BlogClan Tavern, The First Premises

Welcome to the all new, all-singing, all-dancing BlogClan Tavern! Put your feet up, pour yourself a pint of your favourite ale and start chatting.

df0bf6a58ae5b149bad728359d63b4cc[image description: five dark kittens sit on a chair while looking at a lit fireplace]


  • Guys, best story ever from today.

    So there was a mosquito in the house (I HATE MOSQUITOS And THEY HATE ME! My LEGS LAST SUMMER HAD SO MANY BITES IT LOOKED LIKE ONE HUGE ONE) I hid outside (though it wasn’t a better hiding place) and I went inside to watch some YouTube. So I look over to see Huey napping. Then to the other side I see Shadow eating something. So being the totally *cough not cough* normal person I am I went over to see what it was. He was eating the mosquito. When he was done I hugged him and was like-THANK YOU SHADOW YOU SAVED MY LEGS LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Total normal day in the life. 😛

  • The other day I was home alone with my two dogs Toews and Zoe, and there was a wasp in the house, so I went to get a plastic cup to trap it under so I could trasport it outside, but when I came back into the room the wasp was gone and Toews, (btw his name is pronounced Taze, incase you were wondering why I named my you dog Toes, anyway he is named after a hockey player) so Towes was shaking his head frantically and sneezing, and so I thought the wasp had stung him on the nose, and flew away, so I went to take a closer look and he sneezed and the wasp when shooting out of his nose, it was still alive so I managed to take it outside without him sucking it up again.

  • What are some weird food combos you like that other people might think are gross? 😛 (Ex: eggs and ketchup.) Or the weirdest thing you’ve eaten?

  • How do you become a chat moderator?
    How do you become a medicine cat / apprentice / deputy?
    How do you become a graphic novel writer / illustrator?
    Why am I asking all these questions?

    • You become a chat moderator by being a trusted member of BlogClan/being medicine cat/deputy

      Every two years there is an election for medicine cat and deputy, and the medicine cat chooses their apprentice

      Leave a comment on the TSGN page- though TSGN won’t start until BCB gets rolling

      I don’t know. Why are you? 😛

  • Okay, big rant time!

    Really sorry about being SO inactive, I had a lot of life problems going on. But now that all the projects are done, school’s out, and my parents are being a little more lenient, I hopefully can be a little more active. I also need a mentor, since I’m technically an apprentice now. But I’m back now, and I’ll see you around! <3

    • They’re pages that when, you click on a picture, lead to another page- they’re not actually secret, more like “attachment pages” but BlogClan does have a lot of fun finding them 😛

    • I am yet to find one unclaimed one and I’ve been on here for a year and a bit BUT I WILL IF ITS THE LAST THING I DO XD