Got a question about the blog? Check out some of our frequently asked questions and their answers here! If you can’t find an answer to your question, come ask the moderators over at the BlogTeam Den!

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About the Blog

How do I join the blog?
It’s simple! If you want to join the blog, then you already have! We don’t have anything special that you have to do in order to join the blog. In fact, you can technically join the blog without even commenting! We would like to get to know you, though, so if you feel comfortable, you can introduce yourself!
How do I make an account?
On the login page, click “Register”. Then, choose a username and enter the email you want to use. You might also be asked a question to verify that you’re not a robot. You will then receive an email that contains a link that’ll take you to a page where you can set your password. After that, you’re all set!

There are four ways to reach the login page:
1. Hover over “New Member?” and click on “Login or Register”.

2. Click on the little humanoid silhouette at the end of the header bar. It’ll open a box, where you then click “Register”. It’ll take you directly to the registration page!
3. Click on “All Pages” and click on “Login or Register”.

4. Click on this link!

Do I need to make an account?
No, you don’t! You can comment without an account.ย  Just fill in the “Name” and “Email” fields. The website one is optional – you don’t have to put anything in it!
Can I talk to Erin Hunter/Kate Cary?
Erin Hunter is the name used by a group of authors and editors to write Warrior Cats and other animal-themed series. Kate Cary, one of the authors, created this site and occasionally pops her head in to see what’s going on and chat with people. She’s very busy with writing Warrior Cats books, so she can’t come on often! But BlogClan – and by extension, you – hold a very special place in her heart ๐Ÿ™‚


How do I make a comment?
To make a comment, just fill in the “Name” and “Email” fields. The website one is optional – you don’t have to put anything in it!
Why hasn't my comment shown up?
All comments have to be approved by a moderator before they show up publicly on the blog. This lets us watch over the space better and make sure that things remain civil and respectful ๐Ÿ™‚ 
My comment still hasn't been moderated!
Moderators are human and we have schedules and lives outside of the blog! Sometimes, there isn’t a moderator awake and available to approve comments. It might be nighttime in our time zone! We ask that you please be patient and wait a day or so before asking us about your comment on the BlogTeam page ๐Ÿ™‚
My comment still hasn't been moderated but other people's comments made after mine have.
Comments appear from newest-to-oldest for us moderators! We tend to approve newest-to-oldest comments simply because it’s easier for us ๐Ÿ™‚

Sometimes, there are comments that we don’t moderate right away upon seeing them. This can be for a variety of reasons. Most of the time, it’s either addressed or in reply to a certain moderator, or it’s just that it’s a longer or denser comment so we need to slow down and read it through. For the former, we don’t approve those comments right away so that the moderator in question can see it and answer it. For the latter, we tend to save those longer comments to approve after we’ve gotten through all the short ones. 

My comment has bold text in it that I didn't put there.
Bolded texts are little notes or messages we moderators edit into comments. These notes indicate which moderator this comment should be kept pending for or what topic this comment/question is related to, such as articles, the allegiances, the Blog Monthly, etc. It can also be a message written by BlogTeam to you, the commenter. “DNM” is our code for “Do Not Mod”, typically followed by some kind of indicator as to why we don’t feel comfortable approving the comment right away.
“DNM” is our internal code for “Do Not Mod”, typically followed by some kind of indicator as to why we don’t feel comfortable approving the comment right away. If you want to discuss why your comment was marked as DNM, feel free to ask us on the BlogTeam Page.

Allegiances, Senior Warriors, Mentors – WIP

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Fan Articles

This FAQ page only addresses very basic questions related to articles. The article submission page has more frequently asked questions that are more detailed, so go check it out if your question isn’t answered here! Click here to go to the article submission page.

What is a fan article?
A fan article (or simply, an article) is a post written by members of the blog and published on the front page of the blog.
Can anyone write an article?
Yes! Anyone, no matter what rank they are or how long they’ve been on the blog, can write an article!
What are the requirements of an article?
The basic requirements of an article are:
– It must be 350 words long or more.
– It cannot be fanfiction.
– It must be related to Warriors in some way.
– It must be suitable for all ages.
If an article does not meet one or more of these requirements, it will not be published. For different types of articles, like song articles or picture articles, please see the article submission page for details!

Games – WIP

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Technical Questions – WIP

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