• chapter 1

    Willow was breathless, her fur was scarred with Red and gorse was stuck all over her fur. She stumbled up the slope barely conscious of what she was doing. Endless heather seemed to scatter the dry green grass to form a huge slope that loomed up at her. She stared into a small puddle, I look like a walking gorse bush!I wish I never left my house-folk!

    Suddenly, the first star of the evening appeared and it seemed to twinkle and dance into place in the fiery sky. The star seemed to speak to her but she didn’t know what it was trying to say. it’s getting late she looked around for a place to rest, and saw a worn out dip under a gorse tree. looks like sheep have used this. she didn’t care, she was so exhausted she flopped down into the small hollow protected from the slight breeze. As she lay down the gorse she had in her pelt from the day’s trek dug into her fur and she let out a yelp. She was too tired to sit out and get the spikes out so she just closed her dreary eyes and willed sleep to come.

    The next morning, she woke up painfully aware of her growling stomach but there was nothing she could do about it. She looked at herself in the small puddle outside her resting place, the only part of her that didn’t seem to be scratched up was the mark on her forehead. odd but her attention was shifted and she groaned inwardly as she thought of the climb ahead. come on willow the sooner you find new house folk and get something to eat the better, you’ll starve to death otherwise she wasted no time and began to plod on putting one law infront of the other and kept herself distracted from the struggle by thinking about what could be over the other side of the crest.

    She hauled herself, puffing and panting over the other side of the crest. She put one final paw down and heaved herself up to take a look. She gapsed, a huge shining lake spread out over the land, giant ripples reached the edge of the lake and lapped at the sandy shore. The moor continued down until the lake, but beside it was a huge forest; one pine and one oak and birch. All the way over the other side of the lake was lush green grass with a huge river running down the center and small, beautiful streams carving the way through the landscape. where should I go? she looked at the moor and cringed at having to go through even more moor. The river looked the most inviting but it was far away. She looked at the forest and instantly dismissed the pine, not more spikes!. She looked determinedly at the oak forest, here we go!.

    She plunged down the slope, but lost her footing slipping down the slope creating a rapid trail of mud behind her. At she reached the bottom with a massive oomph, she groaned and looked at her leg which was now bent up. She flopped back down again, she was in the forest and the cool shade felt refreshing and she was laying on a thick layer of leaves and moss and… Feathers? She looked confused at btw feathers but was interrupted quickly.

    A light brown tabby tom stepped forward “ahh, you are awake” he mewed.
    “W-who are you?” she turned her head to face him. He gasped and stumbled backwards . “Finchpaw, I am finchpaw” he paused for breath ” and you are very special ”
    “Come with me” he began to lower her onto his back while she looked around dazed from her fall and confused as to what is going on. “I have found her…” She heard finchpaw whisper under his breath . She wailed under her breath and tried to run away but she used the last of her energy and it all went black

    I believe you are next emmy for chapter two 🙂
    Hope you enjoyed

    • Bri, its really good and i like it… but it needs to go along with the prologue, plus you kinda skipped all the way to chapter 2…
      (I can repost the book plot if you want so we dont have to skip back all the way to the first page.)

      • but the prologue is in the starclan cats pov and the chapters will be from willow’s perspective so it is going it be different right? Also isn’t chapter two where she goes and meets Thunderclan for the first time, which is exactly what I have set up for the next chapter? I am a bit confused 😕

        • yes, but they were watching what she was doing, so its that in Willows POV. Chapter 2 is the next day after that, and at the end of that chapter she meets whoever. Ch. 3 is that cat taking them to ThunderClan through the forest, and yeah, idk… sry
          Heres the plot again:

          Prologue: StarClan watches as a kittypet wanders lost in the forest. They determine something about her is special.
          Ch1. Willow is lost, and has nowhere to go.
          Ch. 2/3: Willow meets a strange cat, who tells her they are part of a Clan.
          Ch. 4: Willow is brought to ThunderClan, where she meets their leader.
          ch. 5/6: Willow is a guest to the Clan, but many of the cats are wary of her.
          Ch.7/8: Willow is informed by the Med-cat apprentice she is special. He tells her of StarClan and the horrible thing that may come.
          Ch. 9/10: Willow attempts to leave the Clans now that she knows of what’s to come.
          Ch. 11: Willow meets a StarClan cat, Leafpool, who convinces her to turn back.
          Ch. 12/13: Willow returns to the Clans and must explain to the leader why she left.
          Ch. 14/15: Willow becomes Willowpaw after some persuasion.
          Ch. 16: Her first Full Moon gathering, the leaders report some strange things.
          Ch. 17: Willowpaw gets a taste of training from her mentor and fellow apprentices.
          Ch. 18/19:Willowpaw has a strange dream of what’s to come, a lot like what the med- cat apprentice described.
          Ch.20/21: She must tell the Leaders and Med-cats
          Ch. 22: The leaders decide to stay quiet, in hopes it was just a bad dream.
          Ch. 23/24: Willowpaw’s training, she is distracted and not doing very well.
          Ch. 25/26: Willowpaw is unsure whether she should stay in the Clan.
          Ch. 27. Dreams can become reality. (Basically, the cat in the dreams (bad guy) runs into her)
          Epilogue: POV of StarClan cat (Unknown)

          • But isn’t chapter one after the prologue?

            Also, will the chapters be a little too short of willow is only lost in the first chapter?

            Well, you can just use the first two of three paragraphs for chapter one then that’s fine 🙂

            Sorry if I have been bothersome!

            • WHAT? no, not at all Bri!!! and, now that i think about, you’re right. so sorry…
              So it can be what was happening during the Prologue, but from her perspective, or i guess the day after. Just be sure to mention the storm or something, like “Willow noticed the trees were still dripping with rain from the storm. Large, muddy puddles lay everywhere.” or something like that.
              Yes, the chapter may be a little short, but maybe try to spice it up with lots of detail about the surrounding forest, like i mentioned above. Or describe how scared she was in the storm. im not the best advice giver when it comes to writing, but if you look on Pinterest, there are some good writing tips. (You just have to find the right posts with the truly good advice. I can give you the link to my board for writing, but its mostly prompts with other stuff sprinkled in.)
              I admit, i confused myself, so, yeah. Sorry again.

  • Do we have the allegiances ready> I was thinking about posting it and the prologue on the Fan Fic page! (And Ch. 1 if its ready, I’ll give every one credit for what they did)
    Just post the Clans you made under this, thanks!

    • Wow. i looked at it, and its so cool! heres the rest of ThunderClan, (BW is the actual name, but i guess you can change it to Beewhisker if you want. Its just that BW represents my cat (Name and all) and i think she’d be good for Willowpaw to help her get used to Clan life, as BW was also a kittypet.)

      Leader- Wiltingstar: gray tabby she-cat
      Deputy- Sandyfoot: light ginger tom
      Medicine Cat- BW: Black and white she-cat with yellow eyes. Apprentice- Finchpaw

      Sleekfur- tabby tom. Apprentice- Hailpaw
      Rockclaw- Gray and black tabby she-cat
      Viperfang- Brown tom
      Grasspelt- Black she-cat with green eyes. Apprentice- Jaypaw
      Silvertuft- Floofy silver tabby she-cat
      Frostear- White tabby she cat
      Cinderheart- dark gray tom
      Birdfeather- Brown and white tom
      Yarrowwhisker- Yellow tabby tom
      Quailfoot- Splotchy brown tom
      Nighteye- Black tom
      Whitefur- White she-cat
      Fernleaf- Brown tabby she-cat with black splotches

      Finchpaw- Light brown tabby tom
      Hailpaw- white she-cat
      Jaypaw- Gray tabby tom
      Willowpaw- Silver tabby she-cat with crystal blue eyes
      Flowerclaw- Gray and white tabby she-cat. Kits- Mousekit and Smokekit.

      Falconpelt- Gray tom
      Foxtail- White and ginger tom

      And SkyClan while we’re at it:

      Leader: Leapstar- Yellow tabby she-cat
      Deputy: Brightbird- white tom
      Medicine Cat: Cherryspots- speckled russet she-cat: Apprentice: Shypaw

      Robinlight-brown tom: Apprentice- Joypaw
      Talonflight-Calico she-cat: Apprentice-Wrenpaw
      Owlsong- brown tabby tom
      Birdhollw- light ginger she-cat
      Mousewhisper- gray she-cat
      Voletail- black tom
      Morningsong- floofy mottled she-cat
      Songwing- splotchy black tom: Apprentice- Hazelpaw
      Whisperlark- black and white tom
      Flowerbright- creamy colored she-cat
      Doveleap- gray she-cat
      Hollowtree- brown tabby tom
      Valleyflower- gray specked she-cat
      Flowcloud- gray and white tom
      Cloudsky- speckled white she-cat
      Skybreeze- gray tom
      Freedream- ginger tom
      Violetdusk- almost lavender she-cat: Apprentice- Acornpaw

      Shypaw-light gray tom
      Joypaw- gray tabby tom
      Wrenpaw- gray brown she-cat
      Hazelpaw- light brown she-cat
      Acornpaw- Brown tabby tom

      Lilyleap- gray and white tabby she cat
      Kits: Flowkit, Fawnkit, Fallenkit

      okay hope this is good! like i said before about BW, Beewhisker if you want, it really doesn’t matter to me!

  • Heeeeey… is it okay that at some point in the story i want Finchpaw and Willowpaw to be together. Obviously not in this book, but just like, farther in the future i guess… idk😂 i just think it would be cute and add something to the story because Finchpaw’s a MedCat, and forbidden love.

  • I’d really appreciate it if any of y’all could play my nta! The link is in my name and it is a huge bird theme! ik you like birds larkie!

  • I’m so sorry I haven’t rewritten chapter 1 to larkie’s standards yet, it’s just I want to copy and paste it and then re-model it but I haven’t had access to a computer yet! If I’m being too bothersome I’m fine if you replace me for chapter 1!❤

  • Willow was breathless, her fur was scarred with Red and gorse was stuck all over her fur. he fur was wet from the storm and she looked like a giant slime ball. She stumbled up the slope barely conscious of what she was doing. Endless heather seemed to scatter the dry green grass to form a huge slope that loomed up at her. She stared into a small puddle left over from the storm, I look like a walking gorse bush! I wish I never left my house-folk! she suddenly felt the urge to go back to the forest before remembering the branches snapping from the high winds huge pockets of rain falling on her from the leaves.

    Suddenly, the first star of the evening appeared and it seemed to twinkle and dance into place in the fiery sky. The star seemed to speak to her but she didn’t know what it was trying to say. it’s getting late she looked around for a place to rest, and saw a worn out dip under a gorse tree. looks like sheep have used this. she didn’t care, she was so exhausted she flopped down into the small hollow protected from the slight breeze. she was overjoyed that it wasn’t wet from the storm and snuggled in the dry earth, though her sopping wet pelt didn’t keep it dry for long. As she lay down the gorse she had in her pelt from the day’s trek dug into her fur and she let out a yelp. She was too tired to sit out and get the spikes out so she just closed her dreary eyes and willed sleep to come.

    The next morning, she woke up painfully aware of her growling stomach but there was nothing she could do about it. She looked at herself in the small puddle outside her resting place, the only part of her that didn’t seem to be scratched up was the mark on her forehead. odd but her attention was shifted and she groaned inwardly as she thought of the climb ahead. come on willow the sooner you find new house folk and get something to eat the better, you’ll starve to death otherwise she wasted no time and began to plod on putting one law in front of the other and kept herself distracted from the struggle by thinking about what could be over the other side of the crest.

    She hauled herself, puffing and panting over the other side of the crest. She put one final paw down and heaved herself up to take a look. She gapsed, a huge shining lake spread out over the land, it was full after the storm and giant ripples reached the edge of the lake and lapped at the sandy shore. The moor continued down until the lake, but beside it was a huge forest; one pine and one oak and birch. All the way over the other side of the lake was lush green grass with a huge river running down the center and small, beautiful streams carving the way through the landscape. where should I go? she looked at the moor and cringed at having to go through even more moor. The river looked the most inviting but it was far away. She looked at the forest and instantly dismissed the pine, not more spikes!. She looked determinedly at the oak forest, here we go!.

    what she didn’t realise is that the slope was slippery from the storm and she plunged down the slope, but lost her footing slipping down the slope creating a rapid trail of mud behind her. At she reached the bottom with a massive oomph, she groaned and looked at her leg which was now bent up. She flopped back down again, she was in the forest and the cool shade felt refreshing and she was laying on a thick layer of leaves and moss and… Feathers? She looked confused at btw feathers but was interrupted quickly.

    A light brown tabby tom stepped forward “ahh, you are awake” he mewed.
    “W-who are you?” she turned her head to face him. He gasped and stumbled backwards . “Finchpaw, I am finchpaw” he paused for breath ” and you are very special ”
    “Come with me” he began to lower her onto his back while she looked around dazed from her fall and confused as to what is going on. “I have found her…” She heard finchpaw whisper under his breath . She wailed under her breath and tried to run away but she used the last of her energy and it all went black

    is this ok larkie? i tied it in with the prologue, it’s the day after!

    • Bri it’s amazing!!! I’m sorry I’ve been so inactive… Emmy is right, I’ll be back by the time school starts, which is about the 18 if rona doesn’t push it farther back. My computer needed updated by the school and we forgot, so now nothing works and I’m using a different device for now. I’ll be back soon though, it’s just another week or so!!

      I had to go through the say hi page to find this page, and I’m really happy I did XD

  • wait… something happened to one of my comments and the edit went to the on from the 18th…

    But anyways, we can resume our fic f i n a l l y! Im pretty sure Emmy (Or do you want us to call you something else now that your Needlepaw?) has the next chapter! I understand school is happening right now, so theres no rush to get it done!
    and the Picrew thing in the comment below this XD

    • I would still love to help! I haven’t even started school yet, I’m actually super bored.

        • Yay! I have started school, so its a little harder for me to focus on this at the moment, but im still able to work on it! and same im super bored as well 😛

          also sorry it took so long to respond, 3 day weekend and im not allowed on on the weekends

          • Yayyyy! I haven´t school supplies for homeschooling haven´t all come yet. It´s fine, I´m just glad you still wanna do this. Hahaha, I´m super bored 😛

            It´s alright

            • Yee.
              Have you seen Emeraldpaw or Brightpaw around lately? Viper told me in chat that Bri was last active on August 24, and idk about Emmy.
              And yeah! I love doing this! it gives be something to doooo 😛

                • We could start without them? And then they could rejoin? Or we could leave a message for them on the tavern? I think I’ve seen Emmy but I haven’t seen Bri

                • Hiiiiiiii!!!!

                  I started that, bc, we weren’t sure if you would come back, would you like to do mine???

                  It’s ok, I’m just glad your here now.

                  Also, I think Larkie is inactive for the weekends, just so you know

                • Chapter 2 (I said chap 3 but I think it’s 2???) (so far):

                  Where should I go? Willow wondered looking around at her surroundings. The huge shining lake was so pretty, it blinded her for a second. She looked away from the lake. She looked back at it. The ripples looked almost inviting, except for the fact of getting her pelt wet. The lake was so full from the heavy rain, from last night, that they reached the forest shore. She stepped into the sand, so soft, so soft, It sort-of reminded her of a rug in her house-folk’s house. Oh, I wish I hadn’t left my house-folk! She sat down and curled her tail around her paws as sadness swept over her. She yawned, she was still a bit tired. It definitely hadn’t been the best sleep ever, but it wasn’t horrible, still it was nothing like her bed, in her house-folk’s house. She missed it, and she missed them. 
                  She got up, slowly. I have to keep going, she reminded herself determinedly. The moor continued down the lake. She shivered, wouldn’t it be cold with all that wind? Beside the moor was a huge forest; one side of the forest was pine full of pine trees and the other side oak and birch trees. The side with the pine trees was all marsy, sticky and wet, and the one thing she hated most was being sticky, wet, and cold. She shivered in disgust. Her pelt was still a bet wet and it clung to her frames. She was more of a wet ball then a pretty, soft cat right now. All the way over the other side of the lake was lush green grass with a huge river running down the center and small, beautiful streams carving the way through the landscape. 
                  Where should I go? She wondered again. The river area looked the most inviting, because of the soft grass, but she didn’t want to get wet and it was far away. She looked at the moor and visually cringed at even the thought of going through even more moor. She looked at the pine forest and instantly dismissed it, not more spikes, and I am not getting my pelt wet and sticky. She looked at the oak forest, determination burned through her pelt, here we go! She thought optimistically. 
                  She lost her footing on the slope. She hadn’t realized how slippery it was from the storm last night. She plunged down the slope. She screamed. She looked back frantically, and saw that she had made a rapid mud trail. She could feel herself slipping and falling. She reached up to grab onto a tree branch, she caught it! Yesss! Then her claws slipped, and she fell faster down the hill. Her stomach churned with anxiety. As she reached the bottom with a massive oomph, she groaned and looked at her leg which was bent up. She screamed in agony. Her head was throbbing and her leg felt like it was about to fall off. She tried to get up, but she flopped back down again as she almost fainted from pain. It was worse when she got up. She looked around and saw a light brown tabby tom. He wore a dreamy expression and….was picking…..leaves??? He saw her and got up. She curled in a small ball with her head tucked in and tail tucked over her paws, pretending she hadn’t seen him.
                  The brown tabby tom walked up to her. He had his leaves tucked safely in his jaws. His (e/c) eyes shone with curiosity and the a bit of the same dreamyness Willow had seen before in his eyes. 
                  Flash back:
                  “Sweetie!” Willow’s mother called.
                  “Here!” she purred.
                  Her mother walked in the room. “Oh, there you are darling!” he mother purred. Willow glanced at her house-folk. The house-folk kit that she always played with came in. Willow purred. She walked around her house-folk’s kit’s legs with her tail high in the air. She felt her soft fur being stroked. She padded over to her warm soft bed. “Good night!” she said. She curled up and fell asleep.
                  Willow’s dream in Flashback:
                  “She’s the one!” a cat who she was certain she had never seen before exclaimed. The cat was a black and white she-cat. She stared at Willow, which made Willow a tiny bit uncomfortable. Then something clicked, she felt a weird feeling that she and this cat had a special connection. A connection that could not be broken.
                  “Really?” a light ginger tom asked, eyeing Willow suspiciously. Willow sank in her pelt. She felt super small all of a sudden. She didn’t like all the attention she was getting, it made her uncomfortable, she wasn’t super well known in her village, and there were only her’s and 2 other’s houses there. It was a really small area by the beach. One of the houses had a cat the other didn’t. She didn’t really like Aron, the other cat. The only other cat’s she knew were her family. Her mother’s name was Velvet and her adopted Father’s name was Sol. Velvet had told her, her Father’s name was Alderheart. Velvet told her he was a medicine-cat of Thunderclan. She has never met him. Velvet told her that Alderheart and his clanmates that she knew were all dead, or at least most of them. Sol had never helped raise her, he didn’t seem to like her and Velvet, but he was supposed to be your adopted father. 
                  “Yes,” a dreamy brown tabby tom who looked her age rescinded, “it’s her!” It’s her!” “It’s really her!” “She has the mark!” She felt the same weird connection feeling again.
                  Then a skinny black she-cat popped out of nowhere. The she-cat laughed giving willow the death glare. She looked at the cat and she felt shivers melt down her spine. Then the whole dream went black. The dream hadn’t felt like a dream, it felt like….almost…like….real life….or what the future held for her……Did that sound crazy??????
                  Willow’s dream in Flashback over:
                  Willow woke up breathing heavily as the dream disappeared, replaced by an evil black fogginess with green smoke. She was awake and yet it was like she was dreaming, she couldn’t move, it came so fast and it was so shocking, she almost choked on air. She saw the same skinny black she-cat. Behind the she-cat was a bunch of cats. She saw her father Sol there too. She watched as he seemed to make the sun bleed away to gray, the sun had disappeared from sight. It was freezing and everything was dark. She watched helplessly as the skinny black she-cat let out a battle cry, and all the cats behind her killed every last cat. She felt a strong pull to help these cats.
                  As it faded, Willow blinked in confusion. 
                  Then she heard a voice ring in her ears. “(Final prophecy here) (Vision that comes with prophecy.)” 

                  This is all I can do for now since we don’t have the prophecy yet. Or I don’t think we do.

                  Prophecy: (Take 1!) “A silver cat with a diamond mark must face a danger above all to save the clans from eternal darkness.”

                  Prophecy: (Take 2!) “Silver cat with a diamond mark must use her own strength to bring down the crow that flies over the sun and the crow’s crew.”

                  Prophecy: (Take 3!) “When a silver cat with a diamond mark must face a hard and emotional danger. Silver cat must take on everything she has ever known to set things right for both her new home and her old. ”

                  Prophecy: (Take 1!) “A silver cat with a diamond mark will face danger to save her new family, against one of her own.”

                  So when we do the prophecy I think It should develop over time so…let me show you. Let’s say this is the prophecy: “When a silver cat with a diamond mark must face a hard and emotional danger. Silver cat must take on everything she has ever known to set things right for both her new home and her old. ” So I think we Willow should get the prophecy at different times so…

                  For her first vision in my chapter, if we use this prophecy we could use the first words of the prophecy “When a silver cat with a diamond mark” She hears this and see’s an older version of herself, looking proud, puffing out her chest, she’s in a forest, sitting next to a light brown tabby tom (a.k.a. Finchpaw) their purring and have their tails twined, she smiles and says “It’s over, thanks starclan!” and Finchpaw nods still purring, She’s not wearing her kittypet color anymore and she sees she’s in the oak forest. 

                  Next verse: “must face a hard and emotional danger.” When it says hard she sees the clans and Crowsun and her crew fighting and the clans dying, when it says emotional, she sees herself, first seeing her adopted father Sol killing Finchpaw (he learned to fight but couldn’t take on an apprentice so he took on a Med-cat app,) then she sobs over Finchpaw’s dead body, and then her own adopted Father (sol) breaks her neck. 

                  Next verse: “Silver cat must take on everything she has ever known to set things right” She sees herself with her clanmates and everyone around her and they’re all happy and their injuries are healed and everything is good and it’s peaceful around the lake.

                  Next verse: “ for both her new home and her old.” She sees the same picture of her healthy clanmates and of her mother playing with a new litter that (4 kittens) which her mother gives up for a life with their older sister. Then she see’s her as a warrior, deputy, leader, med-cat, whatever she is once she gets older, with her four little siblings as apprentices visiting their mother, maybe she might join someday.

                  Emmy and Larkie! Hope you enjoyed!

                  Edit: that was long

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