• Lynxpaw stretched underneath the rays of the sun, and sighed. She remembered that her clan moved from the green and peaceful forest to the scorching desert when she was just a kit. Their only hope was the oasis that was shrinking daily.
    She padded up to the oasis and took a few sips of water. She turned back and saw her sister, Foxpaw bounding up to her.
    “Hello, Lynxpaw,” said Foxpaw and sat down next to her. “What do you want to do today?”
    “I think we should go for a walk,” said Lynxpaw, “A little walk helps me feel better.”
    “Great idea!” mewed Foxpaw, and ran back to camp. Lynxpaw followed her, but bumped into another cat on her way.
    “I-I’m sorry! I didn’t see you here!” she gasped.

  • (reply to Beetlepaw)
    “Maybe you should have kept that scent of yours to yourself then, instead of interrupting my well-earned nap.” Heronpaw said before he let out a yawn.

    Viperpaw scowled at Heronpaw,”The Fox-scent could have been not far from camp for all we know, Jebora-brain! Beetlepaw, how far was the scent. “

    • (I think you mean Breezepaw)

      “I don’t know precisely. It’s hard to keep track of distance in the desert, but it’s probably on the near side of the scale.” Breezepaw nodded to Viperpaw.

      • (lol oops)
        Viperpaw twitched her whiskers,”Maybe I can check it out,” the she-cat said with concern in her voice. She padded over to Heronpaw and nipped his ears,”and you’re coming with me!”

        Heronpaw pushed Viperpaw away and let out an irritated groan. The brown tom stretched before leaping down from the cozy rock he was napping on, giving a resentful look towards Breezepaw.
        Viperpaw turned to Breezepaw,”You can come along, if you want.”
        the slender brown tabby offered.

        Thornfang padded between the two apprentices,”Who says you can go anywhere?” the tom growled.

        (can Heronpaw and Breezepaw be rivals?)

        • (No problem)

          “You can’t go off alone!” Sunpaw, Breezepaw’s sister, insisted. She looked at Breezepaw, who was already prowling out of camp. She was nervous, but determined. “But if you do, I’m coming with you.” She mewed.

          • Thornpelt let out a growl,”Even with your four apprentices, a fox can be dangerous. I will come with you, and so will Foxflame. You cats stay put while I go get her.” the tom turned his back toward them and went across the clearing to the warrior’s den to check if she was there.

            (lol feel free to leave camp the moment he turns away)

            • -Sunpaw-
              “Mentors are boring.” Sunpaw mewed. She didn’t mean that; she was glad of their protection. She didn’t want to be seen as a coward.

              Breezepaw refused to listen to Thornpelt. He felt a rush of adrenaline as he bolted out of camp.
              “Breezepaw!” Breezepaw could just hear Sunpaw’s soft mee, but ignored it. The scent git stronger…

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