New Member’s Page

Hello and welcome to BlogClan! We’re glad you came!

My name is Kat, and I have been a part of the BlogClan community for at least six years. You don’t need to do anything to join BlogClan, just visit, explore and join in the discussions. You will soon be welcomed as a new member of the Clan!

BlogClan is not just the blog of loveliest author in the world, Kate Cary, but it is also place for Warriors fans to discuss just about everything! Below, some of the members of BlogTeam (a fun little pack of volunteers who mod the comments and keep the blog running!) will give their introductions. Be sure to ask them questions if you ever need any help getting adjusted around here!

ThankYouYoureWelcomeMouseCatTramp[image description: a gif of an orange mouse bouncing on the back of an orange tabby cat with brown stripes. “you are welcome” is written in curly font in the top left and “LORI 09” is printed below the cat]

Hey! I’m Cheetahspark, but most people call be Cheetah. Welcome to the wonderful world of BlogClan 😃 I’m the Birthday Tsar around here, which basically means that I make all of the birthday posts for our fabulous members! A little about me: I’ve been on the Blog since January of 2018. I love musicals, Cheetos, books, superheroes, and, obviously, cheetahs. I also love getting to know newer members, so don’t be hesitant to talk to me or ask any questions you may have 🙂 I frequently hang around the Tavern, the Allegiances Chat page, the Say Hi page, and I’m also in quite a few fandoms, so you’ll be sure to find me lurking on the various discussion pages. BlogClan is truly a special place, where I’ve made amazing friends and memories. I hope you grow to love BlogClan as much as I do!

Hello! I’m Goldenfawn, or Goldi for short. I’ve been here since February of 2016 and have loved every moment. I’m one of the Allegiances Editors, so I help add BlogClanners to the Allegiances every month. If you have any questions regarding the Blog, feel free to ask! 🙂

Some quick facts about me:

  • I identify as non-binary, so my pronouns are they/them instead of she/her or he/him. I know it can be a bit confusing for some, so if you have any questions, I’d be glad to answer. 🙂
  • I love drawing, so you’ll sometimes see me taking drawing requests!
  • I have three pets. My cat, Annie, my pug, Theo, and my turtle, Kyle. 
  • I’m a Hufflepuff.

I hope to see you around! 😀

Hiya! My name is Birchfoot, but feel free to call me Birchy. I’m helping out with scheduling articles for the Blog, so if you have any questions about that, feel free to ask! I’d be happy to answer. 🙂 I’ve been on the blog for over 4 years at this point, and I’ve really enjoyed every minute. The community is super friendly and fun, and I’ve made so many friends here! I hope you have a good time here!! 🙂
Hey! My name’s Rainshine, or Rainie. Welcome to BlogClan! I’ve been here since 2018, and I’m part of the BlogTeam, helping out anywhere and everywhere. Feel free to ask me about anything! You’ll find me almost anywhere, from hanging around at the Tavern, to roleplaying, and maybe even taking a few art requests. The BlogClan community is so friendly, welcoming and loving, and I hope you’ll find yourself another home here!

The Blog can be a tough place to navigate.  We have a lot of pages (and secret pages!) that you will soon master.

Want to write some fan fiction?
Love to write or read fan fiction? Head over to the Fan Fiction Page—a happy, bright area of camp where members exchange their lovely stories!  If you do not get a reply about your fan fiction from others immediately, never be alarmed. You’ll be surprised how many times members read fan fiction but don’t reply to it! If you don’t have the time to write fan fiction but have an idea, I recommend you go over to the Fan Fiction Organization Page and rally a team of writers and/or plot advisors to help out!
Want to hear about our fan fiction project, Trailing Stars?
There is also the BlogClan Fan Fiction Project: Trailing Stars.  I’m afraid all of the chapters are taken and we’re almost at the end, but if you comment a lot and stay involved with BlogClan, you may be able to write a chapter if a writer is not present.  (Try not to ask for a chapter a lot. We’ll let you know if there’s an opening). There is a very special Jar (Jerry the Jar) who eats all of the names entered, who are collectively referred to as Tom.  There comes a time, when the writer/editor is absent, that Kate tames the ferocity of Jerry and takes out one of his prized Tom. The name selected takes the position.
Have you thought up some good warrior names?
Have a lot of warrior names that you came up with? In the cool, reserved area of camp that is the Warrior Names page, you can tell members about the lovely names that you came up with and other members rate them.  It’s also very fun to make your own name generator—pair letters to prefixes and suffixes and have members match up their name! Additionally, join in on the Name That Apprentice game, where you can come up with the best warrior names for (supplied) apprentices and perhaps earn a place on the page’s Hall of Fame!
Want to hang out and have fun?
Being a kid in the world today takes everything you got.  Taking a break from all of your worries would sure help a lot!  Wouldn’t you like to get away? Sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name!  And they’re always glad you came! Head over to the BlogClan Tavern if you’d just like to talk and share stories.  The Tavern is a jolly place that is sort of like the fresh-kill pile. Talk about life, share stories, and have fun.
How about others fandoms you really <em>really</em> want to talk about?
Look for people that share your interests on the I Heart *insert discussion here* Page, or on one of the many different discussion pages (including but not limited to: Pokemon Discussion Page, Musical Discussion Page, Percy Jackson Discussion Page…and so many more)!  Just like a fishing pole, toss out the shows, books, or movies that you like and wait for some like-minded people to reel in!
Do you need a bit of a pick-me-up?
If you’re feeling down, I recommend you go to my favorite place on the Blog: The Hug Page. The Hug Page is where members come to be hugged and comforted.  A lot of us are victims of bullying sometimes, and really troubles are hard to get past without friends. We’re all friends here, and we’re all willing to give advice and comfort.

There are a lot of other pages and secret camps set around here, but those are for you to explore!  Take a chance, roam BlogClan territory, notify a warrior if you find the occasional badger. (This was meant jokingly. To be assured, no unwanted badger will make an appearance on your computer screen).

We’re really glad that you came. You’re going to love it here. BlogClan is full of friendly, sympathetic, amazing people and I think you’re going to find how attached you can get to these people the longer you stay.

Also!  You may want to spice up your comments with a profile picture!  In order to get one, you must go through the Gravatar Site and create an account. The directions on the site will take you through the steps. When you come back with a flashy profile picture (which I recommend you do not upload an actual picture of yourself! Internet Safety once again!) you’ll look awesome! It might not appear for a few minutes, but give it some time to get adjusted.

Lastly, keep in mind that BlogClan is a moderated site. That means that it’s extra safe–super awesome moderators make sure every comment is safe before it appears. That is why your comment does not show up once it’s posted. Trust me, the wait is for the best. Moderators keep BlogClan safe. Give them a salute whenever you see them!

You can introduce yourself to BlogClan on the introductions page. We’d love to hear about you, and are glad to have you on board!

May BlogClan light your path!

Now let us take you to the introductions page…

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