Polls (Retired)

Poll cat

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Hey, BlogClan! Here is a page for you to create polls on. You can use this site to make polls (https://www.poll-maker.com/). Create polls there, copy and paste the url of your poll into a comment, and you have created your own personal poll!

Or just do it the old-fashioned way and post your poll in a comment. Whatever makes you happiest!


  • Streampaw just re-watched Hamilton! Angelica!❤ Eliza!💙 Peggy!💛 The Schuyler Sisters!💖 (Streampaw/lark, she/her) says:

    What’s your opinion on the following non-canon ships?

    -Dove x Fox
    -Blue x Thrush
    -Jay x Poppy
    -Holly x Cinder
    -Moth x Pool
    -Ivy x Blossom
    -Kestrel x Jay
    -Alder x Puddle

    • Turtlepaw🐢🐢🐢(They/Them, Xe/Xem, Tey/Tem, Ae/Aem, Ot/Ots, Mae/Mim, Sae/Sear, Je/Jem, He/Him, Se/Hem, Re/Rem, Ke/Kem, Bun/Buns, Sey/Sem, Thon/Thons.) says:

      Dove x Fox

      I don’t ship it. I kinda see them more as just friends- I never really saw their relationship as anything romantic. I do adore their friendship, though! <3

      Blue x Thrush

      I don’t ship it, but I love the friendship they had! <3 I think if Bluestar had told Thrushpelt the truth about her kits, there would have been a lot less drama, and maybe Mosskit would’ve lived.

      Jay x Poppy
      I don’t ship them, but their friendship was pretty great! Jayfeather, usually such a grumpy cat, was always nice to Poppyfrost, which is sweet. <3

      Holly x Cinder

      I ship them! This is my favorite Hollyleaf ship!

      Moth x Pool

      Probably my favorite non-canon ship! Leafpool often describes Mothwing as beautiful, and so much of their relationship could totally be interpreted as romantic! MothPool forever!

      Ivy x Blossom

      I love it! <3 I actually wrote a fan article that analyzes their chemistry, though it hasn’t come out yet. Ivypool and Blossomfall have amazing chemistry, and I’ll forever ship them!

      Kestrel x Jay
      I don’t really ship it, but it’s sorta cute, I suppose. <3

      Alder x Puddle
      Such a sweet ship! <3 I think they’d be adorable together!

      Lams Lover

    • 1. Dove x Tiger is better. I see them as friends
      2. Haven’t read Bluestar’s Prophecy
      3. Again, friends 🙂
      4. Hmmmm. I’ve personally often seen Hollyleaf as aroace or something, but these 2 are are very sweet together, so I need to think about it
      5. YES MOTHPOOL. I love these 2 😀
      6. Hmmmm Ivy x Fern is better. Just friends for me
      7. I never really saw it as a relationship with them? I don’t even know if they are friends? So in other words, no
      8. Hmmmmm I need to finish AVoS

    • -DoveFox
      I thought their friendship was sweet and I thought of shipping them before someone pointed out to me that Foxleap is Dovewing’s uncle. I currently like their friendship but don’t ship the two.

      No opinion, haven’t read Bluestar’s Prophecy

      Good friends but I don’t ship.

      Cute ship, I loved them in PoT and I ship them. I’m still more of a WillowHolly shipper though.

      Cute ship, haven’t finished TNP yet so not much of an opinion

      I don’t really like the ship, and I don’t really see it. Blossomfall didn’t have a very positive relationship with Ivypool anyway. Besides I think Briarlight or Fernsong are more of her type.

      – KestralJay
      I’ve never really seen Jayfeather as a cat who would want a mate, but I still think it’s a cute ship. They don’t really interact a lot though.

      It’s nice, but I never really shipped them.

    • idk
      thrushpelt is the best, bluestar is the best, but imo they’re not “for” each other
      i don’t ship it, but they’re pretty good friends! i totally get people who ship it though, i can see why it would be popular 🙂

      yeah i’m not up to date with ships 😛 i dwell on the character and lore side of warriors

    • 1. No
      2. They’re close friends
      3. What..where did that come from
      4. Hmm I could see it happening
      7. Where the heck…NO!
      8. Uhhh no

    • Dove x Fox
      I ship them! I think it’s the best Dovewing ship and it’s pretty cute! I love how supportive Foxleap was when Dovewing was overwhelmed by the sounds outside the lake, and when they played along the journey.

      Blue x Thrush
      Nah. Honestly I don’t even love that friendship that much- Thrushpelt was a great friend but Bluestar not so much. I don’t like the way she treated him, and how she let him believe the kits he loved so much were dead, even when she knew she could trust him.

      Jay x Poppy
      I think it’s pretty good! I’m not sure if I ship them, but I thought it was pretty cute how gentle Jayfeather was to her. I like it better than Poppy x Berry.

      Holly x Cinder
      I see them more like really, really close friends! I love their friendship, but I don’t ship them as a couple.

      Moth x Pool
      I love them! There are a lot of affectionate interactions between them in the books, like twinning tails when they meet, which is one of the reasons I see them more than friends. They’re really supportive of each other.

      Ivy x Blossom
      I prefer Ivy x Fern, but Ivy x Blossom is pretty neat too! I like how Ivypool comforted Blossomfall in the tunnels :3

      Kestrel x Jay
      Kind of! I wouldn’t say they had enough sweet moments to become a couple, but I still like some of their interactions, like when Kestrelflight askes Jayfeather what it’s like being blind.

      Alder x Puddle
      I don’t ship them much, but I adore their friendship! <3

      How about you? 😀

    • -Dove x Fox – no opinion
      -Blue x Thrush – I hate it. Bluestar didn’t love Thrushpelt as a mate, which is fine, but she wasn’t even a good friend. Their relationship doesn’t have enough trust on her part for it to work.
      -Jay x Poppy – nah, I see Jay as mostly aro and never really got any sense of chemistry from them.
      -Holly x Cinder – It’s cute, but at the same time I think Hollyleaf is aroace, so I don’t know.
      -Moth x Pool – cute! I like it.
      -Ivy x Blossom – it’s okay, kinda ship it but I prefer Ivy x Fern
      -Kestrel x Jay – no opinion
      -Alder x Puddle -no opinion

  • Does Mapleshade belong in the dark forest? I mean, she was just trying to protect her kits, and Appledusk was a jerk. Tell me your thoughts.

    • Yes, she killed 3 cats and still felt like she was in the right. Plus she attempted to also kill Reedshine.
      Murder is always the wrong choice to someone wronging you in my opinion.

    • yes, but there’s multiple layers to her story. people always say either “she was just heartbroken” or “murder is not ok”, but if you take a step back, both arguments are true. honestly, i think dark forest cats should wallow in shame until they legitimately feel sorry for their crimes. some starclan cats could come to comfort them, even if it means risking their lives. with time and effort, and mapleshade making up for her crimes, i really believe that mapleshade could become a “good” cat – back to the hero-like character she was before.

    • Though Mapleshade is one of my favorite characters, she does belong in the dark forest for murder. Her kits were already dead, so she was in a state of confusion when she killed those people. Though does Oakstar belong in the dark forest for breaking the Warrior code for turning away helpless kits is debate able.

    • I think it would have been nice if she’d gotten a trial, like Leafpool.
      But otherwise I think she deserves the Dark Forest. Murder isn’t okay, and she was pleased to be there, anyway, which means StarClan wouldn’t have helped her, and it wasn’t just the hallucinations of her kits that prompted her to become evil.

    • Totally. Murder is not something to be taken lightly, and if I gave my full thoughts on why I loathe Mapleshade then it would pass the 500-word limit on a comment.

  • Turtlepaw🐢🐢🐢(They/Them, Xe/Xem, Tey/Tem, Ae/Aem, Ot/Ots, Mae/Mim, Sae/Sear, Je/Jem, He/Him, Se/Hem, Re/Rem, Ke/Kem, Bun/Buns, Sey/Sem, Thon/Thons.) says:


    1. Favorite character who knew Firestar personally?
    2. Favorite character who was never technically a medicine cat, but had lots of medicine cat knowledge?
    3. Favorite character who was a warrior temporarily?
    4. Favorite character who was a medicine cat temporarily?
    5. Favorite character who was half-Clan?
    6. Favorite character who was the mother of a half-Clan kit?
    7. Favorite character who was the father of a half-Clan kit?
    8. Favorite character who had more than one mate in their life?
    9. Favorite character who only had one mate?
    10. Favorite character who only had one mate, but broke up with them?
    11. Favorite character whose parents are unknown?
    12. Favorite character who has one unknown parent?
    13. Favorite character who went to StarClan?
    14. Favorite character who went to the Dark Forest?
    15. Favorite character who stayed with ThunderClan temporarily?

    ⭕️ My answers! ⭕️

    1. Graystripe
    2. Brightheart
    3. Yellowfang
    4. Hollyleaf
    5. Jayfeather
    6. Leafpool
    7. Graystripe
    8. Turtle Tail
    9. Yellowfang
    10. Yellowfang
    11. Turtle Tail
    12. Gray Wing
    13. Turtle Tail
    14. Hawkfrost
    15. Jessy, Cody, and Brook Where Small Fish Swim

    Lams Lover

    • Streampaw just re-watched Hamilton! Angelica!❤ Eliza!💙 Peggy!💛 The Schuyler Sisters!💖 (Streampaw/lark, she/her) says:

      1. Ravenpaw!
      2. Brightheart
      3. Yellowfang (not in StarClan though)
      4. Hollyleaf
      5. Feathertail! <333
      6. Dovewing
      7. Graystripe
      8. Crowfeather
      9. Feathertail (Crowpaw was basically her mate)
      10. Yellowfang
      11. Cody
      12. I don't know
      13. If you count her even though she's halfway there… Feathertail again!
      14. Hawkfrost or Mapleshade (as villains)
      15. Feathertail!

    • 1. all of them
      2. brightheart
      3. yellowfang. not just living yellowfang. all of yellowfang. embrace the yellowfang
      4. hollyleaf
      5. jayfeather
      6. idk i can’t decide lol
      7. graystripe
      8. crowfeather because he’s the only one i can think of
      9. idk i can’t remember any –
      10. yellowfang
      11. basically every kittypet ever! also mostly smudge and henry. smudge and henry are the best!!!
      12. idk maybe gray wing
      13. all of them
      14. all of them
      15. idk

    • Squirrelflight!
      Jayfeather! (Also my favorite character in general)
      Idk… Crowfeather?

    • 1. Favorite character who knew Firestar personally?
      2. Favorite character who was never technically a medicine cat, but had lots of medicine cat knowledge?
      Brightheart ig
      3. Favorite character who was a warrior temporarily?
      Moth Flight
      4. Favorite character who was a medicine cat temporarily?
      5. Favorite character who was half-Clan?
      6. Favorite character who was the mother of a half-Clan kit?
      7. Favorite character who was the father of a half-Clan kit?
      8. Favorite character who had more than one mate in their life?
      9. Favorite character who only had one mate?
      Moth Flight
      10. Favorite character who only had one mate, but broke up with them?
      11. Favorite character whose parents are unknown?
      12. Favorite character who has one unknown parent?
      13. Favorite character who went to StarClan?
      14. Favorite character who went to the Dark Forest?
      None :>
      15. Favorite character who stayed with ThunderClan temporarily?

    • Squirrelflight
      If Squirrelfight doesn’t count, Feathertail

    • 1.Squirrelflight
      4. Holly leaf
      7.Stormfur(does he count)
      8.Turtle tail
      13.Turtle tail

    • -Jayfeather
      -Alderheart [does he count?]
      -Jayfeather, Sedgewhisker, and Feathertail
      -Tigerheartstar [dovextiger foreverrrr]
      -Turtle Tail
      -Squirrelflight [she needs to break up w Bramblestar though-]
      -Turtle Tail
      -pre-death Yellowfang
      -P u r d y!
      -Ferncloud [because Whitestorm is a retcon and makes no sense]
      -Ashfur! kidding, it’s Briarlight.
      -Tigerstar 1 and Hawkfrost
      -Feathertail [she stayed as an apprentice]

    • 1. Favorite character who knew Firestar personally?
      Probably Squirelflight (but Leafpool and Sandstorm are nice too).

      2. Favorite character who was never technically a medicine cat, but had lots of medicine cat knowledge?
      Cinderheart (I like Brightheart too though)

      3. Favorite character who was a warrior temporarily?

      4. Favorite character who was a medicine cat temporarily?

      5. Favorite character who was half-Clan?

      6. Favorite character who was the mother of a half-Clan kit?

      7. Favorite character who was the father of a half-Clan kit?
      Maybe Greystripe

      8. Favorite character who had more than one mate in their life?
      Grey wing (also my favourite character overall)

      9. Favorite character who only had one mate?
      Turtle tail

      10. Favorite character who only had one mate, but broke up with them?
      Bluestar (she and Oakheart broke up), although I also like Leafpool.

      11. Favorite character whose parents are unknown?
      Turtle tail, possibly Slate.

      12. Favorite character who has one unknown parent?
      Grey wing

      13. Favorite character who went to StarClan?
      Grey wing (seeing a pattern? 😂).

      14. Favorite character who went to the Dark Forest?
      Ivypool (she didn’t die and go there, but she still went)

      15. Favorite character who stayed with ThunderClan temporarily?
      Maybe Tawnypelt.

    • 1. Favorite character who knew Firestar personally?
      2. Favorite character who was never technically a medicine cat, but had lots of medicine cat knowledge?
      3. Favorite character who was a warrior temporarily?
      4. Favorite character who was a medicine cat temporarily?
      5. Favorite character who was half-Clan?
      6. Favorite character who was the mother of a half-Clan kit?
      7. Favorite character who was the father of a half-Clan kit?
      8. Favorite character who had more than one mate in their life?
      9. Favorite character who only had one mate?
      10. Favorite character who only had one mate, but broke up with them?
      11. Favorite character whose parents are unknown?
      12. Favorite character who has one unknown parent?
      13. Favorite character who went to StarClan?
      14. Favorite character who went to the Dark Forest?
      15. Favorite character who stayed with ThunderClan temporarily?

    • 1. Squirrelflight
      2. Briarlight
      3. Yellowfang
      4. Rootspring
      5. Jayfeather
      6. Silverstream
      7. Crowfeather
      8. Gray Wing
      9. Ivypool
      10. Nightcloud
      11. Leafstar
      12. Sandstorm
      13. Firestar
      14. Hawkfrost
      15. Brook, Cody, and Jessy

    • Streampaw just re-watched Hamilton! Angelica!❤ Eliza!💙 Peggy!💛 The Schuyler Sisters!💖 (Streampaw/lark, she/her) says:

      I love Blue x Rose! They are so cute, plus the age gap is not that far apart. I switched my opinion from liking Blue x Oak to this ship. Rosetail is such a sweet and supportive friend to Bluefur and when she talks about the cats Bluefur “likes”, she seems wistful (or at least to me), as if she wants Bluefur to be her mate. Plus they can relate a lot to each other, since Bluestar lost Snowfur, her mom, and her kits, and Rosetail lost Sweetpaw and Thistleclaw.

  • 1. what is your opinion on kittypets?
    2. who is your favorite kittypet and why?
    3. what is your opinion on kittypets joining clans?

    my answers:
    1. best kitties ever
    2. henry because he reminds me of my cats
    3. honestly, i think it should be the other way around – clan cats joining kittypets. it’s happened only once, as far as i remember, with pinestar. really, it’s a surprise that humans aren’t doing anything about the abundance of feral cats in the forest

    • Streampaw just re-watched Hamilton! Angelica!❤ Eliza!💙 Peggy!💛 The Schuyler Sisters!💖 (Streampaw/lark, she/her) says:

      1. what is your opinion on kittypets?
      There is too much hate out there for them. House cats are just as athletic, smart, and appear pretty much the same way as feral/stray cats (other than just seeming happier and healthier!). They are not fat or lazy or any of those stereotypes. Their loyalty to their owners is sweet and I would be one if I was a cat.
      2. who is your favorite kittypet and why?
      Cody! Her relationship with Leafpool is sweet and she’s willing to leave her home temporarily to help others. She is so kind to Ferncloud and is a really helpful kitty! I also like Velvet though.
      3. what is your opinion on kittypets joining clans?
      They shouldn’t leave if they don’t want to. In fact, there should be more cats becoming kittypets! Life in the Clans is tough and it’s smart for you and your family to be safe in the hands of humans.

    • 1. They’re ok sometimes!
      2. Jake, since he is really funny, and, well, idk, but him and Tallstar are SO CUTE TOGETHER. I ship TallxJake all the way! 😀
      3. I am fine with them joining the clans, and it does not happen a lot! (Also Snaptooth and Flywhisker became kittypets when they left the clans.)

    • 1. Yess- Best kitties ever! <33 I adore them!
      2. My own four kittypets Kisa Shadow, Houdini, and Twister, because they are my babies. As for kittypets from the books my favorites are Jessy and Velvet- Jessy because she's selfless, supportive, and would make a super great, awesome friend; and Velvet because she's so cute with her toy as well as having the softest sweet heart. <3
      3. I think it's a great thing, assuming that's the path the kittypet wants to take, and very inspiring!
      I also agree with what you said about Clan cats becoming kittypets sooo much! It's so lovely when cats find a peaceful home with loving humans just like my boys did, and I don't know why Pinestar is the only one. (Also, if I'm not mistaken- Curlypaw, Parsleyseed, and/or Ebonyclaw? <3 )

    • 1. Kittypets are amazing (:
      2. I have a few! I really like Cody, for her optimism, kindness, and encouragement, but I also like Velvet, Olive, Oliver, Jessy, and Minty! If I really had to chose a favorite, it’d be a toss up between Cody and Minty. I like Minty because she’s compassionate, even to other animals <3 If he counts, than Purdy also definitely makes it onto the list.
      3. I’m all right with kittypets joining the Clans, they bring new blood into the Clans and follow their dreams and the call of the wild to get there

      2. Can’t really decide ;-;
      3. I agree with Eggpaw, Pinestar was very sensible in joining the kittypets hehe

    • 1. what is your opinion on kittypets?
      I think kittypets are okay, I think they got mishandled a bit in the writing of warriors.
      2. who is your favorite kittypet and why?
      Jake, he was funny.
      3. what is your opinion on kittypets joining clans?
      I’m fine with it I guess, they should follow whatever path makes sense for them. However, personally, I think the clans are kind of messed up and fail to understand why anyone would want to join a group that’s constantly at war, usually for no good reason 😛

  • For those of you who play Animal Crossing New Horizons, I have a few questions!

    -Who is your favorite villager?
    -who is your least favorite villager?
    -who is your favorite villager on your island?
    -who is your least favorite villager on your island?
    -what type of island are you trying to make?

    My answers!

    -Raymond or Bob! (I need time to run before Vipvip comes)
    -Probably that one mouse that looks like cheese, I forgot his name
    -I’m going for a Japan themed suburbs type of island, or just regular suburbs of a city, and I did this when they added cars.

    • Streampaw just re-watched Hamilton! Angelica!❤ Eliza!💙 Peggy!💛 The Schuyler Sisters!💖 (Streampaw/lark, she/her) says:

      I love Animal Crossing New Horizons! It’s such a fun game and peaceful as well, I like how there isn’t any violence other than you squishing bugs. I haven’t played in a while though and just had some time a few days ago! 🙂

      -I don’t know, most of the ones seem really cool!
      -Julian (kind of self-absorbed, he reminds me of Berrynose)
      -They are all so awesome! I love Cookie, Paula, and Lyman especially.
      -Just whatever, I don’t really have a theme other than it looking nice

      • Flowers out of control are the worst. And when you do decide to dig them up, they:
        Don’t stack
        Don’t make a lot of bells
        Don’t go in your house storage.
        So I am forced to go to Nook’s Cranny and sell the inventories worth of flowers for 1,000 bells. 😛

    • – Katt my gurl. Also Bob (Vip)
      – The worst villagers are the ones that look really nice then they just kick you later, like Eloise
      – Katt <3
      – Leopold
      – A community! I'm in the middle of constructing cafes, book clubs, a Main Street, a 'mall' sort of thing, beach DJ area, all that stuff 😀

  • Turtlepaw🐢🐢🐢(They/Them, Xe/Xem, Tey/Tem, Ae/Aem, Ot/Ots, Mae/Mim, Sae/Sear, Je/Jem, He/Him, Se/Hem, Re/Rem, Ke/Kem, Bun/Buns, Sey/Sem, Thon/Thons.) says:

    Explain your honest opinion on Lionblaze, including:

    – His friendship with Heathertail
    – Cinderheart x Lionblaze
    – His actions in TBC
    – Your overall opinion on his character

    Lams Lover

  • Turtlepaw🐢🐢🐢(They/Them, Xe/Xem, Tey/Tem, Ae/Aem, Ot/Ots, Mae/Mim, Sae/Sear, Je/Jem, He/Him, Se/Hem, Re/Rem, Ke/Kem, Bun/Buns, Sey/Sem, Thon/Thons.) says:

    Out of these more minor Hamilton characters, who’s your favorite?

    – Peggy Schuyler
    – Samuel Seabury
    – Philip Hamilton

    Peggy’s my favorite minor Hamilton character.

    Lams Lover

  • Turtlepaw🐢🐢🐢(They/Them, Xe/Xem, Tey/Tem, Ae/Aem, Ot/Ots, Mae/Mim, Sae/Sear, Je/Jem, He/Him, Se/Hem, Re/Rem, Ke/Kem, Bun/Buns, Sey/Sem, Thon/Thons.) says:

    Give your opinion on water. Like, how tasty do you think it is, your opinion on swimming in the pool, thoughts on the ocean… just water. 💧
    Lams Lover

    • Water’s amazing! I really love to swim, in pools, in oceans, in lakes-basically anywhere! I even take a bath every night 😛
      Aquatic ecosystems also really interesting me! I saw a quote once, “The sea is as near as we come to another world”. Aquatic places, let that be creek or lagoon, river or trench, are enchanting places-they’re really amazing.
      I also love rain! The sound and scent it leaves after… ^^ 💦 ❤️
      Water’s also my favorite drink, though I don’t drink all that much.

    • Streampaw just re-watched Hamilton! Angelica!❤ Eliza!💙 Peggy!💛 The Schuyler Sisters!💖 (Streampaw/lark, she/her) says:

      I love water so much! I like swimming, snorkeling, boogie boarding… just everything water! I also like ice skating (and ice is frozen water). Water is delicious and so nice when I’m going all-out in my basketball game, and it tastes great! I like standing outside in the rain/snow. Plus, oceans, rivers, and lakes are all so beautiful. <333

  • Turtlepaw🐢🐢🐢(They/Them, Xe/Xem, Tey/Tem, Ae/Aem, Ot/Ots, Mae/Mim, Sae/Sear, Je/Jem, He/Him, Se/Hem, Re/Rem, Ke/Kem, Bun/Buns, Sey/Sem, Thon/Thons.) says:


    1. Your favorite character who is like an adoptive mother/father to someone?
    2. Your favorite character who is a villain?
    3. Your favorite character who has no love interest?
    4. Your favorite character who seems to be determined and brave, even when things look hard?
    5. Your favorite character who is a sister?
    6. Your favorite character who is a brother?
    7. Your favorite character who most people on the Blog have never heard of?
    8. Your favorite character that is female?

    My answers 💖

    1. Gray Wing (Warriors) and Shellington (Octonauts)
    2. Hawkfrost (Warriors) and Scar (The Lion King)
    3. R2-D2 and Baby Yoda (Star Wars)
    4. Piragua Guy (In The Heights)
    5. Angelica (Hamilton)
    6. Gray Wing (Warriors)
    7. Paani (Octonauts: Above And Beyond) and Piragua Guy (In The Heights)
    8. Turtle Tail (Warriors)

    Lams Lover

  • Who is your favourite New Prophecy Travelling cat? (Tawny, Bramble, Feather, Squirrel, Storm, and Crow)

  • Rate these cats! ^^ (they’re my favorite minor characters)

    -Chasing Clouds
    -Honey Pelt

    • Streampaw just re-watched Hamilton! Angelica!❤ Eliza!💙 Peggy!💛 The Schuyler Sisters!💖 (Streampaw/lark, she/her) says:

      -Shrewpaw: 8
      -Rowanberry: 9
      -Cow: I haven’t read Moth Flight’s Vision
      -Doestar: 7
      -Harestar: 9
      -Shrewtooth: I don’t know who that is
      -Rabbitleap: 8
      -Heronwing: I don’t know who that is
      -Perchpaw: I don’t know who that is
      -Rushtail: I don’t know who that is
      -Leafstar: 10! She’s my second-favorite character
      -Chasing Clouds: I haven’t read DotC
      -Olive: I don’t know who that is
      -Honey Pelt: I haven’t read DotC
      -Dawnstripe: I don’t know who that is
      -Meadowslip: I don’t know who that is
      -Birdflight: 8