


  • ~Vulturethorn~
    The tom sat wearily in his den, looking around it, almost nervously. Something felt off, but he didn’t know what. His fur bristled as he glanced towards the entrance

    (Open for interaction!)

    • (Vulturethorn was sent off to the gathering or maybe they stayed, but mostly that is where the stuff is happening, besides the patrol looking for Darkpelt in the Twolegplace)

  • 💮🌸Skye🌸💮 [Skypaw//Skymist//Misty Moon On A Fareway Sky//Has two fanfics going on! Check out Shinign Shadows and my newest: Shadowed Path!] says:

    Ebonypaw didn’t do much, her mind drifting off to the herbs she might need. “Uh?” She mumbled. “Lightblaze, what did you say?”

    • Windflight inhaled sharply as he saw the TwoLegplace. Darkpelt scent led across a small thunderpath, and he saw a tuft of dark fur stuck on a bush near a towering building (a library or something Darkpelt is sheltering under)

      • Pushing back his fears, Lightblaze tasted the air for any sign of Darkpelt. Soon, he scented the rancid smell of the treacherous murderer, forgetting about everything as the memories of his sister came flooding back. ‘I WILL kill her, for Scarletpelt.’ He thought, determined to brave the Twolegplace and find Darkpelt. He turned to look at Windflight, who was peering at something in the distance. Following the tom’s gaze, Lightblaze saw a tuft of black fur snagged on the silver fence that went around a gigantic building. “She’s been here,” He said out loud. “We’ll follow her trail from there. We’ll have to be careful, though, we’ll need to cross that Thunderpath.” As a monster roared by, Lightblaze shrank back, but then remembered why he was on this mission. Padding forward, the golden tom ignored the putrid smell of monsters and the Thunderpath and set a paw on the rough surface, feeling for any monsters. Lightblaze didn’t feel any rumbles, so he called the others and sprang across the small Thunderpath, waiting at the other end for Windflight, Coralpaw, and Ebonypaw.

        • 💮🌸Skye🌸💮 [Skypaw//Skymist//Misty Moon On A Fareway Sky//Has two fanfics going on! Check out Shinign Shadows and my newest: Shadowed Path!] says:

          Ebonypaw crossed the Thunderpath swiftly, her mind racing to poultices again as she dreaded if someone got hurt.

          • Skye, is it okay if Lightblaze gets hurt a bit later on?

            • 💮🌸Skye🌸💮 [Skypaw//Skymist//Misty Moon On A Fareway Sky//Has two fanfics going on! Check out Shinign Shadows and my newest: Shadowed Path!] says:

              (Sure! That’s your choice you know that right?)

              • Windflight stared worriedly at the second Thunderpath. Coralpaw glanced at him, before crossing over to the other side. She stood by the bush with a clump of dark fur, sniffing it. “Definitely Darkpelt! And fresh too…”

                Windflight remained frozen. This thunderpath seemed massive the ground shaking under his paws as monsters roared by. “Maybe I’ll wait here in case you need back up?” Windflight asked.

                Coralpaw groaned. “Come on Windflight! You’re a WARRIOR. And there are only 4 of us, and me and Ebonypaw are still apprentices, so you need to come on.”

                Windflight remained frozen, looking anxiously at the ThunderPath

                • Lightblaze felt the Thunderpath again, feeling no rumbles that signified a monster. “Come on!” The golden tom encouraged the other warrior to cross. “There are no monsters coming right now. Come quick, before they come!” Lightblaze beckoned Windflight with his tail. “You’ll be fine. As long as you don’t trot across like you’re in a meadow, you’ll be fine! I know you’re fast.”

      • Windflight still looked nervous, but nodded, looking both ways cautiously. “Okay…” he said, and Coralpaw gave an approving mew from the other side. He darted across the ThunderPath, just as a monster swerved and bright lights lit up the road. Panicking, Windflight froze.

        “Windflight!” Coralpaw yowled. The monster screeched to a stop and TwoLegs come out of it’s belly, spurring Windflight into action. He ran across the road, ducking into the bushes with Coralpaw. The TwoLegs yelled and glanced around, before the monster swallowed them up once more and dissapeared into the distance.

        • Wolfbite should be doing homework but is on BlogClan instead/Wolfy/Wolfie/Wolf that Howls at Full Moon says:

          “Phew.” Lightblaze said, backing away from the Thunderpath. “That was a close one. Anyway, the Gathering will be ending soon. We need to keep going.” He kept walking forward until he reached the silver fence. It gleamed in the moonlight, the jet black tuft of fur standing out from the shining fence. Lightblaze unsheathed his claws and leaped up, catching his claws in the holes of the fence. Using them to climb, he managed to get to the top of the narrow fence. The top was smooth and rounded, but Lightblaze managed to balance. He plucked the tuft of fur, almost gagging and spitting it out at the taste. “Fwond ip!” Lightblaze said, his words muffled as he tried not to breathe in the disgusting smell and taste. He spat the fur onto the ground. “This should help us!”

          • 💮🌸Skye🌸💮 [Skypaw//Skymist//Misty Moon On A Fareway Sky//Has two fanfics going on! Check out Shinign Shadows and my newest: Shadowed Path!] says:

            “G-Great idea.” Ebonypaw glanced anxiously at the night sky. We should be heading home.

            • Wolfbite should be doing homework but is on BlogClan instead/Wolfy/Wolfie/Wolf that Howls at Full Moon says:

              Lightblaze voiced Ebonypaw’s thoughts. “It’s getting dark, and Swiftstar is probably worrying her whiskers off, knowing her. Let’s take the fur with us and go.” Clutching the black tuft of fur in his mouth, Lightblaze walked up to the Thunderpath, felt for rumbles, and crossed quickly. “Okay, now you guys cross!” He called to the other cats.

              • 💮🌸Skye🌸💮 [Skypaw//Skymist//Misty Moon On A Fareway Sky//Has two fanfics going on! Check out Shinign Shadows and my newest: Shadowed Path!] says:

                Ebonypaw nodded, dashing through the Thunderpath in heartbeats. When she was on the other side, she was panting.

                • Wolfbite who can't wait for the Gathering and is probably overenthusiastic about it!! GO TEAM WINDCLAN!! /Wolfy/Wolfie/Wolf that Howls at Full Moon says:

                  Lightblaze flicked his tail in impatience. “We don’t have much longer before Swiftstar loses her mind!” He shouted to Coralpaw and Windflight. “Come on, Windflight! You can do it!” The golden tom yelled the words of encouragement to the hesitating cat on the other side of the Thunderpath.

                • Windflight took a deep breath, still nervous. Suddenly Coralpaw pushed him onto the ThunderPath and chased him across. “WHAT WAS THAT FOR!” he yowled, shaking gravel off his paws. “You weren’t coming.” Coralpaw said nonchalantly, racing ahead to catch up with the others. Annoyed, Windflight followed. They had to get back to camp.

  • ( Also the date passed for the confirmation of characters, so a StreamClan and BreezeClan deputy is needed. To further aggravate Swiftstar, we can have the old deputy die of sickness or something, the medicine cats just need to announce it)
    Swiftstar sighed padding back into camp. The cats in camp murmured to eachother. She jumped onto the rock. “Well… it was an eventful gathering, but to sum up, I messed up, all the clans hate us and- wait where’s the patrol? Are they not back yet?” Swiftstar said, looking around in panic. Was the patrol still trespassing? Swiftstar wasn’t sure what the other clans would do if they caught BreezeClan trespassers…

    • 💮🌸Skye🌸💮 [Skypaw//Skymist//Misty Moon On A Fareway Sky//Has two fanfics going on! Check out Shinign Shadows and my newest: Shadowed Path!] says:

      PART 1
      Autummstream calmly licked one of her front paws, standing in the entrance of the warriors’ den. “No, they haven’t. If the other Clans catch them, they’ll be in big trouble”, she pointed out, not sounding too worried at all. “Because of what you said.” She stretched and yawned, but then a thought hit her: Lightblaze! Where is him?! GREAT STARCLAN HE WENT WITH THE PATROL. OH, NO. And Windflight, Coralpaw, Ebonypaw…OH NO NO NO. The skin under her fur went pale and her eyes grew twice the size. “STARCLAN HELP US!” She screeched.
      “Autummstream…” Snowpaw called hesitantly. “Are you okay?”
      The dark ginger she-cat took a few deep and anxious breaths, then looked at Swiftstar angrily. “Great job you’ve done! Your Clanmates will be in real trouble!” She snapped, but her fur quickly smoothed. She gave her chest a few licks, almost embarassed – key word: almost. “We should call them. Somehow, somehow Palestar knows about the patrol – I TOLD YOU THAT WAS A BAD IDEA”, she added angrily.

    • 💮🌸Skye🌸💮 [Skypaw//Skymist//Misty Moon On A Fareway Sky//Has two fanfics going on! Check out Shinign Shadows and my newest: Shadowed Path!] says:

      PART 2
      Lunarbrook flinched and closed her eyes shut. Don’t let them find out. …StarClan, I just wanted all Clans to be fine…Why is it this hard?
      “Lunarbrook? Are you okay?” Snowpaw asked quietly.
      The silver tabby gasped as if she was coming from a dive, and forced a smile that probably wasn’t convincent. “Sure…”
      “Who do you think told Palestar?” The apprentice continued, oblivious to the tabby’s disconfort. “Or maybe someone told someone SandClan instead? No, no one would be that mouse-brained…” Autummstream’s meaningful glance at Swiftstar told otherwise. “Maybe someone told a StreamClan cat who told a WoodClan one!”
      “Maybe…” Lunarbrook’s voice failed and she couldn’t meet the white she-cat’s gaze. “I think you’re right.”
      “Lunarbrook?” Autummstream’s voice was gentle. “What aren’t you telling us?”
      “NOTHING!” The silver tabby screamed. “NOTHING AT ALL!” Desperate tears were reaching for her eyes. Oh, no. THEY’LL DISCOVER ME…
      “Lunarbrook…” She shook herself. “Swiftstar, hear me out for once. We should send a small patrol to call the others back. We DON’T want to risk ourselves to WoodClan right now. I’ll go!” She added.
      (I was about to suggest Autummstream became deputy, then I remembered so many people want and also, she is the HIGHLY UNLIKELY choice for Swiftstar xD Hang on a bit, Autumm!)

      • (Actually nobody asked yet so Autumnstream can still be a candidate. ATTENTION FOLKS, IF YOU WANT YOUR CHARACTER TO BECOME DEPUTY, ASK)
        “Alright… but they’ll only become more annoyed if they see more of us on their territory. Be careful.” Swiftstar warned.

        • 💮🌸Skye🌸💮 [Skypaw//Skymist//Misty Moon On A Fareway Sky//Has two fanfics going on! Check out Shinign Shadows and my newest: Shadowed Path!] says:

          “Oh, I’m not going into their territory. I’m not that mouse-brained.” Autummstream said calmly, looking at Swiftstar casually. “Sleekpaw, Hazypaw, Sandbreeze, will you come with me in the patrol?” She meowed to her Clanmates. “And any volunteers?”
          “I’m going!” Snowpaw said. “My mentor’s there!”
          “Are you sure?”
          “Yes!” She nodded and stood taller.
          “Okay, then. Just be careful. You haven’t had much training…”

      • 💮🌸Skye🌸💮 [Skypaw//Skymist//Misty Moon On A Fareway Sky//Has two fanfics going on! Check out Shinign Shadows and my newest: Shadowed Path!] says:

        (My secret santa drew it ^^Thanks!)

  • Wolfbite who can't wait for the Gathering and is probably overenthusiastic about it!! GO TEAM WINDCLAN!! /Wolfy/Wolfie/Wolf that Howls at Full Moon says:

    (I’m replying to Goldclaw’s comment about Windflight crossing the Thunderpath because the comment would be way too narrow to read if I actually replied.) “Finally!” Lightblaze exclaimed. “Right, let’s go. We have to get back to camp soon.” Racing through the forest, he ran across the mossy ground until his surroundings started to become familiar. Lightblaze could hear the thrumming of pawsteps of the other cats behind him, and the wind blew the comforting scent of BreezeClan toward him. “Almost there!” He shouted, keeping his eyes fixed forward to prevent himself from crashing into a tree or tripping on a root. Finally, the golden tom shot through the last of the forest, and the trees gave way to the familiar enterance to the BreezeClan camp. He sensed Coralpaw, Ebonypaw, and Windflight stop next to him, breathing hard. “Let’s tell Swiftstar what we found. Come on!”

  • (Im finally active again, sorry! I dont know what to do so feel free to fill me in/interact!)


    He sat there, his eyes distant as he muttered to himself.

    • (Reply to both of the above comments)
      Swiftstar walked over to him “Well that was a disastrous gathering. (to sum up Swiftstar made everyone mad at her and caused more trouble for breezeclan hehe) Do you think we’ll have enough herbs to heal everyone if SandClan and/or WoodClan attack?” she asked.

      Suddenly Coralpaw burst into the clearing. “WE’RE BACK” she yowled and Swiftstar hurried over.

      “What happened?” Swiftstar asked eagerly.

      “We didn’t trespass anywhere, and we scented Darkpelt.” Coralpaw exclaimed.

      • Wolfbite who can't wait for the Gathering and is probably overenthusiastic about it!! GO TEAM WINDCLAN!! /Wolfy/Wolfie/Wolf that Howls at Full Moon says:

        Lightblaze hurried into the clearing, following an excited Coralpaw. “Yes, we found this tuft of her fur snagged on a fence in the Twolegplace. She must have gone that way. It reeks of that murderer.” He told Swiftstar with disgust.

        • 💮🌸Skye🌸💮 [Skypaw//Skymist//Misty Moon On A Fareway Sky//Has two fanfics going on! Check out Shinign Shadows and my newest: Shadowed Path!] says:

          Autummstream purred nuzzle him. “Great StarClan, I was worried those WoodClan cats would rip you apart!”
          “Yeah, they looked like they might”, Ebonypaw muttered, walking over to Vulturethorn. Being the medicine cat now, was he her new mentor? “Wa everything okay? Did I miss something? Is anyone injured?” She whispered.
          Snowpaw trotted over to her mentor. “Hiiiii! I was going to get you, you know, Autummstream was going to lead a patrol to find you all, but you were quicker and came back, and- Did everything go alright?”

          • Wolfbite who can't wait for the Gathering and is probably overenthusiastic about it!! GO TEAM WINDCLAN!! /Wolfy/Wolfie/Wolf that Howls at Full Moon says:

            Lightblaze purred and nuzzled Autumnstream, then turned to his apprentice. “Snowpaw! Yes, everything went alright. We even have a clue as to where Darkpelt could be!” Lightblaze exclaimed to Snowpaw. “Ebonypaw! You might want to take a look at Windflight. He’s a little shaken up from the incident with the monster.” He said to the medicine cat apprentice.

            • “Thyme, then”, Ebonypaw meowed. “If he needs herbs.”
              Snowpaw flicked her tail excitedly. “Really?”
              Autummstream purred. “A productive patrol, then.”

              • Wolfbite who can't wait for the Gathering and is probably overenthusiastic about it!! GO TEAM WINDCLAN!! /Wolfy/Wolfie/Wolf that Howls at Full Moon says:

                “It sure was.” The tom said to Autumnstream, purring. He looked to Swiftstar, who was watching her Clanmates with eager but worried eyes. “What now, Swiftstar?” Lightblaze asked her.

                • 💮🌸Skye🌸💮 [Skypaw//Skymist//Misty Moon On A Fareway Sky//Has two fanfics going on! Check out Shinign Shadows and my newest: Shadowed Path!] says:

                  Autummstream narrowed her eyes at their leader, licking her chest fur with hints of anger in her gaze.
                  Snowpaw trotted back to the leader, then back to her mentor.
                  “Windflight?” Ebonypaw called. “How are you feeling?”
                  Lunarbrook glanced at all the cats, feeling her stomach twist.

                • “We’ll have to find Darkpelt. It’ll be our fault if she attacks any of the other clans.” Swiftstar said gravely “I’m not sure what we should do with her, but we can’t live in peace knowing that she’s out there seeking vengeance.”

    • 💮🌸Skye🌸💮 [Skypaw//Skymist//Misty Moon On A Fareway Sky//Has two fanfics going on! Check out Shinign Shadows and my newest: Shadowed Path!] says:

      “At last you say something right!” Autummstream lifted both front paws in the air thriumpanthly. “Thank you, thank you, StarClan!” She sighed in relief., then stopped herself. “Swiftstar. Shouldn’t we seek permission this time?” She meowed.

      • Wolfbite who can't wait for the Gathering and is probably overenthusiastic about it!! GO TEAM WINDCLAN!! /Wolfy/Wolfie/Wolf that Howls at Full Moon says:

        Lightblaze tilted his head in confusion. “Permission?” He meowed. “From who? The other leaders? All we have to do is cut through the forest and go to the Twolegplace. We won’t be trespassing.” He said to Autumnstream, twitching his tail-tip. Then, he turned to Swiftstar. “And, Swiftstar?” Lightblaze said. “When we find Darkpelt, and when her time comes to die, it will be at my claws. Alright?” He said. He was determined to kill the murderer to avenge his sister, even if it meant straying his leader’s commands. “I should be the one to kill her, to make sure Scarletpelt doesn’t die in vain.” He said firmly.

        • 💮🌸Skye🌸💮 [Skypaw//Skymist//Misty Moon On A Fareway Sky//Has two fanfics going on! Check out Shinign Shadows and my newest: Shadowed Path!] says:

          Autummstream relaxed at first, then tensed at his last words. “Well, it’s good we won’t be trepassing this time”, she said in a relieved sigh.

          • “Yes. Trespassing again could be disastrous” Swiftstar agreed “Lightblaze, if your sure this is how you want to seek revenge… and if we do decide to kill Darkpelt when the time comes, it is not my place to stop you. But think carefully before making that decision.”

            “When are we going to get her?” Windflight asked.

            “At dawn. It’s time to get some rest first.” Swiftstar said.

            • Wolfbite who can't wait for the Gathering and is probably overenthusiastic about it!! GO TEAM WINDCLAN!! /Wolfy/Wolfie/Wolf that Howls at Full Moon says:

              Lightblaze looked at Swiftstar with an extremely determined gaze, silent fury burning in their yellow depths. “You know what I want to do, Swiftstar. You’re smart enough to know that I’m not going to change my mind about avenging my sister.” He said grimly, voice never faltering, strong with resolve. The golden tom then turned sharply and walked toward his den without a sound. He curled up in his nest, memories of his sister swirling in his head as he laid down. The emotion in Lightblaze’s eyes hardened to determination and anger. “I’ll do whatever it takes to be rid of the murderer for good.”

            • Wolfbite who can't wait for the Gathering and is probably overenthusiastic about it!! GO TEAM WINDCLAN!! /Wolfy/Wolfie/Wolf that Howls at Full Moon says:

              (Also about your deputy request, can Lightblaze be considered for deputy? Thanks!)

              • 💮🌸Skye🌸💮 [Skypaw//Skymist//Misty Moon On A Fareway Sky//Has two fanfics going on! Check out Shinign Shadows and my newest: Shadowed Path!] says:

                (That’s why I wrote people wanted! I saw Wolfy’s submission and he wanted Lightblaze to be deputy. He asked first, and so did Lightningstripe and Mintypaw. ^^)

                • (ohhh yeah on the first page! Sure Swiftstar can announce it after they finish the Darkpelt patrol and stuff)

                • (Oh yeah I forgot I wanted Lightblaze to be deputy. They might be in another Clan or I haven’t seen them yet or something, but who’s Lightningstripe?)

                • 💮🌸Skye🌸💮 [Skypaw//Skymist//Misty Moon On A Fareway Sky//Has two fanfics going on! Check out Shinign Shadows and my newest: Shadowed Path!] says:

                  (The roleplayer of Sunblaze)

  • (ah sorry I’ve been inactive, are people still here? (also i have a cat now and i realize knew nothing about cats))
    Swiftstar yawned, rising, ready for the patrol to find Darkpelt.

    • Lightblaze opened his eyes to see weak dawn light filtering in through the entrance of the den. He yawned and sat up, beginning to wash his ruffled golden fur. The tom then walked out into the chilly dawn air, seeing Swiftstar ouside. ‘The patrol!’ He remembered. Lightblaze turned to Swiftstar. “Shall I wake the others?” He asked, filled with new energy, his grogginess gone.

      • 💮🌸Skye🌸💮 [Skypaw//Skymist//Misty Moon On A Fareway Sky//Has two fanfics going on! Check out Shinign Shadows and my newest: Shadowed Path!] says:

        Autummstream hunted the mouse. She could feel Goldpaw at her heels – was she still an apprentice? It felt hard to remember any details. She looked up at the sky. It was a night of blue moon.
        Golden petals brushed her fur as she walked. Her paws sunk in the…Sand? Sand turned into mud, mud turned into water.
        ‘Help!’ She tried to shout, but no words left her mouth. Goldpaw had vanished.
        She had vanished when she was needed…
        Autummstream’s eyes blinked open. She let out a relieved sigh. It was just a nightmare…

        • Lightblaze scraped the dusty ground of the warrior’s den, awkwardly glancing at Autumnstream, who looked as though she was having a nightmare. Finally, she opened her eyes. “Hey, uh, Autumnstream? Are you up to go find Darkpelt?” He asked, lashing his tail impatiently.

          • 💮🌸Skye🌸💮 [Skypaw//Skymist//Misty Moon On A Fareway Sky//Has two fanfics going on! Check out Shinign Shadows and my newest: Shadowed Path!] says:

            Autummstream’s eyes were hazy and hollow. She gazed at him for a moment in confusion. Finally, memories started to fulfill the gaps in her mind. “Oh…Lightblaze”, she murmured. “Yes. I’m going.” She rose to her paws and stretched.

    • 💮🌸Skye🌸💮 [Skypaw//Skymist//Misty Moon On A Fareway Sky//Has two fanfics going on! Check out Shinign Shadows and my newest: Shadowed Path!] says:

      Autumnstream snorted playfully. “I wasn’t going to.” She rose to her paws and joined the group.
      Snowpaw watched Swiftstar expectantly.

  • Lightblaze stopped as he saw a familiar fence come into view in front of him. “This is the same fence we saw when we first came here.” He said. He backed up a little and pushed into a powerful leap, digging his claws into the mesh and clawing his way to the top. “Come on, it’s pretty easy!” Lightblaze said to the other cats from the top of the fence. “There’s a Thunderpath not too far from beyond this fence.” He warned them.

  • (Hello swiftstar I saw you were saying deputy is open so I’ll take it like I asked in the character creation((if it’s ok with you)) thanks!)

    -Sunblaze silently followed the patrol, hoping they would’nt notice him helping them, he had already drove off a badger coming there way without making a sound, he overheard everything they were saying, constantly perking his ears for any sign of danger. Then, he noticed it. “A hawk!” He thought “coming in their direction!” He had to save them, the hawk was diving in fast and was heading for “swiftstar, oh no!” Sunblaze prepared to leap


    • Lightblaze pricked his ears as he heard a faint caw from behind him. He whirled around just in time to see a giant brown hawk diving towards Windflight. “LOOK OUT!” He yowled, springing from the fence toward the hawk. His claws grazed it and it fell short in its dive for Windflight, turning its spiteful eyes on him. Lightblaze flattened his ears and took a fearful step back as the bird prepared to attack him. Just then he noticed a cat behind him “Sunblaze!” He cried. “A little help?”

  • (Ok so I reread and realized swiftstar wasn’t on this patrol ((prob should have read it before)) so ignore the parts where I said swiftstar and put in wind flight instead)

  • Sunblaze leaped from the bush he was hiding in, claws outstretched and angry eyes, fixed on the hawk, he landed atop it and dug his claws into its wing, shredding it until it’s raged eyes fell still.
    “Eat” he finally said, gasping

    • 💮🌸Skye🌸💮 [Skypaw//Skymist//Misty Moon On A Fareway Sky//Has two fanfics going on! Check out Shinign Shadows and my newest: Shadowed Path!] says:

      “Thank you, Sunblaze.” Autumnstream recovered from the shock and approached. “Take the first bite”, she told Lightblaze, nudging him, then turned to the other tom. “Why were you following us?” She asked Sunblaze, eyes narrowed.

  • Sunblaze hungrily devoured the hawks wing before joining lightblaze “how long do you think this will take?” He muttered “I wanna head back home”

    • Lightblaze huffed at the other tom’s comment. “C’mon, Sunblaze. We just started. And finding Darkpelt is very important right now. She could’ve partnered with rogues or some other cats, who knows? Failing to find her could lead to the downfall of all the Clans. And we don’t want that happening, do we?” With that, he leaped onto the other side of the fence. The sights, sounds, and nightmares of his past immediately overwhelmed Lightblaze, but he took a deep breath, tucked his fears away, and tried to look strong as he gazed out into the nightmarish world of monsters, Twolegs, dogs, and Thunderpaths. He hoped his voice wasn’t as shaky as he felt as he called the other cats. “Let’s go. We need to cross the Thunderpath, but I don’t know where to go from there.” He said, new worries springing up.

      • Sunblaze padded up beside lightblaze “when I say go” he muttered “we run together” placing a paw on the thunder path, he waited for rumbles, but none came “GO!” he yowled

        • Lightblaze darted across the hard surface, getting to the other side just in time to watch a monster roar across the Thunderpath. “Just made it,” he panted. He looked up to see the rest of the patrol nearing the Thunderpath, and he checked for rumbles. He felt a monster coming. “NOT YET!” He yowled. Once the monster passed, Lightblaze checked again to find no monsters coming, and gave the signal for the others to pass.

          • 💮🌸Skye🌸💮 [Skypaw//Skymist//Misty Moon On A Fareway Sky//Has two fanfics going on! Check out Shinign Shadows and my newest: Shadowed Path!] says:

            Autumnstream padded to his side. When they were safely on the other side, she turned to him and muttered: “I’m not sure if rogues helped her. I don’t think it was WoodClan – Palestar may be cunning and manipulative and the biggest schemer in the Clans, but she’s not dumb. She wouldn’t just go ‘oh here’s a enemy cat who wants shelter, let’s not ask questions and just let her go into my territory!’ But I also think not all rogues are evil, you know. They’re cats just like us. Living in groups just like us. Isn’t your apprentice a former rogue herself?” She shook the thoughts off. “Anyway. Finding Darkpelt. Right.”