• The brown speckled tom narrowed his eyes. “We’re not here for that. ShadowClan attacked us recently & our medicine cat has died in the battle with no successor. We need to borrow herbs.” He explained.

    Blossomclaw glanced at the golden tom. She remembered when they let her have the squirrel…ThunderClan could repay them back. “Well, we can’t speak for Thistlestar or Ivysnow, but we’ll bring you to talk to them.” She evenly mewed.

    The white she cat dipped her head. “Thank you.”
    “So Graystar has passed?” Lionheart’s green eyes glowed with shock. “Yes, he died…peacefully.” Blossomclaw nodded.
    “Our apologizes.” The brown speckled tom meowed. Blossomclaw glanced at her Clanmates, “Come on, we’ll lead you to camp.”

  • Blossomclaw led the patrol through the forest, feeling Lionheart’s gaze on her. She shifted her pelt uncomfortably, her heart pounding in her ear nervously.
    Padding through the tunnel, Blossomclaw Spotted Thistlestar & padded up. “Thistlestar, a SkyClan patrol is here to talk to you about some important matters.”

  • Poolstorm jerked her head up. “Skyclan warriors in our camp!” She yowled Loud enough for everyone in camp to hear.

  • ~Everlight and Redleaf~

    Everlight raced out of the medicine den to see what was going on. “SkyClan warriors!” He gasped. “What’s going on?” Just then, Redleaf returned to camp with a huge rabbit for the fresh kill pile. She smelled the SkyClan cats before she saw them, and spotted Everlight running out of the medicine den. She dropped the rabbit in the pile and ran up to him.
    “What’s happening here? Why are there SkyClan warriors in our camp?” She hissed.
    Everlight frowned. “I don’t know,” he said worriedly. “I think they want to speak with Thistlestar about something. They don’t seem to be hostile right now, but we should keep an eye on them.”
    “I agree,” Redleaf quickly replied. She stared at the SkyClan patrol, then glanced over at Poolstorm. “I don’t think Poolstorm is handling this well,” she murmured. “Maybe your right, the deputy needs more experience…”
    “Sshhh. I think Thistlestar is going to speak,” Everlight whispered. “Let’s just watch for now, we shouldn’t intervene.” Redleaf nodded, and they sat quietly in the shade, watching the interaction take place.

  • Blossomclaw turned to look at Poolstorm. “It’s okay, they just have some important matters to discuss with Thistlestar, involving Ivysnow.” She whispered in her friend’s ear.
    Blossomclaw glanced at the SkyClan warriors as they padded up to Thistlestar with solemn eyes.

    “Thistlestar, we’ve come here to ask a favor of you & your medicine cat Ivysnow,” The brown speckled tom began.
    Blossomclaw kept glancing at Lionheart.
    ‘Why am I so weird? I like Gorserunner! I really do!’ She thought with a shake of her pelt.
    “Recently SkyClan has been attacked by ShadowClan & our medicine cat has been killed in the battle. We’ve come here to ask if we can borrow some of your medicine cat’s herbs. Our warriors are really injured.” He finished.

    As they waited for Thistlestar to reply, Blossomclaw went over & sat next to Gorserunner, her pelt brushing his’.
    ‘I do like Gorserunner…a lot,’ she told herself.

  • Ivysnow padded into the sun. “Do you need an apprentice? And how bad is it?” She asked.

  • Brambleoaw shifted her paws uncomfortably. She dodnt know what to think of the skyclan warriors. they could be faking it to weaken us.. or they could be working with shadowclan.. she thought. She padded closer to her mentor, who flattened his tail on her back.

  • Blossomclaw watched the SkyClan cats intently as they continued. Lionheart spoke this time, stepping forward, “Really bad. Since ShadowClan is mostly crazed, their fighting skills have increased a lot. Even some of our kits are injured….”

    Blossomclaw flinched at his last words, bristling.

  • (Sorry i’v been inactive)
    Gorserunner eyed the golden Tom wearily Blossomclaw seemed to take notice in him. It reassured him a bit when Blossomclaw sat close beside him but she still gazed at the Tom called Lionheart.

    Thistlestar eyed the Skyclan warriors, “Shadowclan has gone to far, Bring your leader to me young warriors” The warriors looked confused but padded out of the Thunderclan camp. “Warriors of Thunderclan! This is a new dawn for us for our clan so you must trust me in everything I decide understood?”
    (You can mingle and share your thoughts until I bring skyclan in)

  • Blossomclaw dipped her head, turning to look at Gorserunner, “Sorry we couldn’t hunt that much. It seemed urgent. Want to share a sparrow?” She offered with a smile.
    She glanced at the entrance of camp where the SkyClan cats have disappeared, thinking of Lionheart for a moment before pushing it away.

    • “Sure” Gorserunner said fake happily, Blossomclaw was still distant, as if she was thinking of something else or someone else

  • Quickwind padded to the fresh kill pile. “Want to share something?” He asked bramblepaw.
    “Im going to go to my nest. Im tired. Unless you need me?”
    The sandy tom shook his head and watched his apprentive walk toward the aporentice den. He picked up a shrew and padded to the warriors entrance.

  • Blossomclaw padded over to the fresh kill pile & grabbed a sparrow, settling down on the mettle patch next to Gorserunner.
    “Do you think SkyClan is faking it?” She asked him, her amber and green eyes glistening with wonder.

    • Gorserunner shrugged “They didn’t look injured, but to use such as an excuse of kits being hurt… who would lie about that?” he swallowed a bite of sparrow unwillingly.