Polls (Retired)

Poll cat

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Hey, BlogClan! Here is a page for you to create polls on. You can use this site to make polls (https://www.poll-maker.com/). Create polls there, copy and paste the url of your poll into a comment, and you have created your own personal poll!

Or just do it the old-fashioned way and post your poll in a comment. Whatever makes you happiest!


  • What is your favorite emoji of the new 2022 emojis? 😀
    A. 🪷
    B. 🫥
    E. 🫡
    N. 🫅
    O. Other (There are a LOT more new emojis besides the ones that I listed after all!)

    My favorite is F, but I also like A, E, J, and M!!! 😀

  • Turtlepaw🐢🐢🐢(They/Them, Xe/Xem, Tey/Tem, Ae/Aem, Ot/Ots, Mae/Mim, Sae/Sear, Je/Jem, He/Him, Se/Hem, Re/Rem, Ke/Kem, Bun/Buns, Sey/Sem, Thon/Thons.) says:

    Give your deepest opinion on Dovewing. (Do you think it’s fair she receives so much hate, do you ship Dove x Tiger and/or Dove x Bumble, your opinion on her choice to join ShadowClan, etc.)
    Nightcloud Defender

    • Streampaw is so glad she decided not to leave BlogClan! She's excited to celebrate her birthday! (🌊Streampaw/lark🌊) says:

      I don’t think Dovewing deserves so much hate for “being a Mary Sue” and all that stuff. In the Fourth Apprentice, she’s actually very kind and welcoming to Ivypaw, even with the trouble of her powers! Everyone says that she “doesn’t care about her sister”, but I don’t believe that! Dovewing is very selfless and kind, as well as intelligent and a good planner. She’s nice to Jayfeather and her mentor, which, to be honest, is hard for other cats to do. And she’s very cute, energetic, curious, and indignant, especially when cats say that she’s just too young to go on a quest. I don’t like Dove x Bumble. Tiger x Dove is cute, but my favorite Dovewing ship is Dove x Fox.

    • 1. She gets around an fair amount of love and hate now, but she was way too hated a few years ago.
      2. I don’t like TigerDove in Oots-AVoS but they’re good in TBC. Overall I’d rank their ship a C+
      3. DoveBumble was not good, I don’t like Bumblestripe so I don’t like the ship. I’d give their ship a D-
      4. She was right to join whichever clan she’d be most loyal to, she’s happier in ShadowClan so I’m happy for her.

    • I think she’s all right! She’s not my favorite, but I like her a bit and I will defend her! She’s pretty sassy and empathic, and I value that about her! I also love her relationship with Jayfeather and Lionblaze.
      I like neither Dove x Bumble or Dove x Tiger. Dove x Bumble was fine until Bumblestripe asked for kits at Purdy’s funeral, and Dovewing didn’t love him much anymore.
      Dove x Tiger is pretty awesome in the later books but it got off on a bumpy start- Tigerheart used Dovewing to get the catmint from ThunderClan and even suggested they kidnap her sister to blackmail ThunderClan into giving them the herbs.

    • This question… I have thought about this question many times.
      I can defend both sides since Dovewing was my favorite character at one point, then I hated her, but now…
      I have very mixed feelings about her, I mainly blame her character change on Tigerstar 2, since he is my most hated character. I did not like that she joined Shadowclan, which made me like her less, I guess, but now, she is neither my favorite nor on my hated list. Chaotic Neutral. I ship neither of the Dovewing ships, since I don’t really like Bumblestripe, and utterly hate Tigerstar 2.

    • Dovewing has a lot of people that enthusiastically despise her and a lot of people that defend her with equal enthusiasm, and between the two the general opinion of her comes out pretty even. She’s not overhated, just controversial.

      Personally, she’s my least favorite character because I found her infuriating to read about. Her pov made me enjoy the books less. I understand why people like her, but in the end, no matter how many arguments get thrown my way, I still hated reading about her.

      I found her character to be bland . She was always complaining about something, and I simply didn’t care.
      One key example of this: every time Dovewing thought about a certain pair of toms.
      (TigerDoveBumble was actually where I started to develope my romance allergy.)

      It took up too much of her POV, and, I must confess, drove me to skim a pretty big portion of OotS. Maybe it means I missed something about her, but if a reader is losing interest in a book because of a specific character, that’s a problem.

      I don’t like BumblexDove, because they suck at communication and are always hurting each others feelings, although I don’t hate it because I don’t really remember any of it.

      I also dislike TigerxDove, because it made Dovewing whine and dragged the love triangle out. Tigerheart, as Mountainpaw mentioned, used Dovewing in several situations. I had hoped once she “chose” Bumblestripe the topic would finally drop. Nope. They ran off together when their clans needed them most and then Tigerheart got punished with a promotion 😐

      I disliked that she joined Shadowclan. She left all of her kin and clanmates behind (for a ship I loathed). It irritates me every time romantic relationship completly overshadow platonic ones. I know it made her happy. I really don’t care. (Dovewing’s fictional. She would have been equally happy in Thunderclan if the Erins wanted her to be.)

      Dovewing is a bad character = opinion
      flame hates dovewing = fact )

    • I love Dovewing! She’s super duper amazing and nice! The hate she receives it’s kinda annoying. I ship Dove×Tiger and I hate everything about Dove×Bumble! She made a great decision by joining Shadowclan! I think Dove×Tiger is the only living forbidden ship who actually ended up lovely not tragic!

    • i distinctly remember hating dovewing when reading the fourth apprentice (the first warriors book i ever read!) for being “annoying”. though, i’m the type of person to call everyone “annoying”. she doesn’t deserve the hate she gets, though she doesn’t have much development in my opinion. i also don’t understand when people hate her for being a mary sue: one, she has flaws, and two, why should we hate characters for being perfect? i don’t like dove×bumble, and i’m neutral on dove×tiger. i’m also neutral on her joining shadowclan.

  • Turtlepaw🐢🐢🐢(They/Them, Xe/Xem, Tey/Tem, Ae/Aem, Ot/Ots, Mae/Mim, Sae/Sear, Je/Jem, He/Him, Se/Hem, Re/Rem, Ke/Kem, Bun/Buns, Sey/Sem, Thon/Thons.) says:

    Rank these characters in order of your favorite to your least favorite: Bluestar, Snowfur, Spottedleaf, Thistleclaw, Whitestorm, Bumblestripe, Heathertail, Jayfeather, Hollyleaf, Featherpelt.

    My list:
    • Jayfeather
    • Hollyleaf
    • Spottedleaf
    • Featherpelt
    • Whitestorm
    • Bluestar
    • Snowfur
    • Heathertail
    • Bumblestripe
    • Thistleclaw

    Nightcloud Defender

  • Turtlepaw🐢🐢🐢(They/Them, Xe/Xem, Tey/Tem, Ae/Aem, Ot/Ots, Mae/Mim, Sae/Sear, Je/Jem, He/Him, Se/Hem, Re/Rem, Ke/Kem, Bun/Buns, Sey/Sem, Thon/Thons.) says:

    Give your deepest opinion on Heathertail. Do you like her? Do you defend her? What’s your opinion on Heather x Lion? Or Heather x Breeze?
    Nightcloud Defender

    • Streampaw is so glad she decided not to leave BlogClan! She's excited to celebrate her birthday! (🌊Streampaw/lark🌊) says:

      At first I loved Heathertail. I liked how she and Lionpaw would play in the tunnels with her being “Heatherstar” and him as her deputy, which was pretty sweet. But then, after Dark River, she and Lionblaze were tense and hostile to each other, with Lionblaze saying mean things and making her uncomfortable, and her betraying the secret of the tunnels to her Clan. But after Omen of the Stars and The Power of Three, she’s better. She’s very compassionate and empathetic in Crowfeather’s Trial, and she won’t leave Breezpelt’s side at all. She’s brave and stands up for him. I LOVE HEATHER X BREEZE!!!! She gets better. So I guess I like her.

    • 1. I do mostly like her as she’s somewhat interesting and more developed than most background characters. She’s still not used as much as she should be however, unless Lionblaze is dreaming about her, but that doesn’t really count.
      2. Lion x Heather was not good, the two both ended up suffering from their relationship. There’s worse but I’m glad they ended things.
      3. Heather x Breeze is ok, I don’t have much against it

    • She’s okay. I found her a bit annoying at times, but in general I didn’t mind her.
      I liked Heather x Lion when they were just two cute apprentices playing games in the tunnels, but later I disliked the way Lionblaze acted towards her and in the long run they would not have made a good couple.
      As for Heather x Breeze, I don’t know. I don’t particularly like Breezepelt, and I think the relationship could potentially be unhealthy depending on how much he has/has not changed, so I’m withholding judgement since we don’t see that much of them together.

    • I honestly like her! I don’t really get why exactly people dislike her. She’s a strong, smart, down-to-earth type of character, but she also has that soft side that makes her a kind and sweet character and a great mate and mother.
      I will defend her! ^^
      I really don’t like Heather x Lion. I thought their interactions were cute in the tunnels, but than Lionpaw tried to murder her, and would have done that too just because he thought she was the one who told the WindClan cats. Later he dreams about killing her and feels happy about it? And he never ever forgives her and always makes her notice he’s angry to the point she has to move at a Gathering.
      I love Heather x Breeze! Ahh, they were so sweet in Crowfeather’s Trial! Heathertail was always comforting him when he was annoyed, and the rest of their interactions are so cute! I have an article about them coming out soon!
      What do you think of Heathertail and her ships?

      • Turtlepaw🐢🐢🐢(They/Them, Xe/Xem, Tey/Tem, Ae/Aem, Ot/Ots, Mae/Mim, Sae/Sear, Je/Jem, He/Him, Se/Hem, Re/Rem, Ke/Kem, Bun/Buns, Sey/Sem, Thon/Thons.) says:

        I don’t really mind her, she’s fine. I liked her apprentice friendship with Lionpaw before it got all murder-y. I don’t particularly care for Breezepelt, but Heathertail isn’t bad.
        Nightcloud Defender

  • Turtlepaw🐢🐢🐢(They/Them, Xe/Xem, Tey/Tem, Ae/Aem, Ot/Ots, Mae/Mim, Sae/Sear, Je/Jem, He/Him, Se/Hem, Re/Rem, Ke/Kem, Bun/Buns, Sey/Sem, Thon/Thons.) says:

    Which Warriors characters have you seen the most hate articles for? Not specifically on the Blog, but like, on the internet in general.

    The characters I’ve seen the most hate articles for include Dovewing, Needletail, Blossomfall, Daisy, and Jessy. I don’t think it’s fair for these characters to receive hate, as they’re all some of my favorites- out of all the characters in Warriors, those cats would make my top twenty, which is saying something since Warriors has so many characters.

    This is why I love writing defense articles! I’ve already written defense articles for Jessy and Daisy that came out last year, and I’ve been planning defense articles for Dovewing, Needletail, and Blossomfall!

    Nightcloud Defender

    • Streampaw is so glad she decided not to leave BlogClan! She's excited to celebrate her birthday! (🌊Streampaw/lark🌊) says:

      There are so many hate articles that I see for Millie and Blossomfall, Daisy, Ferncloud, Dovewing, Spottedleaf, Jessy, and so many other cats. I’m making defense articles for all of them!

    • From what I’ve seen:

      Dovewing(Though it’s died down)
      Mapleshade + her victims
      Brambleclaw (Especially after Moonkitti and BGA’s videos on him)
      Thistleclaw (Especially after Spottedleaf’s heart)
      Clear Sky
      Berrynose(It’s died down over the years)
      Sandstorm(It died down a lot, but from what I heard people really did not like her a few years back)
      Star Flower
      Silverstream(Somewhat, she has some fans too though)

      That’s what I’ve found to be the case so far

    • Feathertail, Breezepelt, Dovewing, Spottedleaf, Jayfeather, Firestar, Lionblaze, Hollyleaf, Squrrielflight, Palebird, Sandgorse, Millie, Bluestar, Daisy, Mapleshade, Rainflower, and a lot of others!
      The cats I defend out of these are Feathertail, Breezepelt, Dovewing, Spottedleaf, Jayfeather, Firestar, Squirrelflight, Daisy, and sometimes Millie!

    • I heard Squilf got a LOT of hate a few years back, but I was still a baby Cloudykit, so I wasn’t really part of the fandom when that was going down. I was still on TNP.
      I know Dovewing gets a lot of hate, as well as Ivypool, usually from the people that like either-or
      Feathertail gets a lot of hate, though I don’t understand why.
      Firestar has been consistently called a Gary Sue, but he has had flaws! He is also one of my favorite characters.
      Jayfeather has been called “Overrated”, which isn’t necessarily hate per-se, but it is still criticizing Jayfeather.

    • A lot on Dovewing, Millie, Daisy, Feathertail, Mapleshade and many more cats that don’t deserve hate at all(almost for Mapleshade!)

    • i’ve seen a lot of millie/blossomfall, dovewing/ivypool, mapleshade/victims, crowfeather’s family, and spottedleaf hate. i think they’re all pretty cool, but i’m not interested in writing defense articles right now 🙂

    • Totally! Back in A Vision of Shadows, my favorite character of all time was Needletail. I REALLY liked her, and I found her death super sad.

  • Turtlepaw🐢🐢🐢(They/Them, Xe/Xem, Tey/Tem, Ae/Aem, Ot/Ots, Mae/Mim, Sae/Sear, Je/Jem, He/Him, Se/Hem, Re/Rem, Ke/Kem, Bun/Buns, Sey/Sem, Thon/Thons.) says:

    Give an example of what ship you think is one of the healthiest in Warriors, and then an example of one you think is one of the most toxic. Explain both in great detail.
    Nightcloud Defender

    • Healthiest:
      Spot x Stem
      They’re always happy together and make a great power couple. Also, secure enough together that Spotfur didn’t freak out when Bristlefrost’s feelings were revealed.
      (sorry, that’s not really in great detail 😛 I’m better at critizing ships than praising them I guess alkdklf)

      Pinestar x Leopardfoot

    • Can I do this multipule times? 😛 Because I can name a few healthy ones and toxic ones and I can’t really decide which is the worst.

      Healthy: Spot x Stem (What Flame said)
      Unhealthy: Ivy x Hawk
      Ivy x Hawk is just creepy and toxic and I don’t understand why people ship them. Hawkfrost was manipulating Ivypool and even tried to kill her later on when he found out she had switched sides in the great battle.

      Healthy: Ivy x Fern
      They’re happy together and it was really sweet and supportive how Fernsong offered to stay in the nursery and help care for their kits so Ivypool wouldn’t have to be confined there all day.
      Unhealthy: Turtle x Tom
      Tom is so cruel and treated Turtle Tail so horribly! They were in a sort-of-forced and unhappy, unhealthy relationship. Tom didn’t respect her choices and did anything to have his own way, even kidnap their kits which resulted in Turtle Tail’s death.

      Healthy: Moth x Micah
      Micah was so supportive and sweet to Moth Flight. He gave her confidence when she was unsure of herself, and helped her overcome her fears and doubts. He comforted her when she had a nightmare, and Moth Flight was always there for him too, whenever it was a sprained paw or someone Micah needed to lean on. It was so emotional that Moth Flight wasn’t afraid to die because she knew Micah would be waiting for her in StarClan.
      Unhealthy: Pine x Leopard (Flame’s article)

    • Healthy: Wind x Gorse
      I think this is really underrated. Gorse helped Wind regain confidence in trusting others, and helped her and supported her so much mentally and physically. They were almost always by each others sides and shared a cute and healthy relationship.
      Unhealthy: Leaf x Crow. https://blogclan.katecary.co.uk/2021/11/30/a-detailed-analysis-of-leafpool-and-crowfeathers-relationship-by-mountainpaw/

      Healthy: Grey x Turtle
      I loved the moment when Grey Wing went into the nursery to support Turtle Tail during her kitting despite the others telling him not to. I thought their relationship was really sweet and healthy and I loved their interactions.
      Unhealthy: Tawny x Rowan. Even after they’re mates, Rowanstar takes strikes at Tawnypelt and her kits being half-Clan.

      Healthy: Feather x Crow
      Yeah, I might be biased, but they’re actually really healthy! Crowpaw supported Feathertail so much and vice versa. I explain things better in my articles, I think, so that’s all I’ll say here about them!
      Unhealthy: Jagged x Holly. Holly is a bad influence on him.

      Bright x Cloud is also pretty healthy.

      Sorry, these weren’t really in great detail, and there’s way more than one.

    • Streampaw is so glad she decided not to leave BlogClan! She's excited to celebrate her birthday! (🌊Streampaw/lark🌊) says:


      Feather x Crow : They had two moons of development and probably slightly knew each other before that. They aren’t an instant-love ship and they never have been. Feathertail was kind to Crowpaw since he felt left out, being the only cat in their group who didn’t know anyone. They warm up to each other after a few conversations and progress even further than that, saving each other multiple times and going hunting around three times (wish we could see what they did!) for a while. They are even closer in Moonrise where Feathertail and Crowpaw start admiring each other even more, and by the time Feathertail dies, they are truly in love and as close as mates.

      Ivy x Fern : Fernsong acknowledges Ivypool’s choice and doesn’t really herd her into the nursery as much as other toms do to their mate. Although the age gap is weird, I still think it’s healthy!

      Spot x Stem: For the reasons everyone said above.

      Bright x Cloud: They just knew each other for a while and were helpful and understanding, I replied about this on Frostkit’s article.

      Honey x Berry: They had the entire PoT to develop and Honeypaw’s crush was cute. Eventually Berrynose realized that he liked her back the same way, and they were together for two books, I think?

      White x Birch : This ship is pretty cute! Whitepaw stays as an apprentice to make Birchpaw feel better about his dead siblings and his loneliness, and they’re friends for the rest of the New Prophecy and the Power of Three until they become mates. And Birchfall is a pretty good dad!

    • healthy: cloud × bright
      cuuuute cute cute cute, cloudtail was so nice to brightheart after she got her injury and it was just really sweet

      unhealthy: ashfur
      just ashfur

    • Healthiest: Either Crookedstar and Willowbreeze or Spotfur and Stemleaf or Cloudtail and Brightheart. The loved each other too the end, had a stable relationship over other things, and had a lot of chemistry.

      Most toxic: Pinestar and Leopardfoot, Thistleclaw and Spottedpaw. Disgusting, unnatural, and implies many inappropriate things, Ew.

      SLIGHTLY Less toxic but still bad: Bluestar and Oakheart, Feathertail and Crowpaw, Squirrelflight and Bramblestar (before the Erin’s acted SF H didn’t exist),

  • Turtlepaw🐢🐢🐢(They/Them, Xe/Xem, Tey/Tem, Ae/Aem, Ot/Ots, Mae/Mim, Sae/Sear, Je/Jem, He/Him, Se/Hem, Re/Rem, Ke/Kem, Bun/Buns, Sey/Sem, Thon/Thons.) says:

    Explain how your favorite Warriors character became your favorite in great detail. Not just ‘Jayfeather is my favorite because he’s sarcastic and funny’, but rather giving specific examples of Jayfeather’s sarcasm making you smile, maybe even some quotes from the books. And did your favorite become your favorite character immediately, or did it take a little longer? And what exactly about this character made you decide that they were favorite character material? Or maybe your favorite character is a tie between two or more cats! Explain how you decided on the tie. Was it difficult realizing you had more than one favorite, or was it joyful, realizing that having more than one favorite could be fun? Have fun!
    Nightcloud Defender

    • Thrushpelt and Ravenpaw are my favorite characters because life walked all over them but in the end they were still happy. While a lot of the warriors characters are big, extravagant heroes, these guys are just there to enjoy the ride. They’re normal people. Neither led a clan, or starred in a prophecy, died saving someone, or made some grand change to history. What they did do was find people they cared about and made a difference in their lives.
      I guess they just ressonate with me because they’re relatable. Sometimes I worry that I don’t have enough ambition, that in the end my life will be insignificant, and they just kinda remind me that there’s more than one way to be important.

    • Streampaw is so glad she decided not to leave BlogClan! She's excited to celebrate her birthday! (🌊Streampaw/lark🌊) says:

      (1) Feathertail became my favorite character starting when I read the New Prophecy. It wasn’t an instant-like sort of deal, but as I saw her interactions with the other chosen cats and how she included and welcomed everyone, I started to like her more and more! Halfway through Midnight, she was moving up my list. She was so kind to everyone, had great and intelligent plans, and controlled her anger really well, not lashing out at anyone or saying hurtful things until she got really angry. And her courage and energy is so sweet! Especially her reactions with Squirrelpaw and Crowpaw, she really made the two apprentices feel like valued members of the group. And it was Feathertail and Tawnypelt whose quick yet precise thinking saved Squirrelpaw. As well as this, she isn’t just nice to other cats, but Twolegs, too! She seemed to understand how young the kid was and was gentle to it. Then, in Moonrise, she starts to admire Crowpaw and spend more time with him. (Oh, and Tawnypelt mentions that Feathertail found the safe steps to cross the cliff in one of the Guides)

    • The scene In Dark River where she helped Lionblaze hunt and so sweetly comforted him made me start to really like Honeyfern. I was also delighted with her Warrior name and the fact that Firestar mentioned her kindness when she became a warrior. In the same book she brought him prey to his nest, and I just thought she was so adorable and nice.
      I thought about how I would have loved her as a friend back when I struggled in school the way Lionpaw did, and at one point I even had a dream about her.
      She kept doing caring things and being kind to every cat (for example the way she promised Daisy she’d take care of Rosekit) so I could really see what an awesome cat she was and she went up my favorites list until eventually she reached the top.
      Honeyfern was already my favorite warrior cat by the time she died, but her courage and sacrifice confirmed to me that she would forever stay at the top of my list, and that I wasn’t wrong to love her for she truly was one of the best cats in warriors.

    • Ever since the first time I opened Bramblestar’s Storm, I’ve loved Jessy.
      At first she was just a character I really liked, then when I started defending her I dug deeper into her character, grew more familiar with her, and she became second place.
      I didn’t think I’d ever have another favorite character after Honeyfern’s death but after rereading Bramblestar’s Storm- after noticing the detail where Jessy saves a mother bird and revisiting one of my favorite scenes -where she comforted Bramblestar in the night- I realized she was favorite character material, right in front of me, and she later became even more special for personal reasons I’ve mentioned on a Jessy poll a page or two back.
      It was kind of unusual and unexpected, but I was also pretty happy at the idea that I could have multiple favorites, and have since welcomed a few more.

      I really liked Velvet’s attachment to her toy, which I right away found adorable and unique, and she eventually became my favorite because she was not only cute but also very kind and caring.
      I loved Rainswept Flower ever since I found out she was a kind cat with such a beautiful name and after getting to know her I can confirm she’s a favorite.
      And Olive was really sympathetic and helpful towards Pebbleshine.

    • i think my jayfeather speech would be too long, so i’m going with mapleshade. her backstory is tragic and dramatic, but in my opinion that’s what makes her awesome. she used to be an innocent cat (and don’t argue with me about this), maybe even protagonist-like, but it all went downhill when she had kits with appledusk. her story is an example of the flawed warrior code – none of her story would have happened if half-clan kits were allowed. and even if appledusk killed [whoever that guy was], riverclan and thunderclan wouldn’t have been fighting if the warrior code didn’t prevent them from getting along. and mapleshade’s inability to let go of the past, as well as her constant thirst for vengeance, make her a very cool villain as well! i’d like to see more of mapleshade before she turned evil, maybe even her kithood, but maybe we’ve seen enough of mapleshade already 🙂

      i started liking her right away. funny thing is, when i just started writing my first warriors fanfic ever (it was called “duskmoon” about a cat named duskmoon who falls in love with firestar… it was really bad) i searched up cats with the prefix dusk, and found appledusk. so, before i was even finished with the first arc, i found appledusk and mapleshade interesting characters 😛

  • Turtlepaw🐢🐢🐢(They/Them, Xe/Xem, Tey/Tem, Ae/Aem, Ot/Ots, Mae/Mim, Sae/Sear, Je/Jem, He/Him, Se/Hem, Re/Rem, Ke/Kem, Bun/Buns, Sey/Sem, Thon/Thons.) says:


    1. Who’s your favorite character that only appears in Act One?
    2. Who’s your favorite character that only appears in Act Two?
    3. Who’s your favorite character that appears in both Act One and Act Two?
    4. Who’s your favorite character in the musical overall?
    5. Who’s your favorite Schuyler sister?
    6. What’s your favorite Hamilton song?
    7. Which Hamilton character can you relate to the most?
    8. What’s the saddest death in your opinion?
    9. What Hamilton songs do you think are sad?
    10. What do you think are some of the happiest Hamilton songs?

    ⭐️ My answers! ⭐️

    1. Currently Lafayette, though I’m starting to really, really like Laurens, so maybe him.
    2. Jefferson.
    3. Burr and Angelica.
    4. Angelica and Burr are tied as my favorite 💙
    5. Angelica.
    6. Wait For It, though Dear Theodosia is a really close second!
    7. Peggy.
    8. Laurens 💔
    9. Tomorrow There’ll Be More Of Us, It’s Quiet Uptown, Tomorrow There’ll Be More Of Us, The World Was Wide Enough… did I mention Tomorrow There’ll Be More Of Us? IT’S THE SADDEST SONG, NO COMPETITION 😢
    10. Helpless and Dear Theodosia.

    Nightcloud Defender

    • Streampaw is so glad she decided not to leave BlogClan! She's excited to celebrate her birthday! (🌊Streampaw/lark🌊) says:

      1. Laurens or Lafayette
      2. Philip
      3. Angelica!!! She’s awesome and I love her!
      4. Angelica!!!
      5. Angelica!!! (But I love all of them)
      6. Satisfied, The Schuyler Sisters, My Shot, Dear Theodosia, or Wait For It.
      7. I don’t know
      8. All of them!
      9. Wait For It (slightly), Tomorrow There’ll Be More of Us, and Burn.
      10. Helpless

  • Turtlepaw🐢🐢🐢(They/Them, Xe/Xem, Tey/Tem, Ae/Aem, Ot/Ots, Mae/Mim, Sae/Sear, Je/Jem, He/Him, Se/Hem, Re/Rem, Ke/Kem, Bun/Buns, Sey/Sem, Thon/Thons.) says:

    What’s your favorite ship from…

    A book?
    A show?
    A movie?
    A musical?

    ⚡️ My answers! ⚡️
    1. Gray Wing x Turtle Tail (Warriors)
    2. Kanan x Hera (Star Wars: Rebels)
    3. Anna x Kristoff (Frozen)
    4. Hamilton x Laurens/Hamilton x Eliza/Burr x Theodosia (all tied, Hamilton)

    Nightcloud Defender

    • Streampaw is so glad she decided not to leave BlogClan! She's excited to celebrate her birthday! (🌊Streampaw/lark🌊) says:

      1. Feather x Crow, though I love Sundew x Willow, Cricket x Blue, Glory x Bringer, and Tsunami x Riptide as well.
      2. I don’t know, I don’t watch too many shows.
      3. Olaf x Sven 😛
      4. Philip x Anne from the Greatest Showman, or Hamilton x Eliza from Hamilton.

      • Arr ya ready kids? Aye aye, captain! I can’t hear you… Aye aye captain! Oooooooooooooooooooh. Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? Spongebob Squarepants! I forget the rest kjhdakj

    • Lumity, Amity x Luz (The Owl House)

      (I don’t know the formal ship name), Hooty x Duolingo Owl (The Owl House)

      Korrasami, Korra x Asami (Legend of Korra)

      CATRADORA, CATRA x ADORA (She-ra and the Princesses of Power)

      (I don’t know the formal ship name), Sea Hawk x Mermista (She-ra and the Princesses of Power) This is going to lead to an unrelated conversation but why not. I like this ship even though Mermista is always embarressed about the fact that she and Sea Hawk are dating, I think it’s cute how Sea Hawk always gets to her true heart.

      Garnet, Ruby x Sapphire (Steven Universe)

      (This is probably not a ship so there is no ship name), Pearl x Rose (Steven Universe)

      Raylum(I think), Rayla x Callum (The Dragon Prince)

      (I don’t know the ship name), Benson x Troy (Kipo and the Age of the Wonderbeasts)

      I probably have more that I don’t remember right now. I could rant about any and all of these for generations because I like them so much. Plus, there are tons of different dynamics between these ships.

  • i’m actually really curious, so, maplehaters, why do you hate mapleshade? (other than “she was always evil” or “she was a bad parent” or something like that. please give specific examples!)

  • Turtlepaw🐢🐢🐢(They/Them, Xe/Xem, Tey/Tem, Ae/Aem, Ot/Ots, Mae/Mim, Sae/Sear, Je/Jem, He/Him, Se/Hem, Re/Rem, Ke/Kem, Bun/Buns, Sey/Sem, Thon/Thons.) says:

    What do you head canon these Warriors characters sounding like? Cinderpelt, Brightheart, Brackenfur, Sorreltail, Squirrelflight, Firestar, Silverstream, Blossomfall, Hazeltail, Dovewing, Bumblestripe.

    I absolutely love coming up with voice head canons! Here’s what I head canon those characters sounding like.

    Cinderpelt- Ahsoka (Clone Wars)
    Brightheart- Fennec (The Mandolorian)
    Brackenfur- Héctor (Coco)
    Sorreltail- Kiara (The Lion King 2)
    Squirrelflight- Kordi (The Freemaker Adventures)
    Firestar- Simba (The Lion King)
    Silverstream- Nina (In The Heights movie)
    Blossomfall- Eosinophil (Cells At Work)
    Hazeltail- Anna (Frozen)
    Dovewing- Rapunzel (Tangled)
    Bumblestripe- Tom (We Bare Bears)

    Nightcloud Defender

    • OMG Bumblestripe would make a great Tom!
      Dovewing – Margaret (Regular Show)
      Firestar – Finn ( Adventure Time)
      Cinderpelt – Pearl (Steven Universe)
      Brackenfur – Rick (Rick and Morty)
      Bumblestripe – Alien (Resident Alien)
      Brightheart – Rose Quartz (Steven Universe)
      Squirrelflight – Sadie (Steven Universe)
      I can’t really think of any for the rest, and kinda just came up with this on the spot. 😛

  • Turtlepaw🐢🐢🐢(They/Them, Xe/Xem, Tey/Tem, Ae/Aem, Ot/Ots, Mae/Mim, Sae/Sear, Je/Jem, He/Him, Se/Hem, Re/Rem, Ke/Kem, Bun/Buns, Sey/Sem, Thon/Thons.) says:

    What are some of your LGBTQ+ Warriors head canons? 🌈

    I really love coming up with them! Here are some of mine- feel free to share yours, too!

    – Non-binary Rowanclaw
    – Transgender girl Needletail
    – Gender fluid Crookedstar
    – Lesbian Blossomfall
    – Bisexual Dovewing
    – Gay Toadstep
    – Queer Violetshine
    – Asexual aromantic Longtail

    Nightcloud Defender

  • Turtlepaw🐢🐢🐢(They/Them, Xe/Xem, Tey/Tem, Ae/Aem, Ot/Ots, Mae/Mim, Sae/Sear, Je/Jem, He/Him, Se/Hem, Re/Rem, Ke/Kem, Bun/Buns, Sey/Sem, Thon/Thons.) says:

    Give your honest opinion on Moth Flight, in great detail.
    Nightcloud Defender

    • in all honesty, i don’t know much about moth flight. but i heard she likes collecting things, and my cats like collecting things, so i like her! 😛

    • I like her a lot! She’s really talented but never realizes it 😛 I think she’s smart, but is also the daydreamer type which is another thing I love about her. I like how she’s so friendly and open-hearted, and her relationships with Cow, Micah, Dust Muzzle, Wind Runner, Dappled Pelt, River Ripple, Gorse Fur, and the rest of the medicine cats, family, and friends are all so sweet! She’s also pretty empathic which is another thing I like about her (: