• Petalpaw made some herb wraps, ones for wounds, as now that the rogues were here, she’d needed to make more of them more often to deal with them. She’d already lost her father to their leader, and she didn’t want any more cats to fall victim to the rogues, especially not her mother Reedsong.
    Reedsong waited outside of the medicine den, wanting to chat with Petalpaw. She was getting worried about how much her daughter was insisting on working now. She could tell it was from Rownglade’s death(I’m going to call the dead father Rowanglade).

    • Dawnpaw padded up to her mentor, Lionstrike. “Can we Go Hunting?” She asked happily, waving her tail. Her mentor’s golden pelt glowed in the sunlight. She stared in awe. She probably sounded like a kit!

      Lionstrike smiled. ‘I’m so glad my apprentice is enthusiastic.’ He thought as he nodded, “Of course, we can also practice some battle moves later.”
      He decided.

      Kestrelpaw stared at Petalpaw from across the clearing. ‘I wonder if she needs help…’he wondered. Her mentor was off gathering herbs and the Clan needed poultices all the time with the Rogues around.
      ‘She’s probably stressed. I should offer to help.’ Shyly, he shuffled his pelt and padded over to the den.
      “H-Hi Petalpaw,” He stammered At first, “Do you need any help?”

      • Petalpaw turned her head around and purred. It was Kestrelpaw. “Thank you,” she purred. “I’ll show you what’s what and what’s used for what.” She pointed to marigold. “Marigold, used for infections.” Then a bundle of cobwebs. “ These are for stopping bleeding.”

        • Kestrelpaw nodded and watched as she showed him the herbs.

          Dawnpaw followed her mentor out into the woods, breathing in the fresh green aroma of the forest. A purr rumbled in her throat. “Where should we hunt?” She bounced.

          Lionstrike tasted the air. “We could hunt near the Ancient Oak, there’ll probably be mice, rabbits and squirrels there.” He told his apprentice with a whisk of his fluffy tail.
          The two headed towards the clearing.

          • Petalpaw nodded and pushed some herbs over to the other apprentice. She knew that she’d never say it out loud, but she’d recently developed a small crush on him. She didn’t listen to it that much, but when she had a little time to daydream, she was wondering what life would be like if she’d become an warrior apprentice.

  • ~Morningshadow–WindClan~
    Morningshadow yawned and stretched, padding out into the camp and checking the fresh-kill pile. She frowned, prodding a sodden rabbit. “Hmm.” Not a lot of prey here… she shakes out her fur and heads for the camp entrance. I’ll just have to hunt something for myself.

    ~Juniperstorm and Snakefang–ShadowClan~
    Snakefang stirred, opening his eyes. He slowly untangled himself from Juniperstorm, trying not to wake her. She didn’t get enough sleep as it was, what with the nightmares. He padded out of the warrior den and picked a lizard out of the fresh-kill pile. Many warriors didn’t like the taste of the scaly creatures, but he enjoyed it. He glanced out into the forest. Should he go hunting? Maybe. But he wanted to be able to bring Juniperstorm something when she woke up… he couldn’t do that if he wasn’t here. He decided to wait. Juniperstorm would probably wake up soon.

    • ~Dawnpaw & Lionstrike~
      Dawnpaw padded out to the clearing, relishing the sunshine on her pelt. Tasting the air, she caught scent of a mouse and dropped to the ground.
      Bunching her muscles together, Dawnpaw leapt towards the mouse and killed it with a swift bite to the neck.
      She grabbed it in her jaws, waving her tail proudly.

      Lionstrike purred.
      “Great job, Dawnpaw!” He puffed out his chest in pride. “Thanks!” Dawnpaw looked around with glimmering eyes, “Do you smell anything?”
      “I think there’s a rabbit in those tussocks. Can you drive it towards me?” He asked his apprentice as she bounded off and let out a yowl, chasing after the rabbit.
      Lionstrike flexed his claws and grabbed the rabbit, killing it with a single blow.
      “Let’s hunt a little more.”

      Kestrelpaw shifted his fur, “And thyme is for shock?” He queried with a twitch of his whiskers.

      (Btw I might be inactive tomorrow through Sunday)

  • Ebonyglint — WindClan

    Ebonyglint yawned and stretched out in the sunlight, shaking bits of moss which had become stuck in tangled clumps to her fur. The moors lay out before her, and after glancing over her shoulder to check the state of the warriors den was not one of distaste, she padded out onto the open grass.
    Short harsh tufts pricked at her paw pads, as she sat at the top of the slope, lifting her head to catch the heat of the morning rays

    • ~Morningshadow~
      She saw Ebonyglint sitting on a small hill, and approached her. “Good morning, Ebonyglint,” Morningshadow purred. “Would you like to go hunting with me?”

      (this isn’t like a date, she’s just offering)

      • Ebonyglint –

        Lost in thought Ebonyglint swung her head around in surprise as she heard another cat approaching. SHe hadn’t even scented Morningshadow coming ! Smiling and slightly squinting in the bright morning sun, Ebonyglint happily swished her tail through a small patch of flowers.
        “Of course Morningshadow ! I’d love to.”
        Ebonyglint purred, padding towards the grey tabby she cat.
        “Where should we head ?”

        (I headcanon these two are like good friends who quite often go and hunt with each other)
        (tell me if you are cool with that or not) 😛

        • (YESSSS)

          Morningshadow smiled. “I think there’s a rabbit nest by the ThunderClan border. Let’s check it out.”

          • Ebonyglint –

            Grinning, Ebonyglint glanced at Morningshadow and then out across the moor.
            “What are we waiting for ? Race you there !”
            Taking off across the moor, Ebonyglint laughed, knowing that she wasn’t the fastest and Morningshadow would soon catch up to her

            • Morningshadow launched herself after Ebonyglint, laughing. She ran hard to catch up, and once she did, she slowed her pace a little to match with Ebonyglint. She loved the feel of the wind in her pelt as she ran. She grinned at her friend, then ran faster, pulling ahead.

              • Ebonyglint –

                Laughing as Morningshadow pulled out in front of her, racing further and further away, Ebonyglint put more and more power into her paws. Yet in the distance, she caught sight of cats…. cats fighting !
                “Morningshadow wait up ! What’s happening over there”
                (I think other cats are fighting rogues)

    • ~Dawnpaw & Lionstrike~
      Dawnpaw let out a purr as she grabbed her mouse, bounding through the grass towards the training clearing. She stopped and looked around her.
      Lionstrike was not behind her.
      ‘Oh StarClan! I must have just walked off!’ Dawnpaw thought as she started to retrace her steps.

      Suddenly, a big weight knocked Dawnpaw over and she looked up to see the vicious flashing eyes of a snarling rogue. “Lionstrike!” She shrieked as she wriggled under his hold, lashing out a blow to the shoulder.
      Jumping to her paws, she turned to run back to her mentor when the bushes rustled and she was surrounded by Rogues.

      Lionstrike heard the shriek of his apprentice and raced off towards her call, “Dawnpaw! I’m coming!” He yowled towards her, skidding to a halt as he was beside her. He gazed around themselves.

  • Searheart-Shadowclan-
    Searheart yawned and flicked her tail, she was carefully cleansing herself, like every morning.

    • “Run!” yowled Lionstrike, pushing his apprentice forward as the Rogues pounced on him.

      Dawnpaw sprinted forward, a shriek escaping from her mouth, “Rogues! Rogues!” She breathed, not knowing where she was going. Leaping over the border stream, she kept running. Eventually, she felt herself become tired and out of breath, and past out.
      The world spun and then became black.

      Kestrelpaw shuffled his paws shyly at Petalpaw. “So…how’s your mother doing? And you?” He asked kindly, afraid to bring back memories of her father’s death. But it was a great grief to them, and so recent.

      • Petalpaw looked down at her paws and the bundles. “Reedsong is doing fine. It’s been hard since Rowanglade died, but she’s been dealing with it. She likes it when we talk. I miss him too. He was a strong cat, and I know that when I’m older I won’t remember that much about him.” She continued to make the Her bundles, keeping her mind off of her father and his death. The rogue attacks meant more to her than any cat, as she was not only a medicine cat apprentice, but also the daughter of a cat killed by them. Even more, Rowanglade had been killed by their leader.

  • Dawnpaw felt her body go numb as blackness surrounded her. All she felt was the faint blow of the wind that whispered in her ears and the heather brushing her fur softly…

  • (Btw, I forgot to mention. If anybody is expecting kits or has a certain plot for their character in mind, just let me know on the question page. (AKA birthday_cat one with the black cat)

  • Starpaw didn’t want to get out of her nest. She stood up and gave herself a quick wash and felt better. She walked out of the den, and saw her mentor, Firetail talking with another warrior. “Firetail!” She asked “can we do battle training today?”. Starpaw loved battle training. Her ears drooped as he replied. “No, Starpaw, we’ll do hunting first, but we’ll do battle training later.” Starpaw became excited again.
    The wind blew as Starpaw snuck up onto the mouse. It was nibbling on a nut and didn’t see her coming. With a leap, Starpaw soared through the sky and trapped the little mouse under her paw. She broke its neck and sent a quick thanks to StarClan. “Come on Starpaw, lets get back to camp.” Firetail called from in the bush. Starpaw grabbed her mouse and ran back to Firetail, and they started trotting back to camp.

    • Kestrelpaw suddenly heard shrieks and yowling from ThunderClan territory and jumped to his paws. “Petalpaw! It sounds like ThunderClan is in trouble! We got to help.” He insisted, bristling and bursting out of the den.
      “Are you coming?” He asked, glancing at the herbs.


      Lionstrike let out a shriek as the Rogues piled on top of him, covering him with blows, and bites.

      • Petalpaw delicately picked up her paw and nodded, taking four bundles, giving two to Kestrelpaw and holding the other two herself. “Let’s go!” She yowled, running out of camp and rushing to get to the location of the shrieks.

        • Kestrelpaw raced beside Petalpaw, his heart pounding in his ear. The shrieks became closer as they jumped across the stream and reached the yowls.
          A ThunderClan Warrior was being attacked by loads of rogues.

          “Great StarClan!” Kestrelpaw gasped out, dropping the herbs in shock, “Petalpaw, Get backup!” He yowled to her, racing towards the Rogues and leaping into them, shrieking and raking their eyes.
          The golden warrior underneath helped fight, his body dripping with blood.

          • Petalpaw nodded and ran back to camp. She screeched, “There’s rogues attacking a ThunderClan cat! We need help!”
            Reedsong picked her head up. “I’ll help!” She offered. She ran to her daughter’s side, praying that they wouldn’t be too late

            • Dawnpaw felt cold and tired, waking up with a shiver. Her heart still pounded in her ear. ‘Lionstrike! I have to-‘
              She paused, looking around herself and scrabbling to her paws.

              ‘I’m on WindClan territory!’ She realized, her amber eyes wide with fear. Rolling in damp heather, she ran away towards the stream.

              • Kestrelpaw raked the rogues’ eyes, pulling Lionstrike out of the mess. “Run! Come on!”


                Lionstrike’s vision was blurred with blood as he blindly followed the SkyClan cat back to the ThunderClan camp.


                Dawnpaw ran through the forest, hearing the Rogues shrieks and hid in a bush. Looking out, she saw that Lionstrike was gone from the Rogues.
                ‘Did someone save him?’ She thought, running back to camp.

                • Petalpaw saw Kestrelpaw as he was on his way back with a warrior. “Let’s get him back to camp so I can treat him!” She let the warrior lean against her side and started going over the herbs in the bundle again. Marigold and horsetail for infection, cobweb to stop bleeding, thyme if he’s in shock. She asked Reedsong, “Can you go help him? I need to be ready for him.”
                  Reedsong nodded as her Daughter went ahead to prepare herself.
                  Petalpaw opened the bundle and took out the poultice of marigold and horsetail. She got a paw of cobwebs and made sure to get some thyme out. That cat looked like he was in shock, and he’d need it. She took two poppy seeds out and placed it by the poultice.

  • Kestrelpaw watched Petalpaw apply the poultice with wide eyes. “We should get him back to his camp though! His Clan will be worried about him and we’ll be persecuted by them if we’re just treating him in the middle of the ThunderClan forest!”
    He protested.


    Dawnpaw heard murmuring and saw two SkyClan apprentices treating poultice to-
    “Lionstrike!” Dawnpaw burst out of the undergrowth with a wail of terror, crouching at her mentor’s side and licking his ears, “Lionstrike, are you okay? I got to get help! Who are you?”
    She stared at the two, “Why haven’t you gotten help?”

    The golden apprentice shook his head. “We were just going to.”

    • (Reedsong’s here 😛)
      Petalpaw looked up at the apprentice. “He’s very weak, and he’s not fit to travel far. Don’t worry, I’m a medicine cat apprentice. I know what I’m doing.” Gesturing to her mother, she added, “And I did bring help, just not much.”
      Reedsong nodded. “He looks like he’s in pretty bad shape, and Petalpaw knows what she’s doing.”

      • Dawnpaw trembled. “What happened to the Rogues?” She asked, turning to the golden tom.


        Kestrelpaw shook his fur. “I fought them off and got Lionstrike off. They’re probably blinded.”

        Dawnpaw sighed with relief. “I should get Mothstar. Are you sure you don’t need any help?” She asked Petalpaw, concern for her mentor churning in her stomach wildly.

        • Petalpaw nodded. “Don’t worry. I learned fast, and I’m confident in my skills. You can get your leader, but I’ll continue helping him,” as she applied a poultice and cobwebs to a wound on his flank.

          • Dawnpaw hesitated, but ran off back to camp, “Mothstar!” She gasped as she burst into camp.
            The leader appeared at her den with wide eyes. “What’s wrong, Dawnpaw?” She asked.

            Dawnpaw panted. “Lionstrike and I were attacked by Rogues. Kestrelpaw saved him, and Petalpaw is treating his wounds in the forest.”
            “Rogues?! Where are those mangy pelts?” Mothstar growled.
            “Gone. They raked their eyes.” Dawnpaw answered.

            “Oliveclaw, come with me!” Mothstar called her deputy, the gray tom bounding up to her as Dawnpaw led them through the forest and back to Lionstrike.


            Lionstrike wriggled as pain stung like burning fire across his body


            Kestrelpaw looked at the ThunderClan leader with round eyes. “Mothstar,” He dipped his head in respect, “Lionstrike is doing well. Petalpaw is taking care of him.”
            Mothstar narrowed her eyes and crouched beside her warrior, licking his head, “I see…oh StarClan help him.”

            Kestrelpaw sighed. ‘If there even is StarClan anymore…’

            • Petalpaw licked her patient’s wounds while whispering soothingly to Lionstrike, “Calm down, you need to save your strength.” She noticed that Mothstar had arrived and nodded quickly. “Hello Mothstar. Lionstrike can’t be moved yet or the poultice and cobwebs may fall off.” She put some thyme around his lips and whispered, “Lick this up, it may make you feel better.”
              Reedsong hissed at Kestrelpaw, “Of course there’s still StarClan! If we needed them ever, it’s now.” She continued on. “And I’d be happy to kill them if it meant avenging Rowanglade.” Her eyes started to tear up as she though of her mate, killed by the rogue leader. “We need to kill them.”

              • (Kestrelpaw thought that😛)

                Dawnpaw looked at Mothstar as the leader spoke, “Reedsong, Can you please get your leader Squirrelstar? I need to gather all of the leaders at ThunderClan camp. We need to talk.”

                Dawnpaw blinked. “Is there anything I can do?”
                “Just watch these two.”
                Mothstar said, “I’ll go back to camp and send patrols to ShadowClan, WindClan and RiverClan.”

                (Remember, I’ll control the leaders🙂)

                • (Oops, you put it in quotation marks so I though he said it 😛)
                  Reedsong nodded. “Sure.” She ran off through the trees until she made it to camp. She rand to Squirrelstar’s den and called, “Squirrelstar! Mothstar needs you in the ThunderClan camp!” She hoped that her leader would come.
                  Petalpaw finished applying the last poultice and cobwebs onto Lionstrike. “There,” she purred. “I think that you just need to keep him in his nest.”

  • Squirrelstar nodded, her fur spiked out. “Let’s go. Densepelt, follow me.” She mewed to her deputy, following Reedsong away.
    ‘The Rogues are rising…’
    (I use ‘ for thinking and “ for saying btw)


    Dawnpaw turned around with round eyes as Moonstar, Adderstar, and the other leaders emerged from the undergrowth with their deputies, medicine cats and trusted warriors.
    More ThunderClan warriors were in the forest now.
    “How is he?” Moonstar gently asked as she saw Lionstrike’s condition.
    “I’m not sure.” Dawnpaw swallowed hard, glancing at Petalpaw.

    “He is the reason we’re here.” Mothstar meowed.
    (Btw, your leaders have told you to come with them so you’re here now😛this is when the journey begins)

    • Petalpaw nodded. “He’s badly injured, but if you’re careful with him, he should be fine. He’s very fragile right now, so don’t move him too much.” She nodded. “However, I can’t guarantee that he’ll live.” She realized that several other cats were there, including her mother.

  • Monkeyfur laid in the medicine den, he was embarrassed by his weakness today. He had scratches all over his face and bruises all over his body. He had been lucky that one of the other clan cats had saved him. He wanted to meet them, thank them or even join them.

    • Dawnpaw sighed in relief, nuzzling her unconscious mentor’s cheek. “Thank you Petalpaw!”
      Mothstar smiled, “Leaders, deputies, medicine cats, thank you for meeting me here. I have called you here because our medicine cat Breezeholly, has recieved a prophecy From StarClan.”
      “Why haven’t you told us this?” Adderstar growled.
      “Because-“ Mothstar broke off, turning towards the ThunderClan medicine cat.
      “It was more of a vision. I was standing in a dark forest, Rogues surrounding me. I was scared, they were coming closer. But suddenly, a light blazed from the top of the sky and the Rogues were scared of it and turned to ash. A voice whispered to me gently, ‘Don’t worry, kit of thunder, kit of shadow, kit of river, kit of wind and kit of sky, the darkness I strong but not like the light. Send the ones of talent to where their heart seeks so great. For only there, they are the ones who will save all of you.’ And I woke up.” Breezeholly explained with wide eyes.

      Mothstar looked at the leaders.
      “I think we should send our cats.”
      Runningstar narrowed his round eyes. “Where?”
      “To where their hearts seek, where StarClan leads them.” Mothstar answered.
      “I agree.” Squirrelstar nodded.
      “But where exactly is that?” Adderstar objected with a bristling pelt.
      “StarClan’s path. They’ll know.” Breezeholly mewed.
      “Who will we send?” Moonstar meowed, looking at her warriors behind herself.

      Mothstar dipped her head. “Your decision. Dawnpaw and Monkeyfur, I want you to go.”
      Dawnpaw’s amber eyes stretched wide. “What? Why?”
      “StarClan has chosen you. You are an excellent fighter.” The leader said.


      Kestrelpaw heard his name and saw Squirrelstar stare at Petalpaw and himself. “I want you two to go.”
      Adderstar’s eyes shone. “Firetail, Starpaw, and Searheart, Juniperstorm And Snakefang, I want you to go.”
      Runningstar smiled. “Ebonyglint And Morningshadow, I’m choosing you to go.”

      Kestrelpaw shifted his pelt. “So, we’re just going to walk out into the unknown while the Rogues become stronger?”
      Squirrelstar dipped her head. “StarClan will guide you.”

      • Morningshadow beamed with pride. She was glad to be chosen, and even happier that her friend Ebonyglint would be coming too. She was a little nervous though, as she wasn’t sure where StarClan would lead her.

        • Ebonyglint –

          Widening her eyes, she nudged Morningshadow happily, grinning from ear to ear. Part of her was completely filled with nerves but on the other hand…. excitement and pride coursed through her veins. She would save the clans or die trying
          “I won’t let anything happen to you.”
          Ebonyglint murmured in her friends ear, sensing her nerves

      • Petalpaw gasped. “But… but what about Reedsong?” Her mother wrapped her tail around her. “It’s ok Petalpaw. I’ll be able to fight the rogues off for us. Please just stay safe and always think of me.”
        Reedsong was sad that she’d have to say goodbye to her daughter, but she knew that they’d seen each other in StarClan one day. “I’ll miss you,” she whispered to Petalpaw, licking her ear.

      • Juniperstorm smiled and twined her tail with Snakefang’s. She was excited for the journey, and glad both she and her mate could go. Snakefang was equally interested in the mission. It would give him a chance to appear as a hero to the clans, and might just be the thing to propel him towards being the next deputy of ShadowClan.

        • Dawnpaw glanced at Lionstrike, “Will He Be okay?” She asked Mothstar, her fur bristling.
          Mothstar dipped her head. “Yes Dawnpaw. We will take care of him.”

          Squirrelstar looked at Petalpaw with deep pools of sadness in her eyes. “I will protect Reedsong while you’re gone and with the rest of SkyClan, Petalpaw. They need you there. You are trained to be a medicine cat, and if they get injured or ill, you will be there.” She explained gently.


          Kestrelpaw padded up to Squirrelstar. “Tell my sister I said goodbye.” He mewed.
          Squirrelstar dipped her head. “I will, may StarClan light your paths.”
          Kestrelpaw smiled and rested his tail on Petalpaw’s shoulder.

          • Petalpaw felt tears in her eyes but she nodded. She loosened her muscles a little as Kestrelpaw put his tail on her and she purred. “Ok Squirrelstar,” She purred. “I’ll be happy to go.”
            Reedsong purred. “Don’t worry Petalpaw. I won’t need the protection. I’ll be able to take car of myself. I’ll honor your father’s memory. And you’ll be great and save anyone who gets sick or injured.”

            • Kestrelpaw saw Petalpaw smile at her mother and felt joy bubble in his chest at her happiness.
              “When do we leave?” He asked his leader


              Dawnpaw turned to the leaders at Kestrelpaw’s question.
              Squirrelstar glanced at the other leaders with round eyes. “Tonight. Be careful.”
              “We will.” Dawnpaw meowed confidently.

  • Petalpaw decided that the first thing she’d do once she got to camp was to make herb bundles, enough so that there were enough for the journeying cats, and enough for the cats staying. She also decided to go over her memory of herbs, deciding to look for herbs so there was enough. She could already see some goldenrod and cobwebs, as well as what might be some parsley. She quickly walked over to pick it and held it in her mouth.
    Reedsong purred at her daughter. She walked over and licked the top of Petalpaw’s head like she was a kit. “Goodbye,” She purred. “We’re not leaving yet,” Petalpaw replied, confused. “Petalpaw, I don’t know if we’ll be able to later.”

    • Mothstar let out a sigh as she glanced at the other leaders, “It’s time. May StarClan light your paths!” She called.
      Dawnpaw glanced at Kestrelpaw with round eyes, nuzzling Lionstrike’s cheek. “Don’t worry, we wi stop these Rogues.”

      • “Wait!” Petalpaw called. “May I stop at SkyClan camp to get some herb bundles first? I need them if we don’t find herbs on the way there and somebody gets sick or injured.”

          • Petalpaw nodded. “I’ll take Reedsong to help me.”
            Petalpaw ran through the undergrowth, getting a few small cuts, but she was fine otherwise. She got to camp and went to the medicine den. She decided that since there were so many bundles, that she could take six bundles, two for wounds, two for sickness, and two with extra herbs if she needed them. Before she took them out, she added cobwebs to the bundles for wounds.
            Reedsong followed her daughter into the medicine den and took the three bundles that were given to her. She took them in her mouth and wondered what they were for.
            They ran back to the border, herb bundles in their mouths.

  • Mothstar came up with the other leaders and touched noses with the Clan cats.
    “May StarClan light your paths.” They echoed.
    Dawnpaw dipped her head. “We won’t let you down.”


    Kestrelpaw nodded. “Yes.”
    As The leaders and warriors watched them go, the cats set off up the stream and towards the unknown.
    Kestrelpaw glanced at Petalpaw, his green eyes flickering. “Are you scared?” He asked.

    • Petalpaw nodded. “I’m worried that there aren’t enough herbs and that there will be more cats that die than cats that make it.” She felt like a rock a was in her stomach. She was a medicine cat apprentice, so she didn’t know every herb and if a cat died it was her fault.

      • Kestrelpaw rested his tail on her shoulder. “It’ll be okay…we’re all trained here to fight. And- if it comes to that, StarClan will be there, watching over us.” He glanced up at the cloudy sky, his green eyes glimmering.


        Dawnpaw heard the two SkyClan apprentices talking ahead and bounded up to them. “Where do you think we should go?” She asked all of the cats.

        • Petalpaw sighed with relief. “You’re right Kestrelpaw. We’ll be fine.”
          Reedsong gave Kestrelpaw the herb bundles. “Petalpaw can’t be the only one holding all six bundles.”

    • Juniperstorm and Snakefang joined the group, aware that many were apprentices. Hopefully the number of warriors would ensure that no one was hurt.

      Morningshadow smiled at Ebonyglint, excited for the journey ahead. “Hey, Ebonyglint, I feel like we should follow a Thunderpath… don’t know why, but it’s something, right?”

      • Dawnpaw bounded up to Juniperstorm and Snakefang. “Hi! You’re Juniperstorm and Snakefang, right? I’m Dawnpaw! I haven’t really introduced myself.” She meowed, waving her bushy tail.


        Kestrelpaw nodded. “Thank you Reedsong.” Padding away, Kestrelpaw bristled as a cold breeze pierced the air. “I wonder where the others think we should go.”

        • Petalpaw looked over to her mother with tears in her eyes but followed Kestrelpaw. “Maybe we should go to the edge of wherever prey is best, so we have enough to eat before we get far away from where we’d recognize.”
          Reedsong nodded as her daughter and Kestrelpaw walked away. They’d be cute together, she thought before she remembered that Petalpaw was a medicine cat apprentice. She couldn’t have kits. That must be hard… she can’t be with her crush…

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