• Hey, I just relized that Shadowclan has like 40-50 cats oof. Then I guess we will just have to make the clans more equal.

  • I have an idea for the proulouge, so I will post it hopefully tomorow. I am very busy right now, sorry.

    • The stars seemed to shine brighter in the sky as a small cat wandered aimlessly around the forest. Her silver tabby fur stood out among the dark undergrowth and trees. The she-cat stuck her nose up in the air, clearly trying to sniff out something to eat, but she came back with nothing. She whipped her head around loudly toward a moving bush, and a rabbit shot out. The she-cat flew at the rabbit clumsily. She got back up as it darted a way. The small brown hair had only one little claw mark in it where she had tried to catch it. The she-cat stared after it helplessly, hungrily licking her lips as it hared farther and farther away.
      She looked up at the starry sky above head. The birdschirped loudly flying through the air. One of the birds was sitting on a twoleg thing. It was a thing black rope, just hanging in the sky. On her forehead there was a white mark, and at that moment the mark on her head became clear.
      “Great Starclan!” a cat exclaimed excitedly staring down at the she-cat like she would save them all. All the cats stared at the she-cat.
      “She’s the one…” another added softly but happily. The other cats nodded. A sad smile appeared on a ginger she-cats face.
      “The one that was foretold a long time ago?” the ginger she-cat asked quizzicly.
      “No, the one in the prophecy yesterday,” retorted a gray tabby tom. He let out of puff air. The ginger she-cat rolled her eyes at him. She opened her jaws to say something, but then clearly thought better of it. The starry cats were silent for some time,
      Suddenly the sky lit up with lightning. Thunder roared around them. The sky poured down water. The she-cat started shaking, obviously terrified. The terrified silver she-cat pressed closer to a bush.
      A black she-cat padded out. She looked at the stary cats with narrowed eyes. She looked older then the she-cat that was scrunched up beside the bush but not by much. She flicked her tail at the she-cat. The starclan cats looked where her tail was pointed at the soaked shivering silver she-cat. “Hello,” she growled coldly. “My name is Night,” she snickered and the starry cats exchanged disbeliving glances. She must of saw them because she added “I have been watching Willow for you and I can tell you she is not who you think she is. I am here to help you. You clans or whatever their called are in grave danger. Let me help you.”
      “Uhhh…” the ginger cat meowed startled.
      A dark gray battle-scared she-cat padded out between the bushes. A gray tom growled at her. “Yellowfang,” he growled at her. Yellowfang brushed past him and stomped over to the dark ginger she-cat.
      Before Yellowfang reached the ginger she-cat, the ginger she-cat spun around towards Night. Night smirked sweetly at her. “Hi!,” she meowed.
      “Hi,” Night meowed. Night tilted his head to one side as if listening to someone speaking. “I know. I know. Stop bing so bosy Mapleshade,” she meowed softly into the air. She got even softer when saying Mapleshade, for the starclan cats did not hear. “I have to go,” she meowed. “I’ll come back soon and give you information on Willow.”
      “Wait.” said the ginger she-cat again. “Who’s Willow?”
      Night rolled her eyes. “The kittypet is Willow, obviously.” she meowed, then stalked away like she had never came in.
      Yellowfang spoke up “Willow will sve the clans. We must send a message before it is too late.
      The ginger she-cat spoke up again “Send the clan cats a dream foretelling a silver cat shall save the clans. A dream showing her mark. But…what about Night?”
      “Who cares about Night, Squirrelflight?” Yellowfang growled at Squirrelflight.
      “So when she comes across the border, they are ready for her and her destiny. She will be the key to us.”
      All of the cats turned their heads back to watch the she-cat’s progress. The storm was calming now and the cat with her fur plastered to her body because of the rain layed down under a bush. She placed her head on her paws and her mark shone as the lightning bolt lit up the sky.
      Soon only one was left “Little kittypet,” she said, “you need to get to the clans, everything will depend on you soon.”

      Night is Crow, I just wnted the villian to be introuduced but the reader would not know who thw villian was, or they would be looking out for ‘Night’.

  • When are we going to sort the chapters to people and write the official prologue, because there are loads of prologues we’ve posted so I’m confused what the official prologue of the story will be!

  • I did SkyClan for you Raining!!


    Leader: Leapstar- Yellow tabby she-cat
    Deputy: Brightbird- white tom
    Medicine Cat: Cherryspots- speckled russet she-cat: Apprentice: Shypaw

    Robinlight-brown tom: Apprentice- Joypaw
    Talonflight-Calico she-cat: Apprentice-Wrenpaw
    Owlsong- brown tabby tom
    Birdhollw- light ginger she-cat
    Mousewhisper- gray she-cat
    Voletail- black tom
    Morningsong- floofy mottled she-cat
    Songwing- splotchy black tom: Apprentice- Hazelpaw
    Whisperlark- black and white tom
    Flowerbright- creamy colored she-cat
    Doveleap- gray she-cat
    Hollowtree- brown tabby tom
    Valleyflower- gray specked she-cat
    Flowcloud- gray and white tom
    Cloudsky- speckled white she-cat
    Skybreeze- gray tom
    Freedream- ginger tom
    Violetdusk- almost lavender she-cat: Apprentice- Acornpaw

    Shypaw-light gray tom
    Joypaw- gray tabby tom
    Wrenpaw- gray brown she-cat
    Hazelpaw- light brown she-cat
    Acornpaw- Brown tabby tom

    Lilyleap- gray and white tabby she cat
    Kits: Flowkit, Fawnkit, Fallenkit

    Yee, i did SkyClan! Hope its okay!

  • Should we just do it like this?

    Chapter 1: lark
    2: bri

    Etc…. And then write the chapters?

  • Im currently working on the prologue, i might post it today or tomorrow, it depends. I wrote a chapter 1 and 2, but we dont have to use those, or you guys can use them as a base and go off of them, it really doesnt matter. So basically what Bri said:
    Pro. – Lark
    Ch. 1- Bri
    Ch. 2- Emmy
    Ch. 4- Raining
    blah blah blah and so forth if that sounds ok.👍

  • Bri this isn’t really related but i put it here so you could see it.
    To put a website in your name click edit my profile, then paste the link for the website you want to be in your name on the website option. If you scroll down it says contact info and then you can put your email and below it it says website! And then like i said above just paste the link there! Make sure it’s correct or it might not work. I hope this helps! 🙂

  • ALRIGHT! I know i said i’d post this yesterday, but i was going through extreme writers block and had no clue what to do. Also i made it WAY longer than the first one i wrote. Soooo…

    Prologue Rewrite

    The cats gathered around the pool, stars glimmering in their pelts. They watched as the image of a cat conjured with anticipation. They saw a small silver tabby pelt weave in and out among the forest, clearly lost. Her pelt stood out among the turning green and yellow of the trees. She stuck her nose in the air, trying to smell for food or anything to guide her, but came back with nothing.
    She dragged on through the forest, her white paws getting tangled in the underbrush. Her silver fur snagged in thorns. The bell on her pink twoleg collar tinkled, sending ominous notes through the air.
    Something in the bushes grabbed the she-cat’s attention. Suddenly, a rabbit shot out, scaring the silver tabby. Despite that, she clumsily jumped after it, leaving barely even a scratch before it fled. She starred after it helplessly, hungrily licking her lips.
    “At least she tried,” commented a cat. Others nodded in agreement.
    The she-cat turned her head up to look at some birds flying overhead. At that moment, a mark on her head became visible to the StarClan cats.
    “Great StarClan!” One exclaimed. “It’s her!”
    “She’s the one…” another whispered.
    “The one foretold a long time ago?” asked a ginger she-cat.
    “No,” retorted a gray tabby tom. “The one we were told about yesterday.” He let out an annoyed puff of air.
    The StarClan cats fell silent for some time, watching the silver shape. Thunder clouds had appeared in the distance, and were making swift progress towards her. The silver tabby shape had taken notice, and was frantically moving through the foliage, her bell chiming as she trotted along.
    A flash of lightning lit up the darkening sky, followed by a loud clap of thunder. The cat pressed herself against a tree in her fright. The clouds let loose a torrent of rain, quickly soaking the she-cat and everything around her. Another bolt of lightning rent through the sky, and the following boom of thunder shook the ground, sending the she-cat flying.
    “This is the cat who will save the Clans.” a cat spoke up. “We must send a message before it’s too late.”
    The ginger she-cat added on. “Send the clan cats a dream foretelling a silver cat which shall save the clans. A dream showing her mark”
    “When she comes across the border and finds a patrol, they will be ready for her. She will be their key to us.” The gray tabby tom had spoken, and all the other cats turned and nodded their agreement.
    “Oh, she will, will she?” Asked a black she-cat as she padded out from the shadows, narrowing her yellow eyes. An audible gasp came from the cats crowded around the pool.
    “You!” a cat said. “How did you get back here? You aren’t even dead!”
    “I know, I know, but I just couldn’t resist.” She grinned, and walked in a slow circle around the gathering of cats. She stared down at the image of the silver she-cat, now huddled underneath a thorny bush in the dying rain. She raked her claws through the pool, spraying water and washing away the image. “That’s better…” she purred.
    “What are you doing here Cr–” The tabby tom cut himself off as the black cat glared at him. She swiped at his muzzle, but her paw passed through him. “You will not be welcome here when you meet your end.” he hissed. She rolled her eyes in response.
    “Yes, I know Mapleshade!” the she-cat whispered into the air. “I have to go for now,” she said sweetly, giving her pelt a lick. “But I’ll be back.”
    She then vanished, her figure swirling away like mist in the wind.
    The StarClan turned to face one another, throwing disdainful looks at the spot where the she-cat had been. A tabby and white she-cat turned back to the pool, and with a wave of her tail, beckoned the other cats to come forward. “Help me bring it back,” she stated.
    They sat bowed over the glimmering pool, and soon an image of the silver she-cat appeared once again. She now lay shivering under a thorn bush, her pelt soaked. She laid her head on her white paws, staring mournfully out at the turning sky. The forest was still dripping with water, and a wind had picked up, tugging at her fur.
    The StarClan cats talked amongst themselves, glancing at the pool every now and again. Soon, many of them had walked away, going to do other things, as the she-cat they were watching was doing nothing eventful. After a time, only one cat sat watching, her gaze fixed intently on the sleeping cat. She ruffled her white and tabby pelt, getting in a more comfortable position so she could continue watching.
    “Hey,” a voice said. “Stop fretting over her, she’ll be fine!” a ginger she-cat padded up and sat down beside her. She drew a white paw over her ear. “You need to rest.”
    “I know…” she answered, turning her amber gaze toward the other cat.
    “Okay then, come on.” the other cat turned away, expecting to be followed.
    The white and tabby she-cat turned her gaze back toward the pool. “Little kittypet,” she whispered. “You need to get to the Clans. Everything may soon depend on you…”

    idk if i introduced Crow the right way or not… it shouldn’t change the plot because its only the StarClan cats seeing her, not Willow/paw. Plus, it kinda lets the readers know whats going on. This isn’t official, you guys are able to make changes and all that. Once everyones happy with it we can post it on the Fan fiction page and the page for the book that i have. Also, we still need to get the allegiances sorted out.

    next is Bri doing chapter 1. I dont care if you write a new one, or build off the one i posted.

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