Please Introduce Yourself! (Retired)

Hello and welcome!

We hope you’ve already seen the New Member’s Page and learned a little bit about BlogClan. We’re delighted to welcome you to a site Kate Cary created to celebrate Warriors and its readers.

Please introduce yourself in a comment on this page. Tell us something about yourself or your purrsona. We prefer to use warrior names here. We hope that’s okay with you!

We’re looking forward to getting to know you!


  • ITALICS: this will be italicized it looks like this
    BOLD: this will be bolded it looks like this
    STRIKETHROUGH: this would be strikethroughed it looks like this
    For emoticons, do not put a space between the two symbols 🙂
    🙂 Emoji- : )
    😀 Emoji- : D
    😛 Emoji- : P
    🙁 Emoji- : (
    😉 Emoji- ; )
    i learned this from Pineblossom, hello every cat human
    Hi! I am A Nameless Apprentice, once known as Faithpaw/shadow.
    some stuff about me:
    BlogClan Name: A Nameless Apprentice[formerly Shad!]
    Age: 12/nearly 13[okay, i admit it !]
    Rank:Apprentice Who Is Actually Glad To Be An Apprentice Instead Of An Illegal Warrior
    Purrsonality[ 😛 ] : Feisty, defensive, just, loyal,argumentative, depressed but tries to avoid complaining about my whole life on the hug page
    Favourite ArcS: DotC, AVoS , OOtS
    Favourite Book: The Blazing Star
    Favourite Character[s]:Ivypool, Jayfeather, Spiresight,Alderheart, Twigbranch,Hawkwing, Tigerheart/star,Brambleclaw/star
    Fave non-Warriors book: Possibly Wundersmith, but i like so many books its impossible!
    Fave Film[s]: The Cat Returns [studio Ghibli], Legend Of The Guardians[netflix]
    Hobbies:Reading and writing and drawing warrior cats, watching the films above, getting sent to my room every five seconds
    Favourite Weather: Snow
    Favourite Season: Would be autumn/fall but there are craneflies[ 🙁 ] then so…better be WINTER[LEAF-BARE!!]
    Fave colour[s]: Aquamarine, Violet, Black
    Fave Animal: White tiger, wolf, fox, SERVALS FOR LIFE!!!!!!!!!!
    Fave flower: Dahlias
    Fave tree:Maple, maybe sycamore, possibly redwood
    Fave Bird: Sparrowhawk
    Collects: TY Beanie Boos[embarrassedX1000000 but who cares anyway?], pokemon stuff, warrior cat books
    Fave Food:Red velvet cake………. 😀
    Fave Drink: water
    Dream House: A pile of sticks in the Forest of Dean 😛
    Favourite Warrior Cat Villians: Scourge, Brokenstar, Mapleshade, Sol ForEverIsTheEvilSunGodAndTheBestCatVillian!!!!!
    Least Fave Warrior Cats:Ashfor, Firestar

  • Its the second book in the Nevermoor series. Here is some info:
    Imagination, discovery and friendship await Morrigan Crow when she escapes her deadly curse and joins the Wundrous Society. It promises her protection and belonging for life – but then Morrigan doesn’t receive the welcome she hoped for…

    Morrigan is a much-feared Wundersmith. So, instead of the Society helping Morrigan to embrace her power, she is only taught that all Wundersmiths are evil and she must suppress her mysterious ability at all costs.

    To make things worse, Nevermoor is quickly turning from a place of safety into one of danger. Society members are going missing, someone is blackmailing Morrigan’s new friends, turning them against her. And Ezra Squall, the evillest man who ever lived, is determined to lure Morrigan from the Society by promising to reveal the true nature of the Wunder that calls to her, which is becoming ever harder to resist…

    Has Morrigan’s dream of escaping her cursed life ended before it truly began?

  • I’m really sorry to anyone who wanted one of my names from the vote list. But Cosmicstar is my warrior name in my warrior cats club that i made at school,so Cosmicpaw will fit, yes?

  • ITALICS: this will be italicized it looks like this
    BOLD: this will be bolded it looks like this
    STRIKETHROUGH: this would be strikethroughed it looks like this
    For emoticons, do not put a space between the two symbols 🙂
    🙂 Emoji- : )
    😀 Emoji- : D
    😛 Emoji- : P
    🙁 Emoji- : (
    😉 Emoji- ; )
    i learned this from Pineblossom, hello every cat human
    Hi! I am A Nameless Apprentice, once known as Faithpaw/shadow.
    some stuff about me:
    New BlogClan Name:Cosmicpaw
    Age: 12/nearly 13[okay, i admit it !]
    Rank:Apprentice Who Is Actually Glad To Be An Apprentice Instead Of An Illegal Warrior
    Purrsonality[ 😛 ] : Feisty, defensive, just, loyal,argumentative, depressed but tries to avoid complaining about my whole life on the hug page
    Favourite ArcS: DotC, AVoS , OOtS
    Favourite Book: The Blazing Star
    Favourite Character[s]:Ivypool, Jayfeather, Spiresight,Alderheart, Twigbranch,Hawkwing, Tigerheart/star,Brambleclaw/star
    Fave non-Warriors book: Possibly Wundersmith, but i like so many books its impossible!
    Fave Film[s]: The Cat Returns [studio Ghibli], Legend Of The Guardians[netflix]
    Hobbies:Reading and writing and drawing warrior cats, watching the films above, getting sent to my room every five seconds
    Favourite Weather: Snow
    Favourite Season: Would be autumn/fall but there are craneflies[ 🙁 ] then so…better be WINTER[LEAF-BARE!!]
    Fave colour[s]: Aquamarine, Violet, Black
    Fave Animal: White tiger, wolf, fox, SERVALS FOR LIFE!!!!!!!!!!
    Fave flower: Dahlias
    Fave tree:Maple, maybe sycamore, possibly redwood
    Fave Bird: Sparrowhawk
    Collects: TY Beanie Boos[embarrassedX1000000 but who cares anyway?], pokemon stuff, warrior cat books
    Fave Food:Red velvet cake………. 😀
    Fave Drink: water
    Dream House: A pile of sticks in the Forest of Dean 😛
    Favourite Warrior Cat Villians: Scourge, Brokenstar, Mapleshade, Sol ForEverIsTheEvilSunGodAndTheBestCatVillian!!!!!
    Least Fave Warrior Cats:Ashfur, Firestar
    Books I really wish i had but aren’t even out yet: The Silent Thaw, Hollowpox
    really love warriors

  • Greetings and salutations.
    You can call me Lightningstrike.
    Well, here are some things about me.
    Favorite Book: Warriors Super Edition: Hawkwings Journy, Warriors A Vision Of Shadows, River Of Fire, Warriors Blazing Star, and A Path Of Stars, and finally Warriors, Lost Stars.
    Favorite Warrior Cat Series-A tie between Omen Of The Stars, and Broken Code.
    Personality: Sarcastic (Somewhat) intuitive, wise, the bravest of the brave, tough, and very compassionate.
    Favorite Warrior Cats
    and that’s all.
    I’m not exactly fond of the rest.
    My Least Favorite Warrrior
    Favorite Object: Stars, Nightsky, Planets, atoms. (I’m a science nut.)
    Hobbies: Writing, reading, cooking (I can hunt you know), studying astronomy.
    So that’s who I am, and what I’m about. It’s nice to meet you all…so far anyhow….
    Sighing out

  • Hello new and old members alike! I’m Pineblossom, but you can just call me Pine 🙂 I’ve been on the blog since March of 2019, and I’ve loved every second on here. I love drawing, calligraphy, and creating OCs, and you’ll often find me on the Tavern, the Art page, and the Names page! Here, I’ve compiled a collection of tips and coding lessons (now complete with pictures!) to help you navigate BlogClan!

    Ground rules:
    – Make sure there isn’t a space between the coding and your text unless it is the link code (you’ll see what I mean)
    – For emoticons, make sure there is always a space before and after the code. In the lesson, I’ll be putting a space for the same reason above 🙂
    – Type it exactly as I do otherwise it won’t work that sounded like a threat
    Alright, let’s begin!

    ITALICS: <i>this will be italicized</i> it looks like this
    BOLD: <b>this will be bolded</b> it looks like this
    STRIKETHROUGH: <strike>this would be strikethroughed</strike> it looks like this
    CODE LIKE WORDS: <code>this would look code-y</code> it looks like this
    LINK: <a href=“your link here”>you would then click here for the link</a>
    What it looks like: Click here for a cute kitty
    QUOTE: <blockquote>your quote here</blockquote>

    blockquote looks like this

    FAKE LINK: <a>words blah blah</a> it looks like this

    For emoticons, do not put a space between the two symbols 🙂
    🙂 Emoji- : )
    😀 Emoji- : D
    😛 Emoji- : P
    🙁 Emoji- : (
    😉 Emoji- ; )
    Some other notes about BlogClan:
    – BlogClan is kept safe and fun by a group of moderators called Blogteam. They moderate (check) your comments so that no one uses inappropriate words and also so that sensitive topics that might upset other people are kept to a minimum and have a warning before the comment. Our current mods are Goldenfawn (often called Goldi), Birchfoot (Birchy), Cheetahspark (Cheetah, Cheeto), Rainshine (Rainie), Winterwhisper (Wint, Winter, Win), Viperfrost (Viper), Kat, Jayfrost (Jayie), Iceflower (Icy), Emberdawn (Embix, Ember, Emb), and of course, Kate herself (Cakestar) (why did I just put everyone’s nicknames 😛 ). They’ll definitely be able to answer your questions best of all! Currently, you can’t become a mod, but applications open up every once in a while if the team needs any help.

    – The current deputy and medicine cat of BlogClan are Icy and Embix technically. Their jobs are to keep the blog going smoothly, sorting out disputes, and welcoming new members like you might be! Elections are held every two years, and one was held very recently, so you can not have one of those positions right now 🙂 Try running in 2021!

    – On BlogClan, you can have mentors/apprentices just like in the books. Your ranking is based on your age/grade in school:
    Elementary School, 1st grade-5th grade, ages 6-12 – Kit
    Middle School, 6th grade-8th grade, ages 11/12-13/14 – Apprentice
    High School/College, 9th grade-the end of school, ages 13/14 to whenever you get out of school 😛 – Warrior
    Out of school – Elder
    You do not have to have a mentor or apprentice, they are just for fun (and minor bragging rights 😛 ). If you would like to look for one, head on over to the Allegiances Chat Page and ask to be on Cheetah’s list of available mentors and apprentices! A good method to find someone is making a list of your interests and hobbies 😉 Good luck if you are looking!

    – Secret pages are what they sound like, “secret pages” (they aren’t openly linked) that you can access and find with secret methods (hint: try clicking on some pictures!). Once you find one that has not been claimed or used, you can claim it by posting a comment on it saying “Claimed!”. Make sure you check that no one else has claimed it before you. Once you claim it, you can pretty much use it for anything! Lots of people use them for roleplaying, fanfiction, and games.If you want a secret page, ask me! I can give up to 5 in a themed set, but please have a ready use for them!

    – On many places such as the official Name That Apprentice! and the Tavern, you have to press the blue reply button right below the main comment so that it is clear that you are replying to that person’s comment. It also keeps the pages from getting cluttered, as a new page is made every ten comments (not counting replies).

    — Live Chat is a really cool thing, it’s that (currently) pink and blue box that you may see on the sides of pages (on large screens) or at the bottom (for small screens). You can create an account by putting in your desired name that you want people to see in the name box, clicking “Profile” in the bottom right corner and making an account. Live Chat is also moderated by Blogteam for the same reasons. Live Chat is done updating!!

    — One very important thing to remember is that all pages have descriptions on the top of the page! If you are unsure what a page is for, read the description and if you have any more questions, you can ask 🙂

    — Finally, Kate Cary is a very busy person. I know that you all are big Warriors fans, and that you might have questions, but she doesn’t have time to answer them all. The mods will then fill in, or, if you have any questions about already published Warriors content, you can ask it on the Ask Jaysnow page 🙂

    Yep, that’s all I can think of right now for BlogClan! Of course, there’s much more, but it’s always more fun to find it on your own 😛 Have fun exploring! I hope this helped 😀 Anyone can add on to this in the replies, as well as test the codes!

    Darn I always try to get this on the top of a new page 😛 Sometimes I just want to pull a Rainie on nta 😛

    • Hi Ivysnake! Welcome to BlogClan! Sorry if I call you by your full name, I’m not sure if there’s anyone here that uses Ivy as a nickname 😛

    • Hey Ivysnake, welcome to Blogclan!
      I’m Eaglepaw/ Eagle that soars through the sky but you can call me Eagie.

      I just realised that looks like you can call me ‘I’m Eagle that soars through the sky but you can call me Eagie’

      Anyway hope you enjoy blogclan.

      Eagie 🦅

  • Hi, I am Suneye and i’m new to BlogClan. I have an oc in a game called Gacha Life that looks like my cat oc. Anyways, I joined yesterday but I was too shy to talk. I’m excited to get to know some of you!
    Name: Suneye
    Nickname: Sunny, Blinky.
    Purrsona: pinkish-yellow she-cat with pink eyes and a pink mask on her face
    Gender: Female
    Age: 15
    Age Range: Teen
    Rank: Warrior
    Personality: Loving, fun, cool, awesome, cares for others, empathy, respectful, responsible.
    Favourite Warriors Arc: Omen of the Stars
    Favourite Warriors Book: Daisy’s Kin when it comes out
    Favourite Warrior Character: Daisy and Dovewing
    Favourite Non-Warriors Book: Cujo and Christine by Stephen King
    Favourite Film/Movie: It 2
    Favourite Musical: Whats this?
    Favourite Music Artists: Many people.
    Favourite song from each Artist: boyfriend by Ariana Grande, Faded by Alan Walker, Rodeo by Lil Nas X, Dylan Scott My Girl, many others…
    Favourite Cartoon: Forever Spongebob
    Favourite Video Games: GACHA LIFE, GACHA LIFE, and GACHA LIFE
    Favourite Video Game of all time: GACHA LIFE OBVIOUSLY!
    Hobbies: Reading, gacha life, volleyball, drawing, other things.
    Favourite Season: Summer
    Favourite Weather: Nice cool breeze outside
    Favourite Colo(u)r: Pink
    Favourite animal: Raven
    Favourite flower: Daffodil
    Favourite tree: Aspen
    Collects: Hydro Flask
    Favourite food: ***CRINGE ALERT*** Bananas
    Favourite drink: Milk
    Dream house: My house I live in now
    Favourite actor: Chris Pratt
    SLOGAN: And I oop, sksksksks
    Other: I will be on BlogClan tavern mostly when I am active. I have 6 sisters and i’m the second youngest. I have a raven named Burt and a cat named Rosie.

    • Hi Suneye, and welcome. I’ve just found this comment in Spam. I’m afraid the Spam monster here gets greedy sometimes and swallows comments it shouldn’t swallow. It should recognise you now and leave your comments alone…but I’ll keep an eye on it, just in case 🙂

    • Hiya Suneye! Welcome to the Blog. 😀 I’m Fallenshadows, but you can call me Fally, Fallen, or anything really. I love the song Faded, too! And wow, that’s a lot of sisters! What’s having so many like? 🙂

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