• Okay!
    So for whats special about Willowpaw, I think we’ll go with what Raining said. But I didn’t realize what a sorrel color on a cat was at first, so I think we’ll make Willowpaw a different color to accommodate any markings she’ll have. (Idk if that makes any sense or not, but we’ll figure it out)

    I also like what Raining said about the prophecies, since it goes with what Brightpaw said about Crowsun, (I really like that idea, Bri!!)
    But since this cat can’t be in the clans, we should change it to a loner or rouge named Crow.

    If you guys have different ideas let me know, this isn’t official!!

    (Oof, new page, we’ll have to click back and forth *sighs*)

  • Here’ it is!:
    (UPDATED)RiverClan Allegiance:

    Leader: Stormstar- Dark gray tabby she-cat with amber eyes and a long scar along one side
    Deputy: Swallowshine- Sleek silver she-cat with light blue eyes and white paws ( Stormstar’s daughter )
    Medicine cat: Roseflower – Lilac she-cat with rose colored eyes
    APPRENTICE: Lilymist- Black she-cat with misty gray paws and green eyes (Swallowshine’s daughter)
    Riverpool- Cream tom with light blue eyes and dark gray paws (Stormstar’s mate(father of the second litter) )
    Reeddapple- Silver tabby tom with light blue eyes and torn ear (Stormstar’s son)
    Ripplegaze – Black tom with golden eyes (Amberfall’s mate)
    (APPRENTICE: Splashpaw)
    Barkstem- Chocolate colored tom with dark green eyes (Lakeheart mate)
    Lakeheart- Grayish blue she-cat with greenish blue eyes (Barkstem’s mate)
    Ashclaw – Gray she-cat with hazel eyes
    (APPRENTICE: Mintpaw)
    Fishleaf – Fawn-colored tom with aqua eyes
    Leafstalk – Cinnamon she-cat with green eyes and lavender paws
    Petalcreek- Cream colored she-cat with sky blue eyes
    Mistydawn- Light gray she-cat with grayish blue paws and dark brown eyes
    Hazelfur- Light brown she-cat with darker brown paws and emerald-green eyes
    (APPRENTICE: Ivypaw)
    Frostflower- Pure white she-cat with icy eyes
    Dewstorm – yellow tom with golden eyes
    Primroseleaf – Russet tabby she-cat with cinnamon paws and green eyes
    Poppymist- Light gray she-cat with brown eyes
    (APPRENTICE: Waterpaw)
    Riverpool – Fluffy white tom with blue eyes
    Bluestream – Grayish blue she-cat with brown eyes (Lakeheart’s sister)
    Splashpaw- Black she-cat with golden eyes (stormstar’s daughter (from the second litter) )
    Mintpaw- Dark brown tabby tom with green eyes
    Waterpaw- Gray tom with blue eyes
    Ivypaw- Sleek silver tabby with amber eyes (stormstar’s daughter (from the second litter) )
    Minnowstem- Beautiful silver she-cat with green eyes and black paws (Expecting Reeddapple kits)
    Amberfall- Golden tabby she-cat with dark blue eyes(mother of Ripplegaze’s kits)
    Heronkit- Golden tabby she-kit with black paws and green eyes (Amberfall’s kit)
    Beetlekit- Black tom kit with golden marks and golden eyes (Amberfall’s kit)
    Shreddawn- Mottled light brown she-cat with white paws and dark brown eyes (mate to Heavybranch (no kits) )
    Heavybranch- Red tom with light blue eyes (mate to shreddawn)

    I also have some suggestions for the name of the StarClan cat that visits Willowpaw: Reedflower, Thornfall, Mapleflower, Appledapple, Fernflower,. Tell me if you like any of these or if you have decided on a different one. I can write the description for the one you choose if you want.

    • This is great!! Im gonna have to bulk up my number of ThunderClan warriors tho XD Bri, you might have to add more too!

      Bri you have 18 in WindClan, I have 25 in ThunderClan, ShadowClan has 45 (omg) and SkyClan has about 25 as well. I thinks we should take some cats from ShadowClan and add them into SkyClan if thats ok. And Emmy yours is good. (But of course we don’t have to if you guys dont want to)
      I also think that we should keep whose related to who and all that on this page, but not in the official Allegiances so that it doesn’t get to confusing for people that might read it… IDK tho, we can all decide together

  • ACK IM SORRY HERES THE PROLOGUE I WROTE!! i changed Willow’s color to silver…


    They watched as a cat wandered aimlessly around in the forest. Her silver tabby pelt stood out among all the green and yellow of the trees. She stuck her nose up in the air, clearly trying to smell for direction, but she came back with nothing. She whipped her head around toward a moving bush, and a rabbit shot out. The she-cat stared after it helplessly, hungrily licking her lips.
    She looked up towards the sky at birds overhead, and at that moment, the mark on her head became clear.
    “Great StarClan!” whispered a cat.
    “She’s the one…” another added.
    “The one that was foretold a long time ago?” Asked a ginger she-cat.
    “No, Squirrelflight, the one Cinderpelt told us about yesterday.” retorted a gray tabby tom. He let out a puff of air.
    They continued to watch the silver tabby shape move through the trees. She was getting closer to Clan territory every day. This cat had wandered from her twolegs about a quarter of a moon ago, and most of StarClan had been watching her since. They knew there would be a cat like her coming to Clans, but what they didn’t know was when or how, but here she was, a lost kittypet brushing past the same bush for a second time.
    “We need to help her find the Clans.” Started a brown tabby tom. “But how? We can’t send one of us down there, it would probably scare her away.”
    “Send one of the Clan cats a dream.” Suggested Squirrelflight. “Or let her wander onto the Clan territory and have a patrol find her.”
    “That sounds best but… what if they attack her?” asked a cat.
    “Then we’ll send one of the cats going on the patrol an image of her mark. Hopefully, they’ll understand when they see it.” A gray cat said as she walked up to the small gathering. They all nodded in agreement. “Then it’s decided, it won’t be long before she comes across the border.”
    All of the starry cats turned their heads back to watch the she-cat’s progress. Night was falling, and now she was looking for a place to rest. It seemed she had lost hope in finding her way back to the twolegs. She layed down under a bush, and placed her head on her paws. The marking on her head glinted a brilliant white in the dying sun.
    The StarClan cats gathered around began to leave one by one. Soon, only two cats were left watching. Squirrelflight soon left as well, and only one cat was left. “Little kittypet,” she said, “you need to get to the Clans, everything may soon depend on you.”


      You guys can add more to make it better, im not good at carrying on my writing.
      this was an exact page long on docs with arial font size 12

    • I tried making more dramatic…but it is even shorter now 🙁

      The stars shone in the sky as a cat wandered aimlessly around in the forest. Her silver tabby pelt stood out among all the green and yellow of the trees. She stuck her nose up in the air, clearly trying to smell for direction, but she came back with nothing. She whipped her head around toward a moving bush, and a rabbit shot out. The she-cat stared after it helplessly, hungrily licking her lips.
      She looked up towards the sky at birds overhead, and at that moment, the mark on her head became clear.
      “Great StarClan!” whispered a cat.
      “She’s the one…” another added.
      “The one that was foretold a long time ago?” Asked a ginger she-cat.
      “No, the one in the prophecy yesterday.” retorted a gray tabby tom. He let out a puff of air.
      The StarClan cats were silent for some time.
      Sudenlly the sky lit up with lightning. The sky poured down water. The terrified she-cat pressed close to a bush.
      One of the cats spoke up “This is who will save the clans. We must send a message before it is too late”
      The ginger she-cat spoke up “Send the clan cats a dream foretelling a silver cat which shall save the clans. A dream showing her mark”
      “So when she comes across the border, they are ready for her and her destiny. She will be their key to us”
      All of the cats turned their heads back to watch the she-cat’s progress. The storm was calming now and the cat with her fur plastered on her body because of the rain layed down under a bush. She placed her head on her paws and her mark shone as the last lightning bolt lit the sky.
      Soon only one was left “Little kittypet,” she said, “you need to get to the Clans, everything will depend on you soon.”

      • I changed some stuff around in it a little bit, but its mostly the same.

        The stars shone in the sky as a cat wandered aimlessly around in the forest. Her silver tabby pelt stood out among all the green and yellow of the trees. She stuck her nose up in the air, clearly trying to smell for direction, but she came back with nothing. She whipped her head around toward a moving bush, and a rabbit shot out. The she-cat stared after it helplessly, hungrily licking her lips.
        She looked up towards the sky at birds overhead, and at that moment, the mark on her head became clear.
        “Great StarClan!” whispered a cat.
        “She’s the one…” another added.
        “The one that was foretold a long time ago?” Asked a ginger she-cat.
        “No, the one in the prophecy yesterday.” Retorted a gray tabby tom. He let out a puff of air.
        The StarClan cats were silent for some time.
        Suddenly the sky lit up with lightning, and the clouds were ready to let loose a torrent of water water. The terrified she-cat pressed close to a bush. Another bolt sent here running.
        One of the cats spoke up “This is who will save the clans. We must send a message before it is too late”
        The ginger she-cat spoke up “Send the clan cats a dream foretelling a silver cat which shall save the clans. A dream showing her mark”
        “So when she comes across the border, they are ready for her and her destiny. She will be their key to us”
        All of the cats turned their heads back to watch the she-cat’s progress. The storm was calming now, and the cat with her fur plastered on her body because of the rain layed down under a bush. She placed her head on her paws and her mark shone as the last lightning bolt lit the sky.
        All the cats gathered around turned to leave one by one. Soon only one was left “Little kittypet,” she said, “you need to get to the Clans, everything will depend on you soon.”

  • I got bored and wrote these, feel free to change. them, they arent official. Hopefully you guys can make it longer!!

    Ch. 1:

    She wandered aimlessly through the forest. It was dark and scary, and cold at night. Speaking of that, she’d have to find somewhere to rest soon, the sun was sinking lower with every passing heartbeat. But for now, she would keep walking.
    The trees were tall and menacing, their green and yellow leaves rustling in the stiff wind. She jumped at every small sound, and froze if anything moved. Get used to it Willow. She told herself. No ones gonna come and save you now. She was aware of the owls hooting overhead, getting ready for a night of hunting, gliding on their silent wings of death. Another cat in her area had been taken a few moons ago, and the memory of it was still fresh in her mind.
    Willow stuck her nose in the air, looking for a scent, anything really, to guide her. Instead, she was overwhelmed with the smell of rotting leaves, damp moss, and other, more unpleasant things. And rain… Huffing at the fact that she couldn’t find anything to help her, she kept plodding on.
    Beside her, the bushes rustled. Willow froze up, not knowing what to expect. She jumped back in fright as a rabbit shot past her, the whites of its eyes showing. She took a hesitant step toward it, but the rabbit was already gone. Willow hungrily licked her lips, imagining the meal she could have had. But it wasn’t like she had the skill to catch it anyways. She sulkily walked away.
    Willow looked up as birds flitted lazily between the trees. She noticed with alarm that the rain she had scented was already upon her. A bolt of lighting tore through the sky. Frantically, she pressed against a bush, and another bolt of lightning sent her running. She ran among the forest. Had she already past this bush? Was that the same tree? Everything looked the same to her.
    Keep it together. I should never have wandered off. Now i’m lost, and it’s my fault. Willow scolded herself, and chose a thick, thorny bush to lay under for the night. Her fur was plastered to her sides as the rain began to pour. She dug out a small hollow from underneath it, catching her fur in the thorns. She then scraped together some leaves, and had herself a small, not so cozy, nest. The advantage of sleeping underneath the thorn bush was that nothing big and scary would try to stick its head in to grab her. At least she somewhat managed to protect herself.
    She laid her head on her paws, and let out a long, sad sigh. The rain was seeping through the bush, making her even wetter. She regretted leaving her twolegs. It was only the second time they had taken her to go sleep in the odd green fur dens. The first time she had never gone far from the den thing. Willow didn’t like being around the fire the twolegs had made on purpose. But this time, this time she messed up, and her twolegs were probably already gone.
    They’re gone and I’m all alone in this never ending forest.

    Ch. 2:

    Willow woke up with a start. It took her a second to remember where she was, and why she was surrounded by sharp thorns. She slipped out from under the bush, catching her fur on some of the thorns. The she-cat smoothed down her pelt before continuing on through the never ending trees.
    She stuck her head up to better smell the air, catching a whiff of water. Well, it had rained a lot last night. I’ll take my chances, besides, its not like I have anything better to do. So, she followed the smell. Willow walked lost in the forest, only guided by the scent of the water. Willow figured that she must look stupid with her head in the air, so she stayed headed in the general direction of it.
    The silver she-cat moved among the unfamiliar trees, making sure to stay out of the shadows, in case anything decided to attack her. She found herself checking every bush to check if there were any foxes or badgers. But then, if she stuck her nose into one of their dens, she’d for sure get her ears clawed of. Willow shuddered at the thought of dying all alone in the forest.
    As she continued to walk, Willow noticed that the trees started to get thinner. She looked around in curiosity. The trees behind her were definitely darker than what they were in front of her. Am I finally out of the forest? Willow walked forward to where there was no tress. She found that she was on a hill overlooking a large lake with a small island. Surrounding the lake was a pine forest, a dry grassy plains like area, a marsh, and of course, the forest she couldn’t seem to get out of. No, she thought bitterly. Its still got a ways to go. She sulked away from the hill and continued walking toward what she now knew was a lake.
    Wait, whats this? Willow bent her head down to sniff the ground. This was definitely a scent marker. Was she on something’s territory? I’d better leave then… She turned in a new direction to avoid whatever lived there.
    “Who are you?” A voice asked her threateningly. “And why are you on Clan territory?”
    Willow froze where she was standing. “I’m W-Willow.” She said shakily. She turned to face the cat, a tom based on his voice, who was addressing her. “I didn’t mean to tress-”
    The tom let out a small gasp. “You.” He said. “That mark!” The light ginger tom took a hesitant step towards her.
    “Yeah, I’ve always had it.” Willow said slowly. “It’s not that big of a deal.”
    “You need to come with me.” The tom turned around and started walking away. “You’re coming, right?”
    For some reason, she took it as a threat, and hurried after the strange cat.

    I REALLY messed up with the italics, so that needs fixed to…

  • I REALLY messed up the italics…

    I got bored and wrote these, they aren’t official, so feel free to change them

    Ch. 1:

    She wandered aimlessly through the forest. It was dark and scary, and cold at night. Speaking of that, she’d have to find somewhere to rest soon, the sun was sinking lower with every passing heartbeat. But for now, she would keep walking.
    The trees were tall and menacing, their green and yellow leaves rustling in the stiff wind. She jumped at every small sound, and froze if anything moved. Get used to it Willow. She told herself. No ones gonna come and save you now. She was aware of the owls hooting overhead, getting ready for a night of hunting, gliding on their silent wings of death. Another cat in her area had been taken a few moons ago, and the memory of it was still fresh in her mind.
    Willow stuck her nose in the air, looking for a scent, anything really, to guide her. Instead, she was overwhelmed with the smell of rotting leaves, damp moss, and other, more unpleasant things.
    And rain… Huffing at the fact that she couldn’t find anything to help her, she kept plodding on.
    Beside her, the bushes rustled. Willow froze up, not knowing what to expect. She jumped back in fright as a rabbit shot past her, the whites of its eyes showing. She took a hesitant step toward it, but the rabbit was already gone. Willow hungrily licked her lips, imagining the meal she could have had. But it wasn’t like she had the skill to catch it anyways. She sulkily walked away.
    Willow looked up as birds flitted lazily between the trees. She noticed with alarm that the rain she had scented was already upon her. A bolt of lighting tore through the sky. Frantically, she pressed against a bush, and another bolt of lightning sent her running. She ran among the forest. Had she already past this bush? Was that the same tree? Everything looked the same to her.
    Keep it together. I should never have wandered off. Now i’m lost, and it’s my fault. Willow scolded herself, and chose a thick, thorny bush to lay under for the night. Her fur was plastered to her sides as the rain began to pour. She dug out a small hollow from underneath it, catching her fur in the thorns. She then scraped together some leaves, and had herself a small, not so cozy, nest. The advantage of sleeping underneath the thorn bush was that nothing big and scary would try to stick its head in to grab her. At least she somewhat managed to protect herself.
    She laid her head on her paws, and let out a long, sad sigh. The rain was seeping through the bush, making her even wetter. She regretted leaving her twolegs. It was only the second time they had taken her to go sleep in the odd green fur dens. The first time she had never gone far from the den thing. Willow didn’t like being around the fire the twolegs had made on purpose. But this time, this time she messed up, and her twolegs were probably already gone.
    They’re gone and I’m all alone in this never ending forest.

    Ch. 2:

    Willow woke up with a start. It took her a second to remember where she was, and why she was surrounded by sharp thorns. She slipped out from under the bush, catching her fur on some of the thorns. The she-cat smoothed down her pelt before continuing on through the never ending trees.
    She stuck her head up to better smell the air, catching a whiff of water. Well, it had rained a lot last night. I’ll take my chances, besides, its not like I have anything better to do. So, she followed the smell. Willow walked lost in the forest, only guided by the scent of the water. Willow figured that she must look stupid with her head in the air, so she stayed headed in the general direction of it.
    The silver she-cat moved among the unfamiliar trees, making sure to stay out of the shadows, in case anything decided to attack her. She found herself checking every bush to check if there were any foxes or badgers. But then, if she stuck her nose into one of their dens, she’d for sure get her ears clawed of. Willow shuddered at the thought of dying all alone in the forest.
    As she continued to walk, Willow noticed that the trees started to get thinner. She looked around in curiosity. The trees behind her were definitely darker than what they were in front of her. Am I finally out of the forest? Willow walked forward to where there was no tress. She found that she was on a hill overlooking a large lake with a small island. Surrounding the lake was a pine forest, a dry grassy plains like area, a marsh, and of course, the forest she couldn’t seem to get out of. No, she thought bitterly. Its still got a ways to go. She sulked away from the hill and continued walking toward what she now knew was a lake.
    Wait, whats this? Willow bent her head down to sniff the ground. This was definitely a scent marker. Was she on something’s territory? I’d better leave then… She turned in a new direction to avoid whatever lived there.
    “Who are you?” A voice asked her threateningly. “And why are you on Clan territory?”
    Willow froze where she was standing. “I’m W-Willow.” She said shakily. She turned to face the cat, a tom based on his voice, who was addressing her. “I didn’t mean to tress-”
    The tom let out a small gasp. “You.” He said. “That mark!” The light ginger tom took a hesitant step towards her.
    “Yeah, I’ve always had it.” Willow said slowly. “It’s not that big of a deal.”
    “You need to come with me.” The tom turned around and started walking away. “You’re coming, right?”
    For some reason, she took it as a threat, and hurried after the strange cat.

  • Like I said before you’re is really good… but I changed it once again. Tell me if you like it or you perfer the other one.

    She wandered aimlessly through the forest. It was dark and cold at night. Speaking of that, she’d have to find somewhere to rest soon as the sun was sinking lower with every passing heartbeat. But for now, she would keep walking.
    The trees were tall and menacing, their green and yellow leaves rustling in the stiff wind. She jumped at every small sound, and froze if anything moved. Get used to it Willow. She told herself. No one is going to come and save you now. She was aware of the owls hooting overhead, getting ready for a night of hunting, gliding on their silent wings of death. Another cat in her area had been taken a few moons ago, and the memory of it was still fresh in her mind.
    Willow stuck her nose in the air, desperatly trying to smell for a scent to guide her. Instead, she was overwhelmed with the smell of rotting leaves, damp moss, and other, more unpleasant things.And rain…Huffing at the fact that she couldn’t find anything to help her, she kept plodding on.
    Beside her, the bushes rustled. Willow froze up, not knowing what to expect. She jumped back in fright as a rabbit shot past her, the whites of its eyes showing. She took a hesitant step toward it, but the rabbit was already gone. Willow hungrily licked her lips, imagining the meal she could have had. But it wasn’t like she had the skill to catch it anyways. She sulkily walked away.
    Willow looked up as birds flitted lazily between the trees. She noticed with alarm that the rain she had scented was already upon her. A bolt of lighting tore through the sky. Frantically, she pressed against a bush, and another bolt of lightning sent her running. She ran among the forest. Had she already past this bush? Was that the same tree? Everything looked the same to her.
    Keep it together. I should never have wandered off. Now i’m lost, and it’s my fault.Willow scolded herself, and chose a thick, thorny bush to lay under for the night. Her fur was plastered to her sides as the rain began to pour. She dug out a small hollow from underneath it, catching her fur in the thorns. She then scraped together some leaves, and had herself a small, not so cozy, nest. The advantage of sleeping underneath the thorn bush was that nothing big and scary would try to stick its head in to grab her. At least she somewhat managed to protect herself.
    She laid her head on her paws, and let out a long, sad sigh. Sadness overwhelmed her as considered everything that happened. The rain was seeping through the bush, making her even wetter. She regretted leaving her twolegs. It was only the second time they had taken her to go sleep in the odd green fur dens. The first time she had never gone far from the den thing. Willow didn’t like being around the fire the twolegs had made on purpose. But this time, this time she messed up, and her twolegs were probably already gone.
    She turned her head to clean herself. Her once long and bueatiful fur was matted and had carried all sorts of debris in it. She gave a small sigh as she removed twigs and leaves from her pelt. Suddenly her tongue stung as if it had been scratched and she jerked away. Her tounge hurt and in her pain she presses it aganist a tree trunk to dull the pain. When she removed it there was a thin line of blood. Fear overwhelmed her but she turned to look at her pelt to see what had cause such pain. She spotted a feather sticking out from the side of her pelt and pulled it out. Holding it aganist the sun she realized it was a crow’s feather. She froze for a moment as a strong pain grew in her head. Voices spoke in her head too fast to understand. But one voice was clear. You are the chosen one. You must save the clans. In her confusation she dropped the feather and the voices instantly stopped. Wondering why a feather triggered such a strong vision she closed her eyes and fell asleep
    They’re gone and I’m all alone in this never ending forest.
    Ch. 2:
    Willow woke up with a start. It took her a second to remember where she was, and why she was surrounded by sharp thorns. She slipped out from under the bush, catching her fur on some of the thorns. The she-cat smoothed down her pelt before continuing on through the never ending trees. She remained cautious remembering last nights vision.
    She stuck her head up to better smell the air, catching a whiff of water. Well, it had rained a lot last night.I’ll take my chances, besides, its not like I have anything better to do.So, she followed the smell. Willow walked lost in the forest, only guided by the scent of the water. Willow figured that she must look stupid with her head in the air, so she stayed headed in the general direction of it.
    The silver she-cat moved among the unfamiliar trees, making sure to stay out of the shadows, in case anything decided to attack her. She found herself checking every bush to check if there were any foxes or badgers. But then, if she stuck her nose into one of their dens, she’d for sure get her ears clawed of. Willow shuddered at the thought of dying all alone in the forest.
    As she continued to walk, Willow noticed that the trees started to get thinner. She looked around in curiosity. The trees behind her were definitely darker than what they were in front of her.Am I finally out of the forest?Willow walked forward to where there was no trees. She found that she was on a hill overlooking a large lake with a small island. Surrounding the lake was a pine forest, a dry grassy plains like area, a marsh, and of course, the forest she couldn’t seem to get out of.No,she thought bitterly.Its still got a ways to go.She sulked away from the hill and continued walking toward what she now knew was a lake.
    Wait, whats this?Willow bent her head down to sniff the ground. This was definitely a scent marker. Was she on something’s territory?I’d better leave then…She turned in a new direction to avoid whatever lived there.
    “Who are you?” A voice asked her threateningly. “And why are you on Clan territory?”
    Flashback from her vision raced in her head. Her heart beat so fast she thought she might explode.
    Willow froze where she was standing. “I’m W-Willow.” She said shakily. She turned to face the cat, a tom based on his voice, who was addressing her. “I didn’t mean to tress-”
    The tom let out a small gasp. “You.” He said. “That mark!” The light ginger tom took a hesitant step towards her.
    “Yeah, I’ve always had it.” Willow said slowly. “It’s not that big of a deal.”
    “You need to come with me.” The tom turned around and started walking away. “You’re coming, right?”
    For some reason, she took it as a threat, and hurried after the strange cat. Is this what my vision was about?

    Lots of spelling mistakes though 😛

  • Ok I decided to do my prologue!

    They gathered around the misty pool, they moved like silky clouds and small specks of starlight twinkled in their fur. They gathered around the pool long tails sweeping behind them, dragging through the lush fields. Their whiskers twitches in excitement as they eagerly watched the scene unfold in the pool. The kittypet wandered aimlessly through thick forests seemingly getting more desperate with every step. She dragged her white paws through endless thorn bushes and her pelt got redder and redder with scratches the more she walked. A faint, skinny light brown tabby she-cat smirked. ” oh, you can talk heathertail ” snorted a grey tabby Tom with stunning blue eyes. They cats eyes focused and unfocused as if he was unused to using them. ” in Windclan, you struggle to not get toppled off your feet! ” an equally faint black Tom with fiery amber eyes walked indignantly towards the she-cat’s side. Finally, the silver tabby turned around. All the cats around the pool gasped.

    “No!” Exclaimed a pinkish she-cat. “Yep” said a brown and white splotchy tom. ” You get used to it after a while in starclan rosebelly ” . Almost unhearing the pink she-cat continued to gaze in amazement through the pool at the clumsy kittypet. A faint dark ginger she-cat with one white paw stood up. “She’s the one” she said bluntly. ” She’s the one we’ve all been waiting for” added a light brown tabby with a white chest and paws.

    Suddenly, the cats looked up. They had been uncomfortable in the blazing sun but they noticed a significant temperature difference. Shadows fell down on them and they lost their connection to the silver tabby with the pink collar. A ring of light illuminated their pelts. “An eclipse!” The grey tabby Tom exclaimed . “A what?” Said the pink she-cat and a russet Tom with a white muzzle and tail tip in unison . ” You weren’t born ” he spoke gruffly. “Don’t be so harsh jayfeather” said the brown tabby. Their attention was once again drawn to the eclipse. A huge crow came soaring overhead. The cats gasped. Predators never came into starclan’s hunting grounds. The crow glided over and blotted out the rest of the light from the sun.

    The cats looked solemn. “She’ll have her worked cut out to save us” stated the dark ginger she-cat . “I just don’t know if she’ll be ready in time….”

  • I’ll probably start the shadowclan descriptions tomorow if that’s alright because I am really busy today and well very lazy 😛

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