpaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to Crystalpaw.”
Vanillamoon stepped forward to touch noses with Crystalpaw.
Bothnewly made apprentice sat next to their mentors as the Clan cheered
“Crystalpaw, Bearpaw, Crystalpaw, Bearpaw” Cheered the Clan
Irisstar nodded in approval and went back into her den.
wait no crystalkit isn’t old enough. Shes younger remember???
When? well just pertened only Bearkit is an app
oki doke sure
shimey shime ye shimey ye shimey yaaaaaaaaaaaa
oof hi im so sorry ill be active mroe soon i promise 😛
100 COMMENT! >:D