Dewpaw chooses between various characters.
![[Leafpool looks down at a trail of stars with the Warriors logo above her]](
[Leafpool looks down at a trail of stars with the Warriors logo above her]
Hi everyone!
It’s me, Dew!
Today I’m going to be playing This or That with Warriors! I hope everyone enjoys this……because it might be a little long. 😛
Ivypool or Dovewing
Um…..I honestly like both, but I’m going to have to say Ivypool. I think Dovewing was a little whiny when she lost her powers but I do have to say she’s gotten better. Ivypool on the other hand is smart enough to not to whine and keep some things to herself.
Molewhisker or Cherryfall
These two are more background characters than main characters but they do play a minor part in the series. I think I’m going to go with Molewhisker. Cherryfall can be a kinda bossy, while Molewhisker is quiet and keeps things to himself.
Twigbranch or Violetshine
Twigbranch!!! Don’t get me wrong, I love Violetshine, but I don’t think people appreciate Twigbranch enough. She was very brave to look for SkyClan even though what she REALLY wanted was to meet her father. Also, she had to deal with the Kin like Violetshine did. She switched Clans a lot as well, that must’ve been hard.
Crookedstar or Oakheart
I’m gonna have to say Crookedstar. He’s one of my favorite cats. I think both of them went through many hardships in their lives, but Crookedstar had an especially hard time. He had to deal with breaking his jaw, Mapleshade and his mother never forgiving him for what he did to his jaw, even though he didn’t mean to.
Brackenfur or Thornclaw
Definitely Brackenfur! I like Thornclaw but he has always seemed too ready to go into a battle. I think that Brackenfur takes his time with decisions like that because he wants to make sure his Clan is safe, as well as himself. (I still like Thornclaw though!)
Squirrelstar or Leafpool
This one is too hard! I don’t know if I can pick. Ok… goes……I’m gonna say……Leafpool!
This was hard for me, but Leafpool had a lot in her life that cost her a whole lot! She fell in love with a cat from a different Clan (Crowfeather) and gave birth to Jayfeather, Hollyleaf and Lionblaze….as a medicine cat!
JayXHalf or JayXStick
JayXStick! This is the funniest ship in the world! The way Jayfeather is always like: Don’t you dare touch that stick! I’ll claw your ears off! I like JayXHalf but JayXStick is one you can just never forget!
Yellowfang or Cinderpelt
Hmmm……Cinderpelt. Yes, I like Yellowfang, but the fact that Cinderpelt was so, soooooo kind that she risked her life to save Sorreltail and her kits. She also was reborn as Cinderkit. (Later Cinderheart)
Feathertail or Stormfur
Feathertail! I like Stormfur, but Feathertail risked her life to save Crowpaw (later Crowfeather) from Sharptooth. She also fulfilled the prophecy: A silver cat will come, and rid the Tribe of Rushing Water of the dangerous mountain cat Sharptooth.
Cloud Spots or Dappled Pelt
I haven’t read that much about them to know, but after reading Riverstar’s Home. I’m going to go with Dappled Pelt. She saved Night from dying and she saved Kite Wing and her kits. (Trout Fur, Willow Stream and Snow Tail) She also was very brave to come from WindClan and then live in RiverClan.
Mosskit or Snowkit
Don’t get me wrong, I love Snowkit! The fact that he was deaf was really sad, but I think Mosskit was better.
Mosskit died while traveling to RiverClan with her littermates, Stonekit and Mistykit, and her mother, Bluestar. Sadly her father Oakheart, never got to meet her, although Mosskit should be proud because her littermates grew up to become some of the most respected cats in the Clans.
Purdy or Mousefur
Mousefur! Though I love Purdy, Mousefur’s attitude just won her away to me. Also she was in one of the best quotes in Warriors (In my opinion): Mousefur: “ I thought I never would see the end of the Clans” Jayfeather: “The will not be the end. As long as I have breath in my body, the Clans will be safe.”
Alderheart or Sparkpelt
Alderheart all the way! I like Sparkpelt, but she was a little mean to Nightheart when he was an apprentice. I mean, just because he’s Firestar’s descendent doesn’t mean he has to be named after him. I think Nightheart did the right thing by telling Bramblestar that he didn’t want to be Flameheart, but Nightheart.
Bayshine or Myrtlebloom
Probably Bayshine. I mean, they’re both minor characters but they play a little part in the ASC series. I say Bayshine because he would always help Nightheart or Sunbeam whenever they needed it. Myrtlebloom, on the other hand, could be kind of mean. Like when she told Nightheart that he was “overreacting”.
FeatherXCrow or LeafXCrow
Yes, Feathertail and Crowfeather would’ve been great together, but for some reason I think Leafpool is much better. They seemed to love each other more, even though Crowfeather turned his back to her, I feel that there has to be something in his heart for Leafpool.
Firestar or Bluestar
Both of them were amazing leaders, but I’m going to go with Firestar. He led ThunderClan through many hardships: The Great Battle, when the Clan’s moved to the lake and many, many battles. Yes, I love Bluestar, but Firestar was really brave to transition from being a kittypet to becoming a Wariror. That isn’t very easy, if you ask me.
Breezepelt or Heathertail
Um……Breezepelt. Sure, he is sarcastic and he trained in the Dark Forest, but after he and Crowfeather went to look for Nightcloud, he turned his attitude around. He even became mates with Heathertail and had kits: Brindlewing, Smokehaze, Woodsong and Appleshine.
Daisy or Ferncloud
Ferncloud! Yes, Daisy is a sweet and gentle cat, Ferncloud has had many kits and more moons of experience with queens. Ferncloud has had 7 kits! Which is a lot, by the way. Her whole family watches the Clan in StarClan and waits for Birchfall (Ferncloud’s son) to join them.
Well that’s that! It didn’t turn out to be as long as I thought it was going to be!
Anyways, May StarClan light your path!
Dew is OUT! 👋
great article dewy!!
Great article! I agree with most of these except for the Jay ships, Violet vs Twig, and Squirrel or Leaf. Violetshine is Underrated, Leafpool is… Leafpool- and Half moon is much better for Jay. I agree that the stick ship is hilarious but its not legit soOoOooOo-
Greta article! I agree with most of your opinions!
My Opinions
Ivypool or Dovewing- Ivypool by a tiny bit (she’s my fav, Dovewing is second)
Molewhisker or Cherryfall- Molewhisker (tough though, I dislike both a lot)
Violetshine or Twigbranch- Both
Crookedstar or Oakheart- Oakheart
Brackenfur or Thornclaw- Brackenfur
Squirrelstar or Leafpool- Squirrelstar
JayXHalf or JayXStick- JayHalf
Yellowfang or Cinderpelt- Cinderpelt by a tiny bit
Feathertail or Stormfur- Feathertail
Cloud Spots or Dappled Pelt- Dappled Pelt
Mosskit or Snowkit- Mosskit
Purdy or Mousefur- hmm hard one but Mousefur
Alderheart or Sparkpelt- Alderheart
Bayshine or Myrtlebloom- Bayshine
FeatherXCrow or LeafXCrow- FeatherXCrow
Firestar or Bluestar- Hard one but Firestar
Breezepelt or Heathertail- Heathertail
Ferncloud or Daisy- Ferncloud!
Great article! I agree with basically all of these points <:
(wow an article where Pige doesn’t post a rant under it no wayyyy)
great article! I agree with most of them and also JAYSTICK FOREVERRR
Great article! Even though I don’t agree with all your opinions, I agree with most of them, and you make some good points :3
Yeah, the Erins butchered CherryFall (in my humble opinion)- she use to be such an fun gal, was enthusiastic when she got Spark as her appie, that stuff… now she’s pretty rude. I disagree on Ivy vs Dove but agree that Leaf is better than Squilf >:D So ye, great article btw!
I would have chosen;
Ivypool – Well I’m biased she’s my favourite character
Molewhisker – I don’t really like him but Cherryfall was mean to Sunbeam so…
Violetshine – I found Twigbranch very annoying and loved Violetshine’s plot in AVOS.
Crookedstar – He was a wise leader and his struggles with the whole Mapleshade thing made him a great character
Thornclaw – HOW IS HE STILL ALIVE??? Keep living bro!
Squirrelstar – I severely dislike both sisters. They both strike me as pick mes and wannabes. Squirrelstar is only just ahead because I like her more than Leafpool.
JayxStick – I do not need to say any more.
Cinderpelt – Second favourite character! I loved her story but didn’t like the Cinderheart thing
Stormfur – He was generally a good cat who was my favourite out of the travelling cats.
Dappled Pelt – She seemed nicer
Mosskit – In terms of sadness I found this one so sad
Mousefur – She was iconic
Alderheart – Sparkpelt annoyed me and Alderheart is the kind medicine cat now that Leafpool is dead.
Bayshine – Eh He was nicer
Feather x Crow – I hated the Leaf x Crow plotline. It seemed random and fake.
Bluestar – She was such a good leader! Besides, I preferred her names for warriors.
Breezepelt – I loved reading his character development from evil traitor to someone who helps a clan – swapper (Sunbeam)
Ferncloud – I think she’s a genuinely sweet cat and felt so bad for her because basically all of her kits died. I also dislike Daisy.
These are just my opinions don’t hate me!
I agree with everything, but there is no way that you are going to make me decide between Jay+stick or Jay+half
Ivy pool or dovewing I choose ivy pool
Molewhisker or cherry fall I choose cherry fall
Violet shine or two branch I choose violet shine
Crooked star or oak heart I choose oak heart
Brackenfur or Thornclaw I choose brackenfur
Squirrel star or leaf pool I choose squirrel star
Jayxhalf or jayxstick I choose Jayxhalf
Yellowfang or cinderpelt I choose Yellowfang
Feather tail or storm fur I choose feathertail
Cloud spots or dappled pelt I choose dappled pelt
Mosskit or snowkit I choose Mosskit
Purdy or mouse fur I choose mouse fur
Alderheart or spark pelt I choose sparkpelt
Bayshine or Myrtle bloom I choose Bayshine
Featherxcrow or leafxcrow I choose leafxcrow
Fire star or blue star I choose blue star
Breeze pelt or heathertail I choose heathertail
Daisy or ferncloud I choose ferncloud
I mean twigbranch not twobranch