Please Introduce Yourself! (Retired)

Hello and welcome!

We hope you’ve already seen the New Member’s Page and learned a little bit about BlogClan. We’re delighted to welcome you to a site Kate Cary created to celebrate Warriors and its readers.

Please introduce yourself in a comment on this page. Tell us something about yourself or your purrsona. We prefer to use warrior names here. We hope that’s okay with you!

We’re looking forward to getting to know you!


  • Okay, I’m just going to do a repost of the coding and emojis that I posted a few weeks ago so that more new members can SHARE THE FUN. 😉

    Hi there all new members! Have a great time exploring the Blog and taking part in E V E R Y T H I N G. 
Just to let you know, you can do emojis on BlogClan by doing this: 

    ☺ = a colon ( which is this : ) and a bracket facing the colon like this ) with no spaces in between

    😀 = a colon and a capital D with no spaces in between 

    😛 = a colon and a capital P with no spaces in between

    😉 = a semi-colon (which is this ; ) and a bracket facing the semi-colon with no spaces in between 

    😮 = a colon with a lowercase o with no spaces in between 

    ☹ = a colon with a bracket facing away from the colon with no spaces in between 

    But of course if you have a device that allows you to do more than these emojis you can do them as well.

    You can also do writing in different ways like:

    bold writing = (strong) your text (/strong) 

    italics = (em) your text (/em) 

    in red = (code) your text (/code) 

    with a cross through it = (strike) your text (/strike)


    But instead of the brackets I have used in the code above, you use angle brackets (look them up as ‘angle brackets on a keyboard’ – don’t worry I didn’t know their name until I looked them up). So the angle bracket opening to the left is ) and the angle bracket opening to the right is (. I hope this is clear and so…happy typing!




    Oops, Sorzi says I shouldn’t type in CAPS

      I’m Willa, by the way. It’s nice to meet you! 😀 I’ve been on the Blog for a year now (woo!) and I can say with complete sureness that this place is one of the most amazing communities EVER. I’m sure you’ll make TONS of friends here! 😀
      If you need any help, feel free to talk to me, I’d love to help you find your way. 🙂
      (By the way – Sizzle is the cUTEST name ever!!!!!! 😀 )

    • HI SIZZLE YOU CAN TYPE IN CAPS AS MUCH AS YOU WANT!!! (Within Reason of course. 😛 ) I love your name!! I’m Blueheart, But you can call me Blue, pretty much everyone does, except for the occasional, Blu Bloo Bluie or Bluey. So your Sorzi’s friend? Sorzi is really nice. 🙂

      If you have any questions you can ask anyone on BlogClan pretty much. I have been here for just over 2 months. (It feels a lot longer than that.) BlogClan is your home now. Enjoy it. 🙂 Everyone who places a single comment here has a place here in BlogClan. 🙂

    • HI SIZZLE!! 😀 CAPS LOCK IS THE BEST 😉 I love your name!! I’m Fallenpaw, but feel free to call me Fallen, Fall, Fally , or anything! 😛 I hope to see you around; Welcome to the Clan! 😀

  • Hey, Sorrel! 😀 Hopefully you see this comment . . .
    In order to get an avatar, you need to sign up for gravatar (which is an extension of WordPress, technically): Signatures require a WordPress account as well.

    • Hello, Rainstep! 😀 I love your name. 🙂 I’m Iceflower, one of the moderators, so if you have any problems or questions, feel free to come to me! 🙂 You can call me Icy. 😀 ShadowClan is pretty great, although I’m a RiverClan girl myself. 😉 I’d love to chat with you! 🙂 If you head over to the Tavern, I think you’ll find plenty of people willing to chat with you! 😉 And here is BlogCLan’s live chat, which can only be used when a moderator opens it, but when it’s open, you can chat in real time with other users of BlogClan! Cool, right? 😀 It’ll probably be open sometime later today, and someone usually posts a comment on the Tavern that it’s open. 🙂 I hope you like BlogClan! 🙂

    • Hello Rainstep!! I’m Blueheart!! Although you can call me Blue!! I like ShadowClan too!! Although I’m a ThunderClan cat through and through. 🙂

      • Hello, Blueheart! It’s good that your a loyal cat!! I’ve noticed that my favorite cats are always strictly bound to their clan 🙂

    • Hey Rainstep! 😀 I’m Willa, nice to meet you! I’d love to chat! 😀 The Tavern (under “need company” is a great place to chat!)
      ShadowClan isn’t all evil – I like quite a few ShadowClan cats too, though RiverClan is probably my favorite clan. 🙂 So yeah, it’s great having you here! Feel free to come to me with any questions or issues, I’ve been on BlogClan for a year now and I’m sure I could help! ^-^
      I’m looking forward to getting to know you! 🙂

      • RiverClan for me is probably my 2nd favorite Clan, and Riverstar is my fav leader!! Also, nice to meet you, Willa!

    • Hey, Rainstep! What a lovely name! 😀 I’m Breeze that Glides Through Summer but you can just call me Breezey or Summer, by the way. 😛 ShadowClan is really interesting too, and I’m glad you love them! I really like them as well! 🙂 What are some of your favorite ShadowClan cats, and if you could choose to be one of them, who would you be? I like Yellowfang, Violetpaw, and Tawnypelt and I think I’d want to be Yellowfang. 😀 Also, on a random note, I think you’d like the book Heartless by Marissa Meyer, and it’s basically a backstory of the Queen of Hearts. 😛 Anyways, I can’t wait to see you around and have a wonderful rest of your day! 😀

    • Rainstep! Hi! My name is Sorrelpaw, but you can call me Sorzi. I am an apprentice here on BlogClan.

      You can usually find me on the tavern and I have my own game on the games page! 🙂

      I like ShadowClan too! 🙂 Who was your favorite ShadowClan leader?

    • Nice to meet you, Rainstep! You’ll find that lots of people are always willing to have a chat on the Tavern. 😀 You can use Live Chat as well, when a mod opens it! Welcome to BlogClan! I really like ShadowClan, too. 🙂

    • Hi Rainstep! I’m Fallenpaw, but you can call me Fallen, Fall, or Fally. 🙂 It’s a pleasure to meet you! 🙂 I hope to see you around the Blog! 😀

    • Hello! Welcome to BlogClan, Rainstep! 🙂 I’m Goldenfawn, but you can call me Goldi if you’d like! I’d love to chat sometime on BlogChat or the Tavern! 😀

    • Hi, Rainstep! Welcome to BlogClan! I’m Mintpaw/Mintfeather and you can call me Minty. I like ShadowClan at times, and their territory is the best, but I’m RiverClan. I’d love to chat! Most randomness takes place at the Tavern but I’m very active on the Warrior Games Page too. I hope to see you around!

    • Whoops, I’m a little late to the party, but welcome to BlogClan, Rainstep! I’m Emberdawn (but people call me Embix :P), one of the two Article Tsars (BlogTeam mods in charge of the articles) and a senior warrior 🙂 It’s amazing to have you here and I hope you enjoy everything that BlogClan has to offer!

    • Hey Rainstep!

      Welcome to the clan, I don’t have anything against shadowclan but I like windclan more 🙂 hope you like it here!!

    • Hi Rainstep! Welcome to BlogClan! I’m Frostpaw, but you can call me Frosty, Frost, or whatever you like. Hope you have fun here! 😀

      I personally love ShadowClan too. They’re not a bad Clan, they just happened to have a string of bad cats 😛

    • Hi Dovekit! 😀 I’m excited to meet you too! I’m Willowpaw, (formally Willow Beside Small Stream) but you can call me Willa or Wil. 🙂
      A great place to hang out and talk is the Tavern (under “need company”) or the discussion pages – we have a ton for different fandoms, like Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, Hamilton, etc.
      Feel free to talk to me and ask questions if you have to, and I’m sure you’ll make many friends here – I’ve been here for a year and I can assure you everyone is very accepting! 🙂

    • Hello Dovekit!! I love the prefix Dove!! I’m sure you will love it here!! I’m Blueheart!! But you can call me Blue. 🙂

    • Hi, Dovekit! I’m Breeze that Glides Through Summer, but you can just call me Breezey. 😀 BlogClan’s a great community, and you’ll have a lot of fun here! 🙂 We have so many different pages here from the Tavern to the Fanfiction page, and everyone is very friendly. If you have any questions, you can totally ask me or any other BlogClanner, I’m sure they’d be happy to help you! I’m so excited to talk to you too and get to know you better as well! Have a fantabulous day, Dovekit! 😀

    • What a pleasure to see you here, Dovekit! I am Sorrelpaw, a BlogClan apprentice. However it is fine to call me Sorzi 🙂

      I can be found on the BlogClan tavern or the hug page(which is a great page to visit if you’re feeling down.)

      Hope to see you around!

    • Hi Dovekit! I’m Fallenpaw, but feel free to call me Fallen, Fall, Fally, or anything along those lines. 😛 It’s a please to meet you, and I hope to see you around! 😀

    • Welcome to BlogClan, Dovey! Can I call you that? I’m Mintpaw/Mintfeather and you can call me Minty. I’m excited to meet you too! Yay meow! I am most active on the Tavern and Warrior Games Page. I recommend you go there, and everywhere on the Blog! BlogClan is amazing and wonderful and you’ll love it here! I hope to see you around!

    • Hi, Dovekit! I’m Emberdawn, one of the BlogTeam moderators, senior warrior and mentor 😀 I hope that you’ll make a ton of friends here on BlogClan and enjoy the things they made, like art, articles or fanfiction! If you ever need a moderator’s help, just ask for one of us in a comment and we’ll get to you ASAP!

    • Hi Dovekit! Welcome to BlogClan! I’m Frostpaw, but you can call me Frosty, Frost, or whatever you like. Hope you have fun here! 😀

  • Hi. I’m not new, I used to be Ashpaw. It’s been so long since I’ve been on,so I might as well be new. I have a habit of being active a lot and then not being on for a long time. I try to stop doing that but so far can’t. *sigh*

    Anyway, I first started reading warriors in like.. I dunno, 1st or 2nd grade? I love this series and Wings of Fire so much. I have the first series of warriors in Spanish,too.(yeah. Forgot to mention that I speak spanish as well as English)

    So that’s pretty much all I have to say for now.

  • I’m thunderheart, I’m thunderclans born (forest territory) but as an apprentice I was swept away in a flood by the lake
    Lol that my story from a rp called duskclan
    I love warriors and I was super exited when I found this blog

  • Hi! I’m Thunderclaw — a smoky grey and white she-cat warrior thing. Despite the name, I’m really nice. 🙂

  • Since I didn’t do this when I first joined, I’ll do it now. :3 Hi! I’m Panther! I’m new! 😀 ( :3 :3 :3 )