
Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this year’s gift exchange! As always, your creations were absolutely wonderful and you never fail to blow me away with your talent and creativity! To find your name in...
Okay, so this post is a little later than what I would’ve wanted, but I’ve had a busy week 😛 I’m also a little tired, so, only one cat pic this time 😛 You’re getting plenty from Cadvent, anyway...
The seventh edition of the Blog Monthly is here – written by Lil, fresh off the printing press Hello, everyone!! The Blog Monthly is back and better than ever! I hope you all love this edition, in my opinion it is one...
Pandapeltl gives warrior names to dragons from Wings of Fire.
Rosefern shares some thoughts on Jayfeather and Jay’s Wing.
The main page for FrostClan, for general discussion!
This is so cool whoa it’s an entire network of more pages and places to chat
hopefully more people join … it’s dead 😛
Hey Frosto ! Its so well organised !!!!! This will be the new level of roleplay organisation I know it. First people were like woahhhh maple the tests has so many pages and then BAM frostclan has a million
Maple hi welcome
hi lol
Hi can I claim this page since you haven’t really used it?
RIP Alex Trebek
This is the iceclan roleplay page
Dappledstar walked out of her den. She went to the prey pile and selected a mouse.
“Good morning, dear.” Rainwater said, walking over and purring.
“Hi.” mewed Dappledstar.
Maplepuddle came running into camp.
“There’s a badger!” tey gasped.
Blossomfall defender
Halfheart heard the yowls of her clanmates, screaming there was a badger. The badger ran to halfheart, trying to grab her neck. Halfheart sliced the badgers back, trying to save energy. “maplepuddle! watch out!” the big badger ran to maplepuddle, trying to claw her. Halfheart watched the badger run to the cat, trying to regain her strength. She ran to maplepuddle, blocking the badger from clawing her. “go tell dapplestar to get snowstripe!” (snowstripe is the medicine cat)
(Actually I’m the med cat 😛)
(oh, okay :P)
Maplepuddle’s pronouns are actually not she/her! Tey uses tey/tem pronouns. 🙂
“I will!” meowed Maplepuddle, running off to find Dappledstar.
Blossomfall defender
(Oh, okay 🙂 )
Xey rushed out of xere den with a bundle of herbs. Xe rushed to everybody quickly applying cobwebs and marigold to them and dodging the badgers. But when xe tried to reach maplepuddle a badger blocker xe path swatting xem away like a fly and xe was left at the opposite side of the cave unconscious (hope I used the pronouns right, I’m new to them)
Here’s a quick guide as to how to use xe/xem pronouns.
Where you’d say he, say xe.
He is running. ——> Xe is running.
Where you’d say him, say xem.
I really like him. ———> I really like xem.
Where you’d say his, say xyr.
That is his dog. ——-> That is xyr dog.
Where you’d say himself, say xemself.
I think he made it by himself. ——> I think xe made it by xemself.
I hope this helped! 😉
Blossomfall defender
“No!” halfheart yelled, seeing xey unconscious. The badger was running to the two cats, ready to show blood. Halfheart clawed the badger, until she fell. There she was, on the ground, half-dead with her eye clawed. After laying down, she regained her energy and saw the badger in the corner of a tree with xey. Halfheart yowled to catch the badgers attention, which scared the badger away. “Are you okay?” halfheart asked xey. (Like kestry, hope I used to pronouns right 🙂 )
Xe groaned but nodded
Dragontalon charged right into a badger slashing its face.
Maplepuddle found Dappledstar. “Dappledstar, there’s a-“
“I know.” she told tem. She raced out, and started to claw the badger.
Rainwater joined Dappledstar, and slashed the badger’s cheek.
Put that thing back where it came from, or so help me!
Cypresscrystal slipped out of camp and ran to the big waterfall. Xey looked inside and saw the waves form rocks tumbling onto the badgers. That’s it xe thought. Xe charged back to camp towards dapplestar. “I’ve had a sign we need to get those rocks up their and push them onto the badgers” xe meowed frantically
“How do we do that?” Maplepuddle asked. “Those rocks look really heavy!”
“But if we all work together, it might work.” Dappledstar said.
“Yeah, we should at least try.” Rainwater agreed.
Put that thing back where it came from, or so help me!
“I’m in!” Dragontalon interrupted. “I’m obviously the most strongest” he meowed puffing out his chest.
Cypresscrystal-“sure” xe meowed rolling xyr eyes. “Then let’s go” xe ran up the rock tumbled carefully following a thin rocky path.
Maplepuddle started to follow Cypresscrystal, a little concerned tey would trip on the narrow path.
I’ll turn my back to you, both stars and blood alike.
Xe got up to the rock tumble starting to push the rocks with xyr back. “Come on we need all the warriors!” Xe meowed straining to push the rock
“You heard what xe said! Push!” Rainwater said.
Alongside Rainwater, Dappledstar started to push. “It’s working!” she gasped.
I’ll turn my back to you, both stars and blood alike.
Dragontalon pushed panting. Then he puffed out his chest. Then the rocks started to fall. All the cats had heard their plan and helped push or stayed far away so the badgers were left trying to climb up the wall. But as they did the giant boulders rolled down onto them. The ones who didn’t get crushed tan out of camp their eyes wide with fear. “We did it yes!” Meowed dragontalon. “Lucky you guys had me to help you” he meowed smirking.
“Lucky indeed.” Maplepuddle meowed sarcastically.
You sit and weave your lies, like a fox trots through the night.
Pinepaw came barreling into the other cats. “I was helping Silverpaw gather herbs and we heard the shouts. What can I do to help?” He asked, speaking quickly.
“Come with us to search for badgers around the camp!” He meowed “then the territory to of course”
He nodded, joining the small group preparing to check the camp.
Cypresscrystal scurried around camp tending to any injured form the badgers. As xe did so xe though of how xe knew what to do. Xe recalled going to the waterfall to think. But xe didn’t think of this. Xe shook xeyr head and went back to tending to the other cats.
Dappledstar limped over to Cypresscrystal. “Hey, would you mind checking on my leg?” she mewed, looking into xyr eyes.
PoppyfrostXBriarlight forever!
Silverpaw rushed back into camp and looked at their mentor, Cypresscrystal. “I was gathering herbs and I heard the shouts,” she said to xem as she put down the bundle of marigold and horseradish. “What do you need me to do?” She asked xem.
“Check all the cats for wounds and send someone to check for badgers” xe say dappledstar about to protest that they would do it but she quickly intervened. “You need to get some herbs for those wounds, silverpaw can handle it” xe meowed dragging dappledstar into the medicine den
Silverpaw nodded as she glanced over her wound. She quickly made a poultice of juniper berries and marigold. “Hold still,” she ordered, “this will sting.” Her nose scrunched at the bitter taste but she pressed it onto his leg, grabbing some cobweb to keep it there.
“I heard we had to check for badgers, I’m in!” Dragontalon meowed
Silverpaw nodded at him. “We should probably check the nursery and elder’s den first. Who else do you think would be a good fit to help?” She asked, looking around the wrecked camp.
Eagelfight padded over to the cats talking,panting. “I’m not wounded too badly,I can help.”
“Then what are we waiting for” meowed dragontalon charging to the nursery
Eagleflight pushed their way into the nursery next to Dragontalon. Parts of the left wall were missing,but no cat looked injured. She checked on each of the queens and helped calm the kits down. “I think everyone’s alright,now we need to make sure the elders are ok.”
He nodded, glancing around the camp. “We probably need a patrol to start rebuilding.” He suggested.
Eagleflight nodded,taking in the damage. “First,let’s make sure all our clanmates are ok.” she then turned and started walking to the elders den.
He nodded, padding after Eagleflight.
Eagleflight looked around the den,checking on the older cats. After they were sure everyone was fine,she walked out,sighing in relief. “No one is hurt,now we can start repairs.”
“Okay, which den is in the worst shape?” He asked, scanning the camp.
Eagleflight looked around,heart dropping when she took in the full damage of camp. “The warriors’ den looks pretty bad,we can start there.” she saw a huge hole in the side of the nursery and sighed. How did I not see that earlier? she asked herself. “We’ll need to take care of that.”
“Yeah I’ll go get brambles” he comes back shortly after with a wad on his back, he winced but his strong build could hold all of the ferns and brambles.
He helped Dragontalon put the brambles down. “The Queens will probably want us to start with the nursery.” He suggested.
Eagleflight nodded,grabbing a tendril of bramble. E few thorns tugged at their fur,but she ignored it. The queens and kits needed protection,and a few cuts was worth keeping them safe.
Dragontalon lifted pinepaw onto his back to patch the brambles at the top then grabbed some ferns for the patchy sides.
He wobbled slightly, but began weaving the brambles into the den, hissing when a thorn pricked his paw.
He lowered pinepaw as the last of the roof was patched up. He stepped back to look at the nursery. Great! Now all it needs is moss” (hey we could be the repair guys like brackenfur and dustpelt lol)
He smiled and nodded at the tom. “I think there is a patch by the medicine cat den,” he suggested.
“I’ll get some.” Eagleflight said before dashing over the medicine den and coming back with a mouth-full of moss.
He smiled and took a clump and filled in the smaller gaps.
For one dragontalon didn’t feel like yelling as loud as he could to get attention he felt like he had some true friends even if they were just doing repairs. He helped place the moss then twitched his whiskers in satisfaction.
He smiled slightly at their finished work. “Should all of us head over to the medicine den and get our wounds checked out?” He asked.
“ill be fine, but you should go you got that nasty slash down yur flank” he meowed thoughtfully
Eagleflight looked over Dragontalon’s pelt,seeing no bad injuries. “Make sure to get some rest,you’ve been working hard. I need Cypresscrystal to check my foot,I think I might have twisted it.” She said,nodding to her back foot that she was holding slightly off the ground.
Dappledstar sat down, her tail curled around her paws.
Swallowing Shadows
“Alright let’s see your injury’s”. Xe sat down and carefully made xyr way through her fur. Xe parted to the back and saw a green red throbbing wound. Cypress winced. “That’s a bad one, looks infected too” xe meowed. “Silverpaw I need marigold and dock stat!” Xe called.
She quickly grabbed the herbs, giving them to xem. “Do you want me to check for badgers with the others?” She asked.
“No I need you here” xe whispered not trying to alarm dappledstar
She nodded slightly and began wrapping bundles of herbs. “I’ll figure out who’s injured and needs dock or marigold.”
“I’ll be ok, right?” mewed Dappledstar nervously.
Rainwater licked her mate’s ear. “It’s ok, dear. Cypresscrystal knows what xe is doing.”
And He Runs
Cypresscrystal checked around her pelt for more injuries and felt a bump in her front left paw. Xe grabbed some rush and comfrey and wrapped them around the leg. “Stay in my den for then next few days, other then that you’ll be fine, just keep off that leg and be careful we’re you lay” xe meowed nodding to silverpaw that she can leave now if she still wanted to catch up with the patrol and leading dappledstar to xyr den.
“Thank you.” said Dappledstar, grateful.
I’ll Be Complete
“I’ll see to it that you’re careful with that leg.” Rainwater said.
WolfStar 4 Life
She smiled at the two of them, it was obvious they were in love. “I’ll be checking in on you so I’ll know if you haven’t been following orders,” she warned, deciding to stay instead of catching up with the patrol.
“Ok.” mewed Dappledstar.
Maplepuddle walked in. “Are you ok, Dappledstar?” tey asked ter adoptive mother.
“I’ll be fine,” she assured tem.
WolfStar 4 Life
“Or at least she will be as long as she rests,” Silverpaw added with a smile at tem.
Maplepuddle flicked ter tail. “Alright!” tey responded.
Fleur is amazing!