• Newtpaw/runner-[he/him]-[apprentice to the a-Maze-ing Rootclaw]-["Great, we're all bloody inspired" Newt maze runner page 328]- says:

      Helloooo, I’m gonna join

      Name: Newtpaw/Runner

      Gender: Tom

      Pro-nouns: He/Him

      Clan: Hollyclan

      Kin: None that are known. He was found on the verge of death in the forest as a newborn kit with his deceased mother and siblings. We don’t know who his father is.

      Personality: He can be rude, commanding, and snobby kinda.

      Fur Color: A silver Egyptian Mau with icy blue eyes

      Rank: Apprentice

      Other: The reason he is rude is because he was found on the verge of death and very weak. And he feels like if people judge him, he wants to look strong and not look weak

    • Newtpaw/runner-[he/him]-[apprentice to the a-Maze-ing Rootclaw]-["Great, we're all bloody inspired" Newt maze runner page 328]- says:

      Helloooo, I’m gonna join

      Name: Newtkit/paw

      Gender: Tom

      Pro-nouns: He/Him

      Clan: Hollyclan

      Kin: None that are known. He was found on the verge of death in the forest as a newborn kit with his deceased mother and siblings. We don’t know who his father is.

      Personality: He can be rude, commanding, and snobby kinda.

      Fur Color: A silver Egyptian Mau with icy blue eyes

      Rank: Apprentice

      Other: The reason he is rude is because he was found on the verge of death and very weak. And he feels like if people judge him, he wants to look strong and not look weak

  • Here’s the rules and character creation for HollyClan and MothClan

    Fur Color:

    No controlling other cats
    Be nice
    No killing without permission from who you are trying to kill
    Don’t wait to be accepted, but if I come into the rp and ask you to change something please do

    That’s it, have fun!

    • Name: Flowerkit/beam
      Gender: female
      Pronouns: she/her
      Clan: HollyClan
      Kin: Glorykit (by adoption), her mother (may make a character idk yet)
      Personality: Flowerkit is adventurous and brave, and often gets herself into a lot of trouble
      Fur Color: she is a fluffy ginger tabby Maine coon with white paws, ears, muzzle, and tail tip, with dazzling lime green eyes
      Rank: kit
      Other: n/a

      Name: Glorykit/dream
      Gender: female
      Pronouns: she/her
      Clan: HollyClan
      Kin: Flowerkit (by adoption)
      Personality: she is shy and quiet, and very afraid to get into trouble
      Fur Color: she is a silver short haired tabby with a grey muzzle and striking lavender eyes
      Rank: kit (she will be the med apprentice! so HollyClan cannot have a medicine apprentice)
      Other: her mother died in labor and she was the only kit to survive, so Flowerkit’s mom took her in

      Name: Spottedpaw
      Gender: male
      Pronouns: he/him
      Clan: MothClan
      Kin: n/a
      Personality: he is sweet and bubbly, but not always the most motivated
      Fur Color: a brown tom with dark brown blotches and amber eyes
      Rank: apprentice (no mentor as of now)
      Other: he doesn’t feel he fits in MothClan

    • Name: Fallowstar

      Gender: She-cat

      Pronouns: She/her

      Clan: MothClan

      Kin: Mate Leafclaw

      Personality: Smart, cunning, can hold a grudge for a long time, gets angry easily

      Fur color: Golden-colored

      Rank: Leader

      Other: She is young for a leader

      This is her mate:

      Name: Leafclaw

      Gender: Tom

      Pronouns: He/him

      Clan: MothClan

      Kin: Mate Fallowstar

      Personality: Brave, following, grumpy, cold

      Fur color: Calico

      Rank: Warrior

      Other: He is also young but he’s considered a senior warrior because his mate is a leader

    • Name: Puddlepounce
      Gender: male
      Pronouns: he/him
      Clan: MothClan
      Kin: n/a
      Personality: kind towards his clan, fun to hang around, good warrior
      Fur Color: grey tom with long claws and blue eyes
      Rank: warrior
      Other: n/a

      Name: Flutterfawn
      Gender: female
      Pronouns: she/her
      Clan: HollyClan
      Kin: Flowerkit (daughter), Glorykit (adopted daughter)
      Personality: Sweet, funny, patient, a good mother
      Fur Color: a fluffy ginger tabby with white paws, ears, muzzle, and tail tip with green eyes, looking like a copy of her daughter
      Rank: queen
      Other: she adopted Glorykit after her mother (+ Flutterfawn’s best friend) died in labor

      Name: Dreamflight
      Gender: female
      Pronouns: she/her
      Clan: StarClan (formally HollyClan)
      Kin: Glorykit (daughter)
      Personality: sweet, sometimes sad due to missing her daughter
      Fur Color: silver tabby she-cat with lavender eyes like a dream (hence her name)
      Rank: former queen + warrior
      Other: she died giving birth to Glorykit

    • Name: Mistypaw/drift
      Gender: she-cat
      Pronouns: she/her
      Clan: MothClan
      Kin: Rainpaw, Stonepaw
      Personality: she’s playful and bubbly, and is not afraid of any of the MothClan warriors
      Fur Color: a bluish grey she-cat with minty eyes and a grey tail tip
      Other: not named after Mistystar lol….

      Name: Rainpaw/flutter
      Gender: she-cat
      Pronouns: she/her
      Clan: MothClan
      Kin: Mistypaw, Stonepaw
      Personality: she’s shy sometimes, but playful
      Fur Color: a grey she-cat with bluish grey dapples and amber eyes
      Other: she’s gay

      Name: Stonepaw/tail
      Gender: tom
      Pronouns: he/him
      Clan: MothClan
      Kin: Mistypaw and Rainpaw
      Personality: playful and mischievous
      Fur Color: a grey tom with minty eyes
      Other: not named after Stonefur

    • Name: Jaysong
      Gender: Female
      Pronouns: she-her
      Clan: Hollyclan
      Kin: Sister to Moonfang (Moonfang and Jaysong were sperated at birth)
      Personality: Kind, free spirited, Loyal, Sassy
      Fur Color: Blue gray she-cat with ice blue eyes.
      Rank: Queen expecting
      Other: Nada

      Name: Moonfang
      Gender: Female
      Pronouns: She-her
      Clan: Mothclan
      Kin: Jaysong (In Hollyclan)
      Personality: Sweet, Sassy, Rude, Brave,
      Fur Color: Silver Maine coon She cat with Gray-blue eyes
      Rank: Warrior
      Other: N/A

    • Name: Sorrelwhisker
      Gender: She-cat
      Pronouns: She/Her
      Clan: MothClan
      Kin: n/a
      Personality: Domineering, can handle hard situations,
      Fur Color: Gray she-cat with reddish-brown patches; blue eyes
      Rank: Warrior
      Other: Is TERRIFIED of spiders!! Is an incredible fighter despite her fear of spiders.

    • Name: Rosekit
      Gender: She-cat
      Pronouns: she/her
      Clan: HollyClan
      Kin: used to have a mother and father, Firelight and Moonpool, but they died in a battle with MothClan.
      Personality: happy, cheerful, but gets sad when she sees families hanging out together, because her parents died.
      Fur Color: Orange
      Rank: Kit
      Other: Nothing really!

    • Name: Aspendawn
      Gender: female
      Pronouns: she/her
      Clan: MothClan
      Kin: Willowhisper (sister), Juniperwind (sister), Cypresstuft (sister), Hazel (sister)
      Personality: quiet and observant, but won’t hesitate to speak up if something is truly wrong
      Fur Color: light brown tabby with a lighter muzzle and underbelly and light blue eyes
      Rank: warrior (medicine cat if available)
      Other: mother and father were in different clans, juniper, cypress, and hazel went with father to hollyclan, her and willow stayed in mothclan

      Name: Duskfeather
      Gender: male
      Pronouns: he/him
      Clan: HollyClan
      Kin: n/a
      Personality: proud, determined, leaderly
      Fur Color: dark brown tabby with dusty green eyes and a dusty brown muzzle
      Rank: warrior

      Name: Juniperwind
      Gender: female
      Pronouns: she/her
      Clan: HollyClan
      Kin: same as Aspen
      Personality: athletic and swift
      Fur Color: same as aspen, but a bit darker with amber eyes
      Rank: warrior

      Name: Cypresstuft
      Gender: female
      *basically all the same as asp and juni*
      Personality: chaotic, loud, and energetic
      Fur Color: same as others but brown eyes
      Rank: warrior

      Name: Willowwhisper
      *basically all the same as asp and juni*
      Personality: calm, collected, and the oldest. good teacher
      Fur Color: same as others but lilac eyes
      Rank: warrior

      Name: Hazel
      Gender: female
      *basically all the same as asp and juni*
      Clan: lone
      Personality: sarcastic, and stands up for herself, youngest
      Fur Color: same as others but green eyes
      Rank: lone
      Other: left the clans because she couldn handle how the war was tearing her family apart

  • Creamypaw !!😁😆three days till tadc episode 2 is out!!!🎁My AMAZING mentors B-DAY🎁 Go say happy birthday to her 🎈 says:

    Name: Rainleap
    Gender: female
    Pronouns: She/her
    Clan: Hollyclan
    Kin: Lightbloom (sister) Tigerfur (brother) (mom and dad died) Butterflykit (niece) Songkit (nephew) Crystalkit (niece)
    Personality: Shy, wise, caring, gentle
    Fur Color: Gray with white and blue eyes
    Rank: Medicine cat
    Other: Nope thx

    Name: Lightbloom
    Gender: She-cat
    Pronouns: she/her
    Clan: Hollyclam
    Kin: Rainleap (sister) Tigerfur (brother) (mom and dad died) Butterflykit (daughter) Songkit (son) Crystalkit (daughter)
    Personality: Outgoing, loving, energetic
    Fur Color: white with green eyes
    Rank: Queen
    Other: Her mate is Goldengaze

    Name: Goldengaze
    Gender: Tom
    Pronouns: He/him
    Clan: Hollyclan
    Kin: Butterflykit (daughter) Songkit (son) Crystalkit (daughter)
    Personality: Kind, a little bossy, playful
    Fur Color: Golden with amber eyes
    Rank: Warrior
    Other: mates with Lightbloom

    Name: Tigerfur
    Gender: tom
    Pronouns: He/him
    Clan: Hollyclan
    Kin:Butterflykit (niece) Songkit (nephew) Crystalkit (niece) Rainleap (sister) Lightbloom (sister)
    Personality: Brave, bossy,mischievous
    Fur Color: brown and white with blue eyes
    Rank: warrior
    Other: nope!

    Name: Songkit(1) Crystalkit (2) and Butterflykit (3)
    Gender: Tom(1) She-cat (2) and She-cat (3)
    Pronouns: he/him (1) she/her (2) she/her (3)
    Clan: Hollyclan
    Kin: Goldengaze (father) Lightleap (mother) Rainleap (aunt) Tigerfur (uncle)
    Personality: unknown cause they’re all newborns
    Fur Color: Gray tom with blue eyes (1) White-shecat with blue eyes (2) calico she cat with green eyes (3)
    Rank: kits

    Name: Silverstar
    Gender: tom
    Clan: Mothclan
    Kin: (dead :p)
    Personality: brave smart wise, not a peace maker :p
    Fur Color: silver with bue eyes
    Rank: leader
    Other: nope

    Name: Gingerpaw
    Gender: she-cat
    Pronouns: she/her
    Clan: mothclan
    Kin: none they are deadddd
    Personality: bubbly, can get in trouble alot
    Fur Color: ginger (duh) with amber eyes
    Rank: apprentice
    Other: she was found as a kit outside the clan

    (sry for so many :’) )

  • Can I make another character?

    Name: Falconstar

    Gender: She-cat

    Pronouns: She/her

    Clan: HollyClan

    Kin: Three kits, Splotchpaw, Fishpaw and Nettlepaw. Her mate Splotchbreeze died at Fallowspeck’s vicious claws.

    Personality: Depressed, always tired, sweet, smart

    Fur color: White and brown

    Rank: Leader

    Other: She was a strong and brave warrior named Falconstorm when she was young, but since Splotchbreeze died, she never has any energy anymore. She’s old.

    • Fallowpaw|💚🌿Excited for greenleaf!💚🌿|🍓🍓🍓🍓Nom, nom, nom...🍓🍓🍓🍓|Plat mate to the sweet Aspenpaw!🌳🐾|☀️'Now the dark days are gone, and the bright days are here...'☀️ says:

      Falconstar’s kits:

      Name: Splotchpaw

      Gender: Tom

      Pronouns: He/him

      Clan: HollyClan

      Kin: Mother Falconstar, brother Fishpaw, sister Nettlepaw

      Personality: Sweet, stressed, nervous, always wants to make everyone happy

      Fur color: Calico

      Rank: Apprentice

      Other: He has a crush on an apprentice named Cherrypaw, but he doesn’t have the courage to tell her.

      Name: Fishpaw

      Gender: Tom

      Pronouns: He/him

      Clan: HollyClan

      Kin: Mother Falconstar, brother Splotchpaw, sister Nettlepaw

      Personality: Outgoing, funny, overconfident, unrespectful to older cats

      Fur color: Silver

      Rank: Apprentice

      Other: He doesn’t like a single aspect of training because he hates when others decide what he needs to do.

      Name: Nettlepaw

      Gender: She-cat

      Pronouns: She/her

      Clan: HollyClan

      Kin: Mother Falconstar, brothers Splotchpaw and Fishpaw

      Personality: Highly intelligent, lonely, too quiet, curious

      Fur color: Black

      Rank: Apprentice

      Other: She was apprenticed early.

      Aaaaand here is Splotchpaw’s crush:

      Name: Cherrypaw

      Gender: She-cat

      Pronouns: She/her

      Clan: HollyClan

      Kin: Parents Stormstrike and Finchflight

      Personality: Too quiet, brave, stubborn, kind

      Fur color: Red

      Rank: Apprentice

      Other: She also has a crush on Splotchpaw but thinks he doesn’t like her because he acts weird when she talks to him.

      Cherrypaw’s parents:

      Name: Stormstrike

      Gender: She-cat

      Pronouns: She/her

      Clan: HollyClan

      Kin: Mate Finchflight, daughter Cherrypaw

      Personality: Caring, fierce, stubborn, too honest

      Fur color: Dark gray

      Rank: Warrior

      Other: She was born in MothClan, but fled to HollyClan

      Name: Finchflight

      Gender: Tom

      Pronouns: He/him

      Clan: HollyClan

      Kin: Mate Stormstrike, daughter Cherrypaw

      Personality: Flexible, kind, too following, too quiet

      Fur color: Light gray and red

      Rank: Warrior

      Other: He is very scared of going to the medicine cat.

  • Name: rosepaw

    Gender: female

    pro-nouns: she/ her

    clan: Hollyclan

    kin: none known

    personality: a loyal, brave, caring cat who likes to help others

    fur color: a white she-cat with grey splotches

    rank: Apprentice

    other: has a crush on Newtpaw

  • Name: Stormstrike
    Gender: She-cat
    Pronouns: She/her
    Clan: MothClan
    Kin: n/a (maybe I’ll add some later)
    Personality: Cold, stiff, ready to do whatever she has to for her clan
    Fur Color: Dark gray
    Rank: Senior warrior
    Other: n/a

  • Name: Turtlesight
    Gender: She-cat
    Pronouns: She/her
    Clan: MothClan
    Kin: None, abandoned as a kit
    Personality: Fierce, brave, stubborn, empathetic, loyal
    Fur Color: Golden-brown-and-white tabby
    Rank: Warrior
    Other: None

  • Name: Cougarpaw/snarl
    Gender: Unknown
    Pronouns: Anything not offensive
    Clan: Mothclan
    Kin: Unknown, ex rogue
    Personality: Tough, cold, hot tempered, protective, mysterious, loyal, quiet, fierce, enjoys fighting
    Fur Color: Tan, with a cougar face markings and black tail tip
    Rank: Warrior
    Other: Most cats still don’t trust me, always scared I’m going to betray them or attack the weak.

  • Name: Aspendawn
    Gender: female
    Pronouns: she/her
    Clan: MothClan
    Kin: Willowhisper (sister), Juniperwind (sister), Cypresstuft (sister), Hazel (sister)
    Personality: quiet and observant, but won’t hesitate to speak up if something is truly wrong
    Fur Color: light brown tabby with a lighter muzzle and underbelly and light blue eyes
    Rank: warrior (medicine cat if available)
    Other: mother and father were in different clans, juniper, cypress, and hazel went with father to hollyclan, her and willow stayed in mothclan

    Name: Duskfeather
    Gender: male
    Pronouns: he/him
    Clan: HollyClan
    Kin: n/a
    Personality: proud, determined, leaderly
    Fur Color: dark brown tabby with dusty green eyes and a dusty brown muzzle
    Rank: warrior

    Name: Juniperwind
    Gender: female
    Pronouns: she/her
    Clan: HollyClan
    Kin: same as Aspen
    Personality: athletic and swift
    Fur Color: same as aspen, but a bit darker with amber eyes
    Rank: warrior

    Name: Cypresstuft
    Gender: female
    *basically all the same as asp and juni*
    Personality: chaotic, loud, and energetic
    Fur Color: same as others but brown eyes
    Rank: warrior

    Name: Willowwhisper
    *basically all the same as asp and juni*
    Personality: calm, collected, and the oldest. good teacher
    Fur Color: same as others but lilac eyes
    Rank: warrior

    Name: Hazel
    Gender: female
    *basically all the same as asp and juni*
    Clan: lone
    Personality: sarcastic, and stands up for herself, youngest
    Fur Color: same as others but green eyes
    Rank: lone
    Other: left the clans because she couldn handle how the war was tearing her family apart

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