• Enter the right thing

    Rules: The Areas
    If you enter, nothing happens. All of your weapons (we will get to that later) and lives are safe, and you get to your whatever successfully.
    If you enter, Pebble will give you a point, an escort to the entrance to your transportation station, and there is a 50% chance you will get a weapon. You can’t get weapons if you already have one though. Also, you can’t get a weapon if you’re dead. There are two of these rooms.
    If you enter, Shadow is gonna be a murderer and murder you, and you will lose one of your infinite lives, but if you have a weapon, then you have a 50% chance of beating Shadow and surviving, but if you don’t beat Shadow, you lose one of your lives and your weapon. There is one room of this kind.
    If you enter, River is going to give some sort of herb to you that will cure one of your lost lives. If you have all of your infinite lives, then River is going to be like Crystal and ignore you. There are two rooms of this kind.
    These rooms are cursed, but not as cursed as Shadow’s Room. If you enter, Flameclaw is going to take your weapon, but you still have a slim 5% of escaping with your weapon. There are 3 rooms of this kind.

    Rules: Life and Death
    Reviving Yourself:
    Going into River’s isn’t enough to go back to normal if you are Double Dead. You would just go back to Dead. If you are Double Dead or more, another hard strategy would help return you to the leaderboard. This requires going to Shadow’s, along with someone else. There is a 50% chance that, if you are Double Dead or more, she would ignore you. There is also another 50% chance that she would kill your player and you have no one to take lives from. Another 50% chance is actually killing the player, and taking away the amount of lives you got taken off. If you don’t succeed, you only take away one of their lives and you only revive one of your own lives. This will not work if your victim has a weapon.
    Surving Shadow
    Another good way to survive Shadow without a weapon is to go with someone else, as long as that ‘someone else’ isn’t Double Dead or more. If two people both go into Shadow’s, both of them have a 50% chance of surviving, but if one survives, the other dies. Same goes with three players. One of them survives, two of them die, and so on.
    Two in the same area?
    Now, cats in the same room mechanics work differently. You now have a 50% chance each of getting the good stuff or the bad stuff first.

    Now you can pick your area (just type in a number 1-20), receive your weapons, die, get healed, get robbed, or get ignored.

    PEOPLE WHO GOT THE RIGHT AREA: (w means weapon)
    3: Frosto
    2: Ivyla (w)
    1: Moona

    Double dead: Shadoof

    Last Round’s status:
    Pebble: No one
    Shadow: No one
    River: No one
    Flameclaw: Frosto, Cotton
    Crystal: No one

  • Chosen Paths:

    The Rules:

    - The Rules are similar to Sandy’s game, but this time this is free-for-all but with a few rules.
    - The results commented below might be changed to something if two choices are similar.
    - Your goal is to try to live.

    The winning choice was for Crystalpaw to find out who the large cat is!!
    Important information: Crystalpaw is an apprentice of RiverClan. There was a flood, and she had to pick whether she should save Lionpaw or Lightpaw, and she saved Lightpaw. Crystalpaw then realizes that their mentors, Beestream and Swampwater, are nowhere to be seen, and Lionpaw is still missing. She asks Grassbird, but she refuses to help, so she sneaks off on her own. Lightpaw finds out, so Crystalpaw asks her for help, but they run into a mysterious cat.

    Chapter 2: Flood

    RiverClan allegiences:
    Leader: Hawkstar – Sleek brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes and white chest and paws
    Deputy: Eagletail – Ginger tom with amber eyes and unusually long claws and tail
    Medicine cat: Hollyheart – Black and dark brown she-cat with mint green eyes and short tail
    Apprentice, Featherpaw (Pale white she-cat)
    Warriors: Swampwater – Dark brown tabby tom with gray underbelly and green eyes
    Apprentice, Lionpaw (Fiery ginger tom with thick fur like a lion’s mane)
    Grassbird – Long-furred light brown she-cat
    Apprentice, Crystalpaw (Silver she-cat with golden rosettes and blue and green eyes)
    Snakestripe – Slender black she-cat with ice blue eyes and gray stripes
    Kestrelclaw – Reddish brown she-cat with pale underbelly
    Apprentice, Honeysucklepaw (Golden brown she-cat)
    Kinkfall – Jet black she-cat with a crooked tail
    Leapflight – Dark ginger tabby tom with white striped legs, face, tail, and ears
    Gingerfur – Ginger tom
    Briarblossom – Gray-brown she-cat with green eyes and darker stripe running on back
    Sleeklight – Pale ginger she-cat with long whiskers
    Mallowtail – Pale brown tabby and gray tabby tom with white muzzle and tail tip
    Apprentice, Heatherpaw (Dark brown she-cat with white chest and paws)
    Honeybird – Ginger she-cat with short tail and green eyes
    Adderfrond – Splotchy dark brown tabby tom
    Beestream – Golden tabby she-cat with black stripes on face and ears
    Apprentice, Lightpaw (White she-cat with amber eyes)
    Brackenflower – Pale ginger she-cat with long whiskers and tail (mother to Foxkit, ginger she-kit; Flykit, spotted gray tabby she-kit)
    Windbreeze – Striped gray tabby she-cat with sky blue eyes
    Leafheart – Pale gray she-cat

    ThunderClan allegiences:
    Leader: Pikestar – Battle-scarred ginger tom with amber eyes and long tail
    Deputy: Brackenfire – Golden brown tabby tom with bushy tail and long fur
    Medicine cat: Cloudtuft – Long-furred white tom with green eyes
    Apprentice, Lostshade (Ragged gray-brown tom)
    Graveleye – Mottled gray and white tom with blue eyes and white paws
    Springleaf – Long-furred gray tabby and white she-cat with green eyes
    Dawnblaze – Flame-colored tabby she-cat with black markings and amber eyes
    Apprentice, Flowerpaw (Tortoiseshell and white she-cat)
    Spottedgorse – Dark brown spotted tabby and white she-cat with green eyes
    Clawslash – Large broad-shouldered gray and white tom with rusty amber eyes
    Hickorywing – Dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes
    Apprentice, Slashpaw (Dark brown tabby tom with white slashes)
    Paleflower – Pale brown she-cat with green eyes
    Apprentice, Driftpaw (Dark gray tom with watery blue eyes)
    Cherrypelt – Ginger tabby and white she-cat
    Apprentice, Shadpeaw (Black and white she-cat with green eyes)
    Sparrowshade – Light brown tabby tom with long fur and amber eyes
    Featherfall – Long-furred black she-cat with light gray eyes
    Daisyfoot – Gray and white she-cat with amber eyes (mother to Shinykit, silver tabby and white she-cat; Flickerkit, golden tabby tom; Whitekit, gray and white she-cat with ice blue eyes)

    This cat might be another RiverClan cat. However, she didn’t remember any RiverClan cats having broad shoulders. Still, she unsheathed her claws, approaching the large cat, yet she is curious about him.

    “Do I hear something?” snarled the large tom. Another cat, a sleek, slender she-cat appeared out of the bushes. “RiverClan,” she hissed.

    Crystalpaw pushed herself to the bushes, curling her claws into the soft earth. Lightpaw did the same, waiting for the two broad-shouldered cats to attack them.

    “Come on! What are we waiting for? These might be the cats we are looking for!” shrieked Lightpaw. Crystalpaw flattened her ears. Soon, the two cats approached the bush. Then, she realized that the tom was gray and white, while the she-cat was dark brown spotted tabby and white she-cat.

    “I heard RiverClan apprentices!” hissed the gray and white tom.

    “What are we waiting for? We can do anything with apprentices while they are weak,” continued the spotted tabby she-cat.

    “These look like clan cats. Why not approach them?” asked Lightpaw curiously. Crystalpaw shuddered. These cats didn’t look too friendly for RiverClan cats. They didn’t seem pleased when they discovered RiverClan apprentices.

    Still, Lightpaw dashed out of the bush, toward the two cats. Crystalpaw followed her, but they were now discovered. She winced as teeth sank into her scruff and dragged across the cold river and into the forest.

    “Pikestar would be pleased to see us,” sneered the spotted tabby. Pikestar! The ThunderClan leader! Crystalpaw was horrified. She tried to struggle out of the spotted tabby’s grip, but the tabby still held onto her.


    She was tired by the time they reached the ThunderClan camp. The spotted tabby threw her into a crude den. Lightpaw was also with her. A dark brown and white apprentice was also in the same den. Heatherpaw!

    “Now we have hostages, we can make a juicy deal with Hawkstar, whereever she is,” snarled Pikestar from outside the den.

    What does Crystalpaw do?
    – Dawnblaze and Hickorywing are guarding the den.

  • Murder Mystery but the murderer is more savage than usual

    (Note: Only the cats listed in this round are the ones who are getting murdered/executed. Any other characters mentioned still exist but aren’t in the round.)
    Lilyfrost: Ok, so the cat who was executed was Cinderheart.
    Lilyfrost: But she was NOT the murderer!
    Lilyfrost: So Flametail kills Jayfeather…..yeah.
    Lilyfrost: This stuff is getting harder now…the public is tied with the murderers!
    Lilyfrost: So, I will not make it easier!
    Lilyfrost: The new characters for AVoS round is Alderheart, Sparkpelt, Jayfeather, Violetshine, Twigbranch, Needletail, Tree, and Finleap!
    Lilyfrost: And out of those cats, Twigbranch died! Because on of these cats smashed her head against a rock!
    Lilyfrost: Now everyone, say why you are not the murderer!
    Alderheart: I was picking herbs by the border. I did not see or hear anything.
    Sparkpelt: I was hunting with Larksong. The prey was delicious!
    Jayfeather: Picking herbs by the border. Yeah.
    Violetshine: I would never kill her! We are sisters! Also I was patrolling the border, but I didn’t hear anything.
    Needletail: Patrolling the ThunderClan border.
    Tree: I was in SkyClan camp. I did not leave the territory.
    Finleap: We were about have kits! I would never kill her before she has kits!
    Lilyfrost: Public may now VOTE!

    2: Public, Murderers

    1: Dewfeather, Ambixie, Ria, Mal

    4: Flametail
    3: Squirrelflight
    2: Brambleclaw
    1: Bluestar

  • Irebulenem

    Leader: Crystalstar – Silver she-cat with unusual spots and a long, fluffy, tail; crystally blue eyes
    Deputy: Hawkeye – Orange tabby she-cat with long fur and amber eyes
    Medicine Cats:
    Foxbreeze – Dark ginger she-cat with white flash on chest and black paws (Crashingnose’s half-sister)
    Apprentice, Ebonypaw (Striking black she-cat with green eyes)
    Fallenwhisper – Silver and black she-cat with blue eyes
    Dapplefern – Mottled brown and gray tom with green eyes (Crashingnose’s brother)
    Apprentice, Stormpaw (Silver she-cat with dark green eyes)
    Mistyheart – White she-cat with pale, misty blue eyes
    Tigerleap – Orange tabby tom with green eyes, black stripes, and white underbelly
    Sunningfeather – Golden tom with pale yellow eyes and long fur
    Whiskertail – Dark ginger she-cat with white tail tip and paw
    Foxstorm – Reddish ginger she-cat white underbelly and muzzle (Crashingnose’s sister)
    Apprentice, Bramblepaw (Golden tabby she-cat with brown underbelly and paws) ((Crashingnose’s sister))
    Willowtail – Smoky black she-cat with amber eyes
    Apprentice, Halfpaw (Black and silver chimera tabby she-cat)
    Primrosewillow – Dark cream she-cat
    Swanwing – Silver she-cat with black muzzle, tail, and paws
    Feathershine – Long-furred silver tabby she-cat with pale blue eyes (Crashingnose’s unofficial mate)
    Bluewillow – Blue-gray she-cat with green eyes
    Apprentice, Brackenpaw (Dark brown tabby tom with lighter points) ((Crashingnose’s brother))
    Ravenwish – Small smoky gray tom with blue eyes
    Wildfeather – Handsome mottled golden tom with brown flecks like owl feathers
    Apprentice, Willowpaw (Black tabby she-cat with white underbelly and smoky blue eyes)
    Hazelshine – Hazel-colored tom with lighter flecks and amber eyes
    Mistsplash – White and gray she-cat with bright blue eyes
    Whistleleaf – Mottled gray she-cat with white flecks and blue eyes
    Stormstripe – Dark gray tom with black stripes
    Specklesnow – Tortoiseshell she-cat with white patches like fallen snow
    Snowfeather – Pale white she-cat with pale blue eyes and black ears (mother to Stormstripe’s kits: Dawnkit, gray and calico she-kit; Shadekit, dark brown she-kit; Leafkit, jet black she-kit with green eyes)
    Whitemist – White she-cat with green eyes (expecting Sunningfeather’s kits)
    Ashmist – Mottled gray tom with dark blue eyes and long scar across ears
    Flamewillow – Beautiful orange she-cat with smoky black paws and dazzling green eyes

    oH nO! Crashingnose (warrior) has been found dead!

    – Mistsplash
    – Stormpaw
    – Crystalstar

    – Bramblepaw and Foxstorm separated from their patrol to hunt near the beeches. Perhaps they know something?
    – Someone used prey blood to lure the rats to kill Crashingnose.
    – He was murdered not long before the body was found.

    Ask up to 2 questions. Accuse anyone anytime.

  • Enter the right thing

    Rules: The Areas
    If you enter, nothing happens. All of your weapons (we will get to that later) and lives are safe, and you get to your whatever successfully.
    If you enter, Pebble will give you a point, an escort to the entrance to your transportation station, and there is a 50% chance you will get a weapon. You can’t get weapons if you already have one though. Also, you can’t get a weapon if you’re dead. There are two of these rooms.
    If you enter, Shadow is gonna be a murderer and murder you, and you will lose one of your infinite lives, but if you have a weapon, then you have a 50% chance of beating Shadow and surviving, but if you don’t beat Shadow, you lose one of your lives and your weapon. There is one room of this kind.
    If you enter, River is going to give some sort of herb to you that will cure one of your lost lives. If you have all of your infinite lives, then River is going to be like Crystal and ignore you. There are two rooms of this kind.
    These rooms are cursed, but not as cursed as Shadow’s Room. If you enter, Flameclaw is going to take your weapon, but you still have a slim 5% of escaping with your weapon. There are 3 rooms of this kind.

    Rules: Life and Death
    Reviving Yourself:
    Going into River’s isn’t enough to go back to normal if you are Double Dead. You would just go back to Dead. If you are Double Dead or more, another hard strategy would help return you to the leaderboard. This requires going to Shadow’s, along with someone else. There is a 50% chance that, if you are Double Dead or more, she would ignore you. There is also another 50% chance that she would kill your player and you have no one to take lives from. Another 50% chance is actually killing the player, and taking away the amount of lives you got taken off. If you don’t succeed, you only take away one of their lives and you only revive one of your own lives. This will not work if your victim has a weapon.
    Surving Shadow
    Another good way to survive Shadow without a weapon is to go with someone else, as long as that ‘someone else’ isn’t Double Dead or more. If two people both go into Shadow’s, both of them have a 50% chance of surviving, but if one survives, the other dies. Same goes with three players. One of them survives, two of them die, and so on.
    Two in the same area?
    Now, cats in the same room mechanics work differently. You now have a 50% chance each of getting the good stuff or the bad stuff first.

    Now you can pick your area (just type in a number 1-20), receive your weapons, die, get healed, get robbed, or get ignored.

    PEOPLE WHO GOT THE RIGHT AREA: (w means weapon)
    3: Frosto
    2: Ivyla (w)
    1: Moona

    Double dead: Shadoof

    Last Round’s status:
    Pebble: No one
    Shadow: No one
    River: No one
    Flameclaw: No one
    Crystal: Frosto

  • Chosen Paths:

    The Rules:

    - The Rules are similar to Sandy’s game, but this time this is free-for-all but with a few rules.
    - The results commented below might be changed to something if two choices are similar.
    - Your goal is to try to live.

    The winning choice was for Crystalpaw to ask Dawnblaze or Hickorywing about the deal!
    Important information: Crystalpaw is an apprentice of RiverClan. There was a flood, and she had to pick whether she should save Lionpaw or Lightpaw, and she saved Lightpaw. Crystalpaw then realizes that their mentors, Beestream and Swampwater, are nowhere to be seen, and Lionpaw is still missing. She asks Grassbird, but she refuses to help, so she sneaks off on her own. Lightpaw finds out, so Crystalpaw asks her for help, but they run into a mysterious cat. The mysterious cat turns out to be a ThunderClan cat, and Crystalpaw and Lightpaw are kidnapped and they find themselves with Heatherpaw.

    Chapter 2: Flood

    RiverClan allegiences:
    Leader: Hawkstar – Sleek brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes and white chest and paws
    Deputy: Eagletail – Ginger tom with amber eyes and unusually long claws and tail
    Medicine cat: Hollyheart – Black and dark brown she-cat with mint green eyes and short tail
    Apprentice, Featherpaw (Pale white she-cat)
    Warriors: Swampwater – Dark brown tabby tom with gray underbelly and green eyes
    Apprentice, Lionpaw (Fiery ginger tom with thick fur like a lion’s mane)
    Grassbird – Long-furred light brown she-cat
    Apprentice, Crystalpaw (Silver she-cat with golden rosettes and blue and green eyes)
    Snakestripe – Slender black she-cat with ice blue eyes and gray stripes
    Kestrelclaw – Reddish brown she-cat with pale underbelly
    Apprentice, Honeysucklepaw (Golden brown she-cat)
    Kinkfall – Jet black she-cat with a crooked tail
    Leapflight – Dark ginger tabby tom with white striped legs, face, tail, and ears
    Gingerfur – Ginger tom
    Briarblossom – Gray-brown she-cat with green eyes and darker stripe running on back
    Sleeklight – Pale ginger she-cat with long whiskers
    Mallowtail – Pale brown tabby and gray tabby tom with white muzzle and tail tip
    Apprentice, Heatherpaw (Dark brown she-cat with white chest and paws)
    Honeybird – Ginger she-cat with short tail and green eyes
    Adderfrond – Splotchy dark brown tabby tom
    Beestream – Golden tabby she-cat with black stripes on face and ears
    Apprentice, Lightpaw (White she-cat with amber eyes)
    Brackenflower – Pale ginger she-cat with long whiskers and tail (mother to Foxkit, ginger she-kit; Flykit, spotted gray tabby she-kit)
    Windbreeze – Striped gray tabby she-cat with sky blue eyes
    Leafheart – Pale gray she-cat

    ThunderClan allegiences:
    Leader: Pikestar – Battle-scarred ginger tom with amber eyes and long tail
    Deputy: Brackenfire – Golden brown tabby tom with bushy tail and long fur
    Medicine cat: Cloudtuft – Long-furred white tom with green eyes
    Apprentice, Lostshade (Ragged gray-brown tom)
    Graveleye – Mottled gray and white tom with blue eyes and white paws
    Springleaf – Long-furred gray tabby and white she-cat with green eyes
    Dawnblaze – Flame-colored tabby she-cat with black markings and amber eyes
    Apprentice, Flowerpaw (Tortoiseshell and white she-cat)
    Spottedgorse – Dark brown spotted tabby and white she-cat with green eyes
    Clawslash – Large broad-shouldered gray and white tom with rusty amber eyes
    Hickorywing – Dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes
    Apprentice, Slashpaw (Dark brown tabby tom with white slashes)
    Paleflower – Pale brown she-cat with green eyes
    Apprentice, Driftpaw (Dark gray tom with watery blue eyes)
    Cherrypelt – Ginger tabby and white she-cat
    Apprentice, Shadepaw (Black and white she-cat with green eyes)
    Sparrowshade – Light brown tabby tom with long fur and amber eyes
    Featherfall – Long-furred black she-cat with light gray eyes
    Daisyfoot – Gray and white she-cat with amber eyes (mother to Shinykit, silver tabby and white she-cat; Flickerkit, golden tabby tom; Whitekit, gray and white she-cat with ice blue eyes)

    “A juicy deal with Hawkstar….” muttered Crystalpaw under her breath, but loud enough for Lightpaw and Heatherpaw to hear.
    “I wonder what ThunderClan is planning to do with her and RiverClan,” whispered Heatherpaw.
    “I say we should ask, right Crystalpaw?” asked Lightpaw.
    “Yes, we should ask. Now we kn0w what’s going on and what ThunderClan is planning to do,” replied Crystalpaw. Though she was exhausted, Crystalpaw stood up on all four paws and walked up to one of the guards, a striking flame-colored she-cat with black markings like charred patches of fur. Scars criss crossed her pelt. The second guard was a sturdy, broad-shouldered dark brown tabby tom with a scar down his shoulder. None of them looked friendly, but it was worth asking.
    “What are you planning to do with Hawkstar?” whispered Crystalpaw into the she-cat’s ear.
    “You are not supposed to know that, you apprentice. I heard that rumors spread throughout the clan much quicker if any apprentices get their paws on it,” hissed the orange she-cat.
    “Yeah, we could tell you, but otherwise you cannot return until we make that deal or we will just simply kill you, and you want to return to RiverClan, right?” sneered the dark brown tabby tom.
    “Well, that place is flooded right now,” shuddered Heatherpaw nervously.
    “So you are glad. Why don’t you join ThunderClan?” offered the orange she-cat.
    “Um….sure, it might be safer there, with no floods….” replied Heatherpaw, still shaking.
    “Very well. We will ask Pikestar to make you a ThunderClan apprentice. But once you become one,” hissed the orange she-cat, “you must stay loyal to ThunderClan at all costs. When we fight for Sunningrocks, you must be willing to take down your old friends.”
    “O-o-okay,” shuddered Heatherpaw and Hickorywing lead her out of the den.
    “What about you?” hissed the orange she-cat.
    “No way! I am loyal to RiverClan at all costs!” snarled Lightpaw, drawing her lips back.
    “I agree with Lightpaw. I will remain loyal to RiverClan!” declared Crystalpaw, nodding towards Lightpaw.
    “Very well. You may remain as prisoners….that is, until we get Sunningrocks back,” snarled the orange she-cat.

    What does Crystalpaw do?
    – Dawnblaze and Hickorywing are guarding the den.

    • Joins ThunderClan to find out the plan, but makes a secret plan with the other captive apprentices to go back to RiverClan after the Sunningrocks battle if they want to

  • Murder Mystery but the murderer is more savage than usual

    Lilyfrost: So last time there was a tie, a random draw, and Needletail is executed.
    Lilyfrost: And today Violetshine is killed. The murderer must really hate these girls or Pebbleshine or Hawkwing.
    Lilyfrost: Whatever…let’s get on to the juicy stuff. The murderer set down a trail of assorted herbs toward a random lone fox trap in SkyClan territory and waited for Frecklewish to call on Violetshine to search that area…and she dies. Of the fox trap.
    Lilyfrost: So everyone….tell me why you are innocent.
    Alderheart: I was collecting herbs near the lake, in ThunderClan territory.
    Sparkpelt: I was hanging out with Larksong near the lake…it was so beautiful!
    Jayfeather: I was collecting herbs near the lake in ThunderClan territory, and NOT in the middle of a SkyClan forest.
    Tree: I was hanging out in the SkyClan camp doing my mediator things. Why is there a murderer loose in the forest?
    Finleap: I was discussing with Squirrelflight about the patrols.

    2: Public
    1: Murderers

    1: Dewfeather, Ambixie, Ria, Mal

    4: Flametail
    3: Squirrelflight
    2: Brambleclaw
    1: Bluestar

  • Irebulenem

    Leader: Crystalstar – Silver she-cat with unusual spots and a long, fluffy, tail; crystally blue eyes
    Deputy: Hawkeye – Orange tabby she-cat with long fur and amber eyes
    Medicine Cats:
    Foxbreeze – Dark ginger she-cat with white flash on chest and black paws (Crashingnose’s half-sister)
    Apprentice, Ebonypaw (Striking black she-cat with green eyes)
    Fallenwhisper – Silver and black she-cat with blue eyes
    Dapplefern – Mottled brown and gray tom with green eyes (Crashingnose’s brother)
    Apprentice, Stormpaw (Silver she-cat with dark green eyes)
    Mistyheart – White she-cat with pale, misty blue eyes
    Tigerleap – Orange tabby tom with green eyes, black stripes, and white underbelly
    Sunningfeather – Golden tom with pale yellow eyes and long fur
    Whiskertail – Dark ginger she-cat with white tail tip and paw
    Foxstorm – Reddish ginger she-cat white underbelly and muzzle (Crashingnose’s sister)
    Apprentice, Bramblepaw (Golden tabby she-cat with brown underbelly and paws) ((Crashingnose’s sister))
    Willowtail – Smoky black she-cat with amber eyes
    Apprentice, Halfpaw (Black and silver chimera tabby she-cat)
    Primrosewillow – Dark cream she-cat
    Swanwing – Silver she-cat with black muzzle, tail, and paws
    Feathershine – Long-furred silver tabby she-cat with pale blue eyes (Crashingnose’s unofficial mate)
    Bluewillow – Blue-gray she-cat with green eyes
    Apprentice, Brackenpaw (Dark brown tabby tom with lighter points) ((Crashingnose’s brother))
    Ravenwish – Small smoky gray tom with blue eyes
    Wildfeather – Handsome mottled golden tom with brown flecks like owl feathers
    Apprentice, Willowpaw (Black tabby she-cat with white underbelly and smoky blue eyes)
    Hazelshine – Hazel-colored tom with lighter flecks and amber eyes
    Mistsplash – White and gray she-cat with bright blue eyes
    Whistleleaf – Mottled gray she-cat with white flecks and blue eyes
    Stormstripe – Dark gray tom with black stripes
    Specklesnow – Tortoiseshell she-cat with white patches like fallen snow
    Snowfeather – Pale white she-cat with pale blue eyes and black ears (mother to Stormstripe’s kits: Dawnkit, gray and calico she-kit; Shadekit, dark brown she-kit; Leafkit, jet black she-kit with green eyes)
    Whitemist – White she-cat with green eyes (expecting Sunningfeather’s kits)
    Ashmist – Mottled gray tom with dark blue eyes and long scar across ears
    Flamewillow – Beautiful orange she-cat with smoky black paws and dazzling green eyes

    oH nO! Crashingnose (warrior) has been found dead!

    – Mistsplash
    – Stormpaw
    – Crystalstar
    – All queens and kits

    – Bramblepaw and Foxstorm separated from their patrol to hunt near the beeches. Perhaps they know something?
    – Someone used prey blood to lure the rats to kill Crashingnose.
    – He was murdered not long before the body was found.
    – Bluewillow and Foxstorm are the only cats who disliked Crashingnose.

    Who didn’t like him or was jealous of him? (by Archkit)
    Your random cat is….Stormpaw!
    Dapplefern told me that only Foxstorm and Bluewillow disliked him. I know he’s his brother, but I don’t think he knows everything.

    Crystalstar, where was the body found? (by Batman)
    Near the beech trees where everyone who can catch their own prey likes to hunt.

    Ask up to 2 questions. Accuse anyone anytime.

    • Bramblepaw – Did Foxstorm ever mention that he wanted to kill Crashingnose?
      Bramblepaw – were you part of the murder?


    • Tribe Words game suggestion accepted! (by Lil)
    • Ancient names not accepted, because in my opinion ancient names are usually warrior names with a space in between them and just make slightly more sense (by Lil)
    • Inside joke coin not accepted, because I understand absolutely no inside jokes (by Lil)
    • Random name coin not accepted, because I don’t really know what to classify as “random” (by Lil)
    • People choice’s coin not accepted. (by Lil)
    • I’m not sure what you mean by dares and game requests (by Lil)
    • Like I don’t know how to classify as “Random”, I also don’t know what to classify as “creative”

    Lil receives 7 bronze coins!


    • New Games (for the Main Game)
    • New products in the QAMDO store
    • New *SPECIAL* coins
    • Functions for *SPECIAL* coins
    • Ways to get the Diamond Coin