Name Generators

Have you made a warrior name generator? Then, this is the page to share it on. Have fun!


[image description: painting of a black cat with a red collar sitting on a hill underneath a tree and in front of the sun. a signature in pink is in the bottom right]

Note: Please refrain from using real names in generators! We like to protect the privacy of our users 🙂


  • Third letter of your BlogClan name
    D -Mud
    Fifth letter in your BlogClan name
    Favorite series
    The Prophecies Begin-ThunderClan
    The New Prophecy-WindClan
    Power Of The Three-RoverClan
    Omen Of The Stars-ShadowClan
    Dawn Of The Clans-Kittypet
    Vision Of The Shadows-Rouge
    The Broken Code-Loner
    I am Clovertuft a loner

  • Okayyyy random generator based on one of my really old ones from almost a year ago 😛

    Prefix – Choose your favourite element and choose a random number between 1-7
    1 – Char
    2 – Bright
    3 – Flicker
    4 – Scorch
    5 – Dash
    6 – Spark
    7 – Ember

    1 – Ripple
    2 – Flood
    3 – Mist(y)
    4 – Bubble
    5 – Stream
    6 – Flurry
    7 – Dew

    1 – Clay
    2 – Shrub
    3 – Wood(en)
    4 – Sprout
    5 – Soot
    6 – Meadow
    7 – Floret

    1 – Cyclone
    2 – Gale
    3 – Fowl
    4 – Firefly
    5 – Dragonfly
    6 – Butterfly
    7 – Drift

    1 – Flash
    2 – Flare
    3 – Glow
    4 – Morning
    5 – Sun(ny)
    6 – Day
    7 – Aurora

    1 – Smog
    2 – Murk(y)
    3 – Cloud
    4 – Hound
    5 – Dusk
    6 – Shade
    7 – Ebony

    Other / All / None:
    1 – Inferno
    2 – Brine
    3 – Gravel
    4 – Zephyr
    5 – Shine
    6 – Bleak
    7 – Desert

    Suffix – Choose a random number 1-20.
    1 – hawk
    2 – gorse
    3 – frost
    4 – burr
    5 – holly
    6 – thistle
    7 – willow
    8 – tuft
    9 – swoop
    10 – shore
    11 – stone
    12 – mask
    13 – feather
    14 – shard
    15 – briar
    16 – dapple
    17 – branch
    18 – brook
    19 – creek
    20 – fang

    Come up with the rest (optional)!

    I got Sproutmask, a white and brown tabby with yellow-green eyes. They’re mates with Deserthawk, a cream tabby molly with copper eyes. The two raised three adoptive kits, Houndkit/frost (black torbie molly with amber eyes), Flickerkit/shard (black tom with yellow eyes), and Ripplekit/fang (black and white molly with yellow eyes).

    • Scorchpaw/shard: lithe, sleek, dark ginger she cat with darker ginger paws, muzzle and light blue eyes.
      She’s an Riverclan apprentice and I’m gonna make her a family tree cause why not:
      Great grandmother: Leafy ( Loner ) ( Dead ), Brown tabby she cat with yellow eyes
      Great grandfather: Fox-eye ( Dead ), Russet and light ginger tom with amber eyes
      Grandmother: Ivyshard ( Dead ), Sleek dark ginger she cat
      Grandfather: Poolsong ( Dead ), Gray tabby tom with darker grey points
      Mother: Featherleap ( Dead ), Small, lithe, dark ginger she cat with dark ginger paws and muzzle and green eyes.
      Father: Flipscale ( Alive ), Black tom with sky blue eyes
      Brother: Redpaw/dust (Alive ), BLack tom with green eyes and one ginger paw that looks like he stepped in dust.

    • I got Bubblefeather, a tortoiseshell, black, and white she-cat. She is a warrior of ThunderClan. Her mate is Ripplepelt, a light brown tabby tom. Her sisters are Spottedpelt, a lithe tortoiseshell she-cat, and Cloudfeather, a cream and white she-cat and her brothers are Lightwhisker, a pale cream tom, and Rootstem, a darker cream tabby tom(Bubblefeather, Rootstem, and Lightwhisker are littermates, and Cloudfeather and Spottedpelt are littermates).
      Her kits are Ivystem, a small, spike fured tortoiseshell she-cat, Pinestripe, a light brown tabby tom, and Perchfeather, a large, tortoiseshell tom.

      Thanks for reading this hunk of unuseful junk.

    • Floodmask, a RiverClan she-cat with blue eyes and a silvery pelt. Two of her litter mates died when the were kits, and her mother was killed on a Thunderpath after realizing that her sister’s secret about her cross clan mate had been found out. She had been running across the Thunderpath to ShadowClan when she was killed. Floodmask’s father was killed four days later in a battle with ThunderClan, leaving Floodmask and her brother Swiftriver (then Floodkit and Swiftkit) to be brought up by the RiverClan queen Froststream. Froststream’s mate, Rapidwater, was the deputy of RiverClan, and he and Froststream gladly raised the two one-and-a-half moon old kits as their own. The time they were growing up was the time of many battles, and half way through their apprenticeships, Swiftriver, then Swiftpaw, lost a paw and half of his tail in the same battle that claimed the life of Floodmask’s first mentor, Fishstripe. Swiftpaw soon recovered from his injury, and Tsunamistep was named Floodpaw’s new mentor. Floodmask and Swiftriver received their warrior names after they saved Ripplestar from WindClan warriors. Shortly after they were made warriors, they received apprentices. Floodmask, now mentor to Hurricanepaw, and Swiftriver, now mentor to Riptidepaw, plunged into battle against ShadowClan together yet again, but the heavy bloodshed caused the deaths of Shardpaw, Hurricanepaw and Riptidepaw’s sister, and Ripplestar. Rapidwater was one of the youngest deputy’s in the clans, but he bravely took his post as Rapidstar during the middle of a war between ThunderClan and SkyClan, and WindClan, ShadowClan and RiverClan. When he returned to RiverClan camp as Rapidstar, as his deputy he appointed not a senior warrior, and not even his beloved mate, Froststream, but he appointed Floodmask, the kit he had raised as his own, and the daughter he loved with all of his heart. Together, Floodmask and Rapidstar steered the RiverClan side of the war to victory against ThunderClan and SkyClan, and together, brother and sister watched as the apprentices they had put their heart and souls into became Hurricanestep and Riptidestorm. Later still, Swiftriver’s mate gave birth to his kits, and Floodmask, as brave and stubborn as ever, gave birth to three kits which she named Fishkit, Waterkit and Salmonkit, in honor of all the brave, noble cats she had lost; Fishstripe, her beloved mentor, Watercloud, her caring mother, and Salmonfur, her father who died saving her and her brother.

  • I am Sunfeather, a warrior of RiverClan,Yellow and white she-cat w/ amber eyes. My mate is Hawkswoop(orange pelt w/ yellow eyes and ginger tail)and my kits are Foxkit/catcher(orange tom w/ bushy tail,yellow eyes), Dandelionkit/stem(Yellow she-cat w/ ginger tail,blue eyes) and Riverkit/shade(blueish-grayish tom w/wavy fur and amber eyes). Nice generator Starspring

  • Hi! It’s me, Dovekit, same person as Tumblekit, so ya. Here’s my Dawn of the Clans name genorator. Remember to make u’re name like this: Example: River Water or Storm Rain. And have fun!
    For u’re first word, pick a number 1-5.
    1. Blazing
    2. Dawn
    3. Snow
    4. Shadow’s
    5. Petal’s
    For u’re second word, pick u’re fav leader!
    River Ripple-Dew
    Wind Runner-Heart
    Tall Shadow-Darkness
    Clear Sky-Fall
    For u’re Clan, pick u’re favourite cat who everyone thought was good but was actually EVIL, or the other way around(or niether!).
    Tom with a stupid name (Tom is his name, people!)-ThunderClan
    One Eye(not the ThunderClan Elder)-RiverClan
    Star Flower-WindClan
    Misty(from Petal’s point of view, if u like Petal)-ShadowClan
    For u’re description, pick u’re fav charecter!
    Gray Wing 🙁 -gray tom\she cat with green eyes
    Clear Sky-blue with gray paws and tail tip she cat\tom with blue eyes
    Tall Shadow-brown tabby tom\she cat with green eyes
    River Ripple-wiry brown she cat\tom with amber eyes
    Wind Runner-ginger she cat\tom with a white chest, paws, and tail tip with green eyes
    Thunder-pale gray and white tom\she cat
    Turtle Tail 🙁 (Turtle I know u’re gonna do this one)-tortioseshell she cat\tom with one blue eye and one green eye
    And that’s it! I got Shadow’s Heart, a tortioseshell she cat with one blue eye and one green eye. I am part of WindClan. I follow Wind Runner’s orders well, and I play with Slate’s kits, Silver Stripe, Black Ear, and White Tail. I like to go hunting on Gorse Fur’s hunting patrols for no reason. The End!

    • I am Shadow’s Light, a pale gray and white she-cat with blue eyes, from RiverClan. My mate is(random actual charecters here) Lightning Tail. Unknown though, I have his kits, Lightning Stripe, Dove Flight, and Light Patch. Riverstar and Thunderstar never find out that Lightning Tail is the father, even though they hunt as well as ThunderClan warriors. My kits and I leave the clan after a battle between ThunderClan and RiverClan, because only the kits know who their father was, and they refuse to fight ThunderClan. We settle.into rogue life, living peacefully in a barn with Cow and Mouse.

      Yay, fanfic idea.

    • do you hate turtle tail???i ship her with gray wing they so adorable they are one of my best ships ^0^

    • Petal’s Dew, a wiry brown cat with amber eyes. They are from RiverClan.

    • I am Dawn Dew from Riverclan. (I wanted to be in Riverclan so I convinced myself enough to like One eye more than the others)
      I am a….(I thought this one would be easy! I can’t decide between Gray Wing and River Ripple) Here is my description:
      I am a gray she-cat with brown spots and one amber eye and one green eye.
      It’s called a compromise

    • I am Dawn Darkness and a warrior of Skyclan. I am a gray she-cat with forest green eyes. I follow Skystar’s (Clear Sky) orders but I like to question them sometimes. I just finished my apprenticeship and I do what’s for the best of the Clan and the cats.

    • Dawn Light, WindClan, ginger she cat with a white chest, paws, and tail tip with green eyes

  • I’m duskshadow!I’m from Riverclan!I’m a hazel with mixes light brown tom with green eyes!(roseblossem)
    I’m Meadowhawk!I’m a light gray she cat.(α ѕᴘяɪηɢ ᴏғ ғαƖƖєη ѕᴛαяѕ 🌠 Starspring)
    I’m Petal’s heart!i am Shadowclan!I’m a tortoiseshell she-cat with one blue and one green eye!

  • Bringing back my old WoF OC generator from a year ago with a couple of added things, maybe I’ll post the PJO/HOO one in a bit 😛

    Part 1 – Tribe
    Choose a random number between 1-12.

    1 – SkyWing
    2 – HiveWing
    3 – SandWing
    4 – LeafWing
    5 – RainWing
    6 – SeaWing
    7 – SilkWing
    8 – MudWing
    9 – IceWing
    10 – NightWing
    11 – BeetleWing
    12 – Hybrid/tribrid between your favourite tribes. Or just choose two/three different tribes randomly.

    Part 2 - Gender
    Choose a random number between 1-3 for your dragon’s gender.

    1 – Male
    2 – Female
    3 – Non-binary (anything outside that isn’t entirely male or female)

    Part 3 - Sexuality
    Choose a random number between 1-8 for your dragon’s sexuality.

    1 – Homosexual (Gay / lesbian)
    2 – Pansexual
    3 – Bisexual
    4 – Asexual (if you get this, do it again for romantic orientation such as asexual homoromantic. If you get asexual again, the character is aroace.)
    5 – Heterosexual
    6 – Polysexual
    7 – Omnisexual
    8 – You choose

    Part 4 – Personality
    For this you will pick four random numbers between 1-10 and 11-20 (two each). Those will be your dragon’s personality traits.

    1 – Optimistic
    2 – Compassionate
    3 – Logical
    4 – Understanding
    5 – Wise
    6 – Reliable
    7 – Witty
    8 – Creative
    9 – Calm
    10 – Energetic

    11 – Moody
    12 – Gullible
    13 – Haughty
    14 – Paranoid
    15 – Fickle
    16 – Naive
    17 – Impulsive
    18 – Obsessive
    19 – Irrational
    20 – Dependent

    Part 5 – Powers
    Does your dragon have powers special to its tribe? For this, use a random number generator to determine whether your character has special powers or not.

    1 – Yes
    2 – No

    (If your dragon has powers, then go to part 6. If not, skip and go to part 7.

    Part 6 – Type of Powers
    What type of powers does your dragon have if they have them? Pick a random number between 1 and 2 to see.

    1 – Animus Powers (Dragon who can enchant magic and cast spells at the cost of their soul.)
    2 – Powers special to tribe (Only applies to MudWings, SkyWings, NightWings, SilkWings, and LeafWings. MudWings are immune to fire, SkyWings are firescales, NightWings are moonborn, SilkWings are flamesilks, and LeafWings are leafspeaks.)

    (If your dragon is a SeaWing, SandWing, RainWing, IceWing, BeetleWing, or HiveWing and you get 2, just make them an animus.)

    Part 7 – Name
    For the name of your dragon, choose a number between 1-10 depending on which tribe your dragon is (if your dragon is a hybrid, just use any of their tribes list; for BeetleWings, use SilkWing or HiveWing names).

    MudWing Names –
    1 – Mercury
    2 – Penny
    3 – Almond
    4 – Cedar
    5 – Tawny
    6 – Hickory
    7 – Everglade
    8 – Mahogany
    9 – Sorrel
    10 – Khaki

    SeaWing Names –
    1 – Beryl
    2 – Cobalt
    3 – Fjord
    4 – Shorebird
    5 – Moonstone
    6 – Dolphin
    8 – Brine
    9 – Lapis
    10 – Loon

    SandWing Names –
    1 – Xerocole
    2 – Mariposa Lily
    3 – Marigold
    4 – Porcupine
    5 – Iguana
    6 – Plataeu
    7 – Xanthous
    8 – Bisque
    9 – Mirage
    10 – Tortoise

    IceWing Names –
    1 – Celestine
    2 – Lemming
    3 – Tern
    4 – Auk
    5 – Albite
    6 – Marble
    7 – Calcite
    8 – Euclase
    9 – Fulmar
    10 – Reindeer

    RainWing Names –
    1 – Mandarin
    2 – Moonlight
    3 – Armadillo
    4 – Bengal
    5 – Sunlight
    6 – Okapi
    7 – Ocelot
    8 – Menelaus
    9 – Avocado
    10 – Vanilla

    SkyWing Names –
    1 – Plover
    2 – Auburn
    3 – Carnation
    4 – Sangria
    5 – Burgundy
    6 – Chickadee
    7 – Wagtail
    8 – Grouse
    9 – Cinnabar
    10 – Sunstone

    NightWing Names – (You can add a suffix to these if you want)
    1 – Fortune
    2 – Eventide
    3 – Stygian
    4 – Dream
    5 – Spirit
    6 – Ghost
    7 – Torpid
    8 – Bleak
    9 – Starless
    10 – Luck

    SilkWing Names –
    1 – Pipevine
    2 – Cabbage
    3 – Viceroy
    4 – Spicebush
    5 – Essex
    6 – Hawkmoth
    7 – Olive
    8 – Lime
    9 – Salmon
    10 – Ermine

    HiveWing Names –
    1 – Pharaoh
    2 – Goldenrod
    3 – Ladybug
    4 – Marmalade
    5 – Beewolf
    6 – Velvet
    7 – Cerana
    8 – Ignita
    9 – Scarlet Lily
    10 – Mosquito

    LeafWing Names –
    1 – Baobab
    2 – Buttercup
    3 – Snapdragon
    4 – Nutmeg
    5 – Spindle
    6 – Snakeweed
    7 – Bloodroot
    8 – Poplar
    9 – Silverbell
    10 – Zelkova


    I got Xerocole, who is a female SandWing – she’s a lesbian, having no special powers. Xerocole’s energetic and witty, though she can also be impulsive and irrational at times.

    • I got Nutmeg, a Leafwing. She a female and is Bisexual. She has Leafspeak, and is Creative and Understanding, but can sometimes be moody and Impulsive.
      Amazing generator, haven’t seen a Wings of Fire one yet, so, I loved this!

    • Ooooo, I’m glad I was brought to this on Recent Purrs 😛

      I’m gonna spin a wheel, because otherwise I’m going to keep selecting 2, which is my favorite number which would guarantee me a HiveWing, my fav tribe, but… It’s wheel-spinning time! 😛

      The dragon I got through randomization was Fulmar, a gay, male IceWing, with no special powers, who is understanding and witty, but also irrational and gullible. Hey, he sounds like a good person, but I’m surprised he’s witty due to his other traits XD

    • I am Bengal, a female RainWing-IceWing-SeaWing hybrid. I am energetic and creative, but I can sometimes be irrational and impulsive.

  • Hi this is Streampaw and I have a normal warrior cat name generator which you can do for fun.
    Part 1: Prefixes
    Choose your favorite cat:
    Firestar: Acorn
    Cinderpelt: Bee
    Mapleshade: Corn
    Yellowfang: Dark
    Bluestar: Bear
    Graystripe: Orange
    If your favorite cat isn’t on the list, pick a number between 1-5
    1: Blaze
    3: Shade
    4: Tiger
    5: Breeze
    Part 2: Suffixes
    Saddest Death (opinion)
    Firestar: whisker
    Cinderpelt: shadow
    Mapleshade: pelt
    Bluestar: foot
    Yellowfang: tooth
    Spottedleaf: fall
    If your saddest death is not on the list, pick a number between 1-5 to get your second part of your name
    1: berry
    2: tree
    3: spring
    4: stone
    5: breeze
    Part 3: Clan
    Favorite Villain
    Darktail: Thunderclan
    Tigerstar: Shadowclan
    Mapleshade: Riverclan
    Brokenstar: Windclan
    Scourge: Skyclan
    Darkstripe: Loner/Rogue
    Hawkfrost: Kittypet
    Part 4: Appearance
    Favorite Clan (gender: use your real gender)
    Thunderclan: sturdy orange Tom/she-cat with amber eyes
    Riverclan: white Tom/she-cat with one silver paw and a silver splash on nose with blue eyes.
    Shadowclan: small gray tabby Tom/she-cat with storm-gray eyes and a lighter underbelly
    Windclan: Lean tabby brown tom/she-cat with thick fur and green eyes
    Skyclan: Dark red Tom/she with amber eyes, brown chest, brown paws, and brown stripes.

    Tell me what you got! I got Shadewhisker from Riverclan and is a white and silver she-cat!

  • Hi this is Streampaw and I have a normal warrior cat name generator which you can do for fun.
    Part 1: Prefixes
    Choose your favorite cat:
    Firestar: Acorn
    Cinderpelt: Bee
    Mapleshade: Corn
    Yellowfang: Dark
    Bluestar: Bear
    Graystripe: Orange
    If your favorite cat isn’t on the list, pick a number between 1-5
    1: Blaze
    3: Shade
    4: Tiger
    5: Breeze
    Part 2: Suffixes
    Saddest Death (opinion)
    Firestar: whisker
    Cinderpelt: shadow
    Mapleshade: pelt
    Bluestar: foot
    Yellowfang: tooth
    Spottedleaf: fall
    If your saddest death is not on the list, pick a number between 1-5 to get your second part of your name
    1: berry
    2: tree
    3: spring
    4: stone
    5: breeze
    Part 3: Clan
    Favorite Villain
    Darktail: Thunderclan
    Tigerstar: Shadowclan
    Mapleshade: Riverclan
    Brokenstar: Windclan
    Scourge: Skyclan
    Darkstripe: Loner/Rogue
    Hawkfrost: Kittypet
    Part 4: Appearance
    Favorite Clan (gender: use your real gender)
    Thunderclan: sturdy orange Tom/she-cat with amber eyes
    Riverclan: white Tom/she-cat with one silver paw and a silver splash on nose with blue eyes.
    Shadowclan: small gray tabby Tom/she-cat with storm-gray eyes and a lighter underbelly
    Windclan: Lean tabby brown tom/she-cat with thick fur and green eyes
    Skyclan: Dark red Tom/she with amber eyes, brown chest, brown paws, and brown stripes.

    Tell me what you got! I got Shadewhisker from Riverclan and is a white and silver she-cat

    • I got Beeshadow(she-cat with one silver paw and a silver splash on nose with blue eyes) from RiverClan and then became a loner.

    • Dappletooth, a dark red enby cat with a brown chest, paws, and stripes; has amber eyes.

    • I am Darkbreeze, or RiverClan. I am a small, white she-cat with one silver paw and silver splash in my nose. I have blue eyes.
      Name is Dark because my nose is black.

  • hi I’m bored so have an unusual warrior name generator

    1. Prefix – Clanniversary month

    January/February – Summer, Raven
    March/April – Flare, Lark
    May/June – Tempest, Scarlet
    July/August – Wisteria, Amber
    September/October – Sweet, Comet
    November/December – Indigo, Grace

    Suffix – If your BlogClan name begins with A-M, pick the first option. If it begins with N-Z, pick the second.
    Next, look to your right. Find the first thing you saw in the list:

    Lamp – night, reed
    Shelf – pool, shard
    Book – leap, ripple
    Food – berry, nose (berrynose lol)
    Table – sun, splash
    Chair – wind, lake
    Wall – needle, sight
    Photograph – bird, shade
    Other – river, blizzard

    Affiliation – Time of Day

    (Just approximate, use the time of day that is the closest)

    Morning – Loner
    Midday – Tribe of Rushing Water
    Night – Warrior

    Adjust your name as needed 🙂

    I got Amberneedle 😀

  • Name generator- Pride Month addition!
    For your prefix, pick your favorite LGBTQ+ ship!

    AlderPuddle- Flame
    MothPool- Water
    SorrelXLeaf- Mist
    TallXJake- Root
    RavenXBarley- Red
    IvyBlossom- Maple
    DoveXBriar- Flower
    AshXScourge- Sharp
    Other: Sky

    For your suffix, pick your favorite color of the rainbow!
    Red- rose
    Orange- blaze
    Yellow- claw
    Green- bounce
    Blue- shine
    Purple- wish

    My result: Redbounce, a reddish brown cat. They have blue eyes.
    Hello there!

  • Here is my unusual names generator. These names are almost never found in Warriors.

    Fifth letter in you BlogClan name. If you don’t have a fifth letter, use your fourth, and so on.

    A- Animal
    B- Bat
    C- Cough
    D- Dirt
    E- Elephant
    F- Fall
    G- Gate
    H- Happy
    I- Indigo
    J- Jade
    K- Kelp
    L- Lemur
    M- Magic
    N- New
    O- Ocelot
    P- Pad
    Q- Quirk
    R- Rat
    S- Scarlet
    T- Travel
    U- Umbrella
    V- Velvet
    W- Watch
    X- Nutty
    Y- Yank
    Z- Zebra

    For the suffix, chose a random number of 1 through 10 using It is a safe sight. Just look it up.

    1- sight
    2 – Night
    3- cloud
    4- frost
    5- Leaf
    6- Dawn
    7- flake
    8- stone
    9- wood
    10- flight

    For your clan, chose your favorite leader(I did not match the leader to their own clan)

    Squirrelflight- RiverClan
    Mistystar- WindClan
    Harestar- ShadowClan
    Leafstar- ThunderClan
    Tigerstar the second- SkyClan
    Leopardstar: Loner
    Firestar: Kittypet
    Tigerstar the first: Rogue
    For your mate, chose your favorite Clan

    Thunder- Leafblade
    River- Flamewhisker
    Wind- Duskfur
    Shadow- Skyleaf
    Sky- Cloudpelt

    How many kits your have, chose your favorite series:

    TPB: none
    TNP: 2
    PoT: 3
    OoTS: 4
    AVoS: 1
    TBC: two litters of 3 kits each

    My name is Scarletnight, a black she-cat with scarlet eyes(named for them). I am in RiverClan, and my mate is Flamewhisker. I have his kits, Firekit, Hollykit, and Crowkit in my first litter, who soon become Fireflame, Hollystream, and Crowtalon. I soon have more kits, Blackkit, Blazekit, and Gingerkit, who become Blackfire, Blazewhisker, and Gingerfrost. I die as an elder in a battle against WindClan, fighting a young warrior named Redflower

    • Animalflight who is a loner. My mate is Flamewhisker, a Skyclan Tom. I have 1 litter with 4 kits in it. Flamewhisker took my 4 kits (Sparrowkit, Finchkit, Eaglekit, and Robinkit) back to Skyclan. He offered for me to come but I refused. He brought the kits back to me one day to see them full grown. Sparrowfrost, Finchtooth, Eaglehook, and Robintail were great warriors. Flamewhisker died later because of a battle with Thunderclan and Animalflight died later after that with a broken heart.

      Ooooo Fanfiction idea!

    • Scarletstone, a dark ginger tabby with copper eyes – they are a kittypet. Their mate is Cloudpelt, who I’m choosing to imagine to be a grey and white molly with blue eyes. They have raised one kit named Heronkit, who later became Heronswoop.

    • I am Lemurcloud, a WindClan she-cat. My mate is Flamewhisker of ThunderClan. We were found out pretty early in our relationship, but our leaders didn’t mind so we kept seeing each other. I later gave birth to a litter of four kits; Flamigodawn, Emeraldeye, Elkheart, and Zebraleaf. Flamewhisker later joined WindClan, and my father, Guststar, welcomed him with open paws. I was later appointed deputy to my father, and when he died I took over as Lemurstar. I lost my first life when I fell into the river (now that was a very embarrassing way to die), I lost my second life in a rat attack, I lost my third life when a ThunderClan cat chased me across a Thunderpath, I lost my fourth to greencough, I lost my fifth in a badger attack, I lost my sixth fighting off a dog, I lost my seventh in a battle with ShadowClan, I lost my eighth taking a killing blow for one of my warriors, and I lost my ninth defending my kits from a fox.

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