[a photo of sunlight sparkling on dark blue water]

Which Clan Sunning Rocks Should Belong To? by EGL

EGL discusses the Sunningrocks debate.

[a photo of sunlight sparkling on dark blue water]
[a photo of sunlight sparkling on dark blue water]

Hello! Today I will be discussing the obvious problem about Sunning Rocks.

In Dawn of the Clans, we know that Sunning Rocks was in the middle of the river, and in The Prophecies Begin, we know that Sunning Rocks is on the EDGE of the river, on ThunderClan territory. Which means the river changed course sometime between Dawn of the Clans and The PropheciesBegin. This is the problem 😐

Sunning Rocks began in the river which makes it RiverClan territory right? But now Sunning Rocks is on ThunderClan’s side of the river, which means it’s their territory, doesn’t it? So…… who?

Both RiverClan and ThunderClan believe it to be theirs, and there are legitimate reasons behond their beliefs, and like all clans, they are WAY too stubborn to give in to the other. So, MANY MANY MAAAAAAANY battles have been fought, killing many great cats like Oakheart, Redtail, Whitefang, ect. In my opinion, Sunning Rocks wasn’t even worth that much. It was just a whole lot of big, warm, rocks, and (I might be wrong about this) it wasn’t even that prey rich. So they were just fighting to keep their pride, which is stupid.

If RiverClan won and kept Sunning Rocks, then it would just be a place to share tongues and stuff, because they normally don’t even eat land prey. If ThunderClan won and kept Sunning Rocks, then it would be about the same, because I don’t think they sent that many hunting patrols there.

I believe Sunning Rocks should’ve been shared territory, like Fourtrees. RiverClan and ThunderClan could relaxed there, and I think the tensions between the two clans wouldn’t of been nearly as high. Imagine elders just chatting; talking about how ridiculous these youngins are, queens gossiping and sharing stories of their kits, apprentices and kits playing their own clans, ect. And also, imagine all the cross-clan mates meeting there, and if Silverstream had lived, Graystripe playing with the kits while she watched lovingly… it just would’ve been awesome.

Thank you for reading my article! I’m sure many people have expressed their feeling on the matter, so thank you for listening to mine! EGL, out!

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