Official box art of "Care Bears: The Original Series Collection"

Giving Care Bears Warrior Names Part 1 by Blackstorm

Blackstorm gives warrior names to bears from Care Bears.

Official box art of "Care Bears: The Original Series Collection"
Official box art of “Care Bears: The Original Series Collection”

Hello, everyone! It’s Blackstorm here. Today, I will be doing an article with a fandom that has never been mentioned in this blog before. I will be giving different Care Bears warrior names. Since Care Bears is my favorite TV show of all time, it is a great opportunity to do this article. Well, enough babbling. Let’s do this.
Our first bear is Share Bear, the lavender purple bear. For her prefix, it should be Sugar since she loves to bake in the newer cartoons (although she does run a garden in AiCaL (Adventures in Care-a-Lot)). It took a while for me to come up with a suffix for her but after a while, I came up with flower from her running a garden in the Adventures in Care-a-Lot show (although I already mentioned that. Ah well.). So her ending name is Sugarflower.
Okay it actually has a nice ringtone with it. XD
Our next Bear is Cheer Bear, the carnation pink bear. Her prefix should be Rainbow due to her belly badge (or tummy symbol as the Bears sometimes called it) and her suffix should also be flower just like Share’s. The reason why is because she grows a garden in Welcome to Care a Lot and for a brief moment in Adventures in Care-a-Lot (the episode where she and Share try to outdo each other. XD). In the end, it’s Rainbowflower.
Our next bear is Funshine Bear, our literally only yellow bear and my favorite. His name is sort of a Warrior name already. I might change it up. For the prefix, I think it should be Sun cuz of his belly badge. His suffix should be light so at the end Sunlight. I know it’s kinda lazy but it’s what I got. XD
Our next bear is Grumpy Bear, our dark blue bear. His prefix could be Rain because of the symbol on his belly. And his suffix should be cloud also because of his symbol. So the result is Raincloud.
Our next bear is our musical character, Harmony Bear. Her prefix is Flower because of the symbol on her belly and her suffix was chosen to be song because she is known to sing a lot in the shows. The ending result is Flowersong.
Our next bear is Good Luck Bear, our green bear. His prefix should be Luck because of the last part of his name. Yes. I am keeping that and I don’t CARE. His suffix should be clover because, yes, the symbol on his belly.
Am I basing their warrior names off of their belly symbols? Kinda. XD
So his ending name is Luckclover.

Okay that is it. I still got a whole lot of a heck of bears to get through so this will be split off into multiple parts cuz I don’t want this article to get too long and I don’t want to risk it being cut off. :'(

I hope you like it and I’ll see you later. Byeeeeee

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