BlogClan Tavern, Triple Trouble

It’s New Tavern Time!cute_animal_kitty_cat_desktop_background_23

[image description: a light brown tabby cat with blue eyes lays on its side while licking its front left paw]

Welcome to BlogClan Tavern 3.

Pull up a chair and join in.

You can find the old Tavern by clicking here


  • I’ve been so inactive lately! I feel horrible. 🙁 Does anyone remember me? Two days is a long time.

    • OMG WIFEY 😛 What’d you stay up so late doing? (I was up until 3 a.m. yesterday. You beat me by a hair. 😉 )

      • i slept over at my friend’s house and most people went to sleep at a reasonable time but facebob and i stayed up until 5am talking (she also took the pillow we were sharing halfway through the night :P)

        we also slept on the couch so i guess it wasn’t the best sleep aha

        it was fun though 😀

        (why were YOU up so late wifey? <3)

  • Yeah so I’ve kinda lost all my ideas for Nightfall. There’s nothing but fighting right now and it’s not getting very interesting. I may continue it in the future, so I’m not going to reveal who the ghost was. >:D
    I’m going to start a new blogfic, dunno what it’ll be called, but here’s the form.
    Name (BlogClan name)
    Nickname (BlogClan nickname)
    Power (invisibility is mine)
    Three good personality traits
    Three bad personality traits
    Outfit (shirt, pants, shoes, etc)
    Eye color
    Hair color (just anything to do with your hair)
    Other physical stuff (like scars or recent wounds or stuff like that)
    Three skills
    Three weaknesses
    Three fears
    Anything else

    Kinkpaw, I need your power. Sky and Rainy, your powers are taken. Just so there’s no confusion with what powers are taken, here:
    Invisibility (me)
    Dark Magic (Blue)
    Absolutely perfect aim when throwing anything (Swan)
    Technology (Juni)
    Hydrokinesis (Wavey)
    Fire (Dawn)
    Phasing (Peto)
    Mind-reading (Wollow)
    Teleportation (Fire)
    Weather control (Brookie)
    Elsa powers (Lion)
    Talking to animals (Maple)
    Telepathy (Moss)
    The Force from Star Wars (Shivy) (please explainnnnnnn I haven’t watched Star Wars)
    Shapeshifting (Dusk)
    Healing (Ottie)

    • Uhh the Force is difficult to explain so can i just change it to being able to heal small cuts and injuries (nothing life-threatening/major injuries though)? 🙂

    • Okay then…. um….. being able to read the minds of plants AND animals, if you will. Let me clear that up. My power is connecting to plants and animals. I can feel what they feel and know what they’re thinking, but they will never feel my presence

    • Blazingfern
      Control over shadows; also able to shadow travel
      Really intelligent, brave, loyal
      Mistrustful, antisocial, enjoys books more than the company of most people
      Comfy red turtleneck, owl earrings, skinny jeans, and brown leather boots
      Like hazel but minus the brown and mainly silver
      Shoulder-length dark russet-brown hair
      Kinds short, lots of scars concealed by the turtleneck, a few freckles here and there
      Great mystery solver, really smart, probably a good fighter if bad comes to worse
      Will help friends in trouble no matter what, will drop anything at the prospect of a mystery, overly analytical
      Wasps, failure, hornets
      Love Gravity Falls

  • New information for my moon blogfic!

    So now there’s another part of the blogfic on earth. If you’ve already submitted, I need you to tell me if you’d rather be Earth or Moon and what your cat ears and tail would look like on your humansona. I also need three moon BlogClanners to have necklaces and you need to tell me your colors and designs. Plus there is new power info.

    Plot: Some BlogClanners get randomly teleported to the moon with a backpack full of personal items like books and clothes. They begin to grow a pair of cat ears and tail.They build a society there and begin to develop superpowers, like the Lunars from Lunar Chronicles. But then a route back to Earth is discovered. The BlogTeam, the leaders of this little society, say that they’re too dangerous with their powers and society won’t accept them. But what if a few sneak off into space? Even more, the select BlogClanners who want to go home the most receive a mysterious note and access to the route home…

    Meanwhile, on Earth, the BlogClanners that didn’t get teleported have also grown a cat ears and tail like their moon buddies, but they have to hide them because of discrimination. Hints of their powers are also showing, but they don’t know how to control them and their powers are very weak. These BlogClanners fight the magical evil space beings that attack their cities but are ridiculed by their communities. They long for a save haven away from all of this… like the moon. These BlogClanners have this small necklace that’s hard to see and usually tucked under their shirt but on their necklace is a unique design. If the situation arises, the BlogClanner has the ability to bring out their necklace and clasp the charm or something. At that gesture the necklace would kind of melt off their neck and turn into this compact mirror/brush looking thing. The flat side has the design of their necklace charm. The other side has a slightly domed circle of another color. Inside, the dome is where a tiny version of your fursona lives. The flat side holds a mirror-looking thing that allows the fursona to see through the BlogClanner’s eyes when closed, and the BlogClanner to see through the fursona’s eyes when the fursona is out. When opened, the BlogClanner can release the fursona, where they grow to the size of a full-grown cat. It’s kind of like a patronus or a spirit animal. They can also speak to each other using the necklace/compact. The moon BlogClanners have this ability too, but they haven’t discovered it and only a few have necklaces that they ended up taking with them.

    Form: (all BlogClanners)

    Superpower (see below for list of taken ones):
    Earth or Moon?
    Mentor/apprentice (if you have one):
    Family on BlogClan (if you have any):
    If you could never go home, how homesick would you be? (scale from 1-10)
    5 strengths:
    5 weaknesses:
    Are you scared of heights or the dark?
    Humanized fursona:
    3 outfits:

    Form (Earth BlogClanners):
    Necklace design:
    Necklace color:
    Would you run away?
    Prefer to work together or alone?
    Stuff you’d bring from home that would fit in your backpack, no living things, things important to you:

    Form (Moon BlogClanners)
    Have you ever read Lunar Chronicles?
    How well do you know astronomy, especially the moon? (scale from 1-10):
    Stuff you’d bring from home that would fit in your backpack, no food, electronics, or living things, things important to you:

    Invisibility (Kinky)
    Healing (Foxie)
    Pyrokinesis (Fawny)
    Backwards time traveling/seeing past events (Shivy)
    Teleportation (Peto)
    Levitation (Leap)
    Telekinesis (Moss)
    Knowledge (explain) – Wind
    Elsa powers (Lion)
    Turn into ghost at will (Shady)
    Control plants’ growth (Minty)
    Technological powers (Juni)
    Dark Magic (Blue)
    Can sense auras/energies/personalities of objects she touches (Snowy)
    Condense ideas/thoughts/feelings into tangible objects (Shadow)
    Shapeshifting (Arkie)
    Control of winds and air (Fawnspots)
    Prophecy (explain) (Wistep)
    Telepathy (Dusk)
    Light bending (Dawny)
    Walk any direction (Lup)
    Electrokinesis (Swany)
    Superspeed (Streamy)
    Night vision (Fire)
    Talking to animals (Ottie)
    Pausing time (for a few seconds) (Dewy)
    Breathing underwater (Iris)
    Can sense histories and thoughts (Wollow)
    Control over shadows and ability to shadow-travel (Blaz)

    Aqua, Taco, Brownie, Fallen – Your power was taken, so please pick a new one!

    Iris, hyrdokinesis is taken, so I’m putting you down as just breathing underwater, is that ok?

    Streamy and Fire – you asked me to choose your powers, they’re at the bottom of the list. Please tell me if you came up with your own power and want me to change it or you just don’t like it. ^^

    Wind, you listed knowledge as your power. Please explain how that would work.

    Also, Shady, I still need your humansona ^^

    • Ack sorry I didn’t see your former thing explaining what a humansona is and Google isn’t helping can you explain again! Sorry.

    • Mapledrift (or if you want a human name Kristin)
      Maple ( human name Kris )
      Dark ginger she cat with blue eyes and white flecks
      Special link with a wolf that allows her to gain speed agility and general wolf powers. Her soul can go into her wolf so that she can be a wolf (her wolf is called Luna)
      Earth but if you are low on moon people I will be ok with that as well (will fill in both forms)
      She is super clever but hates people mentioning it. Tries to be funny but just ends up being really annoying. Worries so much and gets annoyed if things don’t go her way. Creative but gives up on ideas easily. Hates any kind of sport
      Mentor is Bramblefire
      Everyone but main friends are : Sunny Icy Fawnberry Foxtail Brightwing Lionfire Mistpaw(pool) Bluefire Blueheart EVERYONE
      Clever Creative Good Swimmer Natural Leader Good at writing
      Worries a lot, gets annoyed easily, stubborn, not sporty, no stamina
      Scared of heights and a bit of the dark
      Girl with tanned skin, dark ginger hair with dark ginger cat ears and tail that have white flecks, blue eyes
      Girl with ginger hair hazel eyes and pale skin
      T shirt and shorts
      T shirt jeans and a hoodie
      Long sleeved top,leggings and a hoodie
      She gets grumpy if she hasn’t read a good book in a while


      A dark ginger maple leaf with an image of water behind it
      Red and blue
      In small groups
      Books a and essentials and a teddy and a not book and pens

      Moon stuff
      Same as above

    • For Earth or Moon, otherwise I wouldn’t really have preference, but I didn’t quite understand what the necklace is supposed to look like so you kinda have to put me on Moon 😛 But, if you need more people on Earth, I can change ^^
      My ears and tail on humansona would be – ears black, tail whute but black tip 🙂
      Did I forget something? 😛

    • I wanna be on Earth, but, can I have the strongest powers of the group? Or like, I practice a lot so they are getting stronger?

      Necklace design: Silver chain, an owl pendant, and another pendant that is half a heart that says: Part I Cri (Let me know if I need to change it, but I have this necklace in real life)
      Necklace color: Silver, turning into a brownish pink from me being stupid and wearing it in the shower 😛
      Would you run away? I might… But I normally would stay to prove to myself I am strong and brave.
      Prefer to work together or alone? Um, I can work together, but I would boss everyone else around and snap a lot. So might be better alone 😛
      Stuff you’d bring from home that would fit in your backpack, no living things, things important to you: I already did this on my form! 😛

      • Oh, and for cat ears and tail:

        If I have to do my fursona: Large blue-gray kitty cat ears with pink inside. And a long fluffy blue-gray tail with a hint of black dapples

        If I don’t have to do my fursona this is my preferance: Medium-sized black kitty cat ears with a gray-ish inside. A long lean and fluffy black tail.

    • Earth, but moon is fine if Earth is overwhelmed

      also do all Earth people have necklace? if it’s only three, exclude me because i hate to take importantthings, but if not, necklace is an old silver (fake silver)

      uhh run away from whaaa

      i normally like to work alone but if ill be a social kid then both

      the same as the other form because im very very lazy

      also ears uhh dark yellow and a white tail (though if its supposed to be more related the the humansona then black ears and tail because im a fan of full black (or black and red) wear)

    • Form: (all BlogClanners)

      Name: Flamepaw/briar
      Nickname: Flame, Flamey, whatever
      Gender: Non-binary
      Fursona: Cats is orange tabby with white underside,

      Superpower (see below for list of taken ones): They can wall ride and heal people through music as well as give people a speed boost. Wall riding increases speed while wall riding. they can switch between healing and speed and ill leave it to you to figure out how. Yellow rollerblades means healing, green means speed boost. The healing and speed are applied in a area around them, 10 meter radius. I know its complicated but uh I had to resort to other resources for powers Cough cough Overwatch cough Cough so if you need any extra info on all this check out this website wiki thingúcio

      Earth or Moon? I dont really care you choose
      Personality: Caring, protective, kind of lazy.
      Rank: Apprentice
      Mentor/apprentice (if you have one): Nightflower
      Family on BlogClan (if you have any): Nope
      Friends: Hazelspots, Blue, Strem (Streamy), Fawny, Wistep, Blaz, Wollow, Shivy, I wamt tp be everyoes friend but uh im very annoying and stuff
      If you could never go home, how homesick would you be? (scale from 1-10) NOT AT ALLLLLLLLL -50
      5 strengths: Video games, waking up,
      5 weaknesses: everyhing everything everything everything and everything
      Are you scared of heights or the dark? both, dark more than heights.
      Humanized fursona: for cat ears and stuff just like on my cat fursona thing and just like the same stuff as with the humansona I guess idk im making guesses for what some of these things are
      Humansona: human is grey coat with red under arms, they/them pins attached, camo baggy pants, rollerblades that are yellow or green depending on what cross-fade is set to and look like: , for hair they have longer in front, shorter in back, and pink. Hazel colored eyes. tan paleish skin
      Other: I have reading glasses

      Form (Earth BlogClanners):
      Necklace design: A little speaker kind of design I guess.
      Necklace color: uh black
      Would you run away? Maybe but idk
      Prefer to work together or alone? Together
      Stuff you’d bring from home that would fit in your backpack, no living things, things important to you: hmm not much really except like my phone and this blanket i have thats decorated with stars and stuff

      Form (Moon BlogClanners)
      Have you ever read Lunar Chronicles? Nope
      How well do you know astronomy, especially the moon? (scale from 1-10): uh well astromany im mean like not very uch like 4 or 2 and for the moon at least a 4
      Stuff you’d bring from home that would fit in your backpack, no food, electronics, or living things, things important to you: Again, the blanket.

      This took me TWO HOURS TO FILL OUT OMG

      • We already have a healer, so can it just be wall riding? Oh gosh! That’s crazy! Sorry!

    • I’ll be Moon, since I’m learning it in science

      Ears: light brown ears with one torn ear tip if I can
      Tail: long light brown tail with a darker brown tip

      • Oh and I’ll also have a necklace (if I can):
        A otter lying down
        Brown that has a blue tint to it

    • Moon I guess
      I see all the necklaces are taken
      Ears and tail would be grey, tail with three darker stripes on it and ears with also three darker stripes

    • Moon
      Fluffy black tail, tufted dark russet-brown striped ears
      Necklace: Gold with Ford Pines’ six fingered hand symbol from the Gravity Falls Cipher Zodiac.

    • Ok, I’ll be on Earth.
      Necklace design: Small silver leaf pendant with a single dewdrop on it
      Necklace color: Silver
      Would you run away? Yes
      Prefer to work together or alone? In small groups with one or two other people
      Stuff you’d bring from home that would fit in your backpack, no living things, things important to you: Picture of my family, bracelet from my mom
      Cat ears and tail: light gray with darker flecks ears, long-furred light gray tail

    • Name: Silverpaw
      Nickname: Silv
      Gender: Female
      Fursona: Small, fluffy, dilute calico she-cat with dark green eyes and pink nose
      Superpower (see below for list of taken ones): Umm, I guess I dont really have a preference. You can decide. ^^
      Earth or Moon? Doesn’t matter, whatever you’d like.
      Personality: Usually pretty shy, socially awkward, and stuff with strangers. Overly polite too. With friends, a little more random and strange and stuff, but still awkward. Can be a scaredy-cat type, tends to be defensive over friends, pretty bad when it comes to arguing (all though I don’t like confrontation and it makes me feel awful), tend to keep stuff in, live in my head too much, over-analyzes/thinks things. Also kinda naive.
      Rank: Apprentice.
      Mentor/apprentice (if you have one): Goldenfawn (mentor ^^)
      Family on BlogClan (if you have any): I don’t think so??
      Friends: Uhh, I always feel weird listing my friends cause I don’t want to naturally assume someone’s my friend and then they’re not, or leave someone out when they consider me a friend and I’m just being rudely forgetful and stuff.
      If you could never go home, how homesick would you be? (scale from 1-10) if 10 is the worst, and 1 is the not-miss-them thing, 7-8.
      5 strengths: I don’t like complimenting myself or to think think of stuff as a ‘strength’ cause I’m weird like that. 😛
      5 weaknesses: Coward, really really socially awkward, overly self-conscious, terrible at anything sports (all though I guess I’m okay at swimming?), crybaby about certain things
      Are you scared of heights or the dark? Yes, both, and terrified silly (waaay more so of heights then of the dark.) . 😛 I’m better with someone then I am alone though.
      Humanized fursona: Umm, assuming this is the human version of my fursona: Hmm, short with floofy hair, dark green eyes, and uhh pale-pinkish(like pink toned not some hot pinked person) skin?
      Humansona: And then assuming this is what I actually look like: Short, kinda chubby. Dark brown, curly, floofy/frizzy hair. Does some corkscrew thing a bit too, sorta like natural ringlets? Its shortish, about shoulder length I guess, but length can vary depending on how curly it is that day. Hazel-green eyes. Tan-ish skin. I also have one of those ‘forever tied thing till it rots off’ rope friendship anklets on my right ankle.
      3 outfits: 1.Calf length black skirt, some random fandom shirt (for like an anime or maybe a cartoon?) or whatever I guess. 2. Black leggings, over-sized red coca-cola shirt. 3. black leggings, red and black plaid mini-skirt type? kind of flared. another random t-shirt I guess. I usually either wear black flip flops or black vans. Oh and a gray sweater.
      Other: ace/ bi/pan/questioningromantic.

      For the other forms:

      Necklace design: silver swirly links, with a silver little key with a swirly design thing and strange teeth? I dunno, sorta like a dramatic movie key type. It’s sort of based on a necklace I own. 😛
      Necklace color: silver.
      Would you run away? I dunno? 😛
      Prefer to work together or alone? doesn’t matter
      Stuff you’d bring from home that would fit in your backpack, no living things, things important to you: Poetry book, sketch book, bear pencil bag thing (with my pencils and inking pens and white gel pen thing), this little Jiji plushie I own cause why not? and um I guess thats it.

      Form (Moon BlogClanners)
      Have you ever read Lunar Chronicles? Nope, sorry.
      How well do you know astronomy, especially the moon? (scale from 1-10): um, maybe 2. Only the stuff they teach you in school a couple random solar system facts, teeny bit about planets outside the solar system, and other stuff like that. Essentially, nothing.
      Stuff you’d bring from home that would fit in your backpack, no food, electronics, or living things, things important to you: Same as the Earth form. ^^

    • Sapphireheart
      Silver she-Cat with white paws and brown eyes
      Parasite: left arm appears shriveled and red with a cross on back of hand normally but when activated it turns into a gigantic silver claw with a green cross in the same location. It can be changed to a cannon/gun as well as a sword. Can make me really hungry though. Also the left eye turns into a red sight which allows me to tell where the magical space beings are as far as 50 meters. If you need help to understand look up Allen Walker from D. Gray Man.
      Whatever Shady is on
      Friendly, kind but can be shy
      Everyone is my friend on here ^^
      Smart, Kind, Calm, Wary and Strong.
      Shy, sometimes too quiet, can be too wary, tires out easily and gets frustrated when something doesn’t go according to plan.
      Not really
      Caucasian girl with silver hair, ears and tail along with brown eyes
      Caucasian girl with silver hair and brown eyes
      T-shirt, jean shorts, thin tan gloves and sneakers
      Long-sleeve shirt, hoodie, jeans, Brown gloves and sneakers
      Long-sleeve shirt, long heavy black jacket, thick white gloves, winter pants and black boots.

      Earth form
      Silver angel with blue heart in the middle
      Drawing pad, pencils, coloring pencils,eraser, stuffie, flashlight, book, thermos, snack bar, toothbrush, toothpaste and deodorant.

      Moon form
      Same as above except no snack bar

    • By the way Wavey, I didn’t know what a humansona was so I wrote my persona, but my humansona is a tall girl with medium length blue-gray hair and dark blue eyes.

      Can I be an Earth BlogClanner?
      Necklace design: Swirly water lily framed by a circle, attached to circle by thin spirally lines.
      Necklace color: Periwinkle and light turquoise
      Would you run away? Possibly, if there were other people with me.
      Prefer to work together or alone? Together.
      Stuff you’d bring from home that would fit in your backpack, no living things, things important to you: I already said in my first form.

    • New power is weather manipulation, and I would be on Earth.
      Earth form
      Pearlescent cloud
      Light blue
      Already did that

    • I’ll go on the moon
      Have you ever read Lunar Chronicles? No
      How well do you know astronomy, especially the moon? (scale from 1-10): 5ish
      Stuff you’d bring from home that would fit in your backpack, no food, electronics, or living things, things important to you: my math notebook (which has more warriors drawings than math), a pencil, an eraser, my softball bat (to threaten people with), the book Silver by Chris Wooding (I’ve read it and reread it like five times), this quote page I made with quotes from my friends, the notebook for a Warriors collaboration I’ve been doing with two of my friends, and the notebook for The Hogwarts Descendants

    • Hm, if the moon peeps with necklaces isn’t stolen, I’d love to be one with a necklace c: (if not,mill just be on earth. Or if it’s too crowded discard my necklace design and keep me on the moon. 😛 )

      Necklace: a sorta gradient/jewel with splashes of color of a sunset, with gold swirls that line a slight teardrop shape

      Cat parts: I believe having white ears and tail is fine. 😀

      If I were to be on earth, here:
      I would probably run away 😛
      Work together !

    • I think I forgot the question Earth or Moon, so I’ll answer it here. I’d pick Moon. (Also sorry if I did answer this I’m bad at remembering things :p)

    • Name: Mistlepaw/snow(Human: Elise)
      Nickname: Missy/Misty
      Gender: Female
      Fursona: Sleek, dark smoky-gray she-cat with white patches and green eyes
      Superpower: Hallucikinesis(manipulating illusions, implanting illusions in minds)
      Earth or Moon: Earth
      Personality: Quiet, introverted, tendency to look down on people inferior to her, stresses easily, dislikes communication
      Rank: Apprentice
      Mentor/Apprentice: N/A
      Family on BlogClan: N/A
      Friends: No specifically close friends, short conversations with everyone
      If I could never go home, how homesick would I be: 8/10
      5 strengths: Clever, fast-thinker, problem-solver, logical, improviser
      5 weaknesses: Worse under pressure, bad social skills, awkward, can be unkind unintentionally, judgemental
      Fear of heights or dark: Heights
      Humanized Fursona: Girl with pale skin, dark(blackish) hair, green eyes, dark gray ears, dark gray tail with white-tip
      Humansona: Fair-skinned girl with blackish-brown hair(ponytail), green eyes
      Outfit 1: Loose, short-sleeved, dark gray T-Shirt with white design, dark blue jean shorts, black jacket(tied around waist), white socks, cyan-and-gray sneakers
      Outfit 2: Black short-sleeved T-Shirt with green/white design, long, light blue jeans, gray jacket(worn), white socks, cyan-and-gray sneakers
      Outfit 3: Short-sleeved green, gray/white designed T-shirt, black/white athletic shorts, white socks, cyan-and-gray sneakers
      Other: None

      Necklace Design: Mistletoe branch covered in snow
      Necklace Color: Green, gray, and silver
      Would I Run Away: Yes
      Work Together or Alone: Alone
      Stuff I’d Bring From Home: Journal Log, leaf charm(the thing that you can clip to zippers), books, pencils

    • I don’t really care if I’m Earth or Moon, but I kinda prefer Earth. 😛 (I’m weird) But really, you can put me anywhere. ^^

      I have filled out the Earth form, as I believe I gave you the info neede for the Moon. ^^
      Necklace design: Simple silver/creamy chain with pearls that look like dewdrops.
      Necklace color: Stated above.
      Would you run away? Maybe . . . I don’t care really
      Prefer to work together or alone? Alone
      Stuff you’d bring from home that would fit in your backpack, no living things, things important to you: The stuff I mentioned in my main form plus a iPod (one of the smallest ones) filled with calming music. I’d also bring a Nook (Look it up if you don’t know what it is, it’s kinda like a Kindle 🙂 ) that my dad gave me with his favorite stories on it. Both would have a sleek, simple design.

      Oh, and my ears would be dark gray (with the cool undertone) and my tail would be the same dark gray twisted with light cream.

    • Skysong/Skypaw, if human name, Starla

      Sky or Starla


      Silver she-cat with dark silver swirled stripes and electric-blue eyes

      Extremely sharpened senses – can see thing four miles away and can see through fake disguises and see auras, even in darkness, can sense even the smallest and farthest things, and scent things miles away, can hear the smallest movement, and can taste the slightest poison/burn.


      Very intelligent and smart, sharp-minded, incredibally loyal and sticks by her friends and family no matter what, but in small inside bickers she is on no one but her own’s side. Adventurous, but cautious of what she’s doing, but not overly cautious. Strives to be the best at what she does, and is a natural leader. She acts all cold and sarcastic, but inside she is caring, perspective, thoughtful, and gentle.

      A high one, leader, deputy, or med cat, preferably. In BlogClan, I am a middle schooler, but I’d rather have a high rank or be a warrior.



      On BlogClan? Idk….. I don’t feel like I have any in particular, but I like to consider everyone aquaintable.

      Oh gosh… 9

      I’m not quite sure what you mean, but….. smart, well-trained, creative and can come up with an idea in a blink no matter the situation, curious, and fast

      Hates being alone in dangerious situations but is okay with being alone on normal days, overactive mind that always thinks of bad stuff and future sadness and thinks of scary movies too much, can’t bear to make someone feel unappreciated or bad even though she tries to be cool, would only ever kill if there was absolutely no other solution, is better and communicating and having fun with adults and seniors than with people her age.

      Not really, it depends. She/I’m afraid of dropping things/falling from heights, but not so much of the height itself, which adds to the overactive mindthing. Not scared of the dark, on the contrary, the darkness is soothing, but she thinks too much in the dark.

      Slightly tannned skin with black straight hair that gets slightly wavy near the ends. Her hair ends a tiny bit past shoulders. Black ears and a long black tail. Electric-blue eyes that turn gray or brown depending on mood.

      Same thing as humanize cursing, just without the cat features and for the eyes it’d be brown but turns blue or gray depending on mood. If you know her well, which many don’t but think they do, you can read her based off of her eyes.

      Normally, a sky-blue t-shirt for her top. If she’s going somewhere dangerous and maybe hazardous, it’d be a sky-blue t-shirt that feels like to the wearer but is made out of a substance a lot like the super strong plastic thing which’s name I forgot, but cloth-like. If it’s clothes for something formal, then a comfy sky-blue dress and smart-looking black belt that is easy to run in. For pants, normally it’d be long jeans or long black pants. If it’s somewhere hazardous, then it’d be long pants made of the same substance the hazardous-wearing t-shirt is made of. For formal occasions, it’d be some short black pants that reach just past her knees. Shoes-wise, normally sneakers or non-heel horse-back-riding boots. For dangerous stuff, it’d be flexible silver boots. For formal occasions, it’d be cropped boots with slight heels.

      Her element is water, and she’s always been intrigued and close to it. She loves the color blue and her favorite animal is a panda, but any animal is cute. She was born while it was raining, so she loves the rain.

      Yes, I have.

      9, I am intruiged by astronomy and the universe, especially the world and what lies beyond our current boundaries. The moon has always been a source of hope and light, even in the darknest and scariest nights.

      If possible, could my family come with me? Please? If you say yes, I will make their basic fursonas and personalities. Ty!


      My favorite books, all of my blankies, my whole collection of stuffed animals(they would all fit in a large side bag XD I’m the overloaded person), a blue-teal butterfly necklace given to me by my mother, a sapphire charm(sapphire stone is my birthstone) given to me by my dad, clothes, pillows, my piggie bank, some hair ties, a barrate my grandparents gave me, and a head-necklace my grandma gave me. I’d also bring some piano, violin, and swimming medals. Rest assured, I would bring all of that back to earth with me.

      Also, can I be a BlogClanner on the moon who brought my charm necklace?

      A sapphire hanging on a thin silver-and-gold chain. The sapphire turns rainbow colors depending on where the light hits it and glows in the dark. A sky-blue single eight note is in the center of the sapphire. It has swirled shades of sky-blue making up its seemingly sky-blue color. A faint imprint of the cat hidden within can barely be seen at the center of this musical note.

    • Form (Earth BlogClanners):
      Necklace design: a swirl like…
      Necklace color: gold
      Would you run away? probably not
      Prefer to work together or alone? Together
      Stuff you’d bring from home that would fit in your backpack, no living things, things important to you:
      Pictures of friends/family, phone/headphones, a couple of books, sketchbook and pencil, favorite blanket

      • Oh yeah, and I changed my fursona.
        Golden tabby with white paws/ tail tip and green eyes

  • Soooooo…
    My math teacher says the word ok way too much, ok?
    Ok, so I counted how many times she said it this week during class…
    Monday- 121
    Tuesday- we had a test so I didn’t count
    Wednesday- 118
    Thursday- 168
    Friday- 120

    Ok ok ok ok ok…

  • Hey, all!

    I was just wondering if there was any more interest in being in my BlogFic. It’s about cats who get the gift of being human for a year – but being half-cat. If anyone but each other discovers the cat features, these BlogClanners will be hunted down and destroyed. One night, on a date, one BlogClanner accidentally shows their one hand that is still a paw…

  • ALright im kinda mad now Roblox requires you to set a gender for your account im making a new one cause I just want to play one game and I forgot the password of the other one and it only has girl and boy. And now im like “Which one do I chose or do I not care” or what idk im non-binary and for some reason this makes me mad