Pawsitivity Page

For all the happy moments…

image description: a brown tabby cat with a white underbelly looking upwards with a smile

Share things that make you happy, celebrate others, and celebrate yourself.

image description: a white and black cat laying on its back and stretching

This is the place to be utterly paw-sitive 😉


  • One thing to cheer ya up is..

    You are loved by at LEAST 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
    oh wait there’s less people on the world than that.. whatever

  • Here’s something positive that happened to me on Saturday:
    We performed our play for UIL competitions on Saturday last week. We had a judge, an audience, and everything! We have a comedy, which people say is pretty hard to perform when you have to make it pretty funny! But luckily we have great actors in our cast. But anyway, we competed against three other schools. After waiting three hours in the Auditorium, they started the Awards! Five people in our cast and crew earned bronze metals. Not me, but I was still happy for them! After that, it was finally time to announce the winners, who would continue and perform their play again and make it to district. So as they are building up to announce the first play to go to district, me and my friend are closing our eyes, super nervous. FWI: Our play is called “The Love Of Three Oranges”. So as soon as the speaker says “The Love” we all jump up screaming in joy and relief, while our director walks up and takes the trophy. We were all crying, even me! My friend sent me a video of it, and looking back, I just want to cry in happiness all over again.
    This is on the Positivity Page because I want you all to know that if you keep working hard and practicing, you will eventually achieve whatever you want! <3

  • 💮🌸Skye🌸💮 [Skypaw//Skymist//Misty Moon On A Fareway Sky//Has two fanfics going on! Check out Shinign Shadows and my newest: Shadowed Path!] says:

    This is going to be long.
    In the last two years, 2021 and 2022, my friendships have been very insconstant. My first best friend decided she wanted “space” because she felt like she was “only hanging out with me and not with her other friends”. Then my other best friend just simultaniously starts a huge group of fights, the first being “oH, sKyPaW, wHy DoN’t YoU lEt My TeAm WiN oN tHe OlYmPiCs DoDgEbAlL?” When I was on the other team. Seriously. I swear, that’s how it started! She made a big deal out of it and then said I had thrown a ball on her arm and hurt her WHEN I DIDN’T EVEN TOUCH THE BALL. SERIOUSLY. And then I was supposedly “mean” to a boy who literally pushed me into a bookcase? Really? Then I ACTUALLY TRIED TO EXPLAIN (don’t know why I even bothered) and she blocked me on email and refused to listen to me! So now I’d lost my two best friends. We used to be a trio. Then me and this girl were getting closer and closer to each other and we became best friends, but in the end of last year she just started ignoring me for no reason at all. I was tired of her being rude and didn’t try to fix things up this time, but didn’t confront her either. That’s how the year ended.
    One of them was living in another country since we were 6 and finally moved back to mine! And the other one was on the other class! Now they’re BOTH in my class because there was a “classmix” and to add up, we got rid of like, 90% of the jerks!
    So now I am very, very happy ^^ (Plus my best friend who used to be from the other class’s crush in on our class too…Hehehe…I see a lot of ship-sailing in my near future…)

  • Oop it’s Wednesday I almost forgot Lyrics of the Week–
    BUT I didn’t so we’re good

    Lyrics of the Week, Week 4!

    If You’re Going Through Heck by Rodney Atkins
    I’ve been deep down in that darkness
    I’ve been down to my last match
    Felt a hundred different demons breathin’ fire down my back
    And I knew that if I stumbled I’d fall right into the trap
    That they were layin’, yeah
    But the good news is there’s angels everywhere out on the street
    Holdin’ out a hand to pull you back up on your feet
    The one’s that you’ve been draggin’ for so long
    You’re on your knees you might as well be prayin’
    Guess what I’m sayin’
    If you’re goin’ through heck keep on going
    Don’t slow down if you’re scared don’t show it
    You might get out before the devil even knows you’re there
    Yeah, if you’re goin’ through heck keep on movin’
    Face that fire, walk right through it
    You might get out before the devil even knows you’re there

    Note from Willa: I changed a few words to make it more Blog-friendly!

    Moral: If you’re in a bad place, keep going. You WILL push through!

    Link to song: (there’s mature language)

    Weekly Challenge: Make a list of things you’re grateful for. Maybe appreciating and thinking about positive things can be your key out of the metaphorical DF!

    Have a good week everyone. Love you guys. <3

  • Next Thursday I have my Reading Olympians competition!! I’m super excited, but also super nervous!! I’m sure my team’ll do great, though, because we’ve altogether read (I think) every book! (Well, I’m reading one of the books that haven’t been read yet, so no pressure or anything!😅)

    Wish me luck!!!!!!!!! 🙂 🙂

  • I’d like to give a quick reminder that you (whoever is reading this) are an absolutely wonderful person, or you’re well on your way to becoming one. Your past actions do not define the person who you are and who you’re going to become, you don’t have to let your mistakes become you. I wish I had had someone telling me that when I was going through a mess with my self worth two years ago, so let me tell you that, regardless if you think you need it or not.

    Even at a young age, we can be taught that what you’ve done in the past is in complete control of who you are and how you’ll be viewed forever. We learn this from outside forces- like friends, parents, siblings, media, and really any peer in your life. They may not have any toxic intentions, or know what they’re saying, this message is often hidden and cemented unknowingly into our mindsets.

    Take it from a person who has made a whole lot of mistakes in his very short amount of time on this planet- you aren’t stuck. Whether you’re young or old, any amount of time is enough time to grow and learn from past experiences. You can do this, and you can become the person who you are meant to be. Don’t stop trying, you’ll work through this!

    • 💮🌸Skye🌸💮 [Skypaw//Skymist//Misty Moon On A Fareway Sky//Has two fanfics going on! Check out Shinign Shadows and my newest: Shadowed Path!] says:

      Thank you so, so much for this!
      I know this is not the hug page but I really want to hug you rn…Because what you said is so nice…*inhales*

    • Wolfbite who can't wait for the Gathering and is probably overenthusiastic about it!! GO TEAM WINDCLAN!! /Wolfy/Wolfie/Wolf that Howls at Full Moon says:

      omg tysm Lane! I actually really needed this.



  • Wolfbite who can't wait for the Gathering and is probably overenthusiastic about it!! GO TEAM WINDCLAN!! /Wolfy/Wolfie/Wolf that Howls at Full Moon says:

    Hey guys! Just wanted to let you know…
    that you’re not alone.
    You never will be,
    even if you feel like you are.
    There’s always someone out there who’s going through the same struggles as you,
    and even if you don’t know them, they’re still there.
    If you’re feeling down…
    your friends, if they are true friends, will always be there for you.
    Your family will love you no matter what…
    and if you’ve lost anyone along your journey in life (if you have I’m so sorry)…
    Remember, that even if you’ve never seen us before, don’t even know most of our names,
    BlogClan will always love you!!! 😀

  • Have you seen those videos on C H O N K Y cats? They’re so cute and floofy and I just wanna SQUISH THEM ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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