Polls (Retired)

Poll cat

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Hey, BlogClan! Here is a page for you to create polls on. You can use this site to make polls (https://www.poll-maker.com/). Create polls there, copy and paste the url of your poll into a comment, and you have created your own personal poll!

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  • Dewtail’s story part three!

    Slightclaw [now Slightstar] begins making some changes, notably depriving Hailwatcher of food and [secretly] staging Bouncestem’s death. He also lowers Hailwatcher’s rank and allows his subordinates to mistreat him [because Slightstar is a terrible person]. Hailwatcher tries to reconnect with Raggedfoot [his former mentor before he decided to become a medicine cat/father figure who disowned Hailwatcher after realizing he wasn’t useful to him anymore] as a bit of solace since everything is going terribly for him right now. After overhearing Slightstar planning to make Hailwatcher take one of his apprentice-aged kits as an apprentice and then kill the nine-moon old cat, Hailwatcher attempts to escape over the WindClan border and fails [which almost gets him killed] but successfully escapes over ThunderClan’s borders and becomes one of ThunderClan’s medicine cats.

    Poll for your opinion on this story:

    A: I like it.
    B: Uh- [Dewtail, why is everything you write so dark?]
    c: meh.
    D: Nope.

    Please let me know if you have any ideas to better the story!

  • Turtlepaw🐢🐢🐢(They/Them, Xe/Xem, Tey/Tem, Ae/Aem, Ot/Ots, Mae/Mim, Sae/Sear, Je/Jem, He/Him, Se/Hem, Re/Rem, Ke/Kem, Bun/Buns, Sey/Sem, Thon/Thons.) says:

    How many of these characters do you defend?

    • Silverstream
    • Blossomfall
    • Dovewing
    • Daisy
    • Needletail
    • Jessy
    • Spottedleaf
    • Ferncloud
    • Nightcloud
    • Squirrelflight
    • Leafpool
    • Hollyleaf

    I defend all of them! Especially Silverstream, Blossomfall, Dovewing, Daisy, and Needletail. They’re all amazing characters who don’t deserve hate! ❤️

    Nightcloud Defender

  • Turtlepaw🐢🐢🐢(They/Them, Xe/Xem, Tey/Tem, Ae/Aem, Ot/Ots, Mae/Mim, Sae/Sear, Je/Jem, He/Him, Se/Hem, Re/Rem, Ke/Kem, Bun/Buns, Sey/Sem, Thon/Thons.) says:

    What’s your favorite out of these smiley emojis?

    A. 😀
    B. 😃
    C. 😄
    D. 😁
    E. 🙂
    F. 🙃

    Nightcloud Defender

  • Turtlepaw🐢🐢🐢(They/Them, Xe/Xem, Tey/Tem, Ae/Aem, Ot/Ots, Mae/Mim, Sae/Sear, Je/Jem, He/Him, Se/Hem, Re/Rem, Ke/Kem, Bun/Buns, Sey/Sem, Thon/Thons.) says:


    [PART ONE]

    1. What year did you start reading Warriors?
    2. What was the last Warriors book you read?
    3. List some of your favorite Warriors characters.
    4. List some of your least favorite Warriors characters.
    5. How many times has your favorite Warriors character changed?
    6. What’s your favorite super edition?
    7. Favorite novella?
    8. Favorite manga?
    9. Favorite guide book?
    10. Favorite Warriors book excluding all super editions/novellas/guide books/mangas?
    11. Name some Warriors characters you think are underrated.
    12. What’s the Warriors ship you defend the most?
    13. Which Warriors characters do you especially defend?
    14. What’s your favorite thing about Warriors? The ships? The characters? The plot?
    15. Name some of your favorite Warriors ships!

    Nightcloud Defender

    • 1: 2021
      2: ALITM
      3: Jayfeather, Yellowfang, Jake, Purdy, Mousefur, Daisy, Spotfur, Sol, Darktail, Harestar, Graypool.
      4: Shrewclaw, Rainflower, Bramblestar, Blackstar, Rowanstar, Leopardstar, Mistystar, Breezepelt pre Crowfeather’s trial, Berrynose, Oakstar, Darkstripe, Thistleclaw, Bumblestripe, Ashfur, Finleap.
      5: 7
      6: Crowfeather’s Trial?, Tallstars Revenge, Crookedstars Promise.
      7: Dovewings Silence, Daisy’s Kin, Mapleshades Vengeance, Ravenpaws Farewell.
      8: A Shadow in Riverclan
      9: Secrets of the Clans
      10: Shattered Sky
      11: Fleck, Palebird, Minty, Cody, Twigbranch, Daisy, Blazefire, Barkface.
      12: Frecklewish x Reedshine, Ivypool x Fernsong
      13: Frecklewish, Dovewing, Daisy, Sparkpelt.
      14: Characters and me just wanting something specific to happen (cough gay frostpaw cough)
      15: Talljake, Ravenbarley, Hollywillow, Jaybriar, Rootshadow, Frostpaw x Whistlepaw, Cloudbright

    • 1. 2018, I believe.
      2. Shattered Sky- I’ve almost finished it.
      3. Honeyfern, Jessy, Rainswept Flower, Velvet, Olive, Foxleap, Mistpaw.
      4. Ashfur, Tom, Brokenstar, Tigerstar 1, Hawkfrost.
      5. About… maybe two or three times before I read about Honeyfern, and then I gradually added more to my list. 😀
      6. Bramblestar’s Storm! Jessy is AWESOME, plus my friend gave her copy to me when she moved away. <3 (And Jessy reminds me of her… :') )
      7. Pebbleshine's Kits- Olive is so sweet! And of course I love that one scene in Leafpool's Wish where it shows baby Honeykit. <3
      8. Ravenpaw's Path- it's the only one I have and I love all the chickens in it! <3 I think I'll also love A Shadow In RiverClan- Feathertail is wonderful!
      9. The Ultimate Guide- I love just looking through the amazing pictures! <3
      10. Dark River- it has a lot of sweet Honeyfern moments that made her my favorite! 🙂
      11. Olive, Rainswept Flower, Rainwhisker, Honeyfern, Lightleap, Spottedleaf, Violet Dawn.
      12. TigerstarXDovewing! <33 Also FeathertailXCrowfeather! <3
      13. I defend Jessy most <33 and I also defend Tigerstar2, Pinestar, Heathertail, and Spottedleaf!
      14. The characters! I love that there are so many kitties to choose from, and there are some super awesome ones like Rainswept Flower, Honeyfern, Jessy, Foxleap, Zelda, and so many others! 😀 I also love the way the emotions are described- I've always found I can relate super well!
      15. FirestarXSandstorm, LionblazeXHoneyfern, GrayWingXTurtleTail

    • 1. i think 2020
      2. umm battles of the clans
      3. Ivypool, Needletail, Alderheart, Crowfeather, Squilf and Leafpool, Violetshine, Hawkfrost and others 😛
      4. Dovewing, Millie, Bramblestar, etc.
      5. Not a lot! It used to a bit but then i’ve just been lovin Ivypool
      6. idk
      7. idk
      8. idk
      9. idk
      10. too many lol
      11. Ravenpaw, ikujfjxs
      12. hm ig GreyxSilver or IvyxHawk
      13. iVyPoOl
      14. allllllllllllllllllllll
      15. IvyxHawk Mothpool RavenxBarley GreyxSilver

    • 1. Around 2017-2018 I think? I can’t remember exactly

      2. Dark River(PoT) – Need to pick it up again lol

      3. Flipclaw – Funny :3
      Berrynose – He’s just such an idiot but I find it hilarious so I can’t hate him
      Spotfur – Just really cool
      Twigbranch – I liked her sticking up to Finleap
      Leafstar – The best leader
      Firestar – Classic and fun protag + leader
      Flamepaw(so far) – I like his direction

      4. Blossomfall – Annoying, Rude, and just really mean 🙁
      BrambleSTAR – He was butchered as leader
      Tom – I think anyone who read DotC knows why
      Finleap – Mild dislike for him because of The Raging Storm
      Rowanclaw – He’s such a jerk in PoT

      5. It’s always been Flipclaw<3
      6. Tallstar's revenge(I haven't finished it, or any other SE for that matter tho)

      7. Tawnypelt's Clan – I love all the characters in it

      8. SkyClan and the Stranger – I <3 Leafstar

      9. Enter the Clans/The Ultimate guide – Despite some continuity errors and a lot of their stories being debunked by later books they're fun to read.

      10. A Light in the Mist – Just a good warriors book

      11. Graypool – Took in Mistyfoot and Stonefur and raised them well

      12. Willowshine x Hollyleaf – Cute

      13. Probably Frecklewish(ThC) at the moment, it changes sometimes though

      14. The characters that make me laugh (Ex. Flipclaw, Berrynose)

      15. WillowHolly(cute), CloudBright(wholesome), DoveBriar(adorable)

    • 1. 2016
      2. A vision of shadows: Shattered sky
      3. Jake,Tallstar,Jayfeather,Purdy,Needletail,Ravenpaw,Barley,Scourge,Tawnypelt, and Squirrelflight
      4. Stormtail,Thistleclaw,Oakstar, and silverstream.
      5. 8-10 times.
      6. Tallstar’s Revenge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      7. Power of three (Because Jayfeather.)
      8. Ravenpaw’s path
      9. None.
      10. Tallstar’sRevenge,Crookedstar’s promise, And Mapleshade’s Vengeance
      11. Lighnting Tail,Thrushpelt,Goosefeather,Willowbreeze,Stonefur, Foxleap, and purdy.
      12. JayFeather and Briarlight.
      13. Which Warriors characters do you especially defend?
      14. Everthing I guess. accept that tehy aren’t ‘allowing’ True LGBTQ+ Cats/ships accept Ravepan and barley, Tallstar and Jake, and asexual mousefur.
      15. Tall X Jake, Ran X Barley, Gray X Fire, Jay X Briar, Cloud X Bright

    • 2017 I think???
      I read Tallstar’s Revenge for the hundreth time a bit ago
      Tallstar, Sandstorm, Yellowfang
      Rainflower, Brokenstar, Tom
      Not very much
      Tallstar’s Revenge
      Mapleshade’s Vengeance
      The Rise of Scourge
      The Ultimate Guide
      The Darkest Hour
      Tallstar, Swiftpaw, Goosefeather
      Moth x Leaf, Tall x Jake, Holly x Fallen, Squilf x Tawny (note: Squilf x Tawny is in an AU where Squilf didn’t end up being mates with Bramble and Tawny didn’t with Rowan)
      Tallstar <3
      Moth x Leaf, Tall x Jake, Raven x Barley, Squilf x Tawny, Holly x Fallen

    • Maybe 2015 or 2016 or something like that
      IDK… Maybe either Graystripes Vow, or Redtail’s Novella
      Jayfeather, Ivypool, Firestar, Mapleshade, Bristlefrost
      Tigerstar 2, Thistleclaw
      Probably about maybe 6 times, but I’m not certain.
      Squirrelflight’s Hope
      Redtail’s Novella
      Ravenpaw’s Path
      The ultimate guide
      The last hope, or ALITM.
      IDK… Maybe Needletail, or Snowtuft, or even maybe Mapleshade. Leafstar as well.
      None really
      Mapleshade, Sparkpelt
      ALL OF IT
      TallXJake, RavenXBarley IvyXFern JayXNobody RootXBristle

    • 1. 2020
      2. A Light in the Mist
      3. Feathertail, Alderheart, Minty, Cody, Squirrelflight, Jayfeather, Leafstar, Slate, Turtle Tail, Grey Wing, Snowtuft, Thrushpelt, Riverstar, Rainswept Flower, Breezepelt, Heathertail, Purdy, Cinderpelt, Flametail, Harestar, Brambleberry, Gorsestar, Greystripe, Micah, and a lot more ^^
      4. Brokenstar, Jagged Peak, Holly, Redtail, Thornclaw, Stormfur, Blackstar, Onestar Snookthorn, Hawkfrost, StarClan Yellowfang, Shadowsight (Most of the time), Bramblestar, Appledusk, Darkstripe, Rainflower, Leopardstar, Mapleshade (Kind of), Leafpool (Not really, but I dislike her a bit)
      5. Feathertail always has and always will remain my top! The rest shifted around a bit- I used to love Leopardstar but now I hate her, and new characters constantly pop up on my favorites and hated lists the more books I re-read!
      6. Crowfeather’s Trial
      7. Hollyleaf’s Story
      8. A Shadow in RiverClan
      9. The Ultimate Guide
      10. Into the Wild
      11. Doestar, Harestar, Leafstar, Shrewpaw, Foxleap, Flametail, Feathertail, Goosefeather, Nettlebreeze, Larkwing, Rabbitleap, Snowkit, Thrushpelt, Olive, Minty, Honeyfern, Oakheart, Rushpaw, Turtle Tail, Willowbreeze, Violet Dawn, Perchpaw, Stonefur, Rowanberry, Sunstar, Featherwhisker, and a lot more!
      12. Feathertail x Crowfeather! <3
      13. Feathertail, Breezepelt, Heathertail, Dovewing, Firestar, Crowfeather, Spottedleaf, and Jayfeather! Mostly Feathertail and Breezepelt.
      14. Hmm, good question! Probably the characters and their Clans; the ranking system, the Moonstone, their camps and their culture.
      15. Feather x Crow, Heather x Breeze, Moth x Micah, Tall x Jake, Dove x Fox, Wind x Gorse, Fern x Dust, Bright x Cloud, Spot x Stem, Cloud x Bird, Star x Clear, Holly x Fallen, Squirrel x Shrew, Leaf x Billy, Milk x Leaf, and Ivy x Fern.
      Phew, I have a lot of loved ships 😛

      Awesome questions!! 😀

    • 1. 2019
      2. Fading Echoes
      3. Scourge, Tigerstar 1, Bluestar, Hollyleaf, Firestar, Thrushpelt
      4. Onestar, Lionblaze, Brackenfur, Thistleclaw
      5. idk
      6. Bluestar’s Prophecy
      7. Mapleshade’s Vegence
      8. The Rise of Scourge
      9. Secrets of the Clans
      10. The Darkest Hour
      11. Ferncloud, Dustpelt, Thornclaw, Millie, and Snowfur
      12. LeafxCrow, FeatherxCrow, and MilliexGray
      13. Millie, Leafpool, and Thornclaw
      14. Plot! When it comes to reading books I want to know if the plot is worth reading.
      15. CloudxBright, FirexSand, and BluexOak

      i’m to lazy to double check correct me if i got anything mistaken 💀

    • 1. 2019
      2. Greystripe’s Vow
      3. Snowtuft, Grey Wing, Clear Sky, Jayfeather, Lilyheart, Tallstar
      4. Bluestar and Swiftpaw
      5. 4 times. Lilyheart, Seedpaw, Jayfeather, Grey Wing, Snowtuft
      6. Tallstar’s Revenge or Greystripe’s Vow
      7. Ravenpaw’s Farewell
      8. Ravenpaw’s Path
      9. Battles of the Clans
      10. A Place of no Stars
      11. Lilyheart, Icewing, Dovewing, Firestar, Clear Sky, Brokenstar, Tigerstar 1
      12. Tiger X Dove
      13. Pinestar, Dovewing, Clear Sky, Tigerstar
      14. The Cool Plot and abundance of fun characters
      15. Tall X Jake, Raven X Barley, Spot X Stem

    • 1. 2021
      2. Sunset
      4.Hollyleaf,Tom,Brokenstar,Thistleclaw,Clear Sky
      5.Probably 2 or 3 times
      6.Bluestar’s prophecy
      7.Mapleshade’s vengance
      8. A shadow in riverclan
      9.Code of the clans
      10. Eclipse
      11. Dovewing and Honeyfern
      12. DoveXTiger
      14.Probably the characters and the adventure
      15. FireXSand and CloudXBright

    • 1. The summer of 2020
      2. The Sun Trail
      3. Jayfeather, Hollyleaf, Ivypool, Alderheart
      4.Spottedleaf, Bramblestar, Ashfur
      5. Too many to count
      6. Tallstar’s Revenge
      7. none
      8. none
      9. none
      10. dunno
      11. Ravenpaw
      12. Mothpool
      13. Hollyleaf
      14. The plot
      15. Mothpool, Holly x Cinder, Ivy x Blossom, Breeze x Ant, Jay x Briar

    • 1: 2021
      2: The Darkest Hour (I reread that book like 3-4 times a month, lol)
      3: Jayfather, Rootspring, Squirrelflight, Dovewing, Purdy, Longtail, Goldenflower, Sol.
      4: Leopardstar, Mistystar, Thistleclaw Oakstar, Tom, Finleap, Bramblestar, Ashfur, Bumblestripe.
      5: [Jayfeather] about two or three times.
      6: Haven’t read enough of them to make that distinction, but probably Leopardstar’s Honor [I dislike her characterization in it, though]
      7: none
      8: Winds Of Change
      9: haven’t bothered getting any of those- oops-
      10: tie between Shattered Sky, The Darkest Hour, and The First Battle
      11: Longtail, Goldenflower, Poppyfrost-
      12: DovexTiger. [healthy ship]
      13: Squirrelflight [so many people blame her for Ashfur’s actions] Dovewing, Frecklewish, Ferncloud, and Daisy.
      14: Plots.
      15: MinnowxMouse, MousexLong, DovexTiger, SquirrelxShrew/No One, CloudxBright

    • 1. 2020
      2. A Light In The Mist
      3. Jayfeather, Half Moon, Lionblaze, Firestar, Hollyleaf
      4. Dovewing, Ashfur (especially), Thornclaw
      5. Twice
      6. haven’t read them all but so far Graystripes Vow
      7. Same with six, so none yet. I’m currently reading Ravenpaws Farewell
      8. Definitely The Rise Of Scourge
      9. Code Of The Clans
      10. Draw between A Dangerous Path and A Light In The Mist
      11. Bluestar, not enough attention, Toadstep, he really wanted to be like Lionblaze, he tried so hard
      12. Hmm… First of all, Lionblaze and Cinderheart
      14. That they sound so true but they’re not
      15. CloudXBright I extremely wish Half Moon and Jayfeather, LionXCinder, CrowXLeaf if that’s a thing, GrayXMillie.

      These were some great questions Turtlepaw!

    • 1. What year did you start reading Warriors? 2020
      2. What was the last Warriors book you read? Shattered sky
      3. List some of your favorite Warriors characters. Mapleshade, Grey Wing, Snowkit, Tigerstar 1, Brokenstar, Hollyleaf, Ashfur, Thistleclaw, and all da villains I missed <3
      4. List some of your least favorite Warriors characters. Firestar, Greystripe, Sandstorm, Spottedleaf, Brambleclaw, Squirrelflight, Leafpool
      5. How many times has your favorite Warriors character changed? Too many
      6. What’s your favorite super edition? Mapleshades Vengeance
      7. Favorite novella? Bramblestars Storm
      8. Favorite manga? The one with Ravenpaw
      9. Favorite guide book? Ultimate
      10. Favorite Warriors book excluding all super editions/novellas/guide books/mangas? Last Hope, because Firestar dies
      11. Name some Warriors characters you think are underrated. Idk
      12. What’s the Warriors ship you defend the most? Bright×Swift
      13. Which Warriors characters do you especially defend? MAPLESHADE, oh yeah and all the other villains
      14. What’s your favorite thing about Warriors? The ships? The characters? The plot? The Death 😀
      15. Name some of your favorite Warriors ships! Bright×Swift and Jay×Half

    • Streampaw is so glad she decided not to leave BlogClan! She's excited to celebrate her birthday! (🌊Streampaw/lark🌊) says:

      1. I think I started when I was seven or eight, so in 2018.
      2. Crowfeather’s Trial (rereading), and now I’m also rereading The Fourth Apprentice.
      3. Feathertail, Leafstar, Squirrelflight, Ravenpaw, Harestar, Graystripe, Thrushpelt, Heathertail, Breezepelt, Nightcloud, Jayfeather, Alderheart, Cody, Bellaleaf, Dovewing, Cinderpelt, Flametail, Shimmerpelt, Brambleberry, Brightheart, Ivypool, Kestrelflight, Honeyfern, Foxleap, and a LOT of characters!
      4. Rainflower, Ashfur, Bumblestripe, Brokenstar, Tigerstar 1, Onestar, etc.
      5. Once (from Bluestar to Feathertail!)
      6. Crowfeather’s Trial or Squirrelflight’s Hope
      7. Ravenpaw’s Farewell and Pebbleshine’s Kits
      8. A Shadow In RiverClan
      9. I don’t really have one
      10. Midnight, Moonrise, or Rising Storm.
      11. Cody, Minty, Brindleface, Littlecloud, Sagewhisker, Shimmerpelt, Mosspelt, Sunstar, Harestar, and Poppyfrost.
      12. Feather x Crow!!!
      13. Feathertail, Millie, Ferncloud, Daisy, Crowfeather, Nightcloud, and Breezepelt.
      14. All of the above, but mostly the characters.
      15. Feather x Crow, Berry x Honey, Jay x Briar, Raven x Barley, Ivy x Fern, Heather x Breeze, Dove x Fox, Shrew x Squirrel, Leaf x Billy, and more.

    • I actually don’t know 😛
      Mapleshade and Dovewing
      Ashfur and Bumblestripe
      Like three times I think?
      Bluestar’s Prophecy
      Mapleshade’s Vengeance
      Ravenpaw’s Path
      Code of the Clans (the cat I named my purrsona after is in there!)
      I don’t know
      I don’t know – maybe Tiger x Dove?
      The fact that its wild cats. (also I love the font!)
      Tiger x Dove and Ivy x Fern

  • Turtlepaw🐢🐢🐢(They/Them, Xe/Xem, Tey/Tem, Ae/Aem, Ot/Ots, Mae/Mim, Sae/Sear, Je/Jem, He/Him, Se/Hem, Re/Rem, Ke/Kem, Bun/Buns, Sey/Sem, Thon/Thons.) says:

    [PART TWO]

    Here’s part two, with my answers! 😀

    1. 2018
    2. A Light In The Mist
    3. Turtle Tail, Gray Wing, Graystripe, Hawkfrost, Rainswept Flower, Yellowfang, Squirrelflight, Mapleshade, Leafpool, Jayfeather, Ivypool, Hollyleaf, and Pebble Heart.
    4. Tom, Brokenstar, Rainflower, Millie, Tigerstar 1, Star Flower, ThunderClan Frecklewish, Finleap, Appledusk, Breezepelt, Oakstar, Thistleclaw.
    5. Turtle Tail became my favorite within a few weeks of reading the series, and she’s been number one ever since!
    6. Tallstar’s Revenge! TALL X JAKE FOREVER!
    7. Mapleshade’s Vengeance! Mapleshade’s mission to get her revenge is quite interesting. I enjoyed reading about her murderous deeds. She’s definitely evil, but that’s exactly why I like her! Villains are neat!
    8. Ravenpaw’s Path! Or maybe SkyClan And The Stranger. Definitely one of those two!
    9. The Ultimate Guide! The pictures are beautiful.
    10. Thunder Rising! It was the first one I read, so it has sentimental value for me. Plus, there’s so many sweet Gray x Turtle moments!
    11. Lightleap, Rushpaw, Sunstar, Fleck, Rainswept Flower.
    12. Gray x Silver!
    13. Silverstream is the Warriors character I defend the most. Others I defend a lot include Blossomfall, Dovewing, Needletail, and Daisy, just to name a few!
    14. The characters! And the fact that Turtle Tail and Gray Wing- two of my ultimate favorite fictional characters- are in it.
    15. Gray x Turtle, Tall x Jake, Gray x Silver, Fire x Sand, Cloud x Bright, and Raven x Barley.

    Nightcloud Defender

      • She’s just awful (convinced herself that Birchface was the father of Mapleshade’s kits when Mapleshade neither denied or confirmed and then accused Mapleshade of saying that he was the father, watched Mapleshade’s innocent kits drown and did nothing to save them)

        • She didn’t watch them drown, she saw Mapleshade fall off the stepping-stones—that was something Mapleshade assumed based on what Nettlepaw said [that she made up in her unreliable naratvie]

          • Turtlepaw🐢🐢🐢(They/Them, Xe/Xem, Tey/Tem, Ae/Aem, Ot/Ots, Mae/Mim, Sae/Sear, Je/Jem, He/Him, Se/Hem, Re/Rem, Ke/Kem, Bun/Buns, Sey/Sem, Thon/Thons.) says:

            *Takes very deep breath*
            Thanks… thanks for your opinion. 😛 I am definitely writing a Frecklewish hate article in the future, but I respect your opinion.
            Nightcloud Defender

      • Turtlepaw🐢🐢🐢(They/Them, Xe/Xem, Tey/Tem, Ae/Aem, Ot/Ots, Mae/Mim, Sae/Sear, Je/Jem, He/Him, Se/Hem, Re/Rem, Ke/Kem, Bun/Buns, Sey/Sem, Thon/Thons.) says:

        ^^ What Daypaw said, they summed up my opinion pretty well.
        Nightcloud Defender

      • Nothing.
        Frecklewish is good bean.
        She’s better than Russetfur, and Russetfur ended up in StarClan!

      • The grudge I have against her is for calling Patchkit, Petalkit, and Larchkit half-Clan creatures when she found out about them. I understand she was upset, but it was still a bit messed up.
        Otherwise I don’t think it’s fair that she’s in the Dark Forest!

        • Turtlepaw🐢🐢🐢(They/Them, Xe/Xem, Tey/Tem, Ae/Aem, Ot/Ots, Mae/Mim, Sae/Sear, Je/Jem, He/Him, Se/Hem, Re/Rem, Ke/Kem, Bun/Buns, Sey/Sem, Thon/Thons.) says:

          I don’t think Frecklewish is in the Dark Forest? I’m pretty sure she’s in StarClan? I think everyone involved in the whole Mapleshade situation went to StarClan except for Mapleshade herself, of course.
          Nightcloud Defender

        • Turtlepaw🐢🐢🐢(They/Them, Xe/Xem, Tey/Tem, Ae/Aem, Ot/Ots, Mae/Mim, Sae/Sear, Je/Jem, He/Him, Se/Hem, Re/Rem, Ke/Kem, Bun/Buns, Sey/Sem, Thon/Thons.) says:

          Yeah, the way she treated Mapleshade’s kits was really unfair. Who their parents are isn’t their fault!
          Nightcloud Defender

          • Even though Maplesahde never confirmed nor denied Birchface being the father, she was fine with Frecklewish assuming Birchface was, and didn’t realise how absolutely overjoyed Frecklewish was at having the family bloodline continued. What she said about Patchkit, Larchkit and Petalkit was in the heat of the moment. She was so upset, that she probably couldn’t make rational decisions, and keep in mind Appledusk killed Birchface. She probably couldn’t think: Mapleshade let her believe that her brother was the father when the real father was, in her eyes, a murderer and ruined her life?
            Her watching Mapleshade’s kits drown was, well, the best thing she could do. In every single job, and in life in general, you are told not to save people if it puts your life in danger. Frecklewish can’t swim. No one in ThunderClan could swim. She saw a RiverClan patrol help, and was probably watching that Mapleshade didn’t come back onto ThunderClan. She was being responsible.

            There’s my Frecklewish rant 😛

        • Turtlepaw🐢🐢🐢(They/Them, Xe/Xem, Tey/Tem, Ae/Aem, Ot/Ots, Mae/Mim, Sae/Sear, Je/Jem, He/Him, Se/Hem, Re/Rem, Ke/Kem, Bun/Buns, Sey/Sem, Thon/Thons.) says:

          YES A HAMILTON REFERENCE <33333333
          Nightcloud Defender

      • Turtlepaw🐢🐢🐢(They/Them, Xe/Xem, Tey/Tem, Ae/Aem, Ot/Ots, Mae/Mim, Sae/Sear, Je/Jem, He/Him, Se/Hem, Re/Rem, Ke/Kem, Bun/Buns, Sey/Sem, Thon/Thons.) says:

        That’s really cool!
        Nightcloud Defender

    • You dislike Tigerstar 1?

      I see
      I see

      We have very different tastes in characters yet Grey Wing is both our second favourites 😛

      • Turtlepaw🐢🐢🐢(They/Them, Xe/Xem, Tey/Tem, Ae/Aem, Ot/Ots, Mae/Mim, Sae/Sear, Je/Jem, He/Him, Se/Hem, Re/Rem, Ke/Kem, Bun/Buns, Sey/Sem, Thon/Thons.) says:

        Gray Wing is amazing 💚💚💚
        Nightcloud Defender

  • do you guys also think we should have a FNAF Discussion page
    A) yes
    B) no
    C) idk
    D) I don’t play FNAF/I’m not in the fandom
    E) other

  • Turtlepaw🐢🐢🐢(They/Them, Xe/Xem, Tey/Tem, Ae/Aem, Ot/Ots, Mae/Mim, Sae/Sear, Je/Jem, He/Him, Se/Hem, Re/Rem, Ke/Kem, Bun/Buns, Sey/Sem, Thon/Thons.) says:

    Give your deepest opinion on Jessy. (Your opinion on her, how much you defend her, your thoughts on Jessy x Bramble, your opinion on Jessy getting a lot of hate, etc.)

    *Sits down with popcorn and waits for Pine to show up with her amazing Jessy defending skills* 😛 <33333333333

    Nightcloud Defender

    • Hello, I have been summoned. 😉
      Deepest… this is gonna be long be long 😛 *Hands Turtle a bigger bag of popcorn for refills*

      As we all know, Jessy is one of my ultimate favorite Warriors characters, as well as the one I defend most.
      The poor girl gets wayyy too much hate, especially considering how awesome she is.
      Too often Jessy is portrayed as arrogant, selfish, and rude- when she is actually a really kind cat with a nice personality.
      I think one of the reasons people see her as rude is how informal she acts compared to the Clan cats- treating everyone as her equal, playfully teasing, etc. But to me this is a nice fun trait- I can tell she has no ill intentions and simply acts this way due to how she grew up -as a kittypet without rules or ranks- and it’s a nice break compared with how former and strict the characters usually act- people say she lacks personality but she’s actually such a feisty, sassy, friendly, unique character.
      Then there was that ADORABLE scene where she comforted Bramblestar during the night, and that truly made me wish to have Jessy as a friend. I can’t believe she gets hate for this- she was being caring- not disrespectful! It’s probably the misconception that she moved her nest into Bramble’s den, which she actually couldn’t have done because he wasn’t in his den- the cats were all staying in a tunnel and she just moved closer to check in on him after his rough night.

      (Part 2 in my next comment)

    • PART 2

      I also don’t understand people thinking she “stole” Bramblestar from Squirrelflight, because she literally left ThunderClan so they could be together, which was obviously very painful for her as she loved Clan life a lot while she was there.
      I don’t think Bramblestar should be with Jessy, but neither does Jessy herself and that’s selfless and honest of her to put his heart and Squirrelflight first.
      Her final quote made me cry and I never cry during books. She was so wise, sweet, and selfless and I adore how she mentioned Bramblestar and Squirrelflight being the Three’s parents despite knowing they weren’t born to them.

      Moving on to a more personal side of my feelings about Jessy.
      She’s definitely a comfort character for me.

      Bramblestar’s Storm is a special book for me because my copy was given to me by my best friend Cinderfoot, who has moved away.
      Likewise, Jessy is a special character, even more so when I realized she reminds me of Cinderfoot. They’re both brave, loyal, and encouraging- able to challenge others to take a leap and often chatting and having fun. Seeing my friend in Jessy is definitely special to me especially since she gave me the book.
      Jessy also reminds me of my cat Kisa -with Frankie being like Houdini and Minty like Shadow- which is quite nice and special as well. <3

      The little scene that solidified Jessy's place as my favorite character was when she stood up for a mother bird. I'm a passionate animal activist (Go Vital Eggs! <3), so it's nice to read about a cat with similar views on how prey has rights too- including the right to raise babies without being endangered during that time.
      (part 3 in the next comment)

    • PART 3
      Although I by no means think Jessy deserves hate -quite the opposite- and I hope people see her real character and are able to enjoy this character for who she is, there is something inspiring about liking a controversial character, seeing her get criticism while also glancing back at the pages and realizing that I don’t love her any less.
      She’s still a kind cat even after fanfictions portray her as a selfish cat and I can apply that symbolism in real life- Knowing that even if my opinions and views cause me to sometimes receive hate or criticism I’ll still be me and those who truly love me for who I am will see my real actions and not the rumors, like the way I judge Jessy off her actions in the actual books and not the things said.

      For a fictional character Jessy had a really big impact on my real life, which illustrated to me how God can use anything- even a fictional character- to make positive things happen.
      I’ve found surprisingly many friends through my interest in Jessy, as one of the things that led me to click on BlogClan was the fact that I was searching up Jessy articles… which led me to knowing my apprentice, so many of my amazing friends, a great support system, and becoming a member of BlogClan. <3 More recently, I found a friend through a Jessy fanfiction and that person has supported me through a lot.

      I think one of the things that made Jessy become my favorite, and not just second favorite, cat was the way I have all these special personal emotions attached to her and that makes her special.
      I will always protect my girl fiercely as a passionate Jessy defender.

      Thank you for listening to my speech on Jessy. 😉 I hope you enjoyed it.

      • Turtlepaw🐢🐢🐢(They/Them, Xe/Xem, Tey/Tem, Ae/Aem, Ot/Ots, Mae/Mim, Sae/Sear, Je/Jem, He/Him, Se/Hem, Re/Rem, Ke/Kem, Bun/Buns, Sey/Sem, Thon/Thons.) says:

        Thanks for the popcorn refill ❤️
        Nightcloud Defender

    • Jessy…



      She’s not bad, she’s just kinda, well, not the best character in terms of development. Bramblestar’s Storm has an amazing array of characters who are wonderfully kind, snappy, brave, clever and full of depth, and Jessy is just so mediocre when compared to them. Sure she saved a baby bird, sure she can fight. But is there anything else special about her? Anything else that makes her something that isn’t a feisty kittypet? Anything that makes her have any purpose to exist apart from ‘Get Bramble and Squilf back together and show kittypets aren’t weak?’


      Take Violet, or Monkeystar, or Gremlin or Fang or Petunia. They are all kittypets who break the mould of lazy and useless. They do it in ways so much better than Jessy having a generic warrior personality. They actually have character. If Jessy was a warrior, there would be nothing at all special about her. Her only special thing is that she’s a kittypet who can fight. Nice, amazing stuff Jessy.

      The other thing that got on my nerves about her was how she assumed Bramblestar had no ability to stand up for himself, and how she knew the drama behind Squilf and Bramble’s relationship better than them. She kind of just went, “Squirrelflight! STOP ATTACKING BRAMBLESTAR! WHAT DID HE DO TO YOU?!??!?!”

      Bramblestar did everything to Squirrelflight, and Jessy did not understand that, and acted like she did. It doesn’t bug me that she grew close to Bramblestar, it’s just how she completely mistreated Squirrelflight as a result.

      She reminds me of Star Flower honestly 😛

      (Sorry Pine and Turtle 😛 )

    • So I’ve re-read Bramblestar’s Storm and I have some mixed feelings on her. I like how strong and brave she is, and constantly stick up for kittypets and shuts down ThunderClan’s criticism and hate for them. I always thought it was rather cruel the way Clans talked about kittypets….well, Jessy came and stood up for them and helped them.
      I definitely don’t think she should get hated for “stealing Bramblestar” because that isn’t a valid reason to hate her. She left ThunderClan just so Squirrelflight could be happy with him, just so Bramblestar wouldn’t be tempted to take her as his mate, which is selfless and sweet and incredibly kind.
      I love how social, smart, and bubbly she is- always helping out and figuring out clever ways to help out her friends. She’s also not much of a stereotypical Warriors character, which I love as well!

    • The only thing I don’t like about Jessy is….well, it’s hard to explain, let me give a few examples instead!
      So she thinks of a really creative way for her buddy to get over the water so he doesn’t get wet, which is a really kind and amazing moment, but right after it’s kinda ruined because Jessy calls him a mean “teasing” name afterward.
      Same with when she saves the mama bird! That alone would have been enough to make me love her. She was so kind to animals! But then she backed right out, saying she was turning into a mushy kittypet. Luckily Bramblestar didn’t kill the bird after all…but still? Would Jessy have rather have the bird killed than loose her image? I also don’t like how she’s constantly calling her friends names. I know it’s more for a friendly teasing, but it stills rubs me the wrong way a bit.
      In conclusion, I think I do love Jessy more than disklike her! She’s pretty smart, kind, and a pretty awesome character! (Feel free to defend my accusations against her, some might not be valid, and it’s been a while since I re-read Bramblestar’s Storm so some I may have gotten some of these wrong)

    • She’s okay. I kind of agree with what Osprey said. I didn’t necesarily dislike her as a character, but I felt like her role in the story was mostly to cause unnecessary drama with Bramblestar.

      • Turtlepaw🐢🐢🐢(They/Them, Xe/Xem, Tey/Tem, Ae/Aem, Ot/Ots, Mae/Mim, Sae/Sear, Je/Jem, He/Him, Se/Hem, Re/Rem, Ke/Kem, Bun/Buns, Sey/Sem, Thon/Thons.) says:

        Yes, Jessy appears in the super edition Bramblestar’s Storm.
        Nightcloud Defender

  • 1. What age did you start reading warriors?
    2. how did you discover your first warriors book?
    3. Also, how did you find blogclan?


    I started reading warriors when I was maybe 6 or 7.

    My mom bought 2 warriors book, plus the ultimate guide when I was 5, since there were cats on the cover, and I loved cats.

    I think I googled warriors about 3 months ago, looking for the website, and blogclan came up as a result. I became a commenting member about a month ago. 🙂


    • Turtlepaw🐢🐢🐢(They/Them, Xe/Xem, Tey/Tem, Ae/Aem, Ot/Ots, Mae/Mim, Sae/Sear, Je/Jem, He/Him, Se/Hem, Re/Rem, Ke/Kem, Bun/Buns, Sey/Sem, Thon/Thons.) says:

      1. I was ten.
      2. I was at the library and spotted Thunder Rising. I loved cats, so I decided to check it out. I later went back and read the rest of DotC, though for the most part, I read the series seriously out of order 😛
      3. Around September 2019 I discovered it through the internet somehow. I read articles a lot, but didn’t actually comment on anything until February 1st, 2020.
      Nightcloud Defender

    • 1. Around 9 to 11? I can’t remember all that much honestly
      2. I found it at my school library, found some videos to convince me to read them, and had to do reading homework.
      3. A friend<3

    • 1. I started reading Warriors when I was about 9.
      2. I found it in my 4th grade classroom. I didn’t really care about reading it at first but my brother and his friend liked it!
      3. I was looking around the Warriors Wikia and it was linked on Kate’s page.

    • 1. 12
      2. I saw it in the library! I brought out a copy because I was running out of things to read, but didn’t like it much. My friend (who I don’t meet with very often) convinced me to keep reading, and I grew to love it!
      3. I read Feathertail’s death scene and was looking for pickmeups. BlogClan advertised they had them 😛 And also the prospect of writing articles tempted me 😀 Also I really wanted to explain why I love Feathertail so much! I found a Feathertail article and thought it would be fun to comment on it and share my thoughts! (It was Brightwing’s article 😀 )

  • Polls, some things that seem so…. Good.

    1. What year did you start to read the warriors series?
    2. What year did you finish it?
    3. Who is your favorite character?
    4. Who did you like most out of the three?
    5. Do you like Stormfur more or Brook?
    6. How many years, months or weeks have you been on blogclan?
    7. Who did you enjoy reading most about?
    8. Is there any other books that go above it on your list of the best books?
    9. Who is your most hated character?
    10. What is your favorite clan?

    • 1. Around 2017-2018
      2. ♾
      3. Flipclaw, funny and innocent :3
      4. Lionblaze, mostly just because he’s kind of an Idiot but I also really liked him in PoT and TBC
      5. Both are equally liked by me
      6. About a year and a half I believe
      7. A Light in the Mist is my current favorite
      8. SkyClan and the Stranger is almost tied with ALitM
      9. Besides obvious villains, probably Blossomfall currently
      10. SkyClan because I love Gorge SkC!<3

    • 1. 2014 or 2015!
      2. I have no idea 😛 I think around 2016 when A Vision of Shadows started and since then I haven’t been completely caught up.
      3. Crookedstar
      4. Probably Jayfeather
      5. I think Stormfur since we saw more of him.
      6. 6 years and 15 days
      7. Crookedstar
      8. Crookedstar’s Promise is my favorite book. 🙂
      9. Ashfur
      10. RiverClan or ThunderClan because I’m kinda basic 😛

    • 1. 2020
      3. Feathertail! <3
      4. Jayfeather
      5. Probably Brook? I don't really like either that much, though.
      6. One year and a few days! My Clanniversary was on the 25th of January 😀
      7. Feathertail :3
      8. Harry Potter and Wings of Fire
      9. Brokenstar
      10. RiverClan!

    • 1: 2021
      2: 2021 [lol]
      3: Jayfeather, followed closely by Squirrelflight
      4: Jayfeather
      5: I prefer Brook.
      6: I’ve been on probably since August, so about 6 months.
      7: Villains and Jayfeather
      8: Not necessarily, [favorite Warriors Books are The Darkest Hour and Shattered Sky] but I love Hunger Games and Lord Of The Flies.
      9: Bramblestar or Tom
      10: ShadowClan

    • 1. 2015 or 2016
      2. Main series? 2021. Super editions? Still reading.
      3. Jayfeather
      5. Stormfur
      6. 1 1/2 months
      7. Everyone
      8. Idk
      9. Tigerstar 2
      10. Thunderclan

    • Turtlepaw🐢🐢🐢(They/Them, Xe/Xem, Tey/Tem, Ae/Aem, Ot/Ots, Mae/Mim, Sae/Sear, Je/Jem, He/Him, Se/Hem, Re/Rem, Ke/Kem, Bun/Buns, Sey/Sem, Thon/Thons.) says:

      1. 2018
      2. As the Erin Hunter team is continuing to release Warriors books, I’ll never truly be done with the series!
      3. Turtle Tail ❤️
      4. Jayfeather.
      5. Probably Brook.
      6. I’ve been here since February 1st, 2020. So just over 2 years!
      7. All of the DotC cats.
      8. Nope! Warriors is my number one favorite book series.
      9. My least favorite is a tie between Brokenstar and Tom.
      10. Probably RiverClan or ThunderClan.
      Nightcloud Defender

    • 1. 2019
      2. Believe it or not, I still haven’t read PoT or AVoS
      3. Snowtuft
      4. Jayfeather
      5. Neither
      6. 7 months now, I believe! Or 7 months and 3 weeks if we’re being accurate 😛
      7. Ashfur, Lilyheart, Tigerstar, Tallstar and Snowtuft
      8. His Dark Materials probably
      9. Bluestar is an ew
      10. WarriorClan

  • Turtlepaw🐢🐢🐢(They/Them, Xe/Xem, Tey/Tem, Ae/Aem, Ot/Ots, Mae/Mim, Sae/Sear, Je/Jem, He/Him, Se/Hem, Re/Rem, Ke/Kem, Bun/Buns, Sey/Sem, Thon/Thons.) says:

    Which of these articles that I’m considering writing sounds the most interesting, and why?

    • Why I Don’t Ship Jayfeather x Briarlight, But Love Their Friendship
    • Why I Hate Frecklewish
    • Poppyfrost x Briarlight: A Ship I Love That Nobody Else Ships
    • Analyzing Rainswept Flower And Turtle Tail’s Friendship
    • In Defense Of Squirrelflight

    Nightcloud Defender

  • Turtlepaw🐢🐢🐢(They/Them, Xe/Xem, Tey/Tem, Ae/Aem, Ot/Ots, Mae/Mim, Sae/Sear, Je/Jem, He/Him, Se/Hem, Re/Rem, Ke/Kem, Bun/Buns, Sey/Sem, Thon/Thons.) says:


    Your least favorite kitty pet?
    Your least favorite leader?
    Your least favorite medicine cat?
    Your least favorite former kitty pet?
    Your least favorite ThunderClan cat?
    Your least favorite WindClan cat?
    Your least favorite RiverClan cat?
    Your least favorite SkyClan cat?
    Your least favorite ShadowClan cat?
    10. Your least favorite Warriors character overall?

    My answers!
    1. Tom
    2. Brokenstar
    3. Ravenwing
    4. Millie
    5. Again, Millie
    6. Breezepelt
    7. Rainflower
    8. I don’t really have one.
    9. Brokenstar
    10. A tie between Tom and Brokenstar

    Nightcloud Defender

  • Turtlepaw🐢🐢🐢(They/Them, Xe/Xem, Tey/Tem, Ae/Aem, Ot/Ots, Mae/Mim, Sae/Sear, Je/Jem, He/Him, Se/Hem, Re/Rem, Ke/Kem, Bun/Buns, Sey/Sem, Thon/Thons.) says:

    Who’s your favorite Warriors character…

    Who used to be a kitty pet?
    Who is currently a kitty pet?
    Who is a loner/rouge?
    Who most people dislike?
    Who never had a mate?
    Who had a mate?
    Who had more than one mate during their life?
    Who was a leader?
    Who was a deputy?
    Who was a medicine cat?
    Who lived long enough to become an elder?
    Who is currently living as of A Light In The Mist? (Skip this one if you haven’t read it.)
    Who is extremely underrated?
    Who is fairly minor?
    Who was a mentor?
    Who is a villain?
    Who killed a cat?
    Who never killed a cat?
    Who was part of a prophecy?

    My answers!
    1. Turtle Tail
    2. Cody and Jessy
    3. Ravenpaw and Barley
    4. Dovewing
    5. Hawkfrost
    6. Gray Wing
    7. Shadowstar and Firestar
    8. Graystripe
    9. Yellowfang
    10. Squirrelflight
    11. Rushpaw
    12. Lightleap
    13. Graystripe
    14. Hawkfrost
    15. Gray Wing
    16. Turtle Tail
    17. Hawkfrost

    Nightcloud Defender

  • Turtlepaw🐢🐢🐢(They/Them, Xe/Xem, Tey/Tem, Ae/Aem, Ot/Ots, Mae/Mim, Sae/Sear, Je/Jem, He/Him, Se/Hem, Re/Rem, Ke/Kem, Bun/Buns, Sey/Sem, Thon/Thons.) says:

    Why is your favorite Warriors book your favorite?

    A. Your favorite character is in it a lot.
    B. It features a ship you adore.
    C. It has sentimental value for you.
    D. You found the plot really interesting.
    E. All of the above.
    F. Other (Please specify)

    Nightcloud Defender