Polls (Retired)

Poll cat

[image description: light brown cat lays on its back on a carpet and stretches. “Click here to create a poll” is written in yellow on the bottom half of the image]

Hey, BlogClan! Here is a page for you to create polls on. You can use this site to make polls (https://www.poll-maker.com/). Create polls there, copy and paste the url of your poll into a comment, and you have created your own personal poll!

Or just do it the old-fashioned way and post your poll in a comment. Whatever makes you happiest!


  • What is your opinion on Ravenpaw?
    A: Favourite Cat
    B: Strongly Like
    C: Like
    D: Neutral
    E: Dislike
    F: Strongly Dislike
    G: Least Favourite Cat

  • Turtlepaw🐢🐢🐢(They/Them, Xe/Xem, Tey/Tem, Ae/Aem, Ot/Ots, Mae/Mim, Sae/Sear, Je/Jem, He/Him, Se/Hem, Re/Rem, Ke/Kem, Bun/Buns, Sey/Sem, Thon/Thons.) says:

    Give your honest opinion on Crowfeather, including:

    – Your thoughts on Crow x Feather, Crow x Leaf, and Crow x Night.
    – Your opinion on his relationship with Breezepelt. (Was he a bad father? Yes or no?)
    – Your opinion on Crowfeather’s Trial.
    – Your opinion on Crowfeather and Nightcloud’s friendship in Crowfeather’s Trial.

    Piragua Guy is awesome

    • Crowfeather is great! I’ve actually always liked him 😀 He’s a grumpy guy but has a soft side. He always struck me as an interesting and not-so-sterotypical warrior, and I absolutely love him in Crowfeather’s Trial.
      I love Feather x Crow! ❤️ It’s my favorite Warriors ship! I love the moments and how much they support and look out for each other <33
      I really hate Crow x Leaf. It’s more of an infatuation, in my opinion. It was a bit too sappy for my taste at first, and then afterwards it was….just…weird. They were so mean to each other! I explain things better in this article: https://blogclan.katecary.co.uk/2021/11/30/a-detailed-analysis-of-leafpool-and-crowfeathers-relationship-by-mountainpaw/
      I like Nightcloud and Crowfeather as friends!
      Crowfeather was a terrible father to Breezepelt, but I love how he made an effort to make amendments with him later on in life. I love their relationship now, especially in A Light in the Mist!
      Crowfeather’s Trial is my ultimate favorite Warriors book <33

    • Ever since I saw Crowpaw from Midnight, he struck me as interesting and unique! His grumpiness and was cute, and how he went from hostile to friendly during their journey was cool. And he has a soft side – so much empathy and compassion hidden within him!

      Feather x Crow is the best ship ever!!! They have so many sweet moments, they’ve always looked out for each other/saved each other, they have their own inside joke about the nine lives, they’re healthy, they have good development, they’re devoted to each other but not in an infatuation… you can see that I love them. <3

      Leaf x Crow, I dislike. They're pretty corny (during their second meeting, Crowfeather mentioned running away) and while they do have some cute moments, they are pretty unhealthy and underdeveloped. Plus, Leafpool was spying on Crowfeather’s private life, and when Crowfeather saved her he saw Feathertail. They have a much better dynamic as friends!

      Nightcloud and Crowfeather were better as friends, since they argued so much and verbally hurt each other.

      Crowfeather’s Trial is an amazing Super Edition! It has to be one of my favorites. There are no deaths, Featherpaw and Hootpaw are cool, I love Breeze x Heather, and Nightcloud, Breezepelt, and Crowfeather all forgave one another!

      It’s stressed at first, but after they both apologize and set aside their pride for the greater good, Nightcloud and Crowfeather are good friends! They never had to be in a romantic relationship. And Breezepelt and Crowfeather truly are mending their relationship.

    • I like Crowfeather. I wouldn’t say he’s one of my favorite characters but I like him.

      I love FeatherXCrow. It’s my third favorite ship and their relationship was super sweet.

      LeafXCrow I don’t like. It just came out of nowhere and they were barely together and they were super mean to each other after they broke up.
      Nightcloud and Crowfeather are definetly better as friends

      I found Crowfeather’s trial a little boring, but it was a good book

      Nightcloud and Crowfeather’s friendship is nice, I don’t really have an opinion on it.

  • Turtlepaw🐢🐢🐢(They/Them, Xe/Xem, Tey/Tem, Ae/Aem, Ot/Ots, Mae/Mim, Sae/Sear, Je/Jem, He/Him, Se/Hem, Re/Rem, Ke/Kem, Bun/Buns, Sey/Sem, Thon/Thons.) says:

    When you read a book or watch a tv show/movie/musical/whatever, do you find it’s easier for you to decide a favorite character or a least favorite character?

    Honestly, often it seems like it’s easier for me to choose a least favorite. But having a favorite character is much more fun, I think!

    Piragua Guy is awesome

  • Turtlepaw🐢🐢🐢(They/Them, Xe/Xem, Tey/Tem, Ae/Aem, Ot/Ots, Mae/Mim, Sae/Sear, Je/Jem, He/Him, Se/Hem, Re/Rem, Ke/Kem, Bun/Buns, Sey/Sem, Thon/Thons.) says:

    What are some of your favorite shows?

    I have a lot of favorites! <3 Here are some of them.

    – Cells At Work
    – Octonauts (especially because of Kwazii and Shellington! <333 )
    Octonauts: Above And Beyond (especially because of Paani! <333 )
    – Handy Manny
    – Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
    – We Bare Bears
    – Martha Speaks
    – Arthur
    – The Great Greek Myths
    – House
    – Once Upon A Time
    – Lucifer (I really need to get caught up, though!)
    – Star Wars: Rebels
    – Star Wars: The Clone Wars
    – Sarah And Duck
    – The Ollie & Moon Show

    Those are the main shows that came to mind, but I like others too 🙂

    Piragua Guy is awesome

  • Turtlepaw🐢🐢🐢(They/Them, Xe/Xem, Tey/Tem, Ae/Aem, Ot/Ots, Mae/Mim, Sae/Sear, Je/Jem, He/Him, Se/Hem, Re/Rem, Ke/Kem, Bun/Buns, Sey/Sem, Thon/Thons.) says:

    What’s your opinion on having a second favorite character?

    I think it can be pretty awesome! You can still have a character you really look forward to reading about, even if your favorite isn’t in that particular chapter.

    In some cases, a second favorite can become a new number one favorite, and in that case, choosing a new second favorite can be fun! Like how Angelica used to be my second favorite Hamilton character, then she became tied with Burr as number one. Eliza became my new second favorite, and pretty recently, Laurens became tied with her. So now I have two favorite Hamilton characters and two second favorites! 😛 <333

    Overall, I think having a second favorite character is fun! 😀

    Piragua Guy is awesome

  • Turtlepaw🐢🐢🐢(They/Them, Xe/Xem, Tey/Tem, Ae/Aem, Ot/Ots, Mae/Mim, Sae/Sear, Je/Jem, He/Him, Se/Hem, Re/Rem, Ke/Kem, Bun/Buns, Sey/Sem, Thon/Thons.) says:

    Pick a character from a book/musical/movie/tv show/whatever that you feel is underrated. Explain in great detail why they don’t deserve to be underrated.
    Piragua Guy is awesome



    1. What’s your favorite Star Wars movie?
    2. What’s your least favorite Star Wars movie?
    3. What’s your favorite Star Wars ship? (Your favorite couple, not like, the Millennium Falcon 😛 )
    4. What’s your least favorite Star Wars ship?
    5. Who’s your favorite Star Wars character?
    6. Who’s your least favorite Star Wars character?
    7. What’s your favorite Star Wars show?
    8. Who’s your favorite droid?
    9. What are some of the saddest Star Wars moments in your opinion?
    10. What year did you discover Star Wars?

    ⚡️MY ANSWERS ⚡️
    1. A New Hope! Because it was the first one I saw so it’s sentimental. <3 My second favorite is probably Revenge Of The Sith! Anakin’s killing spree is actually quite interesting. 😛
    2. The Last Jedi. Like… why couldn’t Kylo Ren remember to put a shirt on before he had a Force video chat with Rey? Why?
    3. Han x Leia!
    4. Rey x Kylo Ren. Words cannot describe how much I despise this ship.
    5. A tie between R2-D2 and Baby Yoda! 💙💚
    6. Maybe Omega. I hate her.
    7. A tie between Clone Wars and Rebels.
    8. R2-D2! I also love C-3PO, K-2SO, IG-11, Chopper, BB-8, and literally every other droid!
    9. Those horrible two minutes in The Rise Of Skywalker when you think Chewie is dead, when Ahsoka leaves in Clone Wars, The Mandolorian and Baby Yoda having to say goodbye to each other, IG-11 dying, K-2SO dying.
    10. 2013!

    Please don’t include spoilers for The Book Of Boba Fett In your replies! Since it’s still pretty new, many people haven’t gotten the chance to watch it yet.

  • What are some of your favorite Warrior Cat Theories/Au’s?

    • -Stormfur was named after Crookedstar
      -Feathertail acted as a mother to Hollyleaf once Hollyleaf died
      -Honeyfern and Feathertail were friends because of their similar situations
      -Lesbian Mothwing
      -Rainwhisker x Swallowtail

    • I have a couple of AU’s I’m developing.

      One is mainly an AU of the events of late PoT and OoTS where Ashfur actually kidnaps Squirreflight during the forest fire, and Hollyleaf goes out to find her, killing Ashfur and discovering she has no power. Omen of The Stars is mostly the same, but Hollyleaf never left. Squirrelflight and Leafpool also make the conscious decision to tell the Three about their parentage.

      The other is an AU of the first arc where Silverstream and Graystripe have a third kit in their litter, and Snowkit and Mistlekit don’t die. And the third kit [Ripplekit] stays in ThunderClan when his siblings go back to RiverClan after the battle against BloodClan.

    • – An AU where Turtle Tail survives. She and Gray Wing have more kits together, and name them after some of their fallen friends, like Rainswept Flower, Bright Stream, and Shaded Moss.

      – An AU where Briarlight realizes Bumblestripe and Dovewing’s relationship is toxic. She helps Dovewing, and the two eventually become mates. Later on, Foxleap is a surrogate father.

      – An AU where Whitewing has a talk with Millie, expressing concern at the way she’s been treating her kits.

      Piragua Guy is awesome

  • Should we get a backstory for Rock? If so, what do you think his backstory would be about?

  • Which living cats do you think would make good leaders?

  • If you could rename a warrior cat, who would they be and what would you rename them?


    Spoiler alert! Do not read or reply if you have not read this series!

    1. Who’s your favorite character?
    2. Favorite villain?
    3. Favorite ship?
    4. Who do you think Sophie will choose out of Dex, Keefe, and Fitz?
    5. Favorite book?
    6. Opinion on the series overall?

    My answers:

    1. Keefe! <3 He's funny, protective, insecure, and can be really kind. He controls himself and doesn't do anything to hurt others unless he's completely sure of it. I love his relationship with Sophie! Team Foster-Keefe forever! (Oralie is also pretty great though)
    2. Lady Gisela. For one, she's a female villain, and secondly, she is ruthless. Even when she was pregnant with a son she was thinking about her own schemes, and she totally manipulated her husband. She survived an ogre prison and is super smart and cunning!
    3. Foster-Keefe! They are amazing and have such a great pairing and Keefe was always nicer to Sophie than Fitz was to her. They have multiple things in common and still are different in many ways, and they’re always there for each other. Read Legacy!
    4. Keefe! Sophie and Fitz already broke up and Shannon must’ve made them closer ages for a reason. I have a feeling that Sophie will go after him by herself alone in Unlocked, they’ll meet again, Keefe will cry and confess, Sophie will realize that she always felt that way too… and yeah.
    5. Legacy! It seemed more action-packed, all the adorable Team Foster-Keefe moments (and the cookie fight), and the end was so heartbreaking and exciting! Plus Sophie finding her biological mom. I also like Neverseen and Nightfall, too.
    6. It’s a good series! There are complex characters and relationships. The only thing I’d change would be the action – just more of it, please! And of course more Foster-Keefe moments. I can’t wait for Unlocked to come out!

    What do you think?