Name Generators

Have you made a warrior name generator? Then, this is the page to share it on. Have fun!


[image description: painting of a black cat with a red collar sitting on a hill underneath a tree and in front of the sun. a signature in pink is in the bottom right]

Note: Please refrain from using real names in generators! We like to protect the privacy of our users 🙂


  • Forest Name Generator!

    You can also play it here:

    Prefix: Favorite Forest Animal

    Deer: Deer-

    Squirrel: Squirrel-

    Mouse: Mouse-

    Bird: Bird-

    Bear: Bear-

    Mole: Mole-

    Vole: Vole-

    Badger: Badger-

    Fox: Fox-

    Wild Dog: Hound- (You thought I was gonna say wild dong huh :P)

    Wolf: Wolf

    Other: Leaf-

    I don’t have a favorite: Sun-

    Suffix: Favorite Forest Clan (so not WindClan or RiverClan)

    SkyClan: -cloud

    ThunderClan: -storm

    ShadowClan: -shade

    I don’t have a favorite: -dapple

    Clan: Favorite Kind of Tree

    Oak: ThunderClan

    Pine: ShadowClan

    Willow: RiverClan

    Redwood: SkyClan

    Maple: WindClan

    Birch: Tribe of Melting Ice

    Other: Rogue/loner

    I don’t have a favorite tree: Kittypet

    Rank: Favorite Kind of Forest Plant

    Tree: Leader

    Fern: Deputy

    Marigold: Medicine Cat

    Lichen: Medicine Cat Apprentice

    Brambles/Thorns: Warrior

    Gorse Bushes: Apprentice

    Vines/Ivy: Queen

    Moss: Kit

    Holly: Elder

    I am Squirrelcloud, a kit of SkyClan! Thanks for playing and comment what you got please!

  • Month you joined BlogClan- prefix
    January- fire
    February- bramble
    March- stumpy
    April- tiger
    May- shimmer
    June- bumble
    July- ice
    August- moon
    September- dawn
    October- flower
    November- dove
    December- owl
    Can’t remember- blue

    Favorite band- suffix
    Daughtry- petal
    Florence and the Machine- leaf
    Goo Goo Dolls- flower
    Cold Play- rose
    OneRupublic- dusk
    U2- mist
    Iron Maiden- branch
    Adele- heart
    Taylor Swift- flight
    Train- scar
    Maroon5- fall
    Other/can’t decide- stream
    Don’t like music- leap

    Favorite color- rank
    Blue- deputy
    Purple- warrior
    Pink- apprentice
    Green- leader
    Yellow- elder
    teal- kit
    None of these- medicine cat

    Pick a number 1-5- pelt and eye color
    1- silver tabby with blue eyes
    2. Ginger tabby with green eyes
    3- brown tabby with amber eyes
    4. Fluffy white cat with blue eyes
    5. Black cat with green eyes

    What continent you live on- Clan
    Europe- StarClan
    Asia- SkyClan
    North America- ShadowClan
    South America – RiverClan
    Africa- WindClan
    Australia- ThunderClan

    I’m Dawnleaf a brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes a warrior of ShadowClan.

  • My first name generator! It’s about Thanksgiving! I hope I do okay.

    Prefix – Favorite Thanksgiving food!
    Turkey – Feather
    Mashed potatoes – Golden
    Green beans – Bramble
    Stuffing – Dove
    Cranberry sauce – Russet
    Gravy – Maple
    Pumpkin pie – Sweet
    Other/No food? – Dusk
    FOOD – Dawn

    Suffix – What you plan to do on Thanksgiving! (Sorry)
    Go with family – breeze
    Go to a friend’s house – pelt
    Host Thanksgiving at your house – stream
    EAT ALL THE FOOOD – leap
    Just have Thanksgiving with only a couple people – shadow
    Play games with family – leaf
    Play games with friends – mist
    All of these – foot

    I got Sweetbreeze!

  • Wings of Fire generator~

    Favorite (alternate) dragonet in the prophecy-prefix

    What’s a dragonet?-Bracken
    What’s Wings of Fire?-Misty

    Least Favorite Queen-suffix

    Fruit Bat-leaf
    What’s Wings of Fire?-stream

    Favorite dragonet in the Jade Winglet-appearance

    Moonwatcher-small gray tabby cat with silver paws, a long, fluffy tail, and small silver stripes on face
    Winter-fluffy white cat with soft fur and long whiskers
    Qibli-long-legged black cat with a white tail-tip and a brown-spotted muzzle
    Turtle-long-furred blue-gray cat with a flat muzzle and a knotted pelt
    Kinkajou-dappled tortoiseshell cat with a white belly, a feathery orange tail, and black paws
    Carnelian-russet cat with brown ears, white paws, and dark ginger legs
    Umber-light brown tabby cat with a black chest, paws, and a ginger tail-tip
    What is a winglet and WHAT IS WINGS OF FIRE??????-cream cat with large ears and a very long tabby-striped tail

    Favorite NightWing with a POV-eye color

    What’s a NightWing?-gray

    Favorite tribe-clan

    IceWings-Tribe of Rushing Water
    NightWings-The Ancients
    What are these tribes?-StarClan

    Power/ability you want to have-rank

    Shoot Fire-kit
    Shoot freezing death-breath-apprentice/softpaw/to-be
    Shoot magical death spit-warrior/sharpclaw/prey-hunter/cave-guard
    Breathe underwater-medcine cat apprentice/healer apprentice
    Animus-medicine cat
    Read minds/Foretell the future-leader/stoneteller
    What are these and WHAT IS WINGS OF FIRE-elder

    I am Wavefrost, a small gray tabby she-cat with silver paws, a long, fluffy tail, small silver stripes on her face and blue eyes, the RiverClan medicine cat

    • I’m so sorry, I am Brackenstream, a cream cat with large ears and a very long tabby-striped tail. I have gray eyes, and I’m a elder in Starclan.

      Do you recommend the Wings of Fire series? I am deciding if I should read them or not.\

      Also your cat name is so beautiful!

    • Wavefrost, small gray tabby she-cat with silver paws, a long, fluffy tail, and small silver stripes on face with blue eyes. She is a kit in SkyClan

    • I am Waveberry (I love Queen Scarlet for literally no reason), long-legged black she-cat with a white tipped tail and a brown spotted muzzle, as well as amber eyes. I’m a to-be of the Tribe of Rushing Water 😀
      I really liked your generators! WOF FTW!

    • Mistystream a cream she-cat with large ears and a long tabby-striped tail she has grey eyes elder of StarClan.
      I guess I should read Wings of Fire.

    • I am Cypresspool, Wavepool, Jaypool Flowerpool, Dawnpool, and Whorlpool, a long-furred blue-gray cat with a flat muzzle and a knotted pelt or a small gray tabby cat with silver paws, a long, fluffy tail, and small silver stripes on face with golden, yellow, blue, and golden eyes, the leader of RiverClan who was formerly a warrior and medicine cat.

      Yeeeaaaaaah I’m indecisive 😛

    • I am Wavemist, a small grey tabby she-cat with a long fluffy tail, silver stripes on her face, and blue eyes of SkyClan. I am also the future leader.

    • Wavewhisker (Queen Pearrlllll idk why she bugs me but she dOES) long-legged black cat with a white tail-tip and a brown-spotted muzzle, blue eyes, of SkyClan, Stoneteller

    • Pebblefrost (star) is a fluffy white she-cat with soft fur and long whiskers she is the leader of Riverclan

  • Name Generator!
    So if your first name begins with:
    A = Aspen
    B = Blue
    C = Cricket
    D = Deer
    E = Ember
    F = Flower
    G = Goose
    H = Hickory
    I = Ice
    J = Juniper
    K = Kestrel
    L = Lark
    M = Milk
    N = Nettle
    O = Owl
    P = Pebble
    Q = Quiet
    R = Ripple
    S = Silver
    T = Tawny
    U = I don’t think anyone has this
    V = Vine
    W = Willow
    If your last name begins with:
    A = Berry
    B = Brook
    C = Cloud
    D = Dapple
    E = Ear
    F = Fire
    G = Gorse
    H = Heart
    I = Ice
    J = Jaw
    K = Kit (no other idea)
    L = Leap
    M = Mist
    N = Nose
    O = Petal
    P = Pool
    R = Rose
    S = Step
    T = Tail
    W = Whisker
    I hoped you like it!

  • Prefix is your second favourite color

    Red – maple
    Orange – cloud
    Yellow – oak
    Green – sun
    Blue – clover
    Purple – seed
    Other – storm

    Suffix is your favourite thunderclan medicine cat

    Spottedleaf – heart
    Yellowfang – breeze
    Cinderpelt – nose
    Leafpool – creek
    Jayfeather – shadow
    Cant decide – berry

    Your clan is your favourite season

    Winter – riverclan
    Summer – thunderclan
    Autumn – shadowclan
    Spring – windclan
    Cant decide – skyclan

    Rank is pets

    Cat – warrior
    Dog – apprentice
    Bird – apprentice medicine cat
    Hamster – medicine cat
    Fish – leader
    No pets – kit
    Other – elder

    I am sunbreeze warrior of riverclan
    Sorry if I forgot anything

  • Wow, I haven’t made a generator in a long time.. I probably should! 😀

    Prefix: Favorite Subject

    Language Arts(Reading & Writing): Snow
    Math: Razz
    Science: Jumble
    Social Studies: Rasp
    Arts(Music, dance, art, etc.): Black
    Physical Education: Straw
    Lunch: Blue

    Suffix: Do you love Christmas Doge?

    Yes: -berry
    No: -berry
    Maybe: -berry
    It’s ugly: -berry

    I’m Blueberry 😀

  • Okay here is one, I think girls only
    Fave Singer or band
    Shawn Mendes- ( sings stitches / treat you better) Snow
    Justin Bieber-frost
    The Vamps-Sun
    Adele – Sweet

    Fithharmony – water
    Taylor Swift – Sleek
    Ed Sheeran-Fire
    Twenty one pilots – Dusk
    None – tiger
    Okay now suffixes
    Fave color:
    Blue/teal/turquoise-heart or creek
    Purple-rain or pelt
    Fave food:
    Ramen noodles-thunderclan
    Ice cream-windclan
    None – kittypet
    Rank fave cat from Org series (if you are already a rouge/loner skip tuis part)
    -firestar- warrior
    Ur looks ll she ca at s
    Fave thing to do for christmas:
    Open presants-black, white and brown tortoiseshell she cat with santa hat and a necklace with little christmassy bells on it (bright yellow eyes)

    Spend time with family- small, sleek black cat with bright green eyes with a santa hat and a necklace with little christmassy bells on it

    Spread cheer-white and black cat black paws black chest and black ears she cat with bright blue eyes and blck nose with a santa hat and a necklace with little christmassy bells on it

    Have fun- Silver tabby with amber eyes white paws and white chest with a santa hat and a necklace with little christmassy bells on it

    Second fave color
    Purple stubborn, kind, determined, ambitious
    Pink heartwarming, kind
    Blue kind and fierce
    Black ur fierce
    Yellow stubborn, kinda rude sometimes
    Green-loving ambitious

    So im Snowheart deputy of skyclan im a white she cat with piercing blue eyes with black paws, chest, nose and ears with a santa hat and a necklace with little christmassy bells on it. I am stubborn, kind, and ambitious.
    Sorry for lenghth

  • Medicine Cat Life Generator – I’ve done one of these before but this one is updated!

    Prefix – Favorite Color
    Red – Thistle
    Orange – Hawk
    Yellow – Sun
    Green – Beech
    Blue – Ice
    Purple – Deer
    Pink – Wren
    Brown – Fox
    Black – Heron
    White – Blizzard
    Grey – Maple
    Other – Mist

    Suffix – Favorite Super Edition
    Firestar’s Quest – shade
    Bluestar’s Prophecy – cloud
    Crookedstar’s Promise – breeze
    Tallstar’s Revenge – song
    Yellowfang’s Secret – storm
    SkyClan’s Destiny – leaf
    Bramblestar’s Storm – flight
    Moth Flight’s Vision – feather
    Hawkwing’s Journey – berry

    Clan – Favorite Completed Arc
    The Prophecies Begin – ShadowClan
    New Prophecies – SkyClan
    Power of Three – ThunderClan
    The Fourth Apprentice – RiverClan
    Dawn of the Clans – WindClan

    Physical Description – Favorite kit of Robinwing
    Cherrypaw – dark ginger tabby with a ringed tail and dark geeen eyes
    Chestnutkit – gray tuxedo markings with amber eyes
    Brindleface – white with large hinged patches and blue eyes
    Frostfur – brown, white, and gray tortoishell with a white chest and pale blue eyes
    Ravenpaw – thick-furred light brown pelt with pale amber eyes
    Dustpelt – pure black pelt with a bright pink nose and yellow eyes

    Were you in a secret relationship? – Favorite “Original” ThunderClan Apprentice
    Sandpaw – Yes
    Ravenpaw – No
    Graypaw – Yes
    Firepaw – Yes
    Dustpaw – No

    If you got a no, congratulations! You’re a medicine cat that has their life together! Go heal your clanmates and interpret signs from StarClan. Go you.

    If you got a yes, continue on.

    Who did you have a relationship with? – Favorite Novella
    Hollyleaf’s Story – The leader of your Clan
    Dovewing’s Silence – A loner/rogue
    Leafpool’s Wish – Another medicine cat in your Clan
    Mistystar’s Omen – A warrior of a different Clan
    Mapleshade’s Venegance – A medicine cat of a different Clan
    Cloudstar’s Journey – The deputy of your Clan
    Ravenpaw’s Farewell – A warrior of your Clan
    Tigerclaw’s Fury – The deputy of another Clan
    Goosefeather’s Curse – The leader of another Clan

    Did you have kits? – Think of your favorite book that’s in a six book arc. What number was it?
    1 – No
    2 – Yes
    3 – Yes
    4 – No
    5 – No
    6 – Yes

    If no, then you’re done. You had the good sense to end that relationship or at least not have kits. Good job.

    Everyone that got yes, let’s keep going.

    How many kits did you have? – Last letter of your first name.
    A-F – 3
    G-M – 1
    N-T – 4
    U-Z – 2

    Did your kits stay with your Clan or your mate’s? Favorite Season (if you and your mate are in the same Clan ignore this)
    Spring – Your mate
    Winter – You
    Summer – You
    Fall – Your mate

    Did you kits every find out about their true parentage? – Favorite Original Leader
    Shadowstar – Yes
    Skystar – Yes
    Thunderstar – No
    Windstar – Yes
    Riverstar – No

    If no, you’re done! If yes, keep going.

    What did your kits do when they found out – Favorite Original Medicine Cat
    Micah – Freaked out initially but eventually calmed down and accepted it
    Dappled Pelt – Was totally accepting right out of the gate
    Cloud Spots – Went crazy and killed anyone that was involved
    Pebble Heart – Rejected you and everyone else
    Moth Flight – Ran away from the Clans because they didn’t know who they were anymore

    Ok, that’s all folks! I am Deershade, a brown, white, and gray tortoishell with a white chest and pale blue eyes. I am the medicine cat of SkyClan and I had a secret relationship with the leader of another Clan, and had four kits. The kits stayed in my Clan and when they found out about their true parentage, they rejected everyone. Yay.

    Anyway, have fun!

    • Deerberry a white she-cat with large hinged patches and blue the medicine cat of WindClan I fell in love with the medicine cat of a different Clan, but didn’t have any kits. Amazing generator!!!!

    • I am Icefeather, the medicine cat of Thunderclan, and I am in a relationship with the Leader of my Clan. I had three kits and they found out about their true parents and they were accepting right away. Nice generator! How long did this take? You did a great job! 🙂

    • I am Deerberry or Deercloud, a thick-furred cat with a light brown pelt and pale amber eyes of WindClan. I was in a relationship with the leader of my Clan (yikes) and we had 3 kits together. They did and did not find out their true parentage (I like both Tall Shadow and River Ripple 😛 ). The ones that found out rejected everyone ;(

    • I’m Mistshade of Shadowclan. I have a thick-furred light brown pelt with pale amber eyes. I am in love with a loner. I had 3 kits but they went with their father and they never found out who their mother was. How depressing 🙁

    • Deerfeather of ThunderClan, thick furred light brown she-cat with pale amber eyes, not in a secret relationship ^-^

    • Icecloud, a thick-furred light brown she-cat with pale amber eyes, the medicine cat from SkyClan. I had a hidden relationship with my Clan’s other medicine cat, I had 3 kits and they don’t know their true parentage.

    • Deerbreeze of ShadowClan, thick-furred light brown pelt with pale amber eyes, I had a secret relationship with a medicine cat of a different Clan, I had three kits, my kits stayed with me, found out about their true parentage and since I couldn’t decide the last one I don’t know how they reacted.

    • Maplefeather or Blizzardfeather, a white medicine she-cat with hinged patches and blue eyes of RiverClan. (OotS right?) She had a secret relationship with another medicine cat in her Clan, aaaand had no kits 😛

    • Icestorm 😛 of WindClan I’m a thick furred light brown cat with pale amber eyes I am not in a secret relationship.

    • I am Deerbreeze, a thick-furred light brown pelt with pale amber eyes from ShadowClan. I actually didn’t have a relationship, but because I’m bored I’m going to anyway! 🙂 I loved another medicine cat in my Clan, but we didn’t have kits. Grrr! I never get an interesting story! *Storms off*

  • Okayz herez onez
    Prefix: last letter of ur name

    Now suffixes
    First letter of ur name

    Q-paw ( you’re an apprentice ) ( if you get this onez skip the next part)
    Rank (if apprentice skip this part)
    – firestar – warrior
    Other-loner / rouge
    Clan (if you are a loner/rouge skip this partz)
    Least fave color:
    Ur looks:
    Fave hobby/thing to do
    Read warrriors!-black whte and brown cat with bright yellow eyes (if you celebrate Xmas then this ) with santa hat and necklace with Christmassy bells on it.
    Play video games-muscular brown cat with amber eyes ( if you celebrate Xmas then this ) with santa hat and necklace with Christmassy bells on it
    Excircise-sleek small black cat with really bright green eyes ( if you celebrate Xmas then ) with a santa hat and necklace with Christmassy bells on it.
    Draw/be on Blogclan-white cat with black paws, chest tail tip nose and ears with piercing bright blue eyes (if you celebrate Xmas then ) with a santa hat and necklace with Christmassy bells on it.
    Fave color:
    Any shade of blue- ambitious, really stubborn, kind, determined
    Any shade of red/pink-kind, cheery, fierce
    Any shade of yellow/orange- fierce ambitious and a firey heart
    Any shade of any other color-fierce, strong, ambitious, determined

    So im Silverheart, a white cat with black paws, chest etc with a santa hat and necklace with Christmassy bells on it, deputy of shadowclan I am ambitious, really stubborn, kind, and determined I hopebu likey 🙂 😛 😛

    • Lightningstar(nose) a white she-cat with black paws, chest, tail tip,nose, and ears with piercing bright blue eyes and a Santa hat and necklace with Christmassy bells on it she’s ambitious, really stubborn, kind, and determined she’s leader of SkyClan.

        • It´s not a problem for people to celebrate Christmas, but there´s people who do generators that do have Christmas stuff, it´s like saying everyone does. Yes, she had an ¨optional¨ part, but I see NOTHING for other holidays. A bit of discrimination there, however well she meant.

          • Hey, I could do some research on other holidays, and I could try and make a few generators based on them?

            • I mean….
              I might end up making myself look like an idiot if I try….
              Maybe we could invite people who celebrate other holidays to make generators? (sorry im not very creative…)

            • of course ^^ I can tell you about Hanukkah if you like, because that’s what I celebrate. But be sure to not just include that holiday, because then it’s the exact same problem.

          • Excuse me?! Other holidays exist, you know. Must I remind you that Hanukkah and Kwanzaa and that nine-day Mexican holiday that I can never remember the name of and other holidays actually exist during this time. Not everyone here celebrates Christmas and it’s rude and ignorant to think so and act like it.

            • Plus, since there was an optional part, if they didn’t celebrate Christmas, then they could ignore that part with the Christmas stuff and it would be a normal genorator so no, it wasn’t “Rude and ignorant” so please back off :T

              • Hey, please don’t start anything.

                It may not have been intentionally rude and ignorant, but it could be interpreted as such.
                But really, this isn’t something to get this riled up about.

                We’re all accepting people here, aren’t we? We should pride ourselves as an accepting community 🙂

                We should make name generators for the other holidays, too

            • Wavepaw, it’s okay. Christmas exists too. as Foxshadow said, we are all accepting people here. But, you know something? I celebrate Hanukkah as well. I feel weird when I walk by a store and there are thirty thousand Christmas decorations and only one or two Hanukkah ones. So I totally understand you. 🙂

            • WAVEY.

              Please, please STOP getting so freaking fired up. Snowheart probably doesn’t know about the other holidays, and she didn’t make that generator to ANNOY anyone.

              I don’t want to fight, like foxy said, but please, please, STOP acting so angry over THIS. Miss Kate already warned you that if there is any more bickering cadvent is going to be CANCELED.

              It was a great generator, just because she didn’t include the other holidays does NOT mean it is a crime. :T

              Now, that said, Snowheart, it did come across as kind of rude. Next time, if you didn’t mean it, tell her you didn’t mean to offend her.

              • For the first time ever, Cadvent has been marred by religious sensitivities and tribal bickering. Since I’m non-religious and non-American, I’m having trouble understanding where it is coming from, but please stop. It is making me and BlogClan sad.
                When someone says Christmas, they don’t have to mention all other religions too, just like when they talk about tabby cats, they don’t have to point out that other cat colours exist and are just as important. A tabby is a tabby and we will take it as universally accepted that other cats exist and are also lovely.
                Stop Now.
                I won’t cancel Cadvent because I love Cadvent, but I will start to block certain users until Cadvent is over if the self-righteous crabbiness continues.

                • It’s not your fault, Willow. I should have stepped in earlier. Thanks for trying to help. Blessed are the peacemakers! Your heart is in the right place. ❤️☃️❄️🎉

                • Sorry, but just to let you know, me and wavey got along a while ago, sorryy that that happend…… :/ I am making other generators I already have Haunakuh, and im working on Kwanzaa at the moment…. sorry

                • Please don’t apologise, Snowheart. You don’t have to be the spokeperson for every religion! If someone else wants to make a Hannukah generator, that would be awesome. We love all festivals that celebrate love, light and hope. We each have our own voice; let’s use our own and let others use theirs.
                  I make a cat advent because I like cats. There are probably blogs with dog advents and gerbil advents and horse advents. But cats are what I know most about, so cats are what I post. 🙂

                • I’m not entirely convinced you made a mistake at all. Comments just got out of hand. I wish I’d spotted it earlier and stepped in. Poor Wavey was stressed out by work and was probably harsher than she would have been if she’d been feeling relaxed and happy. Whatever it was, the comments was very out of character for Wavepaw. You are lovely BlogClanners and I value you both. I hope you can sort out your differences and enjoy BlogClan together. 🙂

                • Thanks. I don’t like having to be fierce on BlogClan because it’s my happy place. I am relieved to see that bickering has stopped. Thank you BlogClan. 🙂

                • *hugs kate* Thanks. 🙂

                  Sorry about all of that. The positive side is that everyone is happy again, and the arguing is over.

                  Wavey, Snowheart, everyone who was involved, I’m sorry. You guys are awesome and amazing and I’m glad the fight is over <3

                  Now, back to the happiness and peace. I can’t wait for the holidays! What is everyone’s favorite part? 🙂
                  On christmas, I enjoy giving others presents. eating ham-rollups, and decorating. That is one of the best parts. 🙂

        • Guys, this is supposed to be a happy time of the year. I’m sure Snowheart did not mean to exclude anyone. As you have probably done before for other things, if it’s not relevant in your life you don’t acknowledge it. It’s just human nature. And I’m not saying it’s ok because I understand how frustrating it can be to someone who doesn’t celebrate Christmas but we all just need to calm down and realize that it’s a common mistake and while it sucks that it happens, it isn’t done with malicious intent.

        • Im sorry if I sounded a bit snappy its just my personality I took a chill pill and thanks for your advice?

        • “Yes, she had an ¨optional¨ part, but I see NOTHING for other holidays. A bit of discrimination there, however well she meant.”

          ^I did notice. Read the whole post next time, please.

      • ●▬▬▬▬▬๑۩۩๑▬▬▬▬●
        Okay… Everyone needs to CHILL……. Go lay in some snow or something. Raincreek, just remember that not everyone celebrates Christmas here. Blogclan stretches over a number of cultures. I know that you meant well. Honestly, I don’t usually think about holidays that other cultures celebrate. Wavepaw, just take a deep breath. Back away from the argument. It won’t do you good to argue. AND REMEMBER… It’s holiday season! It should be a time of giving thanks and being happy. Y’all need some good vibes! 🙂 𝓖𝓞𝓞𝓓 𝓥𝓘ℬ𝓔𝓢!! 🙂

        • Okay I did mention that I did do other generators if you celebrate something else check out my other generators! :/

          • No no I celebrate Christmas… and I saw your other generator! It looks good! After the Kwanzaa one, you should do one that includes all of the holidays so that everyone can play! (That’s just a suggestion. Please don’t hate me! 😛)
            ●▬▬▬▬▬๑۩۩๑▬▬▬▬● ●▬▬▬▬▬๑۩۩๑▬▬▬▬● ●▬▬▬▬▬๑۩۩๑▬▬▬▬● ●▬▬▬▬▬๑۩۩๑▬▬▬▬●

    • Leaffur warrior of Thunderclan. My pelt is black,white and brown with bright yellow eyes. My personality is cherry and fierce. 😺

    • Riverstripe, deputy of Skyclan. I am a black, white and brown tom with bright yellow eyes with a santa hat and necklace with Christmassy bells on it. I am ambitious, really stubborn, kind, and determined. Nice generator!!

    • Leopardpelt, a loner a sleek small black she-cat with bright green eyes. She’s ambitious, really stubborn, kind, and determined. 🙂

    • I’m Hollyfur, warrior of Thunderclan. I have a black white and brown pelt and I have bright yellow eyes. I’m also cheery and fierce.

    • Amberbird, deputy of ThunderClan, white cat with black paws, chest tail tip nose and ears with piercing bright blue eyes (and the santa hand and necklace with bells), strong, ambitious, determined!

    • Lightningwhisker, a warrior ofRiverClan / ThunderClan, a white she-cat with black paws, chest, tail tip, nose, and bright blue eyes, with christmasstuff! She is fierce, strong, ambitious, and determind. 😀

    • Hollyfoot, I’m a leader in WindClan I’m a white shecat with black paws chest tail and nose and ears, with bright blue eyes with a Santa hat I’m kind determined stubborn and ambitious

    • Hey guys sorry if I was rude if you don’t know already, im m a king a huge generator for most of the holidays!

  • I’m going to make a plot generator soon . . .but right now I’m too lazy 😛
    So behold! My lovely life-and-death generator . . .

    You’re dead. Sorry about that. Here’s how it happened:

    Birth Month
    January: decapitation
    February: tripped over thin air and broke your neck
    March: got hit by a meteor
    April: torn apart by wild dogs
    May: stepped in fox trap, gnawed your own foot off, died from blood loss
    June: ate deathberries, tried to puke them up, choked on your vomit
    July: died peacefully in your sleep 🙂
    August: got squashed by a monster
    September: had your body slashed from head-to-toe, internal organs spilled out
    October: sacrificed yourself to save a clanmate
    November: tried to snuggle a badger
    December: fell off a cliff but lived only to fall off another cliff and die

    Now I have even worse news . . . someone HERE caused your death. (Yep.) Who was it?

    Favorite animal
    Dog: Cakestar
    Cat: Foxshadow
    Bird: Flowerstream
    Reptile: Jayfrost
    Primate: Owlheart
    Tiger: ME
    Wolf: Iceflower
    Horse: Frostflower
    Dragon: Aspenkit
    Unicorn: Willowpaw

  • HANUKKAH generator

    Pefix: fave wintery color:
    Least fave winter color color (WINTER-BASED)
    Looks (Hanukkah based) (I WILL CONTINUE TO DO OTHER HOLIDAYS SO PLEASE NO HATE COMMENTS) (Like last time *coughcoughwhoevercoughdidcoughyoucoughknowcoughyoucoughcoughare*
    Fave thing to do Haunakuh:
    Take off candles every day-sleek, black, cat wth bright yellow eyes
    Play dreidel-gray brown and white cat with bright green eyes
    Recite blessings-white cat with piercing blue eyes
    Eat food cooked in oil – chocolate brown cat with beautiful amber eyes
    Exchange small tokens/gifts-silver tabby with bright yellow eyes
    Clan- fave food
    Ramen noodles-thunderclan
    Ice Cream-windclan
    None – kittypet
    Rank fave cat from Org series ( if you are already loner rouge or kittypet, skip this partz)
    – firestar – warrior
    Other-loner / rouge
    So im Snowfrost deputy of Skyclan a gray, black and white tortoiseshell she-cat with bright yellw eyes. (IM DOING OTHER GENORATORS FOR OTHER HOLIDAYS) Like I said, comment if u wnna help *please no hate comments*

      • I might actually work on one for a while cause im thinkin. (Thanks Flash of white snow for the suggestion) ane ill make one more generator with Some (hopefully most) of the holidays but it will take awhile, because I have to do deep research on each and every one. so it might take awhile, Sorry if I mess up, if I do, make sure to tell me. Anyway, HAPPY CADVENT!

      • I am Iceheart, a gray brown and white cat with bright green eyes (btw we add a candle each night instead of taking one off 😛 ), the leader of ShadowClan.

        [Yes, Wavey and Snowy, I have edited the comments in this thread. ☃️ Kate]

    • I’m Snow/Treeclaw, a chocolate brown cat with beautiful amber eyes, and I’m the deputy of Riverclan! Nice generator!

  • So what holiday name generator are you going to do next Snowheart?

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