• sorryyyy i havent been here for a while!!
      Did you see Serena’s last match? Her opponent, Ajla, was fantanstic and so was Serena! It was honestly tiring just watching it. Good luck and I hope your brain makes a full recovery R.I.P 😛

        • im laaate oops

          serena is fantastic, and i’m so sad she’s gone but so happy for her awesome career!! Ajla is incredible 😀 Good job to your brain! 90% is an awesome gradeeee!!!

    • It really is too short, a shame monday couldn’t be a weekend too :/ Normally I like getting up early but today I just collapsed when my alarm went off 😛 My week has been great so far! I have a math test on thursday but it’s fine because i’ve studied a lot 😀 How about you?

  • I’m still alive. 😅 My mom’s family has been staying for the week, and our house has only three bedrooms……and ONE bathroom. And Roger Federer retired over the weekend, which, you know me, made me a complete mess. 😭 I’ve been basically living off of two hours of sleep a night, heavily caffeinated tea, and chocolate for the past six days, but *starts randomly singing because of exhaustion* “I have survived!”
    How’s your life been? ❤

    • MEDOA HII!! oh no… that sounds cramped 😛 yeah, Roger Federer’s retiring was crazy. o my goodness i live off heavily caffeinated tea too! twins! 😛 my life has been good! my school hosts this thing with another school nearby where we come to one of the schools and have a big party with food trucks and inflatable rides and stuff. unfortunately, grade 6 is the last year you can participate, so that was my last time. but i had fun! 😀

  • OMG, I’m so sorry for taking so long to reply. I’ve been swamped with schoolwork prepping for midterms, so this is the first time I’ve been able to spend some time on the blog. Welcome to high-school, I guess. 😅 How’s life? How was your Halloween? I dressed up as Annabeth Chase from PJO to help out at my church’s October Festival. Last Sunday we had a special Scottish service called *insert bad Scottish accent that sounds Italian* the Kirkin’O’The’Tartan. We even had bagpipers! How’s school going? Are you doing anything special for Thanksgiving?

      you’re fine! i missed you but midterms are more important than the blog! high school seems so crazy and i am not excited to go through it. guess i should stay positive though…? my life is great today! a little sick but i’m fine! my halloween was really great and i got a lot of candy >:) the bagpipes are so cool and i honestly want to learn how to play 😛 no, not anything special, my family doesn’t really celebrate. happy for a break from school though 🙂

  • Merry Christmas Free!! 😀 How’s your day been? Have you gotten any presents? We basically have had a blizzard where I live the past few days, and I mean -8 temperatures with -35 wind chill. 🥶 Do you have any snow? I only got 5 hours of sleep last night so R.I.P my brain. There’s just something about Christmas Eve that makes it hard to sleep.

    • Merry late Christmas Medoa!! My Christmas was great! I did get some presents – the game Splatoon 3, a gift card, and some other smaller goodies. I love gnomes, which is weird I know, but I got 3 new gnomes as well which is fun. How about you? A blizzard sounds awful, I’m sorry! We’ve been in the 10-20 degrees range for the past couple days. And yeah, we did have snow, which is a bit miraculous, since it never snows where I live! Yeah, it’s so hard to sleep around Christmas – wondering what gifts will be, wondering if your gifts are good… I hope you get better sleep next time <33

  • Ugh, I don’t know about you, but the first few weeks back to school after break feel endless. 😐

  • Hi Free! I just wanted to let you know that I’ll be taking a break from the Blog to focus on school! If you want to find another mentor while I’m gone, feel free. I’ll probably be back sometime late spring! I’m going to miss you! <3333333333

    • Sorry I am so late I hope you get a chance to read this – great luck with school! i’ll miss you very very much! i won’t get another mentor because you’re cool and also i would be too lazy anyway hahaha anyway good luck at school <3

  • obligatory monthly ping post :p if only we could ping people on the blog lol anyway, i miss you hope youre back soon 🙁

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