• Rainbow Turtle That Waves Pride Flag 🐢🐢🐢🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 says:

    The Story Of Tonight (Reprise)

  • This page will be used for my writing contest! You can enter up to four prompts. The deadline will be my birthday, February 20th, and the word minimum to maximum is 400-4,500 words (if it’s 400, please post in the comments! Anything above, in BlogClan 2 Wikia) Here will be the rewards.

    1st place winner: a story from me about their favorite ship and a drawing of their favorite cat, possibly a secret page
    2nd place winner: a drawing from me of their favorite cat
    3rd place winner: a drawing from me of their favorite creature that’s not a cat (ex. Midnight, Pip, etc.)

    Here are the prompts:
    -Feathertail and Crowfeather have kits
    -Squirrelflight was Bluestar’s reincarnation
    -Tigerstar 1’s dead siblings give him a lecture about the horrible things he did
    -Hawkfrost survived
    -Ashfoot’s backstory
    -Brightheart and Cloudtail have a second litter
    -The Three were Ivypool, Hollyleaf, and Jayfeather
    -Ravenpaw and Barley journey to the lake
    -Daisy becomes leader of ThunderClan
    -Cinderheart was evil

    Good luck and have fun!

      • … That was amazing! I loved it!

        Feathertail and Crowfeather having kits is one of my favorite prompts, and you nailed it! I liked Feathertail and Crowfeather’s meeting, that was adorable, and the kits have such perfect names. (FeatherXCrow forever <333) 😃

      • (LOL) Wow, I totally forgot about Ambermoon and her siblings. So, OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT the prompt about Brightheart and Cloudtail having the 2nd litter is false, the correct term would be their 3rd litter. Sorry for the confusion, everyone!

    • *third litter* for the BrightXCloud prompt. Sorry for the confusion, everyone!

    • Part 1

      Feathertail’s body convulsed, a thrill of pain running from her nose to the tip of her tail. Two of the kits were already born, squirming around at her belly. Mothwing was with her, but the two she-cats were near the gorge, in a small cave that Crowlight had shaped into a somewhat comfortable den instead of the RiverClan nursery. Feathertail was comforted by the presence of her mate, Crowlight. He had been there for her when she was recovering from the Sharptooth attack in the mountains, and she had come back, pregnant with his kits.
      The Clans were gone now, headed for a StarClan-promised land. Feathertail, Mothwing, and Crowlight had decided to sty back and catch up later. Mothwing didn’t trust StarClan, and Feathertail had wanted to stay behind to look for her father, Graystripe. Stormfur, her brother, had died in the mountains on the way back to the forest due to an avalanche.
      Another unspeakable jet of agony bore down on the laboring queen, and another squirming, wet body was added to the two toms suckling at her belly. “Another tom,” Mothwing proclaimed, then turned back to her patient. “When will this be over- AAGH!” Feathertail’s growl turned into a scream as yet another kit was born, answering her unfinished question.
      “Three sons and a daughter,” The golden tabby medicine cat said, backing away happily. “I’ll go hunt for you, while you two have some time together.”
      Crowlight snuggled closer to his mate, nuzzling her and each kit in turn. “We should give them Clan names,” He whispered. Feathertail was startled by this. “Why wouldn’t we? Once they’re old enough to travel, we’re going to find the Clans!” She said, bemused. Crowlight sighed, his smoky-gray fur rising and falling with the breath. “Have you ever considered just staying here?” He asked.

    • Part 2

      She looked away, silver tabby fur bristling at the prospect. “No. I would stay here until my father came, but I can’t just leave my Clan. Stormfur wouldn’t have wanted it.” The words seemed to move Crowlight, as Feathertail noticed he stopped pressing her. “What should we name them?” He asked, changing the subject to a brighter one. “I’ve got a few ideas,” She said. “How about Silverkit, for the she-kit? I want to name her after my mother,” Feathertail added. Crowlight nodded, then mewed, “And how about Stormkit for this little gray tom?” She nodded happily. “And then, why not Hopkit for the little black one?” Crowlight suggested. “Hopkit?” Feathertail asked. “It was my father’s name before he became Deadfoot,” He explained, his tone guarded. She didn’t want to get off topic again, so she said, “And why don’t we call the last of our kits Stonekit? After Stormfur’s mentor, S-Stonefur…” The last word of Feathertail’s sentence faltered, as the horrible memories of Tigerstar’s rule flooded her mind. Crowlight’s gentle, soothing voice brought her back to the present, in the small, hollowed-out cave in the gorge.
      “I think that’s a lovely name,” He purred. “Silverkit, Stormkit, Hopkit and Stonekit. They’ll grow up to be such fine cats.” Feathertail nodded, realizing how tired she was. “Let’s go to sleep,” She yawned, and Crowlight settled in next to her.
      A sense of security washed over her, soothing her in its gentle waves of peacefulness. Without Crowlight, she wouldn’t be here. Without her beloved mate, she couldn’t have brought herself to pull away from Stormfur’s grave in the mountains and continue to travel. Without Crowlight, she would most likely have nothing left to live for. And because of him, she was now the mother of four, beautiful, perfect little balls of sunshine.

      • Oh yep, Tigerstar is definitely NOT a pouter 😋. This was great! I love how Bluestar is so funny, and how Mistkit and Nightkit are little philosophers. And how Tigerstar DOES NOT pout.

        Great job!

    • 𝙳𝚛𝚒𝚣𝚣 𝚛𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚜 𝚊 𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚘𝚛... 𝚊𝚗𝚢𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐? ❣︎𝙳𝚛𝚒𝚣𝚣𝚕𝚎𝚙𝚊𝚠/𝚍𝚛𝚘𝚙, 𝚜𝚑𝚎/𝚑𝚎𝚛❣︎ says:

      Tigerstar gets a lecture;;;;
      Mistkit and Nightkit walked up to Dark Forest and snuck in, hoping to find Tigerstar.
      When the found him, Mistkit hissed, “Tigerstar! Get out here! It’s your sisters!”
      “M-m-mistkit? Nightkit?” Tigerstar said, confused.
      “What an incredible huge IDIOT you are! How could you do this! You ruined our family.” Nightkit growled.
      “what are you talking about?” Tigerstar asked.
      “Well, after we died, mommy thought you were so important, that she never knew you were evil, and you trained young cats and DO I HAVE TO GET INTO DETAILS?” Mistkit spat.
      “Yes, please do, sister, I’d like to see you try,” Tigerstar snapped back.
      “Did you know it was your stupid fault you died?” Nightkit laughed.
      “Remember when you attacked a kittypet -who was a kit- instead of letting it off with a warning? That kit declared his hatred on you and sweared he’d get back at you. And he did! Scrouge was that kit, so he killed you when you ordered him around.” Mistkit said.
      “What?” Tigerstar roared.
      “Mmmmhmmm.” Nightkit said.
      “I will get revenge!” Tigerstar hissed.
      “Good luck, dude,” Nightkit laughed.
      “DUDE? DID YOU JUST CALL ME DUDE?” Tigerstar hissed.
      “Yes, I did,” Nightkit said.
      Tigerstar rolled his eyes, “Are you guys done yet?”
      “Nope.” Mistkit said. “Your a horrible father, too. Why would you ask Darkstripe to take Tawnykit and Bramblekit into the woods when they were too young?”
      “Because I wanted to see my kits?” Tigerstar said.
      “That’s no excuse! Why did you make Darkstripe unloyal to thunderclan?” Nightkit asked.
      “Because thunderclan sucks and Darkstripe always followed me,” Tigerstar replied, “Now go, you two are annoying me.”
      “Okay, but we’ll be back tomorrow to keep lecturing you!” Mistkit said.
      “We’ll. Be. Back,” Nightkit said in a creepy whisper, and the two set of for StarClan.

      • I loved it! The kits are so funny when they called him dude and then were super dramatic with the “we’ll be back”. I love how they easily call him “stupid” and “idiot” without even being scared. Great job! 😝

        • Drizz will soon be apprenticed to the one and only Rainie! Yay! ❣︎𝙳𝚛𝚒𝚣𝚣𝚕𝚎𝚙𝚊𝚠/𝚍𝚛𝚘𝚙, 𝚜𝚑𝚎/𝚑𝚎𝚛❣︎ says:

          Thanks! It was SO FUN insulting Tigerstar

        • Drizz is now an evil munchkin (declared by Moonblaze) ❣︎𝙳𝚛𝚒𝚣𝚣𝚕𝚎𝚙𝚊𝚠/𝚍𝚛𝚘𝚙, 𝚜𝚑𝚎/𝚑𝚎𝚛❣︎ says:

          Thank you so much!

    • Part 1

      Briarlight gazed at Jayfeather’s sleeping form, so perfect, so beautiful… and she loved him. More than anything, Briarlight loved this wounded, fierce, beautiful cat who was going to make a wonderful father for her kits. The kits she was carrying were his, but she couldn’t let him know. They had an unspoken bond, the bond of being mates.
      At least, Briarlight thought they were mates. Why else would she be pregnant with his kits? Shaking herself, the paralyzed, dark brown she-cat huffed softly. Who would step forward as their father? What would Jayfeather do if he couldn’t be a medicine cat? Would he still love her?
      She felt the kits squirm around in her, and she knew it would only be a matter of time before Leafpool or Jayfeather noticed. Briarlight thought there were at least three kits, and wondered if they would be born with disabilities.I’ll just worry about that later, She decided, yawning.
      She turned in her nest (or at least, as best she could with her useless hind legs), and fell asleep.

      Briarlight screamed with pain. Her upper body was in agony, and the stick that Millie had brought her was not helping. it had already shattered into a million tiny wooden splinters, which Leafpool was sweeping up with a broad, thick leaf. Jayfeather was beside her, worry and confusion showing in his blind blue eyes, along with a question: Are these my kits?
      An unfathomable sear of pain ran up from where her spine still felt something to her nose, and Briarlight blacked out.

    • Part 2

      NO! Jayfeather inwardly screamed as he sensed Briarlight hit the ground. Not while kitting! “Leafpool! It’s Briarlight, she fainted!” He tried to calmly meow, but he words came out as a shriek of panic. “Let me see.”
      Leafpool brushed past Jayfeather and stopped to examine the kitting she-cat. Not Briarlight. Not now. She can’t die! He thought frantically, fighting to keep his cool. She was his mate, his life, his everything. These kits had to be his own, he would give up being a medicine cat in less than a heartbeat for her and their kits. One was born, the other two still waiting.
      Jayfeather heard a faint gasp come from his love, and he heard another kit being born. He licked it clean, and snuggled it into his belly. He did the same to the other kit, the eldest of his children. So far, it was a tom and a she-kit.
      Another gasp. But after, there was no squeal. No squirming wet body to lick clean of membrane. “Leafpool,” Jayfeather began, fear edging his mew, “Why is it so quiet?” The only sound now was Briarlight’s jagged breathing.
      “Oh, Jayfeather,” Leafpool breathed. No. Not a kit. Oh, StarClan, why? He wanted to scream, but he kept silent. “He was dead before he was born.”
      Without him realizing it, he crumpled to the ground, and the world faded around him into a thicker blanket of darkness.

      Briarlight smiled as her two, wonderful kits tumbled around the nursery. Jayfeather was with her, but he wasn’t a medicine cat, nor a warrior. Now, he was with Briarlight, and shared her job of comforting the elders, kits, warriors, and just being… a cat. He was having trouble adjusting, but he was catching on faster than she had expected.

    • Part 3

      “Aren’t they perfect?” Jayfeather breathed in her ear. “Yes,” Briarlight agreed. “Yes, they are.”
      They had named the silver tabby she-kit Streamkit, and the dark brown tom was Hawkkit. It had been half a moon since their birth, but they had lost a brother: Jayfeather had decided to name the deceased kit Starkit. He had been pure white, with hints of silver and dark brown. And now, he was watching from StarClan, and Briarlight’s heart ached for his presence. But someday, they would be together. And Starkit would be with them, always.

      • Drizz is now an evil munchkin (declared by Moonblaze) ❣︎𝙳𝚛𝚒𝚣𝚣𝚕𝚎𝚙𝚊𝚠/𝚍𝚛𝚘𝚙, 𝚜𝚑𝚎/𝚑𝚎𝚛❣︎ says:

        That was so beautiful and heartwarming! I loved it so much

      • So beautiful! <333! 🥰 I love the names! The emotions in this are so strong and awesome like your last entry! And Starkit's death is so sad, but I like how Briarlight reflects on it.

    • Ashes is a short story submission by Faithpaw, for Streampaw’s short story contest. It focuses on the story of Ashfoot, the WindClan deputy who gave her life in the Great Battle and the mother of Crowfeather. I decided that if ThunderClan could have prophecies and cats of destiny, WindClan could too, and Ashfoot is one such cat. Unfortunately, cats of destiny are often required to distance themselves from friends and family, throw themselves into danger, and make dangerous decisions that their Clanmates don’t understand. Faced with a decision, Ashfoot makes the choice to forgo a glamourous path of fate to maintain her relationships with her family and give herself completely to her Clan. Saving the world isn’t the only way to be strong…


      • Great work! I loved how Ashfoot was brave enough to not accept her destiny. Awesome! 😃

    • This is my last entry, promise!

      Part 1

      Cinderheart grimaced. Why did Leafpool have to be so fussy over her? And why was Lionblaze so, so terribly stupid and annoying? Why did she have memories that she didn’t know? These were some of the greater mysteries to her life.
      She was out hunting, trying to concentrate on her quarry: A wood pigeon. It was pecking around the roots of an alder, probably searching for some seeds or nuts. Narrowing her blue eyes, Cinderheart crept up on the unsuspecting bird and pounced. She broke the spine upon impact, so there was no need to deliver a killing bite.
      “Great catch, Cinderheart!” Lionblaze purred, stepping out of the bushes. “Thanks,” She said, resisting the urge to roll her eyes. “C’mon, we’d better be heading back to the camp.”

      That night, Cinderheart had formed a plan. Lionblaze was under the impression that she liked him, maybe even wanted to be makes. Blech. She was beyond trying to make him like someone else, and pointing out that she didn’t want to be mates with him. So she was going to shut him up for good, this time. She would make it seem like an accident: He slipped, fell, broke his neck. And Cinderheart could do nothing to help her poor, unfortunate “mate”.

    • Part 2

      She stepped out of her nest and walked silently over to Lionblaze’s. What if I’m making a mistake? She wondered, but then shook herself. This was the only way to avoid any future distractions. “Lionblaze! Hey, Lionblaze, wake up!” Cinderheart whispered, prodding the huge golden tabby awake. As soon as he saw her, he jumped up, amber eyes giddy with excitement. How misguided he was, the mouse-brain!
      “Yes?” Lionblaze asked in a loud whisper. “Want to go for a walk?” Cinderheart asked in a honeyed voice. He nodded, and she took the lead.
      In a few minutes, they were at the lake, near a small cliff that would be perfect. Cinderheart sat down, and Lionblaze joined her. She leaned into his shoulder, feeling the heartbeat that would soon stop. “Isn’t it lovely here?” He asked happily. It almost made Cinderheart regret what she was about to do. “Yes. I perfect place… for this!” She lounged forward, biting his neck. Blood spurted from the wound, and he only had time to look at her in confusion before Cinderheart shoved him off the cliff.
      “Goodbye, Lionblaze,” She hissed.

      • Wow, Cinderheart is E-V-I-L! 😱 This was very astonishing and great!

      • Drizz is now an evil munchkin (declared by Moonblaze) ❣︎𝙳𝚛𝚒𝚣𝚣𝚕𝚎𝚙𝚊𝚠/𝚍𝚛𝚘𝚙, 𝚜𝚑𝚎/𝚑𝚎𝚛❣︎ says:

        Awesome! (Wait, at the point where they become mates, isn’t he immune to attacks?)

          • Drizz is now an evil munchkin (declared by Moonblaze) and loves her gift from exchange! シ❣︎𝙳𝚛𝚒𝚣𝚣𝚕𝚎𝚙𝚊𝚠/𝚍𝚛𝚘𝚙, 𝚜𝚑𝚎/𝚑𝚎𝚛❣︎ says:

            Haha! Really good job!

    • MoonTabby 🌺❇️🌺 (AKA Moonpaw/storm, Moonstar, you can also call me Moon!) 🌺❇️🌺 she/her says:

      Part 1:

      Dawn light pierced Feathertail’s eyelids, and, blinking, she raised her head with a soft moan. “Crowfeather,” she murmured, still in a sleepy daze. Then she sensed nothing but cold air by her flank. She whipped her head around, a twinge of panic fluttering in her chest. “Crowfeather!

      She hauled herself from her nest and limped outside into the freezing air. The biting mountain wind lashed her face like nettles. All around her stretched a bare white landscape, broken only by a rocky outcrop here and there.

      She remembered, as she often did, of her encounter with Sharptooth many moons before. No one, neither Tribe nor Clan cat, had thought that she’d survive. But out of the rubble, she had dragged herself out, bleeding, and with medical treatment, had returned to full health.

      The Clan cats had journeyed home, but she and Crowfeather had made their home in the mountains – close to yet separate from the Tribe.

      Her swollen belly swayed beneath her when she took a step forward. She felt the tiny bodies inside her wiggling around. It would be any day before her kits would be born.

    • MoonTabby 🌺❇️🌺 (AKA Moonpaw/storm, Moonstar, you can also call me Moon!) 🌺❇️🌺 she/her says:

      Part 2:

      “Feathertail!” She spotted her mate, Crowfeather, bounding up the slope toward her, a rabbit swinging from his jaws. He dropped the prey at her paws and mewed, “What are you doing out here? You have to get inside – what if you catch a cold?”

      Feathertail huffed at the frenzied concern in his eyes. “Yes,” she gasped through chattering teeth. Stiffly, as if her limbs were made of stone, she plodded back into the den, then doubled over with a groan. “Argh! Crowfeather,” she wheezed. “The kits… are coming!”

      “Oh – oh, all right, come on.” As tenderly as a mother with her kit, Crowfeather assisted Feathertail to her nest and gently laid her down into the moss.

      The day passed with shadows stretching across the ground and into their den. Feathertail forgot how much time had gone by when she finally delivered the litter.

      Three beautiful, healthy kits. Crowfeather murmured fondly and stroked her head.

      “This one,” Feathertail breathed, pawing at a brown tabby, “is Squirrelkit. This one is Bramblekit -” She tapped a black tom. “And this is Stormkit.” She gazed at the dark gray kitten, and she wondered if Crowfeather recognized the pattern of naming them after their old Sun-drown Quest friends.

      Crowfeather purred and licked her ear. “They’re perfect.”

    • MoonTabby 🌺❇️🌺 (AKA Moonpaw/storm, Moonstar, you can also call me Moon!) 🌺❇️🌺 she/her says:

      Oops ignore that, I don’t know how to erase this comment 🙁

    • My other prompt, where Hawkfrost survived! I’m really excited about this one…
      Part 1:

      The blood was roaring in Hawkfrost’s ears. I will make you proud, Tigerstar! he silently vowed. As Brambleclaw, his traitorous half-brother, writhed beneath his claws, he prepared to sink his fangs into his neck.

      Brambleclaw was straining his head for something – that stick over there, was it? Furious, Hawkfrost couldn’t stand it another moment and plunged his teeth into his brother’s scruff. His claws felt like iron as they squeezed the life out of Brambleclaw, who gradually fell limp beneath his grasp.

      Before the tom’s eyes clouded over, he whispered one last, gurgling breath. “Why?” he rasped. Then his head lolled back, and when Hawkfrost looked up, Firestar was staring at his former deputy in shock.

      “Yes,” hissed Hawkfrost, almost to himself. He’s gone, Father, he thought to Tigerstar. Now we will rule the Clans…

      The bushes rustled, and, jerking his head around, Hawkfrost spotted Leafpool and Squirrelflight, two despicable sisters who couldn’t stop him.

      When Squirrelflight’s eyes landed on Brambleclaw’s bloody corpse, she screeched as if Hawkfrost had slashed her own body. “Brambleclaw!

      Leafpool’s mouth hung open. “StarClan, help us,” she gasped.

    • Part 2:

      “StarClan can’t help you,” snarled Hawkfrost, flexing his claws clotted with blood. “The Dark Forest walks in my paw steps; you have no chance.” With a yowl, he flung himself at Squirrelflight, knocking her backward. As the ginger she-cat stumbled into the lake, he seized her scruff in his claws and snapped at Leafpool, “If you want your precious sister to live, you’ll have to obey me. Understood?”

      “Stop, please!” Leafpool staggered toward them. The whites of her eyes showed at the edges. “Don’t hurt her!”

      “You know I can.” Hawkfrost tightened his grip on Squirrelflight’s throat. The struggling she-cat sagged, her eyes fluttering into unconsciousness. “Make me an omen,” he hissed to Leafpool. “Make up a vision to tell the Clans that StarClan wants me to rule them!”

      Leafpool’s gaze darted between him and Squirrelflight, whose muzzle was limply dipping toward the water. “All right,” the medicine cat whispered. “Yes, I will, just – let her go!”

      Hawkfrost sheathed his claws, and Squirrelflight plopped into the lake with a splash. As Leafpool ran to her, he turned to face the rising sun as it spilled over the land. “The time of Hawkstar has come.” With the Dark Forest walking beside him… he would rule all the Clans.

      • 💙🌊✨Stream's Lark (Ancient)/Frosted Stream that Shines at Dawn (Tribe of Rushing Water), Stream (Sisters), Streamer (kittypet), Streamy (loner),\Streamstar (leader), Streamlark (warrior, she/her)💙🌊✨ says:

        Oh my gosh… I love JayXBriar and your writing is just amazing! <333 This is terrific! 😀

      • 💙🌊✨Stream's Lark (Ancient)/Frosted Stream that Shines at Dawn (Tribe of Rushing Water), Stream (Sisters), Streamer (kittypet), Streamy (loner),\Streamstar (leader), Streamlark (warrior, she/her)💙🌊✨ says:

        YES! My prompt was kinda random, but this was amazing! I love Squirrelflight and you portrayed her really great! <33

      • 💙🌊✨Stream's Lark (Ancient)/Frosted Stream that Shines at Dawn (Tribe of Rushing Water), Stream (Sisters), Streamer (kittypet), Streamy (loner),\Streamstar (leader), Streamlark (warrior, she/her)💙🌊✨ says:

        Yes, of course!

    • 💙🌊✨Stream's Lark (Ancient)/Frosted Stream that Shines at Dawn (Tribe of Rushing Water), Stream (Sisters), Streamer (kittypet), Streamy (loner),\Streamstar (leader), Streamlark (warrior, she/her)💙🌊✨ says:

      :3 Wow, I love it! The ending is so nice as well as the traits! You’re a brilliant writer!

  • Hawkfrost survived.

    Hawkfrost smiled gleefully as Firestar struggled to get free of the fox-trap, for his father. Firestar was just a nuisance in everything he’d get in the way of plans, and then become every clans hero, just as always. He was a step closer to sending him to Starclan. Who knows how many lives he has? As long as this one’s gone… suddenly a claw raked his leg screeching wildly as he saw his own brother claw at his face. What was he doing? This was the plan all along? So why’s Brambleclaw attacking him? Thinking fast he raked his hind claws across Brambleclaw’s belly causing him to spring back. “What are you doing?” Hawkfrost meowed confused. “I now know where my true loyalties lie. Not this, no. Never this. Firestar is a noble leader he will not die yet.” Brambleclaw responded. “Well then maybe another time. You’ll see Brambleclaw, you just chose the wrong path. I’ll be back, and that’s all I can promise.”

    • Ooh, cliffhanger! But your story won’t be counted because it’s only 169 words long. If you want to make it longer, you can! It’s great so far.

  • Living as an outcast was rough. Though, not too far from home. He was still living around the clans meeting kittypets and loners as they passed through. Still having dreams in the Dark forest with his father, Tigerstar. Planning ahead was everything. He needed to kill Firestar, and now Brambleclaw. Brambleclaw knew what they had planned. So now it was to be changed. Rogues had challenged Hawkfrost time after time. He had recruited so many, now Firestar stood no chance. Right now was hunting time. Bringing back two voles and a plump mouse he carried them swiftly back to the temporary camp. Claw, who had been the first recruit was eating just outside the Leaders den. One of two dens. The other is The Den. That’s where all the rogues sleep, eat and chat. Only tomorrow was that day when the plan will be revealed. Hawkfrost will sleep in wait for the next day. I’m coming for you Firestar, I’ll finish what my father didn’t while he was alive…

    • That’s okay! You still have 16 days to finish your story. I can’t wait to see the rest of it! 🙂

  • Hawkfrost survived

    Chapter 3

    Hawkfrost awoke at the sound of birds tweeting. Then a hiss and an angry yowl erupted from the The Den. “Thunderclan warriors!” Hawkfrost slowly slinked out of his den. “Brambleclaw, nice of you to show up.” He sneered. “What are you doing Hawkfrost? Hiding like a vole?” Brambleclaw countered. “No business you have here Brambleclaw, business we have at your camp!” Hawkfrost sped away. “Retreat! Follow me!” At that the rogues got loose and sped after him, leaving the Thunderclan patrol back at the temporary camp. Speeding away down the slope towards the camp swirling through trees leaping over bushes every paw step was just closer to Firestars new death.
    They crashed through the thorn tunnel and into the Thunderclan camp. “Attackers!” Sandstorm called. In an instant Firestars flame colored body burst into the open. Hawkfrost leaped grabbing Firestar and pinning him to the ground, “You never deserved to live Firestar. All you are is an interruption to glory I or my father could have. We could rule the forest, every clan. You interfered while my father was around.” Hawkfrost snapped. Firestar raked his belly, he went back a bit.
    “All the clans deserved to live. I learnt that while Tigerstar was alive.” Firestar leaped, taken by surprise Hawkfrost barreled back. They both leaped into the clearing and stood tall. Now this time Hawkfrost leaped. Bowling Firestar over he sank his teeth in to his shoulder. Firestar yelped in pain. But Firestar was quick, scraping his claw across Hawkfrost’s leg. Then he attacked taking a good aim at the back he sank his teeth into Firestars neck. You’re dead now Firestar, I just hope that was your last life.”Retreat!” Hawfrost called. “All here is done.” Speeding through the thorn tunnel Hawkfrost felt succes wash over him. It’s done Firestar. If you got one more life that will be gone soon too.

    • Ooh, spooky! I love how Hawkfrost recruited rogues, it seems just as cunning and malevolent as he is. The battle scene is cool!

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