• Ashpaw yelped in shock as Breezepaw suddenly…disappeared? A starry brown tabby cat had rested her tail on Breezepaw’s back, and suddenly the PetalClan apprentice had just vanished. The starry cat looked at Ashpaw guiltily. “I’m sorry,” she whispered. Then everything went black.


    Ashpaw jolted awake, instinctively looking for Breezepaw and Aspenpaw before realizing. She was back home, in EmberClan’s medicine den. She was alone. She didn’t feel too much pain, and her head was clear, so she must be okay. But she had the feeling Breezepaw wasn’t as lucky as her. Not dead, but…something wasn’t right. something was not right…

  • Aspenpaw licked her chest fur. She sighed. Ever since the gathering Aspenpaw had felt… strange. Some thing wasn’t right. “Starclan please tell me what’s wrong.” Aspenpaw asked tipping her head up to the first warriors of Starclan. “Aspenpaw!” Called Featherpaw. “Come over and share toungs with us.” Aspenpaw trotted over to Featherpaw and Hollowpaw.

    Aspenpaw opened her eyes. A sparkling flame coloured Tom stood in front of her. “W-who are you?” Aspenpaw asked tentatively. “I am Firestar of Thunderclan.” Replied the Tom gazing down at her, his emerald eyes sparkling. “I’m her to tell you that you have to help Breezepaw. Somethings wrong.” “What do you mean?” Asked Aspenpaw worried but Firestar was fading. “No! Wait!” But Firestar had gone. What do I do!?!? Thought Aspenpaw…

    • Breezepaw pov
      i started around the den as i saw an exit if only i could reach it
      I tried to stand up again and i did not fall i limped out the den before Moonpaw came back as
      I felt the wind on my fur i limped out and after a while i smelled a weird scent (Streamclan territory) i continued ignoring the scent when a group of cat found me ¨well well look who we have her¨ sneered the tom leading the group
      ¨a Petalclan cat it passed our territory ¨ hissed another one
      another one grabbed my by the tail as i yipped in pain
      And took me with them
      I was to tired so i did not fight back so i did nothing

      • Aspenpaw looked out of a near by holly bush. “Oh no!” She whispered. “What was that?” Asked a brown tabby Tom in front, Muddysnarl Aspenpaw reminded herself. Aspenpaw stepped out of the holly bush. “Aspenpaw?” Asked Hollowpaw. “Leave Breezepaw alone!” Hissed Aspenpaw ignoring Hollowpaw. “Why should we… traitor!” Growled Muddysnarl. “Let her go.” Repeated Aspenpaw, gritting her teeth. A cream spotted tabby she-cat spoke up “Aspenpaw! She crossed into our territory!” She said as if teaching a kit. “By accident.” Hissed Aspenpaw. Aspenpaw glanced at Breezepaw seeing the confusion in her eyes. “We’ll take her back to camp then see what Lakestar* thinks we should do.” Said a ginger she-cat, Rabbitflame, Aspenpaw recognised. As the patrol headed back to camp Aspenpaw felt her heart sink with each step she took. She keeped glancing over at Breezepaw but her face was as blank as a smooth patch of sand.

  • Vanillamoon Pov:
    Vanillamoon glazed at ashpaw “are you okay”

    Breezepaw pov:
    Breezepaw breath became shallow her belly stung she opened her eyes a little to see a shape (Aspenpaw) above her something about her seemed familiar but she could not remember

  • (I forgot I made a character so now I’m joining. So basically there’s a bunch of horrible things happening in all the Clans right?)
    Finchsong POV
    Finchsong sat back contently. Her best friend Hawkdapple was bringing her a plump starling for her to eat. He really is a great friend she thought, licking her lips.
    She started eating the starling, smiling at its delicious taste. She finished it off in a few seconds and pushed away the pile of feathers.
    “Uhh…” she muttered. “Hawkdapple, could you take that out of camp for me? I feel…stuffed.”

    Hawkdapple POV
    “Uhh…” Finchsong said, looking very dizzy. “Hawkdapple, could you take that out of camp for me? I feel…stuffed.”
    “Sure,” he mewed quietly, feeling worried and nervous. He blushed, looking at her, then realized he was sitting there looking like a mouse-brain, so he shoved the feathers in his mouth and padded out of camp.
    As he dumped them out he heard a horrified shriek. Finchsong! He raced back into camp and found her splayed on the floor, coughing and vomiting. She was trembling and she glared up at Hawkdapple.
    “You…tried to poison me!”

  • aspenpaw trotted into camp with a black bird clamped in her jaws. she dropped it in the fresh-kill pile then bounded over to the medicine den to check on breezepaw. aspenpaw brushed through the ferns of the medicine den. she was relieved to see that snowynight, the medicine cat was out. aspenpaw padded over to breezepaw. aspenpaw let out a sigh of relife to see breezepaw’s breathing was steddy. aspenpaw settled down beside her to wait for her to wake up. soon aspenpaw was curled beside breezepaw snoring softly.

    don’t mind the mistakes 🙂

    • ❄❄🌸Creamy/paw/heart 🌸❄❄🥀app to the amazing Bloddynight🥀❄☃ready for christmas☃❄🩸bestie is bloodynight🩸🎄she/her🎄All i want for christmas is you🎄 says:

      (i did not even noticed them lol)
      Breezepaw blinked light blazed painfully she blinked a few times to get used to the light secnts hit her nose herbs like in the den she woke up were it all began
      “where am i?“ a warm body was beside her the familer shape she saw when she blacked out
      them it moved
      Breezepaw frozed was it a foe or friend well it was sleeping next to her so friend she guessed
      the shecat stood up and sat down and looked at her happliy she purred
      “Breezepaw you are okay i was worried“
      Breezepaw stared at her and meowed “Do I know you?“
      (da da dna na naaaaaa DRAMA)

      • Aspenpaw stared at breezepaw in shock. “i’m aspenpaw!” gasped aspenpaw* “don’t you remember me?”. breezepaw looked at aspenpaw her eyes wide in confusion. “umm… no?” replied breezepaw. aspenpaw’s eyes grew wide. she turned and pelted out of the den. out of the camp and into the forest.
        *that sounded so funky😛

        • (lol😛)
          “WAIT” Breezepaw called “WHERE DO I KNOW YOU FROM”
          but she left
          “do I know her?” she asked her self
          she looked familiar and sounded familiar
          Then her mind clicked
          she was at a gathering talked with to cats well she-cats one looked like the one who ran off and the other one was gray cat with brown eyes and fluffy fur
          then two names came to her “Aspenpaw and Ashpaw hmmmm one of those could be her name” she thought.

  • Flickeringstar paced around the leader’s den in EmberClan’s camp, her fur prickling. She feels eyes on her, no matter which way she turns. Finally shaking her head to try to clear the nasty feeling, she discreetly looks outside and pricks her ears, trying to make sure no cat is plotting anything.

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