• Hello SunClan! How is everyone doing? Sry if I didn’t respond to your questions right away, I’ve been really busy. But I’m here now, and we r gonna choose our deputy soon!

  • Running for Deputy of SunClan:
    – Owlheart
    – Wolfbite
    – Rockydew
    – Icemist
    – Vinepelt

    Did I miss anyone? If I did I’m sorry, your comment probably didn’t go through.

  • All right SunClan! It’s time to vote on our deputy! (I hope when the deputy is chosen u will all show your support like the good cats you are lol)

    But before we choose, I’d like to inform you about some of the great things the warriors who are in the running for deputies have been doing.

    Special shout out to Owlheart who sent me a link so we could create our polls!

    Thank you to Wolfbite who created our SunClan logo, (which btw I’ll send you all the link to as soon as possible.)

    Thanks to Vinepelt for private texting me to remind me that I need to choose the deputy. 😂

    Thank you Rockydew for being awesome! Lol 😆

    And thank you to all our other cats on this chat who have been hanging out here!

    Now to remind you all of some of the responsibilities a deputy might have on this chat. (Yes IK I’m taking this a little seriously but still)

    Our deputy will need to cover for me when I’m not on this chat, and possibly answer any questions anyone might have at any point or time. Our deputy will probably have to be okay with me literally treating them like we are best friends. A deputy can let me know if they wouldn’t like to be deputy anymore and if they would like to give their role to someone else.

    Okay. Now that you’ve read all that, (or skimmed it, whatever), it’s time to vote! Please click the name of the cat you think would be the best deputy! (Idk how this works, if it screws up let me know.)


    • Also I forgot to mention this earlier but our deputy should also be present on this chat a lot, that way if I’m not there to answer questions or create games then they could.

  • It only shows one vote so far, and I think Vinepelt voted too so one of u guys might’ve done something wrong, I donno. Or maybe it’s messed up

  • Okay SunClan cats! The deadline for choosing our deputy is tomorrow so please vote while you can!

  • Ik right now in America it’s around dinner time but in Canada I just woke up lol!

    I’m currently trying to decide what we should do if no one ends up voting.

    Owlheart, do you think you could send me the link to the voting page that you had when you voted? Does that make sense?

  • Also, you might’ve noticed that I’ve been commenting at midnight in your time, but for me because I’m in Canada it’s like the afternoon. Sorry if this bothers you, I just didn’t realize the time difference until now.

  • This is literally the BEST WARRIOR GAME ON SCRATCH more people need to check it out!
    Here it is:
    Click the green flag to play and move with the left and right keys. Click on cats to interact with them. Touch the prey to hunt and click space to fight. As you practice more, your health will rise and the damage you deal with each blow will rise too. Go to the border between your Clan and MoutainClan to go to a gathering. When it is time for one, you will see a white arrow pointing upwards. Click it.
    Hope you have fun with this awesome game, and there’s a link to the awesome sequels in there too!

  • Do you know what to do to become a senior warrior? We don’t have any yet, do we? I’d say a fanfic or something like that, or voting like for the deputy. Worry about this later, actually. We really need to decide on a deputy. Anyway, I’ve voted!

  • My vote isn’t showing up, and I don’t know why. Could you answer if you’ve voted? Because it’s only showing one vote. We may have to do something else.