• Emberpaw/fang😎 LOOKING FOR A MENTOR😎 Embers of a Lion's Fang😎 Ember, Fangz, Embz,🧛 GO VAMPIRES!!!!!🧛 🔥🔥"Hello, Zuko here..."🔥🔥 "WHY AM I SO BAD AT BEING GOOD?!?!?"-Zuko says:

    for the allegiances do you want what Emberpaw looks like or our Purrsona the same as the one on the real blogclan allegiance?

    • 🌅🌊🏝Hazypaw/mist but SUMMER EDITION (Hazy, Misty, or Haze!)🌊🏝 | 🌈Apprentice to the wonderful Blossomtail!🌈 | ~☀️Summer Vibes☀️~ | 🎶Always have high high hopes🎶🌅 says:

      it can be whatever you want Emberpaw to look like on our allegiances! it doesn’t have to be the same one on the blog allegiances, but if you’d like to change it just ask! Me or Willow will try to reply as soon as possible!

      • Emberpaw/fang😎 LOOKING FOR A MENTOR😎 Embers of a Lion's Fang😎 Ember, Embfang, Fangz, Embz,🧛 GO VAMPIRES!!!!!🧛 🔥🔥"Hello, Zuko here..."🔥🔥 "WHY AM I SO BAD AT BEING GOOD?!?!?"-Zuko says:

        okay! ty! so can it be like this:

        Emberpaw/fang (you dont have to do the /fang)- a mildly long and sleek furred orange tabby she-cat with blue eyes and a torn left ear.

        🙂 you can elborate if you want this was the condensed version. i wouldve said a orange she-cat with darker orange stripes that look like small flames but its a little long XD but id actually rather go with the one i just suggested up top. TY!!!!

        • 🌅🌊🏝Hazypaw/mist but SUMMER EDITION (Hazy, Misty, or Haze!)🌊🏝 | 🌈Apprentice to the wonderful Blossomtail!🌈 | ~☀️Summer Vibes☀️~ | 🎶Always have high high hopes🎶🌅 says:

          Your welcome! I’ll put it on the allegiances!

          • Emberpaw/fang😎 LOOKING FOR A MENTOR😎 Embers of a Lion's Fang😎 Ember, Embfang, Fangz, Embz,🧛 GO VAMPIRES!!!!!🧛 🔥🔥"Hello, Zuko here..."🔥🔥 "WHY AM I SO BAD AT BEING GOOD?!?!?"-Zuko says:

            ty again!

  • "You rise with the moon... I rise with the sun"💧⛰️🔥☁️Lilypaw/tail║Lili/Lilz/Lilo║Apprentice to the amazing Fawnsplash║Blog bestie to Cherrypaw║Summer is Firebending Season💧⛰️🔥☁️ says:

    I’m running for leader!! I’d love to be leader of Defeatthemodsclan, and I’d appreciate any votes!!! I know the voting time is almost over and most people would’ve already voted, but please consider me!! 😀 I love talking, so I’ll be pretty active here. And I love absolute chaos!!! Chaos is glorious, and I promise I’ll try to be a wonderful clan of blogclanners working together to defeat the mods!!!
    Gl to everybody running!! And thank you to everybody who voted for me!!

  • Emberpaw/fang😎 LOOKING FOR A MENTOR😎 Embers of a Lion's Fang😎 Ember, Fangz, Embz,🧛 GO VAMPIRES!!!!!🧛 🔥🔥"Hello, Zuko here..."🔥🔥 "WHY AM I SO BAD AT BEING GOOD?!?!?"-Zuko says:

    Hi Everyone! I am Emberpaw/fang and i am running to be a Mediator on The Defeat the mods Clan! Here are some reasons of why you should vote for me!

    NUMBER ONE: I WANT TO DEFEAT THE MODS AND REIN CHAOS AND ARSON OVER THE BLOG! >:D Anyways, from what i was told a mediator solves problems and arguments and stuff like that. I am the perfect person! I have 3 nieces and 2 nephews so i have to be able help them make compromises and agreements between toys. XD But I am also the perfect mediator because i also spread chaos and arson while i solve problems! I can break the ice between people by making jokes and puns. (i also love chaos and arson WHO DOESN’T)
    Make your vote worth the chaos, vote for Emberpaw/fang to be your Mediator!

    DefeatthemodsClan Rotation- Round 1
    Forget about the one from before, let’s start a new rotation!

    Before we begin, just three rules:
    1. No copying or repeating!
    2. No cannon names!
    3. If only three or less people participate, that round doesn’t count!

    ✿ Winners ✿
    None yet

    ✿ Leaderboard ✿
    2 pts:
    1 pt:

    Round 1- TTW (Tribe that Warrior)
    Bonus: Splashleaf
    Theme: Water

    Good luck!
    And yes, I’m an activity planner, so I’m supposed to do this

    • "You rise with the moon... I rise with the sun"💧⛰️🔥☁️Lilypaw/tail║Lili/Lilz/Lilo║Apprentice to the amazing Fawnsplash║Blog bestie to Cherrypaw║Summer is Firebending Season💧⛰️🔥☁️ says:

      Ahh I replied to the original one 🤣🤣🤣
      Splashing wave upon ocean shore
      Pool of fire ringed against ocean tides (I have no idea what that means 😅)
      Whisper willow swaying to midnight rain
      Shine of frothing ocean waters
      Storm cast out in forest fog
      Leaf splashed in winter’s sea

  • "You rise with the moon... I rise with the sun"💧⛰️🔥☁️Lilypaw/tail║Lili/Lilz/Lilo║Apprentice to the amazing Fawnsplash║Blog bestie to Cherrypaw║Summer is Firebending Season💧⛰️🔥☁️ says:

    This page is a lot more lively all of the sudden 😀 😛
    Also, when are the results for the elections coming out??? 😀

  • 🌅🌊🏝Hazypaw/mist but SUMMER EDITION (Hazy, Misty, or Haze!)🌊🏝 | 🌈Apprentice to the wonderful Blossomtail!🌈 | ~☀️Summer Vibes☀️~ | 🎶Always have high high hopes🎶🌅 says:

    REPASTAAAA (Yes Dawny, I stole your signature move 😛 )
    Okay guys I’m running for leader!
    I’d like to run for ledaer cuz it has always been my dream to run the Clan and defeat the mods!
    I LOVE chaos btw and irl I once said, “I’m the person to yell arson in a public parking lot.” 😛
    Anyways, if I get leader, I will make sure everyone gets included and that everything is chaos! (because chaos is amazing)
    sooooo yeah I love arson (just gotta make that clear 😛 )
    anyways byeeee good luck to anyone else running

  • DefeatthemodsClan Rotation- Round 2!

    Before we begin, just three rules:
    1. No copying or repeating!
    2. No cannon names!
    3. If only three or less people participate, that round doesn’t count!

    ✿ Winners ✿
    Wave That Splashes Against Sandy Beach – Hazypaw/mist
    Summer Tide that Pools on Sand – Emberpaw/fang
    Whisper Willow Swaying to Midnight Rain – Lilypaw/tail
    Shine of frothing ocean waters – Lilypaw/tail
    Fog that Swirls in Storm – Olivepaw/shard
    Splash of Raindrop on Dewy Leaf – Shiverpaw/wind

    ✿ Leaderboard ✿
    2 pts: Lilypaw/tail, Shiverpaw/wind
    1 pt: Hazypaw/mist, Emberpaw/fang, Olivepaw/shard

    Round 1- HTW (Human that Warrior)
    Basically I’ll give you some warrior cat names and descriptions, and you have to turn it into a human name and persona.
    Appledapple – dark ginger tom with leaf-green eyes. He is kind, generous and optimistic, but he is too trusting.
    Skystripe – silver tabby she-cat with brilliant blue eyes. She is sensitive, gentle and caring, but she has mood swings.
    Spotsprout – black tom with dark gray spots and yellow eyes. He is serious, curious and determined, but he is very single-minded and can’t change that.
    Specklesong – white she-cat with silver speckles and silvery-blue eyes. She is confident, decisive and dynamic, but she gets overconfident and underestimates other cats.
    Littlefreckle – small brown she-cat with freckles and green eyes. She is genuine, hardworking and honest, but she is very shy.
    Bonus: Patchdusk – tuxedo tom with amber eyes. He is flexible, focused and forgiving, but he tends to solve problems with violence.
    Theme: Fur patterns

    Good luck!
    This took me an hour to make, hopefully it’s worth it

    • Emberpaw/fang😎 LOOKING FOR A MENTOR😎 Embers of a Lion's Fang😎 Ember, Embfang, Fangz, Embz,🧛 GO VAMPIRES!!!!!🧛 🔥🔥"Hello, Zuko here..."🔥🔥 "WHY AM I SO BAD AT BEING GOOD?!?!?"-Zuko says:

      Awww ty for the point! 😀 okay HTW:
      Appledapple: A 16 year-old boy with caramel colored, curly, hair, green eyes, extrovert, shy but not XD and freckles on his face
      Skystripe: a 13 year-old girl with blonde/slightly died light blue hair, is always holding books
      Spotsprout: 18 year-old boy with black hair and hazel eyes, has a sharp tongue (not physically) and is interested in gardening.
      Specklesong: a 30-40 year old woman with black hair that has little tufts of gray/silver, and blue/gray/green eyes
      Littlefreckle: a 21 year old woman/girl with brown hair, olive skin, and freckles on her arms and face, hazel eyes
      Patchdusk: 25 year old man with black hair, hazel eyes and is a hard-worker, has traces of asian ethinicity, strong,
      I hope i get more points! 🙂 😀

    • A brown haired boy with green eyes. He is a somewhat shy boy and naive.

      A little girl with yellow hair and blue eyes. She loves sports and social media.

      A black haired asian boy with brown eyes. He works hard in school and is determined to please his teachers.

      A yellow haired teenage girl who is a social media star. She acts as though she is better than other, but in reality, isn’t.

      A 7 year old girl with brown hair and green eyes. She has freckles on her cheeks. She is one of those girls who is an introvert, but is really sweet in the inside.

      A black haired 20 year old man with brown eyes who is very good at problem solving. He works hard to devise plans to solve problems in his company. He is intelligent and wise.

    • 🌅🌊🏝Hazypaw/mist but SUMMER EDITION (Hazy, Misty, or Haze!)🌊🏝 | 🌈Apprentice to the wonderful Blossomtail!🌈 | ~☀️Summer Vibes☀️~ | 🎶Always have high high hopes🎶🌅 says:

      Appledapple (I know what you did there) – average sized boy with long-ish hair (for a boy) freckles, age 15, kind, and name: Sun (I’m terrible at boy names)
      Skystripe – tall 13-year-old girl with long, straight blonde hair with light blue eyes and a few freckles on her face, name: Sophia
      Spotsprout – short boy with short dark brown hair, green eyes, courageous, isn’t afraid to voice his opinion, hot-headed, name: Daniel
      Specklesong – short female with hazel eyes, and wavy, golden hair, name: Star
      Littlefreckle – tall female with freckles and short-ish brown hair with brown eyes Name: Ivy
      I’m too lazy to do Patchdusk 🙂

      • 🌅🌊🏝Hazypaw/mist but SUMMER EDITION (Hazy, Misty, or Haze!)🌊🏝 | 🌈Apprentice to the wonderful Blossomtail!🌈 | ~☀️Summer Vibes☀️~ | 🎶Always have high high hopes🎶🌅 says:

        sorry I forgot full names!
        Sun Lynn Hearte (Ilhsm <333)
        Sophia Anne Black
        Daniel Al Mineson
        Star Freckle Casse
        Ivy Rose Gryffin
        (I'm kinda bad at names, sorry)

    • Jason Barlow—a normal sized 13 year old boy with short, dark brown hair, and bright green eyes. He is positive and always looks on the bright side, but he is also naive and trusts others too much

      Katherine Ellis—average 15 year old girl with long, straight silvery black hair(dyed). She has icy blue eyes, and she is very sensitive, but she is also gentle with words. When she has mood swings, though, that might change


      Jasmine Tulip—tall white 27 year old girl with shoulder-length, curled dyed silver-and-blue hair, silvery-blue eyes, and small freckles. She’s very decisive, and loves to participate in competitions, but she usually gets overconfident, and underestimates her opponents

      Sylvia Grace—small, freckled 14 year old girl with long brown hair and green eyes. She is hardworking and quiet, but she’s not the teacher’s pet even if she seems like it. She is also honest, and she won’t defend her friends by lying if they are wrong.

      Elliot Jennifer—normal sized 16 year old boy with honey brown eyes and ruffled black hair. He is flexible(both mental and physical) and forgiving, though he likes to solve problems with violence. He is also always focused on one thing, so he manages things pretty well

    • "You rise with the moon... I rise with the sun"💧⛰️🔥☁️Lilypaw/tail║Lili/Lilz/Lilo║Apprentice to the amazing Fawnsplash║Blog bestie to Cherrypaw║Summer is Firebending Season💧⛰️🔥☁️ says:

      Appledapple (Human Name: Azmet) : 16yr old boy with light tawny skin and dark brown uncombed hair and wide green eyes. Shy an loves nature, usually spends most of his time alone in the forests, sketching. Introvert. (Lives in North America, born in Egypt).
      Skystripe (Human Name : Sadya) : 15yr old girl with dark brown/black eyes and neck-length black hair that gets curly when it’s long. She looks menacing at first, but can be a really good friend at times. Is always one of the popular kids. (Lives in Kent, born in Pakistan)
      Spotsprout (Human Name : Itya) : 13yr old boy with light-bronze skin darkish brown hair and hazel eyes. Curious and confident but quick to give up. Loves reading and always has really good grades in class. Does martial arts. Siblings with Littlefreckle/Hirva. (Lives in Australia, born in India)
      Specklesong (Adla Aria) : 12yr old girl with neutral brown hair and surprisingly pale skin. One yellow eye, one blue eye. Loves art, actually illustrates books as a job. Doesn’t seem anything at first, but can get extremely competitive about literally anything. She’s overconfident, so sometimes she underestimates her opponents, at the very wrong time, and makes some of the worst mistakes. Skilled in fencing and sword-fighting. (Indigenous-Canadian, has ancestry in Kenya)
      Littlefreckle (Human Name : Hirva) : Siblings with Spotsprout/Itya. 15yr old girl with pure black hair that she cut short and light brown skin. Gray eyes. Plays soccer competitively. Gets at least decent grades. Believes in honesty but can sometimes be a little to blunt. Is ambiverted, so she only has a few (but really good) friends. Constantly has to stop her little brother from getting into trouble.
      Patchdusk (Human Name : Hiran) : 16yr old boy with brown skin, black hair and leopard print glasses. Is an extrovert, but really shy, and has social-anxiety and mild ptsd. Is really forgiving and flexible, pretty selfless. Is focused on whatever he’s doing, takes schoolwork very seriously. Always has at least one book in his hands. Is really kind, but can get really aggressive and violent, which really doesn’t bode well with ptsd. His only friend in Appledapple/Azmet. (Born in India, lives in North America)

      I put a lot of effort into those so I hope you like them, Dawnwind!!! 😀 😀 😀 Y’know what, I’m gonna write a book about these characters 😛 😛 😛
      My favourite is Patchdusk 😀

    • 😎 Darling, I'm Just Chillin' 🍹🍺 II ☀🏖 Summery Sunpaw/dawn ☀ II 🎵🎧 Baby, Its Better When I'm Dancing 🎶II ✨ Call Me Your Majesty 👑 ✨ says:

      Amazing job Dawny! Tysm for making this a lively place! Ilysm bestie! 💖

  • DefeatthemodsClan Rotation- Round 3!

    Before we begin, just three rules:
    1. No copying or repeating!
    2. No cannon names!
    3. If only three or less people participate, that round doesn’t count!

    ✿ Winners ✿
    Azmet : 16yr old boy with light tawny skin and dark brown uncombed hair and wide green eyes. Shy and loves nature, usually spends most of his time alone in the forests, sketching. Introvert. (Lives in North America, born in Egypt) – Lilypaw/tail
    Ocean Grace Smith: a 13 year-old girl with blonde/slightly dyed light blue hair, is always holding books (British and lives in Australia) – Emberpaw/fang
    Itya: 13yr old boy with light-bronze skin darkish brown hair and hazel eyes. Curious and confident but quick to give up. Loves reading and always has really good grades in class. Does martial arts. Siblings with Littlefreckle/Hirva. (Lives in Australia, born in India) – Lilypaw/tail
    Jasmine Tulip—tall white 27 year old girl with shoulder-length, curled dyed silver-and-blue hair, silvery-blue eyes, and small freckles. She’s very decisive, and loves to participate in competitions, but she usually gets overconfident, and underestimates her opponents – Shiverpaw/wind
    Layla Cox Freeman: A 7 year old girl with brown hair and green eyes. She had freckles on her cheeks. She is one of those girls who is an introvert, but is really sweet on the inside. (american) – Willowstripe
    Bonus Winner:
    Hiran: 16yr old boy with brown skin, black hair and leopard print glasses. Is an extrovert, but really shy, and has social-anxiety and mild ptsd. Is really forgiving and flexible, pretty selfless. Is focused on whatever he’s doing, takes schoolwork very seriously. Always has at least one book in his hands. Is really kind, but can get really aggressive and violent, which really doesn’t bode well with ptsd. His only friend is Azmet. (Born in India, lives in North America) – Lilypaw/tail

    I wasn’t specific enough about HTW, I will be next time though (to make sure nobody gets super specific and almost ruins everybody else’s chance *cough* Lilypaw *cough* I’m sure you didn’t mean it though and anyway, awesome job!

    ✿ Leaderboard ✿
    6 pts: Lilypaw/tail
    3 pts: Shiverpaw/wind
    2 pts: Emberpaw/fang
    1 pt: Hazypaw/mist, , Olivepaw/shard, Willowstripe

    Round 3 – SPTW (Superpower that Warrior)
    You give each cat a superpower, and explain why you gave it that one (short explanation, please)
    Furzebrook – yellow tabby tom with amber eyes. Elder of WindClan. Brash and accepting.
    Willowrain – gray brindle she-cat with gray-blue eyes. Medicine cat of RiverClan. Gentle and nudgy.
    Spiritstar – silver tabby tom with blue eyes. Leader of ShadowClan. Calm and pessimistic.
    Springflower – ginger tabby she-cat with powerful hind legs. Deputy of SkyClan. Optimistic and clingy.
    Oakleaf – brown tabby tom with green eyes. Warrior of ThunderClan. Friendly and bossy.
    Bonus: Star that Shines at Dusk (Star) – white she-cat with silvery-blue eyes. Prey-hunter of Tribe of Rushing Water. Caring and overprotective.

    Good luck!

    • Furzebrook – Telekinesis, Reason: I was thinking that since she is brash, maybe he cares a little too much about himself and uses these powers when he’s hungry for another piece of prey. Also, since he is an elder, i think that it will help him since he could be lazy. Sometimes, he just needs to accept that cats see him getting another prey and decides to give it to somecat else.

      Willowrain – Mind controlling. Reason: Hear me out, I think that this mind-controlling power will help Willowrain a lot. Since she is nudgy, she can control that cat’s mind and get what she want. For an example, if she is talking to StarClan and one of the cats give her a vague prophecy, she can use her powers to control them and spit out what else they have to say. She is also gentle so she doesn’t need to use the power when she doesn’t need to. She only uses it as a last resort.

      Spiritstar – Seeing the future and sensing danger from many days before. (not by prophecy, but by instinct of the power) Reason: I know this is bad, but hear me out. So you know how he is pessimistic. Since he believe all the bad stuff, he should get a heads up off what’s happening in the future. Then he won’t think everything is bad anymore. Also, this is the reason why he is so calm when an emergency occurs. He already knows about it and doesn’t panic when it happens.

      Springflower – Invisibility. Reason: Since she is clingy, she should have the power of invisibility. She doesn’t need to rely on cats anymore and can rely on her invisibility so no cat can see her when she attacks her enemy. She obviously prefers not to use her powers. She is very a happy cat, and doesn’t think she needs it that much. She uses it when she needs to.

      Oakleaf – Duplication. Reason: I know this is bad, but hear me out. If he is bossy, he can duplicate himself to act as though he is better. Since he is friendly too, he can duplicate prey for cats during leaf-bare.

      Star that Shines at Dusk (Star) – Shield (the shield used in MLP). Reason: Since she is a little overprotective, her powers can be helpful when she feels that something is harming something close to her. Also, since she is caring, she can use the shield to protect her Clanmates from a dog, or a fox or even a badger.

    • "You rise with the moon... I rise with the sun"💧⛰️🔥☁️Lilypaw/tail║Lili/Lilz/Lilo║Apprentice to the amazing Fawnsplash║Blog bestie to Cherrypaw║Summer is Firebending Season💧⛰️🔥☁️ says:

      Sorry about that!!!! I got a little carried away 😅😅😅
      Furzebrook : Telepathy (he reminds me of a telepath; he’s brash, so he’d probably be snappy, and idk why but that reminds me of telepathy. 😛 He’s also accepting, which would make sense for a telepath, since he can hear everyone’s thoughts all the time)
      Willowrain : Empath (She’s gentle, which could easily describe an empath, since she can feel other cats’ emotions, she’ll know exactly what to say to make them feel better. That also bodes well with the fact that she’s the medicine cat)
      Spiritstar : Shade (It just makes sense. He’s calm and pessimistic, he’d get along with darkness pretty well. And he’s the leader of SHADOWClan. (Ok, he reminds me of Tam 😛 who knows, maybe he’ll be able to control Shadowflux one day)
      Springflower : Froster (She’s optimistic and clingy, and she’s the deputy of SkyClan, I know this isn’t a valid reason, but she honestly reminds me of Linh (kotlc), but not exactly, so instead of making her a hydrokinetic, I think she’d be a froster. Similar, but not the same. I can just imagine her freezing rando cats’ ears when she’s bored 😛 )
      Oakleaf : Beguiler (he’s friendly but bossy, and he’s the deputy of ThunderClan, so he’d probably need to convince people to listen to him. He’d use his powers to give people a gentle ‘nudge’ in the right direction, according to him, at least)
      Star that Shines at Dusk (Star) : Descryer (She’s caring and overprotective, it would make sense other cats’ ‘potential’. She probably became a prey-hunter so that she wouldn’t have to carry the stress of having everycat constantly asking her. She’s overprotective because she doesn’t want her powers to destroy anycat’s future)

    • Emberpaw/fang😎 LOOKING FOR A MENTOR😎 Embers of a Lion's Fang😎 Ember, Embfang, Fangz, Embz,🧛 GO VAMPIRES!!!!!🧛 🔥🔥"Hello, Zuko here..."🔥🔥 "WHY AM I SO BAD AT BEING GOOD?!?!?"-Zuko says:

      Furzebrook: Electricity because of his yellow eyes and when he is mad his eyes glow with electricity. I also gave him this because since he is an elder he can he grumpy and have a sharp tongue so i thought of him being classified as “sparky” like electricity sparky but also sparky in personality.

      Willowrain: Healing because if she was out of herbs she could use her healing to heal people immediately. She could “nudge” them and Starclan would heal them.

      Spiritstar: To make them go with whatever he says. It’s not the same as mind control it’s like he says I think we should attack then he looks at his deputy who is against Spiritstar using his powers and the deputy suddenly says Yes. I would give him this because he is pessimistic and most people would be more optimistic and go against him.

      Springflower: Super speed. I would give her super speed because she is very optimistic and i keep thinking for some reason that she would be like hyper and full of happiness so she could spread optimism. To spread that optimism she would need speed. Also she’s clingy so she would need to run to get next to people!

      Oakleaf: To mind-control people. I gave him this because he is bossy so he would just make them do what he wanted to. Instead of bargaining or debating or arguing with them, he would just mind-control them and say now go do this and they would do it.

      I’m not doing the bonus i’m lazy XD. Thanks for the points!

  • 😎 Darling, I'm Just Chillin' 🍹🍺 II ☀🏖 Summery Sunpaw/dawn ☀ II 🎵🎧 Baby, Its Better When I'm Dancing 🎶II ✨ Call Me Your Majesty 👑 ✨ says:

    I’m thinking about who to choose as deputy and I decided that I would choose from whoever wants to really be deputy. All of you guys are amazing and its really hard to choose…. so please reply to this comment if you are interested in deputy! Tysm! Ilysm! <333

    • "You rise with the moon... I rise with the sun"💧⛰️🔥☁️Lilypaw/tail║Lili/Lilz/Lilo║Apprentice to the amazing Fawnsplash║Blog bestie to Cherrypaw║Summer is Firebending Season💧⛰️🔥☁️ says:

      I’d love to be the deputy, Sunno!!!! Please consider me :D!!!!

    • 🍍 🍉 🌺 🏖 Summer Edition Emberpaw/shine | Embers Shining Through the Night | Emb, Emms, Emmy | 📖 📚 🐈‍⬛ | She/her 🏝 🌅 🦜 😎 says:

      I’m interested (sorry, I lost the page and missed the elections 🙁) Btw, if you need anyone to help run this place, I’m free!

    • 🌅🌊🏝Hazypaw/mist but SUMMER EDITION (Hazy, Misty, or Haze!)🌊🏝 | 🌈Apprentice to the wonderful Blossomtail!🌈 | ~☀️Summer Vibes☀️~ | 🎶Always have high high hopes🎶🌅 says:

      I really want to be deputy!!
      I would be honored to serve at least something to this amazing community, and I feel this is a great place to do it!! I love chaos, arson and basically everything like that 😛
      I’d love to serve as deputy, and if you’d choose me, I’d be really happy and try to do my best <3 but it's okay if I don't, I just want to try 😀