We’ve moved again! We now have a whole new second floor to flood with comments! And look at those exposed brick walls – surely this is nothing other than our greatest tavern to date!
This is the place for off-topic chat, sharing and hanging out, so pull up a chair and settle in!
I’m sure BlogTeam is already looking shiftily towards the sign outside – The Cat’s Meow – and wondering who will be the first to look behind it at the secret page held within.
You can find the old Tavern here!

[image description: a painting of a tuxedo cat with yellow eyes and a black cat with yellow eyes hangs on an orange brick wall. “THE CAT’S MEOW” and “BONNEAUVILLE, PA” is printed above and below the cats in the painting]
ahhh I’m having to do like research for my next story.
As it has incredibly sensitive themes such as homophobia, self loathing, homelessness and self harm as well as suicidal thoughts I want to make sure I get everything right, even though I am adapting into a cat world
ahafhwe;gha;iogsperiesg my parents better not look at my history because otherwise they will really question why I am googling self loathing symptoms and impacts of homophobia. Sadly I have had to deal with a friend who has one of these more mature issues in her life so I know what pushes people to take extreme measures but I’m making sure to tread very carefully with these issues and definitely staying away from that stupid “for attention” stereotype
I’m really hoping I pull this off
the story sounds amazing! <3 and I'm sure you'll write it wonderfully!
Thanks Cheetah ! I’m going to actually talk to my friend about her experiences with umm one of these issues as she sadly still has issues with it today, but is usually pretty chill about helping me understand, so I think she’ll like the idea that I want to make sure to get how I portray it right !
it’s great that you’re putting research into this, and want to portray it correctly, especially since it’s such a serious topic 🙂
You see so much awfully wrong portrayal of these things even in media, from what I’ve heard even 13 reasons why the tv show has a pretty awful portrayal of self harm and I’d love to be able to show it for how it really is, or at least try and show it throw the one light I have experienced in my friends mental health. Although other people may experience it differently I don’t want to risk messing it up, as I’d say out of all the things listed its one of the heavier themes
whatever you do will probably be better than 13 reasons why 😛 (never seen it though, so I really don’t know how good the portrayal is)
[cheetah edit: trigger warning for mentions of self-harm]
ooof basically this girl said that self harm was “what you did when you didn’t want to kill yourself” or something like it was an alternative and like… for people who hadn’t gotten to that stage yet ? I haven’t watched it but I know from my friend that she uses it more as a way to vent her stress as she can’t find any other way and like… its nothing to do with her not being at the stage where she is on the brink of wanting to end her life???
Its an awful thing but people just seem to assume its the less extreme version of taking your life which is ridiculous
it’s terrible that people do things like that at all, but spreading misinformation like that isn’t good for anyone 🙁
yeah its awful that people try to be informative of the topic to help others as it is such a serious issue, when all they are doing is further hurting
I haven’t seen the Netflix show, but we read the book. Mom has seen/heard about stuff in the show and it’s not really what the author intended when he wrote the story. But the book is really good and opens your eyes to see how even one tiny action can make a huge impact on a person.
the story will be amazing i’m sure of it 🙂
ooh! 😀 That sounds good! 😀 I’d definitely read it! 🙂 Rip Birches I hope she gets a good ending 😛 I’m sure you’ll pull it off <3
Thanks Lion !!!! poor birches 😛 I’m still writing a chapter by chapter plan so we will have to wait and see. We have happy joy filled ending idea. We have tragic emotional and honestly ahhh ending which ends awfully for Birches. We have alternative bad ending for Birches but things later pick up. I’ll probably go for option 3 but all of them are tempting 😛
Ooh cool 😀 I’d feel bad if i were to write a bad ending haha 😛 looking forward to it 😀 <3
yes but the issue here is that I like to torture my characters and write tragic stuff ;P
it means I have few happy endings ahhhh
even if the ending is nice there will almost always be at least one death 😛
My endings are never happy. Especially Memory 😛
I wanna read it sooooo bad. You should expect fan art from me lots of if 😛
I also need to do research on red tide and rabies
We had red tide here a couple of months back and it was awfullll … if you went to the beach you started coughing and there were dead fish everywhere
Good luck writing it! 😀
I’m sure it’ll be great Maple! You are a very talented writer and very dedicated with your research. ❤️
Hey Lion !!! Isn’t it scary thinking about the next school year !! GCSE’s !!! What are you taking ? Also how are you ?
not lipn, but hi 😛
haha hiiiiiiii maple <333 I'm trying to be active again rip 😛
omsc yesss, I'm actually terrified – all the teachers i know i have so far i hate soooo whoo fun 😛
Triple science (though it compulsory at our school rip 😛 ), geography, german, art and computing – you? 😀 <3
(also heyyyy how are you? 🙂 )
I’m also doing triple science !!!! It was an option at my school but I wanted to do it !! I’m doing modern history and psychology that I can barely spelllll 😛 I’m also taking German, so I may now randomly spout german at you on the blog 😛 I’m also doing computer science which I am guessing is the same as computing !!! I’m one of two girls doing it in my school
I have no idea what my time table is yet, I know a few teachers just because we are a small school with like barely any teachers so with one psychology teacher its kinda obvious 😛
I’m gooooood I’m honestly like getting so frustrated having to spend so much time with my family 😛 Finally have gotten over a stupid crush (at least I hope I have 😛 ) Its honestly so annoying being the only bi / gay girl in my year 😛 like I messaged this girl and it was so awkward I was like hey and she was like ummm hey ? 😛
What are you up to over the summer ?
ooooh fun! 😀 I would love to take psychology but they don’t offer it at our school until sixth form welp 🙁 😛 Wow 😮 only 2 girls? I’m not sure how many are taking it in our year but its at least 10 rip.
Yeah, we hardly have any teachers per subject either, and we don’t get our timetables yet either, but a couple of them have told me that they had me next year (but its all the bad teachers that will no doubt make us fail 😛 )
hahaha oh no, I feel you 😛 But I got away from them for 10 days so I got a break luckily 😛 i hope they don’t drive you too crazy 😛 <3
awww no rip that sucksss 🙁 there's at least 20 lgbtq+ people in our year so all of us have sort of just made this large friendship group but I know a lot of them just say they are for attention 🙁 Oh nooo that does sound awkward 😛
I've just gotten back from China with school, so not much other than that yet 😀 we're not going anywhere for the rest of the holiday so I'm just gonna chill for it all 😛
AHhh that must be so annoying !! Yeah only six people taking it and only two girls ! Maybe one more girl might join us but idk whether she will or not 😛 its a big rip, most of the year hates the class
Oh dearrrr bad teachers are no fun. My school lost loads of great teachers at the end of last year because of this crazy new head we have. He isn’t like too bad but has some…. opinions that we do not like or appreciate in our school thank you very much coughcough trying to take islam out of the curriculum coughcoughcough
ooooo that’s good 😛 I’ve definitely hit moody teenager stages and like I do not want to talk to my brother 😛
luckyyyy there’s like one barely out to many people bi boy, and me a barely out to many people bi or maybe gay girl 😛 as you can see dating options in this scenario are incredibly limited. There are 50 people in my year so statistically there are five fellow gays or bisexuals. afgnsioiensjkndsj we just don’t know who they are just yet 😛 at least we don’t have people who say it for attention rip that sounds annoying
I want to walk into school next year and just like … storm into my class, swing open the door and go
“I’m BIIIIIII ” 😛 but my social awkwardness doesn’t let me 😛
ooo that’s cool !!! I’ve never been to China ! Chilling is great, I’m going to Canada sort of soon
wow 😮 That’s not a lot of people taking it 😛 I think there’s about 50 in our year taking it in total 😛
awww no that sucks, we lost a lot of bad teachers at the end of this year so I’m not complaining 😛 Oh no I’m sorry about your new headteacher, ours does nothing he’s just way too chill but I guess thats much better than that rip
hahah sameee, i’m fine with everyone else but just really moody at my sister 😛 (she definitely deserves it though 😛 )
oh dear 😛 ohhhh that explains, there’s 180 people in our year so yeah welp 😛 wow you guys must all know each other really well if there’s only 50 in a year 😮
You should definitely do that 😉
Ooh nice 😀 How long for? 🙂 <3
Yeahhhh woahh the number of people taking computing is your school is literally my entire year 😛
we do not appreciate him. asides from the fact he has been made a meme by the pupils I mean we would rather have another head teacher 😛
My brother deserves it for being so just uhhh he always thinks he is right ahhhhh
Yeahh perks of a small school we know everyone. Literally everyone. Also, its way too easy for most of the year to turn against you, something which actually happened to one girl ahaha the one I used to have a crush on rip but it was like awful. Everyone was being horrible to her and my group was one of the only groups that supported her
yessss I totally want to 😛 if I get to school early and this super quiet teacher isn’t sat silently judging everyone in my class like usual then I will do it because only two people will be in there 😛
12 days !!!!
haha woah yeah 😮 😛 tho we have a lot of people taking computer science in our year, there’s hardly anyone taking music or art and stuff welp
haha yess, our headteacher has also been made into a meme (we have like 3 instagram meme pages just filled with memes of him and a reddit server – these are hated by literally most of the teachers but I know that a few are on there anonymously and post memes of him themselves on there 😛 😛 )
awww no that sounds awful, that poor girl rip, at least you guys stood up for her 😮 yeah basically everyone in our year knows everyone but kind of like just by name or by face, not really very well – but that works for me 😛
haha you should 😛 😉
ooh nice 😀
(i love how our comments on this thread are just gradually getting shorter and shorter 😛 )
have lots of fun doing organic chemistry for triple science guys 😛 (honestly it’s the worst thing about triple lol)
haha I’m scared about physics tbh 😛 It literally all just looks like complicated maths so far 😛
truly triple physics is better than normal – we learned about astronomy which is fun and double students dont do astronomy 🙂
Do y’all go to the same school?
No but we’re in the same year 🙂 And because we all live in England our schools all follow the same curriculum 🙂
not Lion, but hey Maple 🙂
oh my gosh I feel like I haven’t been on BlogClan in ages (well I haven’t rip) 😛 I will not let myself be dragged into the void of inactivity again (hopefully) 😛
How are y’all? 😀 Have you done anything fun today? 🙂 Have any of you been/are going on any holidays? 😀
I hope you are all having a wonderful day so far 🙂 <333
It’s great to see you, Lion! <3 I'm okay 🙂 But I was at the doctor all day, so not very fun 😛 How are you?
Ahhh hey Cheetah 😀 Great to see you too 🙂 <333
Aww no that kinda sucks rip 😛 (Get well soon? 🙂 <3 ) Are you guys still on summer vacation? 🙂
Tirreeed and jetlaggged 😛 But I love being jetlagged I kinda feel like Batman or something because i just walk around all night and sleep all day and it feels cool 😛
The only time I was ever jetlagged I ended up roaming around an Italian airport in a sleep-deprived daze 😛 And I have exactly six days of summer left, most of which will be spent preparing for school :(((
oh dear 😛 fun? 😛
awww no, only 6 days? 🙁 rippp I hope you can cram as much into them as you can 😛 <3
thanks 😛 <3
I will swap with you, I have a month left
ugh yes please
sammmeee but its going so quickly rippp 😛
Next week for me…..
ahhhh its awesome to see you lion, I missed you Twinsie 😉 😛
I’m going to Canada later in the summer but today not much happened !!
ahhhh hey again, Twin 😉 😛
Ooh canada! 😀 I’d love to go to Canada 😛 How long are you going for? 😀 (am I right in thinking you have relatives there? or did I just make that up 😛 )
I have 0 relatives in Canada 😛 We just own a house out there and rent it 😛 its a common mistake even people at my school make 😛
I’m going for I think 12 days !!!
oh 😛 sorry it must be someone else then or my mind just assumed 😛 ohhh cool 😀 Are you in the countryside or more cityish? 🙂 Oh wow, 12 days? 😀 Have an awesome time! 😀 <3
Countryside !!! We fly into a city but then drive about an hour and 20 mins !!!! I’m super excited !!!
ooh lovely! 😀 I’m sure you’ll have a wonderful time 🙂 <33
Hey Lion! How have you been? 😀
Hiya Pine 😀 Good, and you? 😀 <3
I’m doing good as well! Just the usual summer 😀
welcome back 😀
i’m good what about you? 🙂
thank you 😀 its great to see you again, Bluebell 😀 <33
Yup I'm good 😀
Hiii Lion! Good to see you! 😛 my day was fine but it was the last day of summer break so yeah I’m feeling a bit stressed 😛
Ahhhh Swan hey! 😀Good to see you too! 😀 aww no rip 🙁 I hope you’ve had a good summer 😀 Good luck at school again tomorrow though welp <3
Ahhhh hi Lion!!! 😀 I’m emotionally drained 😛 how about you? <3
Hiii Frost 🙂 <333 Haha what a mood though 😛
lion hey!!! I went into the city today and went to a really cute shopping area with my sisters to get some stuff from a Japanese shop and bubble tea 🙂 I went to Menorca last week which was good and in 2 weeks I’m doing a lifeguard course which I’m a bit worried about 😛
what about you??
Hiya Shiv 😀 Awww cute 😀 I love bubble teaaaa 😛 ooh nice 😀 I bet it must have been really hot 😛 Ooh good luck! 😀 I’m sure you’ll be fine 🙂 <333
ahhh hey Lion!!! ❤️ I’ve been pretty good, hbu? I haven’t done anything fun yet (except for this), did you? and no my dad would like to be a hermit so no vacations 😛 did you go on any? ❤️
Omsc i hate my middle name i literally only learnt how to spell it this year my sister is so lucky with her middle name 😛
My parents decided it would be nice if both our middle names were flowers. Her middle name is Rose… mine is Amaryllis 😛 its the worst middle name of our friendship group too and my friends find it hilarious 😛
omsc I love that middle name
I won’t say mine because… internet safety even mods don’t know it
but like
its average
I would love to have the middle name Amaryllis
how do you say that
I have no idea howww 😛
I say it like Am-uh-rill-is but I have a tendency to pronounce things wrong anyway. 😛
Yeah i think that’s right (or at least that’s how I’ve been saying it all this time but that doesn’t count for anything 😛 )
i like the middle name 🙂
thanks 🙂
i got it for my birthdayHi Lion!! 😀 😀
Crazzzyyyy speedy moddo lurking in the shadows….
c r a z y
crazy Cheetah with a fork… 😛
Hiya! 😀 <33
what it’s super pretty 😛
My middle name sucks, it’s my moms maiden name 😑
Why didn’t they just name you Lily? 😛
i know right 😛
ooo that’s such a pretty middle name 🙂
thanks 🙂
What’s even the point of a middle name? Nobody really uses them, and I don’t think anyone’s asking, “Hey, what’s your middle name?”
I don’t have one 😛
Oh 😛 everyone i know seems to always make a point of knowing everyone’s middle names by heart it welp 😛
I love Amaryllis (oof I can’t spell it either) 😀 It’s so pretty 🙂
that’s really pretty! ❤️ my middle name is unusual in the U.S 😛
Ha loses at the ortho! I don’t have to get dental surgery on my tooth if I die >:) try taking my money now
Hey ! Calling all ace and aro and ace aro people on the blog !! In my latest story one of the supporting characters is a she cat who is ace aro. If you had to explain your identity and how you discovered it how would you do it ? Warning, I may use exact or barely changed versions of what you say in some bits of speech for my character Libra !!
*coming from ace :P*
The main meaning of being ace means that you have no sexual attraction to anyone. If I were to say what that means, think of something like a flower. A flower can have thorns and leaves and survive. Some flowers don’t have either, but thwy are still beautiful and can survive on their own. It’s the same way with how I feel with people. Just because I don’t have thorns or leaves, doesn’t mean I can’t survive and live perfectly by myself.
Hope that makes sense 😛
Okay so this is kinda difficult to explain
So I used to have this app called recolor and there were some lgbt people on there and I said idk what my sexuality is. Then someone asked me a few
questions and said I was probably asexual. So I looked up what it meant and I was like yeah I’m asexual
Sorry for the bad explanation
Your friendly neighboorhood acero is here! 😉
Basically, I just started noticing that everyone was attracted to people, and there was no one I was really attracted to (though I do have a certain kind of extreme aesthetic appreciation.)
not an ace aro, but this story will be great 🙂
Ace is when you don’t like anyone, right?
I’ve always freaked out at any idea of having a relationship. I’ve had no crushes and find it crazy when people say that they had their boyfriend/girlfriend at a very young age. I couldn’t handle all the attention and pressure and also just…like the feeling of being alone. I hate it when people tease me or say that I’m straight up lying about not ever having any sorts of feelings, and I just find everything to do with that sort of stuff…utterly horrifying.
I’ve only ever had one squish that will likely never evolve into anything else.
Plus, the jokes you can make about being a single pringle are great.
I’m not really sure where I fit in, but I’m probably something along the lines of ace aro idk really 😛 But basically, how I would describe myself is that I don’t really find myself attracted a lot to anyone, maybe a bit – but I’m not sure if that’s just maybe wanting to know them better or be better friends with them (both female and male), but I never really see myself as being in a relationship – even just one of those uncommitted secondary school ones. Currently, I know someone who I’m really close with – the two of us always just go out of school at lunch together and we have tonnes of inside jokes etc. – has a crush on me (she’s told a lot of my friends but not me yet but I kind of found out, but she doesn’t know – anyway its complicated 😛 ) and the idea of it just makes me really uncomfortable the idea of a relationship or anything along those lines. But it’s not just her, anytime someone shows signs of liking me i just try and distance myself even if I like/liked them back. I have no idea why, maybe it’s because I’m afraid of just commitment or relationships just seem too hard to maintain.
idk if this helped sorry im awful at explaining things 😛
um obviously my experience and feelings won’t be the same as everyone else’s but for me it’s normal to feel the way that I do it’s just that everyone else feels the same way as me plus romantic/sexual attraction. It would be like if I didn’t like pizza. I’m exactly the same as everyone else and if we’re going to a restaurant w/o pizza I’m totally fine, but as soon as we go to a pizza place everyone is like “whoa you don’t like pizza? That’s weird I’m so sorry” like I’m missing out or something but for me not liking pizza is fine and normal. Sometimes I do wonder if I’m weird bc everyone else really likes pizza and I just don’t, but at the end of the day there’s nothing wrong or weird whether I like pizza or not. Idk if that makes any sense. (For the record I love pizza)
I figured out I was asexual actually during sex Ed (I know, shocker, that never really happens) They did talk about asexuality a little but I really started questioning my sexuality because most people around me talked about how they experience sexual attraction and the way that they talked about it was so jarring to me because I’d never felt that way at all. I still haven’t. It took some time where I questioned myself a little and found more information about asexuality online, but not that long.
For aromanticism, there was never a moment when I realized “hey I think I’m aro.” It was a gradual process. I follow a couple asexuality positivity blogs on tumblr, and they post about aromanticism too. I thought I was pan for a while, because if I were to date someone I don’t really care what gender they are. It’s the person that matters to me. But it took identifying with aromantic stuff on tumblr, realizing that my “crushes” from middle school were all actually squishes, and realizing that even if I don’t care what gender my hypothetical significant other would be, I’ve never actually felt that way about anyone and I don’t need to, to realize I’m aro. I’m still not 100% sure, because unlike asexuality I feel lots of love for the people and animals I care about (like you guys) I just don’t feel it romantically. It’s a weird topic I can’t exactly put into words. But other than not wanting to be alone when I’m an adult (for anxiety reasons), I’m okay with being aro and never having someone like that anyway. In some ways, it feels right to me.
I’m okay if you want to use my words and experiences (maybe make the wording a bit more eloquent haha) but if you do could you possibly credit me? These are my personal experiences and feelings, they’re very important and close to me, and also I think it means more to a reader if they know these words come from a real person and not a fictional character someone who’s not aroace dreamed up. (Not that you’re doing anything wrong I think this is amazing tysm)
not ace or aro, but I bet your story will be amazing ❤️
I have to go to school tomorrowwwwww
New school, new people, new stressful situations !! always fun !!
I don’t want to gooooo
It’s 23.11 and I should sleep and prepare but no ?? here I am sitting and stressing
my “friend” was supposed to give me a ride but like she seems to be mad at me for some reason and idk if she’ll just ditch me tomorrow morning and I’ll have to run to school or something wow
get some sleep swan <3 new stuff is scary, but it could be fun 🙂
11:11 make a wish 😛 sorry, good luck at your new school!
Don’t stress and just like, smile at people 😛
Aw honey good luck!! Please go to sleep it’ll make everything a little easier tomorrow. Maybe have a backup plan if your friend ditches you (jerk move) that’s more stable than running? *huggles*
oof go get some sleep Swany dear ❤️
WHAT?!?!? A ROOT??
My exact thoughts
??? 😛 I mean, close enough 😛
I do have a feeling it was a potato root 😛
hopefullyWhoa that’s wack
traitorous potato chips
cue mid-summer holiday boredom
Aaaahhh stinker 🙁
meeeee 😛
Lion! I missed you 😊
Ahhh! Owly! I missed you too! 😀 How are you? 😀<3333
God I wish that was me school starts on Monday 😭
sPeEdY cHeEtAh
Oh mee gosh cheetahs are soon fasssstttttt no wonder you’re a speedy moddo, Cheetah 😛
wOw it’s an extremely speedy Cheeto
and yet still slower than me 😛only because I went downstairs to get a peach :cc
LOL XP I luuvvvvvvvv peachessssss
R u a mod, Pine?? :O
What if I am? 😛 Even if I’m not I’ll always be speedier than Cheeto 😉
t r e a s o n
speedy cheety 😉
super speedy Cheetah
I can’t think of a way for this character to reply to something uuuggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Cue Dappy?
I’m talking about for my story btw 😛
I’m having trouble processing this comment
Sowee 😛
Hmmmm what’s the statement before?
oof 😛
I was thinking about how it says that we’ve moved again, and then I thought:
Seatbelts everyone!
If you don’t know what that’s referencing, it’s the Magic School Bus 😛
Ahhhhh I used to love Magic School Bus 😛
Who’s speedy mod? *Glares intensely*
no a mí
😒uh -uh
If there was a squinty face emoji I’d be using that now 😛
🤨 will this do?
😹😹 I make that face all the time IRL 😛
Love that
Please let this be a normal field tripwith the frizz? No way!I should have stayed home todayMagic School Bus! I love doing that show as a kid. I loved the ones where they went to space. Then again, I’m obsessed with space, so yeah.
ahh I used to love the magic school bus 😛
No matter how close to the surface a cooked noodle is floating in a pot of boiling water (and other noodles), don’t try to grab it. Your fingers and your tongue will be upset with you.
😛 Oof
i dont care i will
You learned this the hard way didn’t you 😛
what Wavey said 😛