BlogClan Tavern, The Ninth Life

New Tavern, folks! Settle in with a nice book and blanket in front of a window and chat away….

This is the place for off-topic chat, sharing, and hanging out!

You can find the old Tavern here!

[image description: a light-brown-and-white cat with its eyes closed lays in a woven cat bed near a window]


  • i have spawned from the homework realm to say hi. now i sadly must vanish again to the homework realm *vanishes*

  • I just love the Pride Flag emoji! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
    WolfStar 4 Life

  • I’ve Got A Dream from Tangled is really stuck in my head right now.
    WolfStar 4 Life

  • I have various voice head canons for
    Warriors characters. Here are some of them.

    • Brackenfur sounds like Héctor from Coco.
    • Brightheart sounds like Fennec from The Mandolorian.
    • Cinderpelt sounds like Ashoka from Clone Wars.
    • Thornclaw sounds like Silver Bear from the We Bare Bears episode “Imaginary Friend.”
    • Lionheart sounds like Mufasa from The Lion King.
    • Dovewing sounds like Rapunzel from Tangled.
    • Tigerheartstar sounds like Flynn Rider from Tangled.
    • Tigerclawstar sounds like Scar from The Lion King.
    • Bumblestripe sounds like Tom from We Bare Bears.
    • Squirrelflight sounds like Kordi from LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures.
    • Sandstorm sounds like Nala from The Lion King.
    • Stormcloud sounds like Clifford The Big Red Dog from Clifford The Big Red Dog.
    • Jessy sounds like a combination of Ivypool in Walk Without The Stars, Hollyleaf in Swallowing Shadows, and Nightcloud in And He Runs.
    • Minty sounds like Minty from the really old version of My Little Pony.
    • Ashfur sounds like Barry from We Bare Bears.
    • Honeyfern sounds like Eliza from Hamilton.
    • Oakheart sounds like Burr from Hamilton.
    • Daisy sounds like Macrophage from Cells At Work.
    • Blossomfall sounds like Ivypool in Walk Without The Stars.
    • Yellowfang has an accent that’s sorta a Scottish/Southern/British mixture.
    • Skywatcher is Scottish.
    • All of the Tribe of Rushing Water cats have British accents.
    • Jake sounds like Lightning McQueen from Cars.
    • Mousefur has a Southern accent.
    • In Graystripe’s Adventure, I imagine Millie having this super upbeat and chirpy voice, but in the books- particularly Omen of the Stars- I imagine her sounding like this really bossy combination of Eliza and Angelica from Hamilton.
    • Needletail sounds like Rita from the Toca Shorts.

    And that isn’t even everything I head canon when it comes to voices! 😛

    WolfStar 4 Life

  • all of my comments are too long someone please help me it’s been two days since I was last able to roleplay ah-

  • rippp so since softball tryouts are in a month, I was practicing some pitching last night for the first time in a hot minute, so my whole upper body hurtsssssssss so baddddddddd and now I’m really motivated to get back to a point where it doesn’t murder my shoulder to pitchhhhhhhhh 😛
    anywayyyyy how’s everyone’s day going?? 😛

  • okkk karma just happened in my life so forcefully i had to sayy something :’P
    someone i know walked by my house and i said i had online school because i was being antisocial and didn’t want to talk to anyone while my family member went out to talk to them,,,
    then as i make myself hot cocoa, i spill the milk right in front of the microwave,, i clean it up and i’m like “coolll that was karma”
    then as i walk by a full seltzer can sitting on the island, i knock it over and half of it spills on the ground, ka “cooollll that was really some universal retribution”

  • Could someone please draw a griffin with pale purple fur on her chest? I have to write a story and the griffin and her girl are the main characters Here is the first bit

    [spoiler title=”On Griffins Wings”] On Griffins Wings

    Creak, the wisteria tree groaned as I clambered over it. Tonight the griffins would hatch and I had to be there. I am Kyra, daughter of Max Cook. My dad has been overly protective since my mom died, so I have to sneak out.  All the 12-16 year-olds can attend, in hopes of finding a griffin. The small mountainous kingdom of Grifferia had long raised Griffins and was the home of these elegant creatures. As I approached the town square, the clamor was loud and the moonlight was gleaming down. As I finally found a place in the crowd, crack, the griffin egg started to hatch. 

    Out came a griffin with bright red chest fur. A voice called out “Skylar!” and the griffin ran to a girl with hair as bright as the sun. I recognized her as Delphine Smith. The two bonded and then the next egg hatched.

     As little green griffin groaned and tumbled out of its egg, “Pine” was called. I watched as the griffin, now named Pine bounded over to a boy named Caleb with black hair and legs of a giraffe. While everyone was watching them the last egg split and the baby griffin shone like a precious stone

    “Wisteria” I cried and everyone looked at me, while the little griffin came over to me. Her chest fur was pale purple and soft as a feather. Then a woman came over to me and following her were Caleb and Delphine, with their griffins. The woman said “I am Serina. I will be training you to train and fly on your griffins. Now go home and give this paper to your parents and have them sign it. Then tomorrow meet me at the training grounds at noon, don’t be late, give me this paper and your training will begin. That is, of course, your parents have to sign it or else I can’t train you properly, as you will have to sleep near your griffins, and they can’t be kept at home.” I groaned, knowing that Dad would never ever, not if his life depends on it let me go. I snuck back in and lied down with the note on my nightstand, missing Wisteria because she had to sleep with her mom, and wondering what the morning would bring.

    I awoke to my dad opening the blinds of the window above my bed. I sat up, and then my dad noticed the note on my nightstand. “Kyra,” Dad said, in a groaning, disbeveiveing tone, “You went out last night, bonded with a griffin, and now you have to go to train with them. Really Kyra.” I responded “But I wanted to go. It would have been my first year to see the hatchings and possibly bond with one. And I wanted to be like,” then I stopped. Dad had a small smile on his mouth, “You wanted to be like your mom. To tell you the truth, that is something she would have done, Kyra. So what’s your griffin’s name, and tell me who your instructor is. I will consider signing the paper, and you better get ready for the day, and if you do go, well, we will talk at breakfast.”


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