Please Introduce Yourself! (Retired)

Hello and welcome!

We hope you’ve already seen the New Member’s Page and learned a little bit about BlogClan. We’re delighted to welcome you to a site Kate Cary created to celebrate Warriors and its readers.

Please introduce yourself in a comment on this page. Tell us something about yourself or your purrsona. We prefer to use warrior names here. We hope that’s okay with you!

We’re looking forward to getting to know you!


  • I- Uh- Hi.. Im Fallensun…Im a Reltivitly Grumpy and Rather Sarcastic Med Cat.. Her Mentor was Sunfeather (Thats where the Sun Came from.. i think im Honestly just making this up as I go), And Her Overly-Excited-about-Everything Girlfriend/Mate Riversong, Because Why would I ever Try to Follow the Warrior Code, I’ve Read most of the Books- I just cant remember anything after The Sight (Im Re-Reading them as you read this).. I Ship Talljake, Mothpool and HollyCinder(Heart) all Rather Aggresively.. With my Favorite Charecters being Mothwing, Hollyleaf, Ivypool, Tawnyst- pelt, Blackstar anddd Tallstar.. Anyways i should Probably Be Quiet now.. So uh- Bye!

    (Physical Charecteristics: a Light Grey Cat, White Paws & White Tail Tip, Swirly-ish-Stripe-Things in a Darker Grey along her back, Stripes on her Head aswell, and One White ear.. that looks rather Torn up.. Ohh And She has Grey-ish Brown Eyes.. I like the Color Grey.. a lot.. apparently- She also has a Scar on her Left Shoulder and a Small one on her nose)

    This was a Really Long Comment and Im So Sorry-

    Alright- Bye this time.. For Real ;-;


  • Hi my name is Spaceriver! You can call me Space or River. I love to swim and explore. I was born in Australia, I am 12 years old, and my favourite animal is a gray wolf. My purrsona is super long so I won’t type it😅 But I hope we can all be friends!

  • Hi! I don’t think anyone will really know me, so I guess I’ll introduce myself 🙂

    • My warrior name is Echowillow (technically Echopaw I guess) but I go by either Willow or Echo
    • My tribe name is Echo of Whispering Willow, which was kindly suggested by Shiningbrook
    • I’ve currently read all the arcs up to and including AVoS. I’ve also read: Firestar’s Quest; Crookedstar’s Promise; Bluestar’s Prophecy; Mapleshade’s Vengeance; Goosefeather’s Curse; Ravenpaw’s Farewell; Spottedleaf’s Heart; Pinestar’s Choice; and Thunderstar’s Echo. I also have the 8 other novellas, which I haven’t gotten around to reading yet
    • Mapleshade is my third favourite cat, Ivypool my second and Hollyleaf is my favourite character
    • I strongly dislike Lionblaze. He has so much potential that was just wasted.
    • If I was in a cannon clan, it would be RiverClan! Or potentially SkyClan
    • I read a lot (mainly mystery/crime fiction) so feel free to recommend or talk about books! I love books
    • My favourite animals are hedgehogs

    Sorry for rambling on for so long! 🙂

  • Hello, blog friendos!! I’m doing a reintro because ✨why not?✨ Soooo, some things about me:
    -Some of my nicknames are Flamie, Flam, Flame, Flames, Flammo, and basically anything else you can think of that’s blog-appropriate!
    -I live in the eastern U.S.
    -I’ve been on the blog since October 9th of last year! 😀
    -I go by she/her
    -I’m 11
    -My turning-old day (birthday) is May 31!
    -I am the unofficial lord of arson and tax fraud on the blog! >:D
    -I’m in the 6th grade and am the child who carries around way too many books. It’s an easy indicator if you’re looking for me! 😉
    -I’m looking for a mentor, as my old one, Olivenose, left the blog. 🙁
    -My favorite animals are dinosaurs and sharks!
    -My favorite characters in Warriors are Firestar, Bristlefrost, Mapleshade, Ivypool, Ashfur, and Gray Wing!! 😀
    -I ABSOLUTELY DESPISE Dovewing, Tigerstar 2, Millie, Lightleap, Appledusk, Reedshine, Star Flower, and Clear Sky/Skystar
    -I am a part of Silv’s MASSIVE blog fam! >:D
    -Some of my blog friendos are Silverdusk, Shadeleap, Amberpaw, and a bunch of other humanoids! (Most likely including you!!)
    -I’m partially fluent in Spanish and ASL (American Sign Language)
    -I’m definitely not from Mars
    -I love drawing, reading, writing, and singing, and I do martial arts!! 😀
    -Uhh, I think that’s about it!! See ya later!! 😀

  • Hello I’m new to blogclan. My name is winterwhispers. These are things I would like to share.

    – My favorite characters are Frogleap and Whitewing. I like Frogleap because he always had so much hope. And he knew Leopardstar wasn’t”t right for him. And I like Whitewing because she is brave, when she wanted to go alone to look for her parents. she is kind to everyone, but she still makes sense. Like not making a blind cat a apprentice.

    -I dislike Lionpaw. Yes I’m only on the Sight, but so far I don’t like him. He babies Jaypaw when they’re the same age and when he went to the gathering it was all about peace and the only thing he could think about was fighting.

    -My tribe name is Whisper of Winter’s Coming.
    Can’t wait to meet you!

  • 🌧️🌹𝗥𝗮𝗶𝗻𝗹𝗲𝘁 (𝘀𝗵𝗲/𝗵𝗲𝗿)🌹🌧️𝓡𝓸𝓼𝓮𝓵𝓮𝓽 🌈𝗔𝗸𝗮 𝗥𝗮𝗶𝗻𝗽𝗮𝘄/𝗯𝗿𝗼𝗼𝗸🌈🌧️ says:

    Reintro because I haven’t done one in a while
    Hi! I’m Rainpaw/brook, but you can call me Rainlet, Roselet, Raini, Raina, or Rai-rai! 😀
    My favorite warriors character is Leafstar and my least favorite is Flametail :))
    My favorite ships are AlderNeedle and SpotStem.
    My least favorite ships are probably LionHeather and DoveBumble
    Uhh I’m in middle school and I’m right in between the ages of 11 and 14 😉
    I love to read, write, draw, and play clarinet
    Band is the BEST!!!
    I also read Wings of Fire and my favorite wof character is Qibli <333
    My blog sisters are Meadowpaw, Silverdusk, and Frostbite, and my blog mother is Flamedove
    See you around the blog! :)) <3

  • Hi I’m Snowpaw and I’m new to the blog!
    -Nicknames are Snow, Snow, and, Icee
    – My favorite drink (If u couldn’t tell) is a blue raspberry Icee, also water bc I’m cool
    – I like light blues of any sort
    – My favorite warriors are Tawnypelt, Dovewing, and Ivypool, however I like Ivypool the best
    – Least favorte characters are Ashfur, and Lionblaze
    – I’m lookin for a mentor so if you would like to me my mentor let me know!
    – I like reading and writing, and I can (sort of) draw humans!
    -Favorite food is pickles and salad! Also Burgers
    – uhh yeah so that’s about it hope we can be friends!

    • ☃️🤍 Silverdusk (she/her) who is running for SW! Shadedpaw's Happy Mentor 💖 SOKEEFE FOR LIFE 🤍☃️ says:

      Hii snow! Nice to meet you! Ivypool is also my favourite character! Do you have a favourite movie/TV Show?

    • Hi Snowy!! I also love Ivypool, and Dovewing and Tawnypelt i like too! What your you think your suffix will be?

      • Probably Moth, Spirit, Fall, Dapple, or stream! I more need suffix ideas tho 😛😛

    • Hey there Icee! My name is Flakepaw and my nickname is Hatchet or Hatchet the jokeinator! Because I do daily jokes which have become not so daily because of my vacation. I’l continue soon anyway Welcome! I will def be your friend, and btw you should definately click this link and join the blogfam,×755/
      Welcome and so you like hearing unheard of songs made up in like one day? If so I have a whole lot for you. Especially coming up with a playlist of songs as a musical for my scifi book Roaring crown which you should check out on fanfic page. Sorry, I talk a lot, bye.

  • I’m doing a a reintro because it was a long time since i last introduced myself!
    My favourite warrior cat is Ivypool and my least favourite warrior cat is Thistleclaw.
    My favourite clan is ShadowClan and my least favourite clan is ThunderClan.
    Feel free to ask any questions, as long as they are blog friendly. Bye everyone!

  • Reintro cuz why not?
    Hello cats of BlogClan, I’m Autumnleaf!
    – I love reading and some of my favorite seires are Percy Jackson, Fablehaven, Warriors, and Harry Potter. I’m currently reading the Sunfire romance seires from the 1900’s i think.
    – I don’t really like writing.
    – I have and had no pets before, but my cousins have/had.
    – My birthday is March 31st.
    – I’ve read until Sky, but not a bunch of Manga/SE/GN/Novellas.
    – I’ve been on the Blog since November or December.
    – I’m a she/her.
    – I might change names to Mosspebble ’cause why not.
    – My Purrsona is a light orange tabby with darker orange stripes down her body, smaller stripes on her head, legs, and tail. She has one eye mint colored and the other cyan. Her belly and paws are cream colored. She is a muscular cat type, and is excellent at hunting, and is great in fighting, because her small and sleek body type makes it easy for her to slip under other cats and hunting prey. She is also very swift. She is talented. She is a RiverClan cat.
    – I’m in third grade challenge.
    – I’m from the USA, WA.
    – Though I’m a RiverClan cat, I don’t like fish XD.
    I’ve been going on for too long now, but feel free to ask me stuff.
    ~ Autumnleaf

  • Hey! I honestly think I’m in StarClan at this rate when it comes to remembering me on the blog, so I shall do a small reintro 🙂

    -My name is Mothspirit (Mothpaw actually, but I love my warrior name so why not?) but I also go by Mothy, Mothso, Mothsy, and Motho. But everyone knows me as Mothy.

    -My tribe name is: Spirit of a Fluttering Moth

    -I have completed EVERY book in the Warrior Cats Series, also I completed KOTLC which is my life now, so feel free to hit me up on that..

    -I love Jayfeather through and through, we have a lot we can relate to! Jayfeather is always being undermined as he was a kit and an apprentice and I am underestimated a lot too.

    -I strongly dislike Lionblaze! I hate how forceful he is to Cinderheart/pelt.

    -I am a RiverClan cat, since I adore the water. According to the WC quiz.

    -I am a book nerd.. though I hate Harry Potter (It’s not bad or anything, I just hate the scenes and how violent it is. That’s why I prefer the books, I know there are MAJOR Harry Potter fans our there so well, yeah. It’s just me and how I freak out about Voldermort.)

    -My favorite animals are red pandas! Their just so cute and slinky and their bushy tails.. I can’t 😀

    Sorry for the long essay. I can’t wait to meet you!

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