• I am trying to change and improve how I communicate cause often times my friends say that I am a bit pushy too, tho I’ve only got a few friends I’m still trying to improve. Sorry again if I bothered you or offended you!

      • It’s not a problem, so as long as your trying to improve ^^ I, personally, don’t struggle with being pushy, but I do struggle with being out-spoken, and my attitude in general which is a similar problem, so I understand <3
        Here’s some tips (NOTE: Some of these, are things I’ve been told myself)
        .Use the bracket-method. Instead of just outright saying ‘do this, do that’ trying ‘bracketing’ it with kindness/patience so it doesn’t seem so demanding. An example:
        Instead of: Get me some soda now!
        Try: May I please have some/do you think you could get me some Pepsi please?
        Then wait for them to get the Pepsi, thank them and drop it.
        .Always ask questions. Never blatantly decide when or how someone should do something. Pose your ideas in question form (remember to use the bracket technique as well), and if the other person doesn’t agree with that idea respect that, and don’t force them to agree with you 🙂
        .If your on the internet, (well, BlogClan anyway) make it a practice to use either a <3 or a 🙂 in your posts.
        .Think twice before posting a comment-is it respectful? Polite? Will you regret posting it later? Or one thing that you might want to consider-is it demanding/pushy?
        .If you mess up, admit it, and apologize (but don’t over do it) We’re human, making mistakes is a natural even productive thing 😀
        .Be patient! Every one has their own lives and circumstances.
        PS: In response to your latest comment on the Allegiances Page, yes, your still coming off as pushy, but I just covered my thoughts about that in this reply iamo XD :P.
        PSS: Are you ready to start up a Wiki Account?

      • Sorry, I reached out to you twice because I wasn’t sure which name you were going by. I would like to get to know you a little bit! Could you tell me a bit about yourself?

        • Your good <3333 Ahhhhhh well, I'm the proud cat mom of three cats-Via (grey tabby, four years old) Charm (Via's kitten, grey tabby, two years old), Bunette (Via's kitten, another grey tabby, two years old), Bunettes five kittens (all of them are 12 months and six weeks old. Most of them are gray tabbies), and Caerulem, Via's newest kitten.
          My favorite past times are writing, drawing, coming up with my own games, and creating designs on WordPress and the Fandom Wiki. I consider myself an expert in Astrophysics and Astronomy. At any rate, I've learned enough about the subject to teach Astronomy to my family 😛 I love philosophy and conversations with me usually end up deep, especially if their about emotions and issues related to that 😛 Aadfjahsfkjsadh I've been home-schooled all of my life and I understand that there's a lot of stigma around homeschooling, so if you have any questions about that don't hesitate to ask!
          An interesting fact about me: I have Asperger's Syndrome, so again, if you have any questions just ask! Just make sure you don't make assumptions and if you aren't sure about something do some research <333 Aafajdfaskjfh soooo tell me a bit about yourself ^^

          • Well, there’s not that much to tell. I’m a middle schooler that loves anything to do with writing and reading. I love creating my own fanfictions and stories in my free time as well as drawing my warriors oc; Lightpaw. I don’t have any pets but do love cats and dogs! You have, like, a million cats surrounding you though! That’s pretty much all you need to know about me. Oh! and I play soccer!

            • Ahhhhhhhhh there’s nothing better then reading and writing for the imagination adadjfhasjfh I’m loving the creativity! What do you you like to write besides fan-fiction? Mystery? Horror? Thriller? Fantasy? Ehhhh I’ve never played any sport, so you’ll have to tell me what’s that like 😛

  • Hey Silverblood!
    I am Fawnpaw, the one who host the trivia game.

    Please introduce yourself.

    Also, Hollyfrost.
    if he or she don’t join, lets put mountainpaw in.

    I will tell you how the game goes.

    There are 24 questions in the game.

    Guess the Quotes – 5

    Guess the character- 6

    True or False Questions- 5

    Multiple choice questions- 8

    Let me give you a example.

    What tree Cinderheart climbed which lead to her leg being hurt?

    A. Sky oak

    B. Cloud oak

    C. High oak

    D. Tall oak

    If you get the right answer, one point.

    Wrong, you get a minus point.

    If you get it wrong, your opponent can steal the chance.

    If both get wrong for 2 times, I will reveal the answer.

    Chat first to get the point!

  • Real Question coming up.
    What is the most poisonous plant after death berries?

    Water hemlock
    Meadow saffron
    Holly berries
    Deadly Nightshade

    • I believe the water hemlock. (Also know as belladonna)

      I believe that because I am a book worm. 😛
      I love nature and read a lot of books about plants and animals.
      I just knew that belladonna is the most poisonous plant on the planet.
      Plus, it would make sense that there are no belladonna leaves in the warriors books, because since they grow in wet, watery places (hence the name water hemlock) they would be hard to access for cats. Because most cats but RiverClan really hate wet places. 😛

      Holly berries, deadly nightshade, and meadow saffron on the other paw, would be easy to find, so if they were more poisons then deathberries, it would make sense for warriors to fear that, instead of little red berries.

      So yeah! Water hemlock is my answer.
      (Though deadly nightshade is second in place in most poisonous plants on the planet)

  • Hey Mountainpaw and Loneheart. I thought we can have more people to play sooooo
    I asked Briarpaw if she wanted to do it. I am sorry that I couldn’t chat because my mouse got in water and I am in my brother’s ipad.
    P.S: Mountainpaw, your answer is Meadow Safforn, right?
    Anyway next question.
    I will reveal the answer later. Or else it will get complicated.
    How did Beechpaw almost die?

    A monster almost hit him in the head
    He ate infected prey
    He drank the black murking liquid (oil) in the river
    He got tangled up in a fox trap

    Next question is

    Who is Boulder’s mate?


    • Beechpaw almost died by drinking black murking liquid (oil) from the river, in the book Twilight. Leafpool and Mothwing saved him.

      Boulder didn’t have a mate.

      P.S Yes, my answer is Meadow Saffron

        • It’s okay. 🙂

          Well- let’s see..it can’t be Tallpoppy because her mate is Blackstar.

          I think Mouseear is actually Mouse Ear, who lived way before Boulder, plus Mouse ear is a tom.

          Ashheart was only shown in Yellowfang’s secret, Tallstar’s revenge, and Redtail’s debt, so I don’t believe it’s her.

          And I think Nightwing is Boulder’s daughter.

          My answer would be Snowbird, but she isn’t listed.
          So I’m stumped 😛

  • 🍉 🄵🄴🅁🄽🄿🄰🅆/🄼🄸🅂🅃 🍉 can't wait for summer! 😎✨ Click my name for NTA rounds! 🌱 "If You're Going To Rely On Words Alone, Then They Better Be Incredibly Powerful." - Todoroki says:


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