• 1. What do you think of Squirrelflight? I love her!! She was so sassy and confident as an apprentice and we was such a good mother in PoT!
      2. What do you think of Leafpool? She’s fine I guess. I liked her a lot when she was an apprentice, but after she got her name idk…
      3. Who is the best mate for Squirrelflight? Why? I don’t think she needs a mate! She can certainly take care of herself, but if I had to choose one, Shrewpaw. He is so much better Theban Bramble or Ash!
      4. Who is the best mate for Leafpool? Why? Mothwing! Partly because it’s a lesbian ship, partly cuz Mothwing is so kind to Leafpool
      5. Leafpool vs Squirrelflight, who is the best? Why? I think they both have good qualities, but I like Squilf the best! I loved reading her pov in TNP, she’s probably my favourite character!

    • 1. She’s a good character, but I don’t immensely like/hate her. I do love her sassy and fiery personality, though! In TNP I did think she was kinda cute, and I enjoyed reading her thoughts!

      2. I feel like she’s this strong anchor for cats to grasp and hold onto (sorry if that didn’t make sense, I’m super tired right now). She is really calm and down-to-earth, quite the opposite of her littermate. I did like her more as an apprentice, though. She seemed a bit more passionate about her as a med cat and maybe a bit more nervous and anxious. I thought that it added more to her personality.

      3. Shrewpaw, for sure! I mean, Brambleclaw was a pretty decent mate, but BrambleSTAR was not the best. And for Ashfur, I just think he had an obsession on Squirrelflight, not love. But Shrewpaw, he seemed to actually have a really good friendship with Squirrelflight! And she seemed to really enjoy his company. I feel like they could’ve been amazing mates!

      4. Honestly, I don’t know. CrowXLeaf was pretty cute from what I remember (it’s been a while since I read the books!), but LeafXMoth was really cute too! I don’t really have a preference; I feel like both the relationships are true and well-developed.

      5. I think that they are both really good characters, but I do like Leafpool better. She’s calm, soft, smart, and caring. Exactly what I want to be I do really like Squirrelflight’s sass, though! But Leafpool is just more well-developed, I feel like. So, if I had to choose, then I would pick Leafpool. *No offense to Squirrelflight lovers, though! I think she’s a good character too!*

    • 1. Bad, she was better as an apprentice
      2. She’s okay. I found her a bit untrustworthy when she lied to her kits though.
      3. Bramblestar. He’s experienced, he’s a leader, and as they said. Squirrelflight needed someone to match her fire, not tame it. But that became dirt when she became sensible, I didn’t like her after that.
      4. Crowfeather. Because he’s cool BD, and i personally find LeafxMoth weird because they in my opinion, are just friends.
      5. Leafpool. Squirrelflight’s character was ruined, her personality, her search for adventure. WHAT HAPPENED TO HER?!??!?!
      Cool article <3

    • It’s cool, but they’re pretty unnecessary lol.
      Leafstar, she’s a really good leader and is overall a really good cat!
      I love her!
      Billystorm, he is really loyal to his mate and kits and wouldn’t rush into fights.
      Yes, it was kinda frustrating knowing about this whole other clan without seeing it or even having it mentioned for arcs. Also, having SkyClan return made lots of interesting drama!

    • Opinion on SkyClan? One of my favourite clans! I really like their abilities and speciality in climbing trees, I feel like I would fit in there.
      Favourite cat in SkyClan? This is hard! I really like rootspring and Tree, and I falso like Cherrytail
      Opinion on Leafstar? I think she’s a solid leader! Not my fav, but still good
      Who should be the next SkyClan leader? I think Hawkwing should be the next leader. He is a good deputy and a kind cat
      Should SkyClan have joined the other Clans by the lake? I mean, they would have died if they didn’t, but idk

    • Skyclan oppinion: plot device / in Avos they were just a plot device but then started to just be y’know a normal Clan y’know, I never did imagine them as a part of the other four clans though, and I do feel like they should’ve only been 4 Clans
      Fav skyclan cat: Violetshine ofc
      Oppinion on Leafstar: She’s cool
      Who should be the next SkyClan leader: Hawkwing all the way!!
      Should SkyClan have joined the other cats by the lake: nuh-uhthey shouldn’t have existed
      Also I love your interview articles!

    • shroompaw/pool | looking for a mentor! | she/her / shroom that grows in mountain's crack | " Will you go fish blasting with Klee? " ✨✨✨| End of year exam edition! Wishing everyone taking exams luck! says:

      if it’s still open here’s my opinion!
      opinion on skc: pretty cool! if i had to pick a clan to join, it would be skyclan! tbh idk how to make it short form because sc has been taken by shadowclan! the old clans were wrong to kick them out.
      fav cat in skc: hmmmm echomist! she was the original medicine cat but she’s dead now so idk if that counts as skyclan
      opinion on leafstar: my opinion on her is pretty chill, a good cat, chosen by starclan, she was kind to let the sisters stay, so i mostly like her? she also sided with squilf in TBC, which i agreed with too
      who should be the next skyclan leader?: most likely? hawkwing. my unpopular opinion? rootspring. PETITION TO GIVE ROOTSPRING AN APPRENTICE, SIGNED!
      should sky clan have joined the other clans at the lake: YES YES YES! if they didn’t join, we wouldn’t have root x bristle, tree x violetshine… and poor twigbranch and violetshine would have never known their father! (not saying meeting hawkwing was a good thing tho, they were just sad) also, the clans would have probably died to darktail. COUGH COUGH, ONESTAR.

    • 1. I think she’s amazing! I love how she can be really fierce, but kind and gentle as well.
      2. To be honest, I’m kind of neutral on her. I never really cared much for her.
      3. I LOVE IvyXFern, it’s such a cute, healthy ship! I really hate DoveXBumble, I think Bumblestripe was an abusive mate. DoveXTiger, in my opinion, is slightly better than DoveXBumble, but it’s certainly not my favorite ship.
      4. I don’t like how she left her family and friends behind. But I guess she followed her heart *shrugs*
      5. Ivypool definitely. She’s such a complex, likable character. I find her more interesting than Dovewing. (I don’t mean to offend anyone!)

    • 1. What do you think of Ivypool? I love her! One of my favourite characters 😀
      2. What do you think of Dovewing? I don’t really have an opinion on her, but I’m leaning towards dislike. Somethink about her just throws me off
      3. What do you think of IvyXFern, DoveXBumble and DoveXTiger? Is there another cat you ship one of them with? I love Ivyfern, it’s such a cute ship! i’m neutral on both BumbleDove and TigerDove
      4. What’s your opinion of Dovewing joining ShadowClan? Could not care less 😛
      5. Ivypool vs Dovewing, who is the best? Why? I think Ivypool is better, it was so interesting reading abióut when she trained in the dark forest, I just like her and her personaity overall much more than Dovewing

    • 1. What do you think of Ivypool? I love her, I think she’s really strong and determined, she still gets back up even when someone pushes her down. I like Dovewing a bit more than her, just because I’m a little sensitive to violence and her killing Antpelt for no reason kinda put a bad taste in my mouth.
      2. What do you think of Dovewing? I love her! There are a lot of people who hate her and complain that she’s whiny, a Mary Sue, tries to steal all the attention, stuff like that. I would write long paragraphs of her, but I already have in an article I wrote, so I won’t write it all here. But I would say that she is kind, a wonderful mother, too hated and an cat with a mix of good and bad traits, but all of them fit nicely together that she isn’t an overly good cat or an overly bad cat.
      3. What do you think of IvyXFern, DoveXBumble and DoveXTiger? Is there another cat you ship one of them with? I ship Ivy x Fern together, and I’m a little on neutral with Dove x Tiger! I will never ship Dove x Bumble in a million years, but I feel like Tigerheart was a good mate for her until he became leader. There’s probably the perfect tom out there for her somewhere…
      4. What’s your opinion of Dovewing joining ShadowClan? I think her joining ShadowClan is totally valid and okay! I mean, if you just had kits and your mate just became leader with his Clan about to crumble, wouldn’t you want to go join ShadowClan to help support him as he builds it back up? And think about the kits, too! It would be pretty hard to split them or have them all with just one parent in one Clan.
      5. Ivypool vs Dovewing, who is the best? Why? Dovewing! I explained a little bit about that above^^

    • 1. What do you think of Ivypool? I love how protective she is of her sister, how clever and fierce and loyal. She’s a no-nonsense, straight-to-the-point kind of cat and would be a great fit for deputy. But there are times where she expects Dovewing to help her right after an argument. *cough, Dark Forest trainee, cough*
      2. What do you think of Dovewing? Meh. She’s…okay, I guess, but a bit whiny to the point where it’s excessive and not very appreciative of Ivypool. And made a big deal out of losing her powers when she was basically just using them to show off.
      3. What do you think of IvyXFern, DoveXBumble and DoveXTiger? Is there another cat you ship one of them with? I love IvyXFern. The chemistry is just so great. DoveXBumble is meh—I mean, they’re cute together, but Bumblestripe overreacted when Dovewing didn’t want to be his mate anymore, and DoveXTiger is awful. Tigerstar basically betrayed Dovewing by telling his leader about Jayfeather’s catmint patch.
      4. What’s your opinion of Dovewing joining ShadowClan? Pfft. It happens way too often now.
      5. Ivypool vs Dovewing, who is the best? Why? Ivypool is best. She’s just such a great character that brings interest to the story and makes the plot much more interesting.

    • 1. What do you think of Ivypool? I hated apprentice Ivypool, but I guess warrior Ivy is alright
      2. What do you think of Dovewing? She’s really not that whiny, just not as ‘important’ as Ivypool. Also, she is NOT a lump of Mary Sue fox-dung. You said it! Whiny is not part of a Mary Sue!
      3. What do you think of IvyXFern, DoveXBumble and DoveXTiger? Is there another cat you ship one of them with? I personally liked IvyXTiger in OotS😛 but now, I ship IvyXFern
      4. What’s your opinion of Dovewing joining ShadowClan? I guess it’s okay…she went through A LOT of pain, it makes sense she deserves to choose.
      5. Ivypool vs Dovewing, who is the best? Why? Dovewing! Reread OotS, you’ll immediately hate Ivypool. She’s the selfish, whiny one, always taunting her sister despite how much Dovewing helped her. She’s much better in the other arcs.

    • 1. What do you think of Ivypool?
      She is awesome, I like how she risked her LIFE while Dovewing just sat there. I like her purrsonality and everything about her
      2. What do you think of Dovewing?
      I think of her as a whiny character. I mean, she broke the code, whined about not wanting her powers and when she lost them, whined about having them back!
      3. What do you think of IvyXFern, DoveXBumble and DoveXTiger? Is there another cat you ship one of them with? I like IvyFern, its cute, DoveBumble is like a sink. Dovewing just cheated on him. DoveTiger: no way. I hate both of them, and I think Dovewing is waaay too clingy
      4. What’s your opinion of Dovewing joining ShadowClan? Well, I was relieved to get her out of ThunderClan, but joining ShadowClan with her precious mate, no way
      5. Ivypool vs Dovewing, who is the best? Why? Ivypool. Ivypool risked her life, while Dovewing just whines about everything and gets what she wants without doing anything

    • PART 1

      Favorite cat? Ravenpaw. I find him to be very kind, and very innocent, and he gives a lot of light to the first arc. Mothwing is a close second for me.
      Least favorite cat? Hard to say. No cat really struck me as a cat that I hated their personality, however, if we are basing this off of the crimes they committed, then Mapleshade or Brokenstar.
      Favorite clan? Winclam. Besides Winclam dominating the February gathering, I still like the clan very much and I think it deserves more attention.
      Least favorite clan? Starclan. It’s stupid, their prophecies make no sense, and the system for getting into Starclan is rigged.
      Favorite arc? I used to like some of the later arcs but now I think my favorite was TPB. Just because it was a lot simpler than arcs that heavily relied on the plot of Starclan/DF (such as TBC)
      Least favorite arc? I only read one book in ASC but probably ASC. I didn’t like River very much.

      I’ll post the rest in a part 2.

    • Favourite and least favourite cat? Why? I don’t really have a favourite cat, but there’s a few I like very much! Like Cinderpelt, Sandstorm, Hollyleaf, Frostpaw, Violet Dawn and many others! I don’t really know why I like them, they just give off good vibes I guess 😛 As for my least favourite cat, it’s One Eye. I absolutely despise him, he’s such a- okay, i better not continue down that track. I just dislike every part of his character.
      Favourite and least favourite Clan? Why? My favourite clan is either SkyClan or RiverClan! I just like both of their hunting techiques and territories so much, I could totally see myself fit in in either of them 😀 My least favourite clan is either ThunderClan or ShadowClan, ThunderClan because they’re severely overused and ShadowClan just because they are displayed as jerks, I’d quite like the clan if it wasn’t for that
      Favourite and least favourite arc? Why? My favourite arc is TNP! It’s one of the original arcs, before there were too many books and the new writers team, I just love the nostalgia that lies within it. My least favourite arc is AVoS, the last three books just completely ruined it (it was never even good to begin with), and it was just so hard to get through.
      Favourite and least favourite book? Why? My favourite book has to be Into the Wild! It’s the book that first got me into warriors, and it holds a great bit of nostalgia. My least favourite book is ona of the last three in AVoS, I can’t decide wich since they’re all equally bad
      Favourite and least favourite ship? Why? My favourite ship….this is hard…maybe CloudxBright? I love how supportive Cloudtail was of Brightheart after the dog attak, and even came up with new battle techices so she could be as good a warrior as anyone else. My least favourite ship is probably PinexLeopard, Pinestar is older then Leopardfoot’s parents, and when she has his kits he leaves ThunderClan to go be a kittypet?!! Pinestar, do you not care about your ‘mate’ at all?!!!!

    • Favourite cat? Needletail is my absolute fav cat! She is a lot like me, and she changed a lot from the ‘evil’ cat following Darktail to the cat that sacrificed herself for a friend <3
      Least favorite? Probably Darkstripe. He follows Tigerstar 1 blindly, killed Stonefur, and poisoned an innocent kit!! I just hate this guy.

      Favourite Clan? I think that ShadowClan is treated very unfairly in the books, and I just love how they are different from the other clans! ShadowClan is definitely my favorite clan.
      Least favorite? ThunderClan. Three quarters of the POVs are from ThunderClan, they stick their noses in other's business, and they are the literal definition of 'goody-two-paws'. Yes, some really good characters are in ThunderClan, but in general, I just don't really like it.

      Favourite arc? My favorite arc is probably TNP. I love how they were all grouped together by important cats from their clan, I love how the Tribe of Rushing Water is included a lot, how Feathertail is the silver cat (smth like that), and how Midnight is a badger that can speak cat 😛
      Least favorite? Probably TBC. It had a really interesting plot, but it was just too spiritual for me. I mean, yes, I adore plenty of characters in that arc, but it was kinda confusing. Like: oh, time to dream into the DF. OH NO I CAN'T GET OUT- over and over again 😛

      Favorite book? Hmm . . . probably Tigerheart's Shadow. I know a lot of people don't like Tigerheart, but I personally think he's fine. I loved his super edition, especially the guardian cats!
      Least favorite? I don't have one, actually! 😛

      Favorite ship? BillystormxLeafstar! I think that this is a really genuine ship and that they are amazing parents. I absolutely love these guys! 😀
      Least favorite? This is really obvious, but . . . . ThistlexSpotted. This isn't an appropriate topic on the blog, so I won't elaborate.

    • My favorite cat is Firestar. I know that many people don’t like him, but for me he’s the one who made me fall in love with the series and I really appreciate him for having the courage to leave his comfortable home and follow his call into the wild. He tried his best to make things right and even if he didn’t succed every time, he kept listening to his heart. I also think he was the best Thunderclan leader. I mean, he led not only his clan, but all the clans through the great journey. I’m basic, but he’s a very good tom in my opinion.

      My least favorite cat is Goosefeather because I just can’t stand him. I haven’t read his novella, but I hated him in Bluestar’s Prophecy and Crookedstar’s Promise. He is why Crookedstar had the accident! And he is the one who constantly reminded Bluestar of that stupid prophecy! I don’t like him.

      My favorite clan used to be Thunderclan, but arc 6 ruined it, so now I think I love Riverclan. They’re just very chilling all the time. 😛

      My least favorite clan is probably Windclan. I just find all the cats there (except for Crowfeather!!) extremly unpleasant.

      My favorite arc is The New Prophecy because it centeres a lot of my favorite characters and I just loved the journey to the sun-down-place! All the six of them start off being very reticents to each other and end up being like a family. Oh, and Feathertail’s death… so sad… And don’t forget about Leaf x Crow! Yeah, so many good things happen in this arc.

      My least favorite arc is A Vision of Shadows because I don’t like any of the characters and it ruined all the clans in my opinion.

      My favorite book is The Forest of Secrets because it was a rollercoaster of emotions for me! First, I cried my eyes out when Silverstream died, then I was so happy because Tigerstar has been unmasked, then I cried again when Graystripe left. I love it!

      My least favorite book is Apprentice’s quest because I found Alderheart very boring and I HATED the way Sandstorm died! She deserved better than that!

      My favorite ship is Leaf x Crow. I don’t really know how to explain why I love them so much, but I felt so much for them in Twilight! I think they trully loved each other, even after Leafpool chose her clan over Crowfeather.

      My least favorite ship is… Poppy x Berry? I really don’t like how Berrynose started his relationship with Poppyfrost right after Honeyfearn died.

    • Favorite cat? Jayfeather! Runnerups are Gray wing or Riverstar 🙂
      Least favorite cat: Rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I despise him!
      Favorite arc: OoTs or dawn of the clans
      Least favorite arc: AvOs or PoT, because in PoT even though the books are good, it’s not necessary, it’s not a arc on its own cuz it and OOts lean of each other for plot 🙁
      Favorite Clan: Blogclan LOL RiverClan
      Least favorite clan: Skyclan is my least fav living clan bc it’s a plot device and xsthe runner up to tc on cats that have so little personality, they were just put there for the sake of being put there. But starclan is my least fav clan overall because STARCLAN IS THE WORST CLAN! (Hint: type that into the blogclan search bar LOL)
      Favorite book? The Last Hope or Path Of Stars
      Least Favorite book? uh ummm idk maybe Midnight? It’s just kinda sad
      Favorite ship: Gray X Slate cuz they are so developed and like genuine
      Least favorite ship: Dove X Tiger literally Tigerheart not cool he try force Dove into a relationship

    • Favorite cat? Well, my favorite cat is Rootspring. Don’t ask why, as I have absolutely no idea 😛 but really he and the whole of TBC gets so much hate for absolutely no reason! Sure, it was a little more spiritual and magical, but hey, what’s so bad about that? A little more fantasy can never hurt. And Rootspring is just a cat with daddy issues, which reminds me a little of Keefe from KOTLC, and who could ever hate Keefe?
      My least favorite cat is Squirrelflight. She is just so annoying, with all her… well… I don’t know how to explain it but there is just something about her I absolutely despise. She always gets her way, and is generally super bossy and mean to everyone, then people complain about Leafpool!? Like seriously, priorities people!

      Favorite Clan? Like many people, I very much like RiverClan! They are a lot more peaceful than the others, and I just like their main personality and how they aren’t scared to be different in their habitat, prey, and, well, everything.
      For my least favorite, I agree with Nightwind. StarClan is seriously the worst! But if it had to be a Clan Clan, I (and definitely many others) would say ThunderClan. Like, every single arc has a POV in it (DotC doesn’t count for this), and they are just so bossy and annoying in general! I will definitely not understand anyone who really likes them, unless it’s because they get too much hate (they kind of do).

      Favorite arc? hmm… TBC! I know it’s a pretty unpopular opinion, but as someone who reads a TON of fantasy, I have no problem with all the spiritual stuff and find it very interesting, actually. I think the idea and the plot is very cool, and though it may have relied just a little too much on StarClan and the Dark Forest, I still absolutely love this arc 🙂
      Least favorite? AVoS! I just think it was, well, boring. Straight-out boring. The only reason I read the whole thing is so I could continue reading through the arcs (and Alderheart <3).

      Favorite book? Well ALitM is forever amazing, but like Haxel said, Into the Wild will always have a special spot in any Warriors lover's heart! As for least favorite, I can't think of any one book I didn't like, so I'd just say some book in AVoS 😛

      Favorite ship? Well BristleXRoot is the BEST, but some other really sweet ones are CloudXBright, Clear Sky X Bright Stream, Gray Wing X Slate, Moth Wing X Micha (okay okay I'll stop with the DotC ones but there are just so manyyyyy), and okay I can't think of anything other than DotC right now so that's it I guess 😛
      Least favorite ship? Sooooo manyyyyy but I really don't like Clear Sky X Star Flower (forgive me for DotC again)! It's just like, "hey Thunder I love you" *reveals she's One-Eye's daughter* "Nevermind, I hate you Thunder and want to be with your dad now" *goes to Clear Sky and pleads for forgiveness* (if that's inaccurate, then sorry, I haven't read the series in like half a year and don't remember exactly how it went) and I HATE that SO MUCHHHH

    • Opinion on Crowfeather? I’m pretty neutral on him.
      Opinion on LeafXCrow? I understand why people ship it, but it’s too dramatic for my liking.
      Opinion on FeatherXCrow? It was so cute!! I really miss Feathertail ):
      Opinion on NightXCrow? I don’t think they were genuinely in love, but I’m glad they are on good terms now (:
      What would have happened if Feathertail survived? Crowfeather would have died instead lol. If neither of them died, then I think he wouldn’t really mess with Leafpool so he would stay with Feathertail.
      Which ship is the best? Why? FeatherXCrow because it has the least issues and was really sweet overall.