• Dawn rose as Blossomclaw stretched and walked over to the warriors’ den. “Its so weird to be sleeping here now.” She whispered to Poolstorm with a yawn.

  • Thistlestorm-
    Thistlestorm watched Poolstorm closely, she’s a fine young Warrior, Thistlestorm thought. She hadn’t checked on Graystar in a while, so he hopped up some rocks into the leaders den. It smelled rank, a smell she hadn’t smelled in a while. Her eyes widened as she saw graystar on moving in the corner of the den. He was dead, “Ivysnow! Ivysnow!” Thistlestorm pulled Graystar out of the den and into the middle of the clearing.

    Gorserunner ran over to Graystar, NO! My father!, Gorserunner held back the whimper, Thistlestorm pushed him away, “Stay back he could be contagious.” Gorserunner stared in disbelief, there was a glint in Thistlestorm’s eyes he couldn’t quit read.

  • Blossomclaw heard yowls outside and burst out of the warriors’ den, seeing cats gather around the middle of camp. Bristling, Blossomclaw pushed through the crowd and stopped with a gasp. Graystar was lying limp…dead.

  • Bramblepaw sat by the apprentice den, licking her paws. she could her the faint meows from near the leaders den, but she didnt bother paying attention. instead she quietly daydreamed about the next day – she might go hunting, or on a patrol… no. i never want to go on another patrol. she thought. She remembered the feeling of the claw digging into her ear, another on her flank. The thought of those shadowclan cats made her shudder. Never again, never again…

    was that good lol

  • (Ivysnow) “thistlestorm it right” ivysnow said. “The sickness is extremely contagious. Everyone who doesn’t have anything to do here leave.” Without watching to see if her orders were followed she chewed up a poultice and massaged Graystars throat so he (she?) swallowed. Then she trotted over to the warriors den. “Thistlestorm will probably want you at sunhigh.” She meowed. “Until then, rest.”

    (Poolstorm) poolstorm chose a vacant nest with another beside it for blossomclaw and curled up, though sleep would not come for her for a while.

  • Blossomclaw stood in shock in the crowd. ‘Graystar is dead! How?!’ She thought.
    Stammering, She slowly padded out of camp, bristling. ‘I need time to think…’ She thought with a deep breath, her amber and green eyes glittering with shock.

    She padded through the forest, tasting the air for prey. ‘I might as well hunt…’ She thought.
    Tasting the air, she suddenly picked up the scent of a squirrel, dropping into a hunter’s crouch and pouncing on it.
    Ready to spring, She wiggled her haunches, leaping after it. It saw her & ran towards the meadow.
    Gasping, Blossomclaw ran after it, jumping over logs & ducking branches.

    She saw it run towards a stream, its bushy tail waving. Blossomclaw leapt after it, landing on it right at the stream’s surface, biting its throat.
    “Hey!” A growl called.
    Blossomclaw’s head shot up as a WindClan patrol padded up.
    “Uh oh…” she muttered under her breath. She always despised WindClan. Too proud, grumpy, and very overly hostile.

    “What are you doing in WindClan territory?” hissed a senior warrior. “I’m not IN WINDCLAN TERRITORY. I’m at the border.” Blossomclaw told them, shaking her fur.
    “No, you’re in the stream. The stream is WindClan’s!” The warrior snarled back.
    “I don’t think so. That was never established. And besides, if it was, I’m not in it!” Blossomclaw events mewed to them.

    “No, you are!” The tom spat.
    Blossomclaw looked at her paws.
    She was standing in the stream.
    “Oh….” she breathed, stepping back out, “My bad.”
    “‘MY BAD?!’ This is borders, apprentice! BORDERS! Not playing Clans!” yowled the gray tom, “Besides, where’s your mentor anyway?”

    “Mentor? I’m a warrior!” Blossomclaw fluffed out her fur to look bigger than she was…or felt.
    A dark brown tom laughed mockingly. “‘I’m a warrior!’ PLEASE! Stop telling lies & give us that squirrel!” The warrior meowed.
    “What? Why-no!” Blossomclaw shrank back, arching her back at the patrol.

    “I think that’s our prey.” The gray tom’s Fur spiked along his spine. “No! It isn’t! I found it in ThunderClan territory!” Blossomclaw protested.
    “Young warriors, so proud!” The gray tom huffed.
    ‘Proud?!’ Blossomclaw gasped.
    “And you killed it in WindClan territory, GIVE IT.”

    “You can’t demand other Clans like that, Witherfoot.” A annoyed meow came from behind them. A tall lean golden tom stepped out with glimmering green eyes. “Let her keep it.” He mewed.
    Witherfoot let out a snarl. “Lionheart! Are you INSANE?!”

    “I’m smart.” snapped Lionheart, “Just let her keep it. Don’t go so lowly where you make it seem like we NEED that squirrel. We don’t…” The tom glanced at Blossomclaw, “We have our own prey that WE caught.”
    Blossomclaw was breathless.
    “Shut your mouth Lionheart! You’re just a young warrior!” A white she cat spat at the young warrior.

    The tall tom bushed his fur.
    “Yes, and I have senses.” He turned to Blossomclaw, “What’s your name?”
    Blossomclaw flattened her ears. ‘Why does he want to know my name?’
    She stammered. “B-Blossomclaw.” She straightened herself up.
    “Blossomclaw, you can keep the squirrel.” Lionheart dipped his head.

    Witherfoot let out a hideous hiss. “LIONHEART-“
    “Save your scolding for later.” Lionheart meowed.
    Blossomclaw walked away, looking back with shock still in her paws.

    Padding into camp with the squirrel in her jaws, she saw cats gather around Graystar for vigil. She dropped her catch & padded over to Poolstorm.

  • i dont know whether or not Quickwind got accepted but i assume yes(sorry if he isnt or i shouldnt have put him in here)

    Bramblepaw stood a few fox-lengths away from Graystar, wanting to see what all the fuss of a vigil was about. ‘I can’t believe it…’ she thought. she looked over to Thistlestorm, a bit frightened. ‘what will happen with Thistlestorm?’ on her other side, she saw her mentor Quickwind, and she padded over to him.

    Quickwind: Quickwind sighed as he watched his apprentice Bramblepaw walk over to him. “i need to talk to you.Forget the vigil, for a moment.” she said.
    ‘why talk with me?’ he wondered. nevertheless, he wrapped his tail around her and led her outside the camp, trying not to get emotional over the death of his leader.
    “So? Whats going on?’ he asked her as the were out of the camp, slowly strolling toward the abandoned windclan border.
    “Honestly, I’m sort of scared.” Bramblepaw admitted. “What will it be like now that Graystar is gone?”
    The sandy tom next to her shrugged. “We’ll have to wait and see. Im sure it will be fine.”
    Her eyes glowed with uncertainty. She looked down, watching her paws as they slowly padded more so towards the lake.

  • Gorserunner slumped a couple tail lengths away from his father, and whimpered, why after a Warriors ceremony! he closed eyes sorrowfully.

    She stood and waited at the Gorse tunnel for Ivysnow to escort her to the Moonpool.
    *goes to Moonpool gets nine lives*
    When Thistlestorm got back she was Thistlestar. She jumped to the high rock and whipped her tail gently around her paws. The wind blew her fur, just slightly. “I will choose my deputy before dawn.” with that she swayed into the leaders den deep in thought.

  • Blossomclaw sat dazed at the entrance of the warriors’ den. Graystar was dead & Thistlestorm was leader now.
    ‘Thistlestorm…’ Blossomclaw thought bitterly.
    Her thoughts though flashed to the golden tom. ‘Why did he let me have that squirrel?’ She thought with narrowed eyes.
    The SkyClan tom(cause I didn’t get Lunaheart’s suggestion & WC is driven out)
    was so kind, it made her suspicious…,





      So remember dusktail, one of the non crazed shadowclan cats that’s meeting with poolstorm

  • Poolcloud trotted up to the newly named thistlestar. What can I do to help? She meowed. “And when are you choosing a deputy?”

    • “Half-moon is tomorrow” Thistlestar flicked her tail, “I will choose a deputy at moon-high tonight.” Thistlestar had already made the decision of who was going to be deputy. It was someone she was pretty sure she could trust. Moon-high is coming soon she thought.

      Gorserunner glared at Thistle star what will Thunderclan become? he thought stomping to the fresh kill pile If i’m deputy I will make sure Thistlestar doesn’t do anything stupid Gorserunner flopped beside Blossomclaw and felt a wieird sensation go through him what was that feeling I just had he shook out his fur, “What do you think about all this?” he asked Blossomclaw.

      • “I don’t know…I’m in shock kind of. Graystar was leader since I was a kit & now Thistlestorm is…I mean, why her?” Blossomclaw replied with a frown.

        • “Because she was chosen for deputy.” he growled thinking back to the time when he thought Graystar would choose him to be deputy, but his own father had seen something more in Thistleclaw. Gorserunner and Thistleclaw had always been competitive as apprentices and never liked each other, so when Thistleclaw was chosen as deputy she vowed to never let him forget, she was better. Rage boiled through him like it had that day, but when he looked a Blossomclaw’s gentle eyes his body instantly calmed and he started to feel shy, “I…I..” Gorserunner! he scolded himself, your making a fool of yourself! Why, all of the sudden, was he feeling sheepish around Blossomclaw?

          (😮Does Gorserunner have a crush on Blossomclaw? OoOo Maybe…)

  • Blossomclaw saw Poolstorm talking to Thistlestar & walked by. She sat down next to the fresh kill pile & took a vole from it.
    She listened to Poolstorm & Thistlestar’s conversation. “…And when are you choosing a deputy?” Poolstorm was saying.