A new tavern! Take a look around and make yourself cosy!
This is the place for off-topic chat, sharing, and hanging out!
You can find our old Tavern here.

[image description: calico cat sleeping in sunlight]
Note: BlogTeam discourages making short, spammy comments in quick succession, as this can make Tavern pages go past really quickly. Commenting for the sole purpose of taking over the purrs or just because can cause other comments to get buried. However, we still encourage you to share your thoughts and just chat away, of course, but making comments for the sake of making comments is discouraged 🙂
We also encourage people to avoid using special fonts in their display names, because it can cause screen readers (which read all of the text, emojis, and images on the screen out loud) to crash or make things impossible for people to understand (click here for an article about that). Screen readers are used by people with visual impairments and help make things more accessible for them, so let’s all do our part in keeping the blog a place that they can come visit and chat on without issue 🙂
I’m listening to I Hate Sand 😛 best song ever, captures Anakin’s hatred and loathing of sand perfectly
Hi! One of my random pop-ins now 😀 . How’s everyone?
Great tysm!
heyy I’m cheetah-tastic!
howdy i am doing well 😀
My first article is getting published tomorrow! 😃
That’s great! Can’t wait to see it 😀
I think my brain is malfunctioning… I looked at some of my previous comments and they’re missing some words that are supposed to be there 😛 I’m pretty sure this comment will miss a word too ahaha
Captain Adderpaw/song 💜🐍| ☠️🎶Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate’s life for me🎶☠️| she/her💜💜💜 || Click on my name to join PirateClan!! ☠️ on BlogClan Allegiances Chat Page
Ospreysplaghetti on The Hug Page
Ospreysplaghetti on Fan Fiction
🍁 Flickerflame loves 🍂Autumn🍂! 🍁 //🍁 Sis to Rapidkit 🍁 // 🍁Flicker, Flick, Flicks 🍁 // 🔥Flames that Flicker under Autumn Stars🔥 // ✨Mentor to the spectacular Lynxpaw! ✨// on Defending Reedshine by Flickerflame
🍁 Flickerflame loves 🍂Autumn🍂! 🍁 //🍁 Sis to Rapidkit 🍁 // 🍁Flicker, Flick, Flicks 🍁 // 🔥Flames that Flicker under Autumn Stars🔥 // ✨Mentor to the spectacular Lynxpaw! ✨// on BlogClan Tavern
It has TWO layers of Flick bread, some Ospreyspaghetti in the middle, and Adderpaw bread on the top!
There’s a speedy dodo but I have to get ready for school now NOOOOO
Sorry ahaha
Oof, I hate that feeling too 😛
For some reason I had this very strange dream where I was riding a broomstick as my BlogClan purrsona and Gwen Stacy suddenly appeared and insisted that she wasn’t a furry?? It was so weird lol
That does sound weird :p
I loved Gwen Stacy before all of y’all Spiderverse fans, when she was Emma Stone 😭
…what 😛 honestly I can see Gwen insisting she isn’t a furry haha
huh 😛
lol inch resting,,,
I literally had five study halls at school yesterday it was so relaxing and great kjjsjfksjsa
That sounds like my dream school schedule aaa
Hi osp!!! What time is it for you rn?
9:43pm so I’m a bit sleepy bc I woke up at 1am last night because I had a blocked nose and I decided I needed a butter menthol
not osp but heyy!
Not osp but hi!
not osp but hiii
How is everyone doing today? :))
(Also, speedy osprey?)
I’m doing good Dusko! Hbu?
I’m cheetah-tastic!! 😀
pretty good!
I went out for a walk for no specific reason, I just felt like I was in need of some fresh air 😛
If Harry Potter fans are called Potterheads and Star Trek fans are called Trekkies, what are Star Wars fans called? Ewoks?
star wars fans
What if we are Ewoks 🤔
I mean us Star Wars fans don’t have names… it’s so unfair! 😛
Warsies 😛
That’s what my sister said when I asked her lol 😛
changed my display name because yes I’m a mess by ajr is out!!!
Does anyone else get this? 😛
When you see someone mentioning BlogClanners in a comment and they use a nickname, and you’re not sure whether it’s referring to you or to another blogclanner with the same prefix- and then you want to reply to the comment but you don’t want it to be awkward if it’s another person 😛 /nm /lh
(Eg: The nickname “Dusky”, and I’m not sure if it’s me or another Dusksomething)
(This post isn’t towards anyone in particular, by the way- just something I’ve had on my mind for ages)
i get scared i may mess up on someone’s nickname and panic and just call them by their full name like i’m living in the 18th century
Yeah I get this, as there are three Scorches of the Blog.
I’m the only Breeze on here so I can’t relate 😛
That’s true 😛 i don’t usually have that problem cuz I’m the only Shade 😛
you’re the only Glasses haha
True 😛
I’m the only one named Mojo on here so I can’t relate, but I can understand that. 😛
ahhhh sometimes people call me Dusky but I’ve sort of gotten used to sharing names/nicknames with people irl so I don’t really mind if we share 😛 (The ‘raiding Dusky’s fridge’ thing that popped up a couple weeks back was a joke about me if that was ever a concern!)