Name Generators

Have you made a warrior name generator? Then, this is the page to share it on. Have fun!


[image description: painting of a black cat with a red collar sitting on a hill underneath a tree and in front of the sun. a signature in pink is in the bottom right]

Note: Please refrain from using real names in generators! We like to protect the privacy of our users 🙂


  • Name generator

    Prefix – fave dog breed

    Golden retriever: acorn
    Lab: badger
    German Shepherd: cedar
    Border collie: daisy
    Great Dane: eagle
    Dash hound: feather
    Poodle: grey
    Bulldog: hail
    Bernese mountain dog: Ice
    Bloodhound: juniper
    Boxer: kestrel
    Gordon setter: lightning
    Other type of dog: moon
    I don’t like dogs: nettle
    I prefer cats: otter
    Other animal: pebble

    Suffix – favorite color

    Red: flame
    Orange: shine
    Yellow: shade
    Turquoise: fern
    Light blue: splash
    Indigo: night
    Dark blue: song
    Purple: pelt
    Pink: wing
    Peach: foot
    Black: ear
    Grey: stripe
    White: storm
    Other: stream
    Gold/silver: Fur

    Eye color- Least favorite character

    Brokenstar: Amber
    Rainflower: Blue
    Tigerstar: One green eye one blue eye
    Firestar: Green
    Dovewing: Yellow
    Other: yellow and green Mixed

    Pelt color- last letter of your name

    A: silver
    B: dark grey
    C: light grey
    D: ginger
    E: brown
    F: white
    G: white with black markings
    H: cream
    I: black
    J: calico
    K: ginger tabby
    L: blue
    M: yellow
    N: yellow with black markings (like a leopard)
    O: golden-brown
    P: tortoiseshell
    Q: brown and cream
    R: smoky black
    S: twany colored pelt
    T: mottoled grey
    U: russet with dark brown stripes here and there
    V: golden
    W: tabby
    X: brown with white belly and paws
    Y:white with grey flecks
    Z: your choice

    Rank-favorite number

    1: leader
    2: deputy
    4: apprentice
    6: queen
    7: elder
    8: formally of a clan now loner or rouge
    9: formaly of clan now kitty pet
    10: you are in Starclan

    Clan – favorite ship

    fethertail x Crowfeather: Riverclan
    Dovewing x Tigerstar : Shadowclan
    Hethertail x breezpelt : WindClan
    Leafstar x billystorm
    Rootspring x bristlefrost :

    Hope you enjoyed!

  • 🐺Wolfsong/Wolf's Howl (ancients)/Wolf That Cries To The Moon (Tribe of Rushing Water)/Wolf (Sisters)/Winny (kittypet)/Whisper (loner/rogue)🐺 says:

    Name generator!
    Prefix: first letter of your BlogClan prefix.
    A – Apple
    B – Badger
    C – Clover
    D – Deer
    E – Ember
    F – Fox
    G – Grass
    H – Honey
    I – Ice
    J – Jay
    K – Kestrel
    L – Lion
    M – Moon
    N – Newt
    O – Owl
    P – Petal
    Q – Quail
    R – Rabbit
    S – Sun
    T – Tiger
    U – You decide yourself!
    V – Vole
    W – Willow
    X – You decide yourself!
    Y – Yarrow
    Z – You decide yourself!

    Suffix: First letter of your BlogClan suffix.
    A- ash
    B – berry
    C – claw
    D – dawn
    E – ear
    F – fur
    G – gaze
    H – heart
    I – ivy
    J – You decide!
    K – kink
    L – light
    M – moon
    N – nose
    O – You decide!
    P – pelt
    Q – You decide!
    R – rose
    S – step
    T – tail
    U – You decide!
    V – You decide!
    W – willow
    X – You decide!
    Y – You decide!
    Z – You decide!

    Pelt and eye colour – you decide!

    Clan: favourite colour of the rainbow
    Red – Tribe of Rushing Water (change name to go with it)
    Orange – Loner/Rogue/Kittypet (remove your suffix)
    Yellow – ThunderClan
    Green – WindClan
    Blue – RiverClan
    Indigo – ShadowClan
    Purple – SkyClan

    Rank (if you’re a loner/rogue/kittypet, skip): pick random number 1-10
    1 – kit (change suffix to “kit”)
    2 – apprentice (change suffix to “paw”)
    3 – warrior
    4 – senior warrior
    5 – medicine cat apprentice
    6 – medicine cat
    7 – queen
    8 – elder
    9 – deputy
    10 – leader (change suffix to “star”)

    If you’re in Tribe of Rushing Water, choose random number from 1-4
    1 – kit
    2 – prey hunter
    3 – cave guard
    4 – healer (change name to Teller of the Pointed Stones)

    My result: Willowstep, a silver tabby she-cat with blue eyes, a warrior of SkyClan!

  • 🐺Wolfsong/Wolf's Howl (ancients)/Wolf That Cries To The Moon (Tribe of Rushing Water)/Wolf (Sisters)/Winny (kittypet)/Whisper (loner/rogue)🐺 says:

    🐺 Wolf generator! 🐺

    Breed: favourite leader!
    Bluestar: grey wolf
    Crookedstar: timber wolf
    Tallstar: red wolf
    Blackstar: arctic wolf

    Prefix: favourite character out of my favs!
    Dovewing: Soft
    Hollyleaf: Shadow
    Ivypool: Ice
    Briarlight: Thorn
    Crookedstar: Breeze
    Jayfeather: Moon
    Sol: Sun
    Squirrelflight: Fierce
    Riverstar: Ripple
    Daisy: Flower
    Violetshine: Dusk
    Spotfur: Night
    Velvet: Feather
    Purdy: Mud
    Mousefur: Forest
    All of them – Autumn

    Suffix: least favourite character out of my least favs!
    Ashfur: cloud
    Brokenstar: claw
    Finleap: step
    Mudclaw: fang
    Bramblestar: heart
    Bumblestripe: fur
    Blossomfall: tail
    All of them: flame

    Pack: First letter of your favourite cat’s name! If you don’t have a favourite, choose the one’s that you really like!
    A – ThunderPack
    B – RiverPack
    C – ShadowPack
    D – WindPack
    E – SkyPack
    F – ThunderPack
    G – RiverPack
    H – ShadowPack
    I – SkyPack
    J – ThunderPack
    K – RiverPack
    L – ShadowPack
    M – WindPack
    N – SkyPack
    O – ThunderPack
    P – RiverPack
    Q – ShadowPack
    R – WindPack
    S – SkyPack
    T – ThunderPack
    U – RiverPack
    V – ShadowPack
    W – WindPack
    X – SkyPack
    Y – ThunderPack
    Z – RiverPack

    Rank – First letter of your least favourite cat! If you don’t have a least favourite, choose the one that you really hate!
    A – pup (change your suffix to “pup”)
    B – apprentice (change your suffix to “paw”)
    C – hunter
    D – senior hunter
    E – healer apprentice
    F – healer
    G – delta
    H – warrior
    I – lead warrior
    J – queen
    K – omega
    L – beta
    Other: alpha (change suffix to “star”)

    My result: Autumnpaw/flame! She is a timber wolf, and she is an apprentice of WindPack!

  • Prefix – first word of favorite song
    Suffix – first word of favorite band
    Role – go to a letter generator, the first character that starts with the letter that you got that comes into your head’s role is your role ex: you got s, you think of spottedleaf, you’re a med cat
    Clan – your BlogClan prefix + the word Clan
    Purrsona – pick a number from 1 to 26

    1. black with green eyes
    2. white with blue eyes
    3. white with green eyes
    4. gray with amber eyes
    5. gray with blue eyes
    6. gray with yellow eyes
    7. ginger with green eyes
    8. ginger with yellow eyes
    9. cream with amber eyes
    10. silver with blue eyes
    11. blue with amber eyes
    12. blue with green eyes
    13. blue with blue eyes
    14. brown with amber eyes
    15. yellow with blue eyes
    16. yellow with green eyes
    17. yellow with amber eyes
    18. tortioseshell/calico
    19. any color with mismatched eyes
    20. choose anther number from 1 – 18 and add tabby
    21. choose anther number from 1 – 18 and add tabby
    22. choose anther number from 1 – 18 and add tabby
    23. choose anther number from 1 – 18 and add tabby
    24. choose anther number from 1 – 18 and add any white spot
    25. choose anther number from 1 – 18 and add any white spot
    26. choose anther number from 1 – 18 and add any white spot

  • Your prefix = your favorite Harry Potter character out of these (it’s always with books or movies, so if you don’t know them, just choose the coolest name😛)

    Harry = Lightning

    Hermione = Otter

    Ron = Lion

    Ginny = Flower

    Neville = Toad

    Luna = Mist

    Dumbledore = Eagle

    Snape = Snake

    McGonagall = Amber

    Draco = Ferret

    Voldemort = Dark

    Your suffix = your favorite Star Wars character out of these

    Luke = Cloud

    Han Solo = Strike

    Princess Leia = Fire

    Chewbacca = Hair

    Yoda = Light

    Darth Vader = Night

    Your role = your favorite My Little Pony character out of these

    Pinkie Pie = Mediator

    Twilight Sparkle = Leader (change your suffix to Star)

    Rainbow Dash = Deputy

    Fluttershy = Medicine cat

    Applejack = Warrior

    Rarity = Queen

    Your fur colour = your favorite character from The Hobbit out of these

    Bilbo = Brown

    Thorin = Black

    Tauriel = Red

    Gandalf = Gray

    Gollum = White

    Your eye color = your favorite fictional detective out of these

    Poirot = Green

    Columbo = Amber

    Monk = Yellow

    Holmes = Blue

    Your Clan = your favorite warrior cats leader out of these

    Firestar = ThunderClan

    Tigerstar = ShadowClan

    Tallstar = WindClan

    Mistystar = RiverClan

    Leafstar = SkyClan

    I’m Misthair, white mediator with green eyes from RiverClan!

  • Hi! I’m Ivypaw. I have thought of a good name generator.
    Prefix-Favorite cat
    Dovewing: Dove
    Ivypool: Ivy
    Redtail: Red
    Bramblestar: Bramble
    Squirrelflight: Squirrel
    Tigerheart: Tiger
    Flametail: Flame
    Tawnypelt: Tawny
    Rowanstar: Rowan
    Tallstar: Tall
    Heathertail: Heather
    Ashfur: Ash
    Nightcloud: Night
    Breezepelt: Breeze
    Silverstream: Silver
    Mistystar: Mist or misty
    Hailstar: Hail
    Reedtail: Reed
    Suffix-Your favorite Clan
    ThunderClan: Heart
    WindClan: Breeze
    RiverClan: Stream
    ShadowClan: Claw
    SkyClan: Leap
    Clan-Your least favorite cat
    Tigerstar: ShadowClan
    Crowfeather: WindClan
    Bumblestripe: ThunderClan
    Sasha: RiverClan
    Other: SkyClan
    Rank- your favorite cat’s pelt color
    Blue: Kit (change suffix to kit)
    Amber: Apprentice (change suffix to paw)
    Green: Warrior
    Yellow: Medicine cat
    Gold: Deputy
    Orange: Leader (change suffix to star)
    Pattern- your least favorite cat’s pelt color
    Tigerstar: tabby
    Crowfeather: dark shade
    Bumblestripe: light shade
    Sasha: colorpoint
    Other: Tortoiseshell or calico
    Eye color: Your favorite Clan
    ShadowClan: Dark blue
    ThunderClan: Amber
    RiverClan: Light blue
    WindClan: Yellow
    SkyClan: Green

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