• Welcome to my apprentice army…if you you are an apprentice please join( StormClan will be coming out soon for the non-apprentices)

      Here’s the form for joining;

      BlogClan name:
      Mentor(if you have one):
      Which warrior book have you reached?
      What should we do here?

      And here’s the first activity, this one is easy :
      Name the six cats in the photo for the apprentice army… please don’t check on other sources

      And an NTA of course…
      okay all the secret clans i’ve seen had NTA so I figured I should have one too. I’ll try to update this one every two days (if you want to suggest a topic for the NTA contact me on my secret page which I either have sent or will send)
      The first NTA is about colors, try to make the names as funny and pretty as possible:

      • BlogClan name: Whitepaw
        Nickname: Lil
        Gender: She-cat/Girl
        Pronouns: She-her
        Mentor(if you have one): Ebonyrain
        Which warrior book have you reached? Veil Of Shadows
        What should we do here? IDK

        And here’s the first activity, this one is easy :
        Name the six cats in the photo for the apprentice army… please don’t check on other sources
        1. Leafpool (center front)
        2. Needletail (center back)
        3. Ivypool (top right corner)
        4. Bramblestar (bottom right corner).
        5. Lionblaze (bottom left corner)
        6. Breezepelt? (top left corner)

        And an NTA of course…
        okay all the secret clans i’ve seen had NTA so I figured I should have one too. I’ll try to update this one every two days (if you want to suggest a topic for the NTA contact me on my secret page which I either have sent or will send)
        The first NTA is about colors, try to make the names as funny and pretty as possible:

      • ˜”*°•.˜”*°•Bee That Rests Near Golden Fire(Goldenbee) •°*”˜.•°*”˜ says:

        haha i love your usernamee

        BlogClan name:Goldenberry
        Nickname: Golden or Goldie
        Gender: female
        Pronouns: she/her or they/them
        Mentor(if you have one): Tyrantstorm(formerly Harveymoon)
        Which warrior book have you reached? Veil of Shadows
        What should we do here? NTA, icebreakers, maybe some contests…..idk

        And the six cats are:
        1. Moth Flight
        2. Briarlight
        3. Hollyleaf
        6.Gray Wing

      • BlogClan name: Streamsplash (Streampaw)
        Nickname: Stream or I wanna try Splashy
        Gender: Female
        Pronouns: she/her
        Mentor(if you have one): None
        Which warrior book have you reached? The Silent Thaw
        What should we do here?
        A whole bunch of fun!
        3.Gray Wing
        4. Leafpool
        5. Ivypool
        6. Hollyleaf

      • Nickname: Crystie/ Crystalpaw, call me whatever
        Gender: she-cat
        Pronouns: she;her they/them
        No mentor
        I am on the Broken code, last book. (I have read all in between)
        We could do activities… I don’t know
        1: Needletail
        2: Ivypool
        3: Leafpool
        4: Grey wing
        5: Hollyleaf
        6: Briarlight

      • Name: Wildpaw
        Nickname: None
        Gender: She-Cat\girl
        Pronouns: (confused 😕)
        Mentor: None.
        Book: Dawn. (Don’t judge me. I haven’t been able to get any books. *hiss at glaring cat*
        To do here: IDK

        For the cats in the picture:

        Center back: Moth Flight or Sagewhisker
        Center front: Briarlight
        Top left: Graywing
        Top Right: Ivypool
        Bottom Left: Leafpool
        Bottom Right: Bramblestar


        Goldenleaf (surprisingly, my sister created that name)
        Hazelburrow (I feel like it’s canon, but I’m not sure…)

    • And some questions…
      This one is about ships;

      1.Who was mapleshade’s mate?
      2.Who is Mistystar’s son?
      3.Who does scourge share a father with and who is his father?
      4.Who is russetfur and rowanclaw/star’s father?
      5.Who is the father of Bridleface’s kits?
      6.Why did Rainflower and Shellheart get divorced?
      7.Who is Crookedstar’s mate?
      8. Which cat mated his father’s enemy’s daughter
      9.Who is Stormfur’s mate?
      10.Who is Daisy’s second mate and who are their kits?

      Bonus question :
      A commentater noted that swiftbreeze and alderfang ( spottedleaf’s and redtail’s parents) were like the more recent couple blank and blank.

      Notes about bonus questions-
      -If you answer this question but you didn’t know one or two of the other answers then this will cancel it out so you will get full points
      -where I wrote blank you will have to write a cat’s name.
      -bonus questions are NOT canon so you have to use your knowledge of the warriors to infer the answer.

  • Okay so let me send the new NTA like i promised.

    Goldenpetal by lil
    Crimsonwillow by lil
    Turquoisefeather by crooked
    Maroonpool by Crooked
    Coraldawn by lil
    Hazelfur by Crooked

    Also my wifi was acting up yesterday… i only recived crookedmoon and whitepaw’s answers. If somone else did it please tell me because my computer is half-dead


    Well it’s even now…
    Crookedmoon (3 points)
    Whitepaw (3 points)

    Next one :
    Colors again…


    And the answers for the picture is:

    1. Briarlight – center front
    2. Needletail – center back
    3. Ivypool – top right corner
    4. Hollyleaf – bottom right corner
    5. Leafpool – bottom left corner
    6. Gray Wing – top left corner

    And the reason I wasn’t responding was because of the wifi. Sorry! Please tell me if i missed anything. Thanks 🙂.

  • I am so sorry… my coumputer is still acting up. I’ll try to post the questions here and the answers for the previous ones:
    1. Appledusk
    2. Reedwhisker
    3. Firestar was his half- brother and Jake was his father
    4. Hal (i realized i made a mistake in this question… i actually meant raggedstar not rowanstar.)
    5. Whitestorm
    6. Because Rainflower wanted to change stormkit’s name to crookedkit and she made him sleep in a nest by himself in the nursery. (I personally don’t blame rainflower for her actions, i think she was just grieving)
    7. Willowbreeze
    8. I got this idea from what crookedmoon did some time ago… it was something like this. Answer is bramblestar. Bramblestar’s father was tigerstar and his enemy was Firestar and his daughter was squirrelflight who is his mate ( does that make sense to you?)
    9. Brook where small fish swim.
    10. Spiderleg and rosepetal and toadstep
    I’ll post the new questions later. Sorry.

  • Scoreboard for the NTA:

    Grayfeather by Splashfeather (kit) (2 points)
    Darkstream by Streampaw (1 point)
    Coppershade by Lilyshine(2 points)
    Jadefern by Lilyshine
    Applehawk by Amazon (1 point)
    Violetpool By Spashfeather (kit)

    New questions :

    1. Which cat died in exchange for his mentor being able to live?
    2. Which cat wanted to mentor his will-be mate because her former mentor was a traitor?
    3. Does Ashfur have a mate? If yes then who is she and who are their kits (if they have)
    4. Who were whitestorm’s parents?
    5. Which cat loved Dovewing besides Tigerheart/star?
    6. Who is Blossomfall’s mate and who are their kits.
    7. Who is Daisy’s first mate (not related but i don’t support this ship)
    8. Who is Ferncloud’s mother and father and brother
    9. Who is which half-clan ship happened with leafpool’s mate’s apprentice?
    10. Which two Dark forest cats is the only ones from the group of the leader’s of Dark forest that do not have a mate and kits (choose two from these: thistleclaw, hawkfrost, tigerclaw/star, brokenstar and mapleshade)

    Which dark forest cat is suspected to have loved Ivypool?

    And here’s a riddle (i’ll give you more hints if you ask for it):
    I change shapes and I never stay in one place. I die and then I am recreated. What am I?
    send me a picture from of the answer… Please make sure the image is Blog-appropriate. Thanks 🙂.

    Okay I am off to write an article about last words said by warriors in their dying moments. Then maybe an article about Mapleshade.
    I better start now. Bye!

    • 1: Shrewpaw? Idk, my mind is blank.
      2: Dustpelt (The apprentice was Fernpaw\cloud, and the mentor was Darkstripe)
      3: No.
      4: Snowfur and Thistleclaw. (Snowfur being Bluestars sister)
      5: Bumblestripe
      6: Thornclaw, Plumstone, Eaglewing, Stemleaf, Shellfur
      7: Smokey
      8: Mother is Brindleface, Father is Whitestorm, Brother is Ashfur.
      9: Heathertail and Lionblaze
      10: Hawkfrost and Brokenstar

    • 1. Badgerfang?
      2. Dustpelt wanted to mentor Ferncloud because of Darkstripe
      3. No
      4. Snowfur and Thistleclaw
      5. Bumblestripe
      6. Thornclaw. Eaglewing, Plumstone, Stemleaf, Shellfur
      7. Smokey
      8. Brindleface, Whitestorm, Ashfur
      9.Heathertail and Lionblaze
      10. Brokenstar and Hawkfrost

      Bonus: Hawkfrost

  • Hi everyone! I just realized in the first question : 1. Which cat died in exchange for his mentor being able to live? is actually 1. Which cat died in exchange for his mate being able to live? . Sorry about that, it’s mate not mentor. Now i’ll understand your answers :D.
    Also Leafpaw sent this allegiance form for this nice website where I can make an allegiance so i’ll be using this for the apprentice army and StormClan. Here’s the form I didn’t send the allegiance yet because there is no one their yet.
    Description (how your cat form looks, please attach a picture of the cat that you look like as well)

    Allegience (write apprentice army)

    Rank: (choose your rank, you can be a medicine cat, deputy or apprentice. For the medicine cat and deputy there will be elections)

    Age: (in moons of course, translate your human age to cat age ex. 10 years (i am not ten :D) will become 10 moons. if you are not comfortable with saying your age you can make it up or just ask me to do so, I understand 🙂 )

    Okay then I’ll just send you the form right now actually. I’m the only one on the list now, but i hope it will fill up soon ;D
    Bye have a great day!

  • BlogClan name: Nightkit
    Nickname: Night
    Gender: F
    Pronouns: She/her
    Mentor(if you have one): No
    Which warrior book have you reached? Veil of Shadows
    What should we do here? HAVE FUN!

    And here’s the first activity, this one is easy :
    Name the six cats in the photo for the apprentice army… please don’t check on other sources
    1. Ivypool
    2. Hollyleaf
    3. Gray Wing
    4. Leafpool
    5. Violetshine
    6. Briarlight

    And an NTA of course…
    okay all the secret clans i’ve seen had NTA so I figured I should have one too. I’ll try to update this one every two days (if you want to suggest a topic for the NTA contact me on my secret page which I either have sent or will send)
    The first NTA is about colors, try to make the names as funny and pretty as possible:
    Goldenpaw- Goldenfire
    Crimsonpaw- Crimsonfeather
    Turquoisepaw- Turquoisedawn
    Maroonpaw- Maroonheart
    Coralpaw- Coralslpash
    Hazelpaw- Hazeltuft

  • Okay now finally the contests 😉

    1st contest

    Rename the five clans then give each a special ability . Make it as funny as possible the funnier it is the higher the chances that you will win. The winner will get a secret page.
    Dead line: 2 weeks from now: July 11

    2nd contest

    Draw your favorite warrior cat. The winner will get a wiki of themselves and a secret page but if they don’t want it or they already have one then three secret pages. Every one who participates will get 1 secret page. The drawing must be drawn by you and specifically drawn for this.
    Deadline: 2 months from now: August 27
    Number: 112

    3rd contest

    Poetry contest:
    Write a poem about your favorite warrior cat. The winner will get a wiki of themselves or two secret pages.
    Deadline: 2 weeks from now: July 11
    Number: 113

    4th contest

    Rename the BlogClanners:
    The winner will get a secret page.
    Deadline: 1 week from now: July 4 (which is independence day in America, I just realized 😛 )
    Number: 114

    5th contest

    Give 5 cats warrior names, description (how they look), and personality. The winner will get a drawing of themselves as a secret page. They can use the picture as their profile picture too 😉
    Deadline: 1 week from now: Independence day (July 4)
    Number: 115

    6th contest

    Name a cat and give them a description, personality, and make a clan for them to be in (include gender as well with the description). Draw a picture of how they look. The winner will recive a wiki of themselves or two secret pages.
    Deadline: 2 months from now: August 27
    Number: 121

    7th contest

    Name a cat with the funniest warrior name you can think of. The winner will get 1 secret page.
    Deadline: 1 week from now: Independence day (July 4)
    Number: 122

    8th contest

    Make three tribe names and make them as funny as you can. The winner will get two secret pages.
    Deadline: 1 week from now: Independence day (July 4)
    Number: 123

    9th contest

    Make an allegiance for FireClan:
    Give them names and descriptions (like in the beginning of the warrior books)
    Medicine cat:
    The tricky part about this is that all names must be fire-related and there must all have red or orange color for their description. Give apprentices to whomever you want from the deputy, leader, medicine cat, and warriors. The winner will get the allegiance made like this (click here to see what I mean :http://apawineachworld.com/untoldlegacy/?shareGuid=7afd9f5a-eb13-36bc-b60b-16ee7f0ab334 ) and 2 secret pages.
    Deadline: 2 weeks from now: July 11
    Number: 124

    10th contest

    Add a new role to the clans;
    So far the roles in the clans are a leader, deputy, medicine cat, warriors, apprentices, kits, queens, elders, and a mediator (only skyclan has this one).
    Make a new role in the clans and say what it will do:
    The winner will get 2 secret pages.
    Deadline: 2 weeks from now: July 11
    Number: 125

    Also send me your entries at this secret page: https://blogclan.katecary.co.uk/summer-png/
    so it’s easier for me 🙂
    Send any questions or comments you have in reply to this message. In order to sign up for one the contests fill out this form;
    BlogClan name;
    Number of the contest you are signing up for (which is at the bottom of each contest description:
    Okay thanks for participating.
    Have great day! Stay safe 🙂 .

    • Sorry I’m late…
      Fernkit • Fern that Bends in the Breeze
      112, 121