
Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this year’s gift exchange! As always, your creations were absolutely wonderful and you never fail to blow me away with your talent and creativity! To find your name in...
Okay, so this post is a little later than what I would’ve wanted, but I’ve had a busy week 😛 I’m also a little tired, so, only one cat pic this time 😛 You’re getting plenty from Cadvent, anyway...
The seventh edition of the Blog Monthly is here – written by Lil, fresh off the printing press Hello, everyone!! The Blog Monthly is back and better than ever! I hope you all love this edition, in my opinion it is one...
Pandapeltl gives warrior names to dragons from Wings of Fire.
Rosefern shares some thoughts on Jayfeather and Jay’s Wing.
Claimed! This is the page for my winged fox collab!
A Poisonous Path is a sort-of fan fiction about three tribes of foxes, and one rogue group. I do not know if, in the future, there will be more books when the 1st one is finished, but I’ll know when we get closer to the end of the book.
But for now, I’ll be focusing on the present state of this collab! I’ll post information, select people for jobs, and get this world going.
Please, before you sign up for anything, look at the google docs that has info on the tribes and rogue group:
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KJb52D63Q0h72uH4BuJmSR4_XIHP-oml8nNiH_FXS-o/edit?usp=sharing (The images don’t have winged foxes since there aren’t a lot of images of that)
In order to avoid chaos, I will be selecting…
-4 or 3 main writers(this depends on what I decide about the POV’s, if I should have 3 or 4. Please voice your opinion about this below).
-2 editors(or more if a lot of people sign up)
-3 backup writers, in case one of the main writers forget their job. They will be contacted on the Fan Fiction page about this, or this page if they check here reguarly.
If you would like to sign up for either of these roles, please fill out the form below! 😀
Would you be able to check this page reguarly?
What role would you like to sign up for? (Please note that you may not get the one that you want)
If I haven’t read it already, can you give an example of something you’ve written, such as a fan fiction, so I can see your writing skills?
I’m not going to decide this now, but if you want to be a main writer, which POV would you like to write for(I’ll be writing BlossomClan’s)?
I can’t wait for this world to get started!😁
Name: Shadeleap
Would you be able to check this page reguarly? Definitely. I check sps basically every day, even if they’ve been inactive for months 😛
What role would you like to sign up for? (Please note that you may not get the one that you want) im pretty flexible tbh. I can be whatever you need me to be
If I haven’t read it already, can you give an example of something you’ve written, such as a fan fiction, so I can see your writing skills? You’ve read all mine 🙂
I’m not going to decide this now, but if you want to be a main writer, which POV would you like to write for(I’ll be writing BlossomClan’s)?Rain or Ash both sound cool!
Name: Blazey, aka Blazestrike
Would you be able to check this page reguarly?
‘Course! I check all my sps stuff basically daily.
What role would you like to sign up for? (Please note that you may not get the one that you want)
Writer or Editor if writer is taken!
If I haven’t read it already, can you give an example of something you’ve written, such as a fan fiction, so I can see your writing skills?
I assume you’ve seen some of my fanfics, but I can put some links here if you haven’t.
I’m not going to decide this now, but if you want to be a main writer, which POV would you like to write for(I’ll be writing BlossomClan’s)?
Frostbite Skulk(I love their name btw).
Name: Flamepaw/spirit
Would you be able to check this page regularly? Yep!
What role would you like to sign up for? Writer, but anything is fine!
I’m in progress of writing a fanfic, and if you want you can read it here:
If I’m a writer, it doesn’t matter which POV I’m writing for, but maybe the Ash Tribe or the Frostbite Sulk? 🙂
Tysm Sandi!! <33
Name: Polarpaw/echo
2 Would you be able to check this page regularly?:Yes!
3Role:Any! But I’m going for main writer or backup writer.
4Idk if you have, but I’m working on a fanfic arc called Dawn of Light. HEres the link:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xRVkm9nzVVPy38ojcqma2Gvjg2tDJhA2eVnNuMdjOIU/edit?usp=sharing
5:You can pick me for anything you need! But personally, Ash Tribe or Rain Tribe sounds great
me too Bree!
Name: Skypaw/mist
Would you be able to check this page reguarly? Yes, unless I’m travelling, but I’d still do my best
What role would you like to sign up for? (Please note that you may not get the one that you want) A
If I haven’t read it already, can you give an example of something you’ve written, such as a fan fiction, so I can see your writing skills?
I’m not going to decide this now, but if you want to be a main writer, which POV would you like to write for(I’ll be writing BlossomClan’s)? I can write any! I think my favorite is the Frostbite Skulk or the Rain Tribe ^^
Oh, wait, the part of the fanfiction! I didn’t see it! I think you know what mine is 😛 But here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-CIWfaCJ2orxe7JZP_n0JAJyatY99TsvsM5X93gyIrs/edit# (The Great Five)
Name: Dusklight
Would you be able to check this page reguarly? For sure! I check most of the collab pages regularly!!
What role would you like to sign up for? (Please note that you may not get the one that you want) I’m down for anything! Please put me where you think I will fit best!
If I haven’t read it already, can you give an example of something you’ve written, such as a fan fiction, so I can see your writing skills?
Here’s my main portfolio: (I have two finished fanfics, one that’ll be finished in the next 10 or so days!!) https://www.wattpad.com/user/Dusklights (please reach out if you can’t access Wattpad, and I’ll give you the individual docs links!)
I’m not going to decide this now, but if you want to be a main writer, which POV would you like to write for(I’ll be writing BlossomClan’s)? My preference would be to write for the rogue group perspective, but I could honestly do anything (should I be chosen as a writer)
Ps. I think one cohesive story with a clear ending is probably the best route to take! It could have a sequel, but I’ve noticed that, in collabs, the energy sort of dies off if there isn’t a specific direction! It’s up to you though, Sandi!! Also, I don’t think there should be too many POVs (especially if they’re in different groups.) Maybe writers could team up or something if there’s a lot of interest.
Fun fact: I have experience in writing for winged animals 😛
Oh, please let me join, please I’d love to! I’ll do anything!!
Oh, I’m probably too late, but AAAH PLEASE LET ME JOIN
I think you should have 4 PoVs, that way you get the cultures from all of them!
Name: Amberpaw/leaf
Would you be able to check this page reguarly? YES YES YES EVEN WHEN I’M IN DISNEY I’LL CHECK IT EVERY DAY I PROMISE
What role would you like to sign up for? (Please note that you may not get the one that you want) I really want to be a writer, this seems so amazing amazing amazing amazing amazing (but I’ll do anything!)
If I haven’t read it already, can you give an example of something you’ve written, such as a fan fiction, so I can see your writing skills? You’ve read Smokestar’s Clan! But here you go 🙂 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZrQWzysj_S2ujnVbWb-LHgYC_KpdgXUwHRBz2LVsrNE/edit
I’m not going to decide this now, but if you want to be a main writer, which POV would you like to write for(I’ll be writing BlossomClan’s)? ANYTHING PLEASE! But mostly Ash Tribe! ASH TRIBE LOOKS AMAZING
You can look at the announcement, Ambi, don’t think I would’ve left you out.
This collab needs your enthusiasim😉
Thank you, Bree 🙂
Name: Marblerose
Would you be able to check this page reguarly? of course!
What role would you like to sign up for? (Please note that you may not get the one that you want) any role is fine!
If I haven’t read it already, can you give an example of something you’ve written, such as a fan fiction, so I can see your writing skills? here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SNv9gXTCXBLWRntVPsFaB0d9ss4TP20dbGw47eP2Wi4/edit#
I’m not going to decide this now, but if you want to be a main writer, which POV would you like to write for(I’ll be writing BlossomClan’s)? Ash Tribe! they sound cool
Name: Pantherpaw/frost
Would you be able to check this page regularly? I should be able to! But I have a 3 day vacation soon, so I might be a bit inactive.
What role would you like to sign up for? (Please note that you may not get the one that you want) Writer or Editor if possible!
If I haven’t read it already, can you give an example of something you’ve written, such as a fan fiction, so I can see your writing skills? Hmm . . . I think you’ve read Winter’s Return: Lurking Shadows, and I think you read my new one too. If you need the link, I’ll be happy to give it!
I’m not going to decide this now, but if you want to be a main writer, which POV would you like to write for(I’ll be writing BlossomClan’s)? Ash Tribe or Rain Tribe would be good!
Name: Shadedpaw
Would you be able to check this page reguarly? Yes, of course!
What role would you like to sign up for? (Please note that you may not get the one that you want) Writer, or Backup writer if possible!
If I haven’t read it already, can you give an example of something you’ve written, such as a fan fiction, so I can see your writing skills? Umm… I’m really slow at writing, so there’s the prologue of my dead fanfic but that’s it. Sorry.
(100% sure I’m not going to be a main writer :/ )
And it’s the first version, I kept editing it, and this is probably the worst version of the prologue :((((
I’m not going to decide this now, but if you want to be a main writer, which POV would you like to write for(I’ll be writing BlossomClan’s)? Ash or Frostbite! But I like them all!
I’d love to help with characters and ideas. I just dont wanna write, but definitely want to help! (Sounds so cool!)
Also, in case you need a cover for this, I have made one!
Thanks Shadey! <3 I use a site called Pixlr(which is browser-based and free btw) to make these- if anyone wants to learn how to make a cover feel free to contact me!
Tysm Polar! <33333
NP!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Blazey, I may or may not have asked you smth on your secret page!)
Yup, I saw it!
I think your comment might still be in moderation lol
No problem! It’s my pleasure <3333
Wow, awesome cover!
Thanks Shadedpaw!
Hey also i looking for mentor!
It’s beautiful!
Ty Ambi! <3
I’m dead. THIS COVER IS SOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
Thank you Luna! I really enjoyed making this and seeing all of the positive responses!
AMAZING COVER, Blazey!! I love it! <3
And, um, I hate asking this, but, did you draw the art for the cover yourself? Because I looked up "mythical winged foxes" and the base image for your cover came up first… I'm not sure you can use people's art without permission, or at least without crediting the artist.
Please correct me if I’m wrong, though!
Well, Blazey isn’t selling it, or claiming it to be his own, so I think it’s okay
I personally agree with Roselet and think Blazey needs to credit the artist. Even though they aren’t selling it or claiming it to be theirs, they are still using the artist’s artwork. 🙂
Do you think that, if Blazey gave credit, we could still use the cover?
‘Course I can credit it! I coulda sworn it said Free to Use on another website but then I traced it to the actual artist (Alicja Siemiatkowska, what a name) and I will credit her below.
Here is the link to the actual art: https://asiemiatkowska.artstation.com/projects/Z5O4v0
And here is the link to the artist (their artwork is super cool!): https://asiemiatkowska.artstation.com/
Oh no what if my comment is in spam 0-0
Am I too much?
‘Course not, Ambi! We’re all happy you’re working on this collab and bringing your talent.
Of course not Ambi! You’re fun and energetic, and every on the blog loves you because of it!! One thing to remember, though, the mods probably didn’t appreciate a comment that seemed like you screaming at them. Maybe next time you could tone it down when talking to them? We all know you didn’t mean it that way, though!
Never! We love you ambi!! <333
Okay, I think I’m ready to do the hard part of this collab.
If anyone arrives late, they can have a backup writer role, editor, or artist!
For the main writers, we have
-Shadeleap, writer for Rain Tribe!
-Amberleaf, writer for Ash Tribe!
-And Dusklight, writer for Frostbite Skulk!
I looked at both Dusklight and Amberleaf’s comments to decide the amount of POV’s, and yes, too many POV’s can get confusing and overwhelming. However, I think we should see every part of the Tribe’s cultures, so one group sounds foriegn to us because it is not written for. Maybe one of the writers can use their POV as a kind of Flametail view, like every other chapter. But I don’t know if that should really be offical yet:)
For the backup writers, we have…
-And Marblerose!
Remember, being a backup writer does not mean you are any less important!! I had such a hard time trying to pick everyone and put them in a specified spot. You’ll still do amazing helping with characters, suggesting edits to chapters, and anything else. I could write entire essays on all of you, but sadly school exists.
Now we have the editors!
– And Flamespirit!
Just because you seem like the leftovers does not mean you are the leftovers!! You are all amazing, do not think you are a bad writer! I love both your fan fictions, you all are both very talented. If you don’t want an editor role, or would like to help out with art or anything else you can think of, tell me!
Thanks for signing up everyone, you are all amazing!! I’ll let this announcement sink in and then we’ll get started on characters.
Also, thanks again Blazey for the cover:)
Yay!! Thank you so much for the opportunity, Sandi! I’ve tried to get in on other co-op fanfics, but have never gotten to write for them before!! I’m excited to start this project because of the amazing team of creators I’ll be working with. Everyone here is amazing!
To the new team, and those who might be feeling disappointed with the results: Editing and being an extra write are integral parts of real world novel creation. I looked at all the names, and sure enough, I’ve read and enjoyed fanfics from everyone listed! Editing is what makes a jumble of words turn into a novel, while backup writers, your help in world building and character creation is an integral part of the writing process!
Sandi, Shades, and Ambi: I’m really excited to be working alongside you guys in writing what I know will be a legendary fanfic. I am well aware of the time and effort that goes in to a story, and will always try my best.
To Sandi: Thank you so much for this opportunity! It’s made me super happy!!!
I’m really excited to start this project, work with each and every one of you and get to know you all better!!
No problem Dusklight! Your writing skills are amazing and you have experience with winged creatures too, so I thought you would be perfect for Frostbite Skulk!
I’m sure the collab will be great! 😀 you picked really great writers
Im honored to be a backup!
Backup buddies! 😛
I’m late but could I help run the writing lounge thing here’s a sps https://blogclan.katecary.co.uk/WritersDen/
maybe if not it’s fine but you can take the page anyways! ^^
That secret page is perfect for The Writers Lounge! I had been trying to find one good for the Lounge theme, but you got the perfect sps for it, thanks!
And yes, you can help run it to help it from plunging into inactivity:)
Ok tysm!
Yay! Thank you so much! I can’t wait to work besides you guys and for this to get started! 😀 😀 😀
Oh my goodness THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! I’m so excited to be working alongside everybody, and I feel like this will be amazing! Bree, thank you! This is an amazing idea and I love the cultures already. I’m so excited to develop the Ash Tribe!
No need to thank me for the cover, I loved working on it and hope y’all like it😄
Anyways, I’m so excited to begin this! This seems sooooo interesting and fun to write, and plus we have an extremely talented repertoire of BlogClanners here too.
Wise words Blazey
Edit:LMAO why did that sound completely evil XD
Polarpaw are you hiding somethingNo worries, that totally didn’t sound evil! Totally not!lmaoo okay 🙂 >:)
Great!! You’d be surprised how satisfying it is to correct grammar/dialogue mistakes. Sometimes my friend helps me write my fanfic and she’s admitted that she’s not the best at grammar, so I correct it and for some reason I enjoy it 😛 I’m a walking, talking dictionary and the embodiment of Grammarly 😛
Don’t judge meMe too xD
I may or may not have corrected my math teacher’s grammar while he wrote on the board 😛I did that aswell, Skye!
Me too xD
I may or may not have corrected my math teacher’s grammar while he wrote on the board 😛Two questions:
One: Are the names the same? Like, would I be able to call a fox Emberpup/paw/step?
Two: Are there Medicine Foxes?
I’m not sure what Sandi will say, nor how she plans to do it, but here’s a few fox fun facts! (Because yesterday I did tons of research on fox behaviours 😛)
(This isn’t for the fanfic, but I wanted to needed to know more about the characters I’m writing for, and foxes are actually really cool!)
Baby foxes can actually be called kits, cubs, or pups!
Female foxes are called vixens, while male foxes are called dog foxes!
Foxes actually have litters of 5-8, though they fight a lot early on to establish hierarchy and some of the pups don’t make it 🥺
When foxes fight, they stand up on their hind legs, and let out high-pitched screeches!
1: It’s kinda complicated for foxes, since their babies can be called kit, cub and pup. So..I guess we’ll go with pup then, if that’s what everyone thinks is best for foxes 😛
2: Yes, there are medicine foxes! I’m not going to call them healer foxes like I did in Hurricane:)
So, before we start starting the plot, I think we’d better work on making the world and characters.
I refrained from making these beforehand because I wanted everyone to get in on this project, so it won’t be my world but all of ours!
For those of you who are ready, you can start submitting characters to be taken into the story! Those who are main writers, you can submit main characters for your POV! You can add characters for different tribes than you are writing for, too:)
Just fill this out, and add some more things of your own if you can think of any:)
Character Name:
Appearance(BlossomClan are in the autumn kind of colors, Ash Tribe darker colors, and so on):
Tribe(or list the Frostbite Skulk if they’re in there):
Fox picture that looks similar to their appreance?
Family, optional:
Backstory, also optional:
Anything else?
I’m so glad with all the enthusiasm that this project has gotten already!
Character Name: Drizzlepaw/breeze (or Drizzlepup i guess? she’s an apprentice, if that helps :P)
Appearance(BlossomClan are in the autumn kind of colors, Ash Tribe darker colors, and so on): a small, she-fox with lighter brown fur that can look golden in the sunlight. She also has a white underbelly and tail-tip, a fluffy tail, and black ear-tips
Tribe(or list the Frostbite Skulk if they’re in there): RainClan
Fox picture that looks similar to their appreance? here are a few
Family, optional: mom: Palebirch, brother: Fallenpaw/rain
Backstory, also optional: she knows she was named after the Clan, and strives to be a warrior they can be proud of. She feels insecure when she fails and often feels like she’s not good enough
Anything else? Nope!
Character Name: Emberstep
Appearance(BlossomClan are in the autumn kind of colors, Ash Tribe darker colors, and so on): Coal-black dog-fox with red paws (which he is named after) and wings and red eyes
Tribe(or list the Frostbite Skulk if they’re in there): Ash Tribe
Fox picture that looks similar to their appreance? I can’t find any rn, but I will draw him later
Family, optional: He has a sister called Stagpounce (Grey and white vixen) who he quarrels witj. His father was
Backstory, also optional: He is a medicine cat, but has more internet in the Dark Forest than Star Tribe. He believes in Light inside Dark, and spends his tine studying the poison to try and find a cure. He believes in the Greater Good and also that he is the one who should save the Tribes
Anything else? He is not really trusted amongst the Clan, and the leader is desperate to find a more “sane” apprentice.
I don’t think I explained him very well. Pretty much, he brings poisons like deathberries into the camp to study them. He’s seen as evil bc of this but he isn’t. He keeps it all seperate from his herbs and well protected. Apprentices call him names like Deathbringer or Evil-Seeds, but he honestly doesn’t care. He knows what he’s doing is good and well-controlled, and he’s given the Tribes valuable information even if nobody appreciates it.
Also, some extra backstory. His mother is Ravenleap and his father was Pounceflame. Pounceflame was killed by poison when he and Stagpaw were apprentices (six moons) After that the two cats who were once close together argued, because they both had different views about it.
Stagpaw became terrified of the poison, and vowed to stay away from it. When she became a warrior she asked to be called Stagpounce after Pounceflame.
Emberpaw, on the other hand, wanted to prevent that from happening again. He became a medicine cat but also started studying the poison. He kept it secret until Stagpounce found out. Very few cats trust him now.
I forgot something about him- he wears a red bandana that he found from a Twolegplace. He pulls it over his mouth and nose when dealing witj the poison.
Character Name:Peak
Appearance(BlossomClan are in the autumn kind of colors, Ash Tribe darker colors, and so on): A pure white vixen with dark blu eyes commonly mistaken for black
Tribe(or list the Frostbite Skulk if they’re in there):(Frostbite sulk lol
Fox picture that looks similar to their appreance?here!
Family, optional:I don’t wanna put a lot since that would make literally half the tribe related one to another closely and I don’t want that since it is SUPER annoying
Backstory, also optional: Peak was born outside of the Frostbite sulks and never knew her family. She was brought to the tribe by a Dog fox named Snow. He died shortly after
Anything else? Peak espescially likes honey because it is non-existent in the mountains
Character Name: Featherpaw/flake
Appearance(BlossomClan are in the autumn kind of colors, Ash Tribe darker colors, and so on): pale ginger and white vixen with amber eyes and feather-soft fur
Tribe(or list the Frostbite Skulk if they’re in there): Blossom Tribe
Fox picture that looks similar to their appreance? https://i.pinimg.com/originals/d5/01/67/d50167b8e8407562595b3a0e3730ec16.jpg
Family, optional: father: Lightningswoop, mother: Sorrelcloud, sister: Marigoldpaw/fern
Backstory, also optional: normal stuff
Anything else? none
Character Name: Flurry
Appearance(BlossomClan are in the autumn kind of colors, Ash Tribe darker colors, and so on): fluffy white vixen with dark blue eyes and silver-tipped ears and tail
Tribe(or list the Frostbite Skulk if they’re in there): Frostbite Skulk
Fox picture that looks similar to their appreance? https://cdn.expeditions.com/globalassets/expedition-stories/wild-personalities-arctic-fox/arctic-fox-main.jpg?width=1920&height=1080&mode=crop&scale=none&quality=50
Family, optional: mother: Aurora, father: Frostbite, she also has a deceased brother who died shortly after birth
Backstory, also optional: she was born to Aurora and Frostbite along with her brother, who died shortly after birth. Her parents were overtaken with grief as they only wanted a dog-fox, and started being mean to Flurry, wishing that she had died instead of her brother
Anything else? none
wait I meant her father’s name is Lapis, not Frostbite
the spam monster ate my comment 🙁
I’ll add some later!
Character Name: Rubymist
Appearance(BlossomClan are in the autumn kind of colors, Ash Tribe darker colors, and so on): Very, very dark red vixen with even darker wings.
Tribe(or list the Frostbite Skulk if they’re in there): Ash Tribe
Fox picture that looks similar to their appreance? https://siberiantimes.com/upload/information_system_52/7/3/4/item_7342/information_items_7342.jpg
Family, optional: Has three younger brothers, Redpup/glow, Beepup/spring and Moonpup/dart. Mother- Marshsky, Father- Dustyheart
Backstory, also optional: She’s good friends with Emberstep and joins him when he is unfairly exiled.
Anything else? A question- does the medicine cat code still apply?
Character Name: Beepup/spring
Appearance(BlossomClan are in the autumn kind of colors, Ash Tribe darker colors, and so on): Black dog-fox with amber eyes and light golden wings.
Tribe(or list the Frostbite Skulk if they’re in there): Ash Tribe
Fox picture that looks similar to their appreance? https://static.boredpanda.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/black-silver-fox-421__880.jpg
Family, optional: Has two brothers, Moonpup/dart and Redpup/glow, and one older sister, Rubymist. Mother-Marshsky, Father- Duskyheart.
Backstory, also optional: He’s a bully and particularly picks on Redpup and Emberstep, calling the pair names. Emberstep desides to take him as his apprentice to teach him a lesson, and when he learns to be kinder he would allow him to become a warrior. But Beepaw decides to eat some poison from Emberstep’s stores to frame him, and although the medicine cat saves him, Emberstep is exiled. He has to become the medicine cat, though, and the Tribe falls into chaos.
Anything else?
Sorry, Redpup is a vixen.
Character Name: Mistypaw/pelt
Appearance(BlossomClan are in the autumn kind of colors, Ash Tribe darker colors, and so on): Dark grey vixen with a white belly
Tribe(or list the Frostbite Skulk if they’re in there): Ash Tribe
Fox picture that looks similar to their appreance? https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fpixels.com%2Ffeatured%2Fgrey-and-white-fox-cub-sam-rino.html&psig=AOvVaw0enFWEsVJ7M8NFMVBcTLEy&ust=1681159462577000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CA0QjRxqFwoTCIDK0JjVnf4CFQAAAAAdAAAAABAO
Family, optional: Nah
Backstory, also optional: She gets really sick right before Emberstep is exiled. Emberstep knows that death berries can cure her, but that Beepup (Beepaw) wouldn’t think to use them.
Anything else?
Character Name: Blackpaw/stripe
Appearance(BlossomClan are in the autumn kind of colors, Ash Tribe darker colors, and so on): Black dog-fox with white markings and blue eyes
Tribe(or list the Frostbite Skulk if they’re in there): Ash Tribe
Fox picture that looks similar to their appreance? https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.istockphoto.com%2Fphoto%2Fportrait-of-a-red-fox-seen-from-the-side-looking-away-in-stylish-black-and-white-gm1297040990-390285139&psig=AOvVaw2Hc7E4YoESm3YkPkD6RZmF&ust=1681240223840000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CA0QjRxqFwoTCIjs7I-CoP4CFQAAAAAdAAAAABAI
Family, optional: His future mate is Mistypaw/pelt
Backstory, also optional: He’s kinda just there. He ‘protects’ Mistypaw from Emberstep, but Mistypaw tries to convince him that Emberstep isn’t evil.
Anything else?
Hi Sandi! I have a few questions if you don’t mind, sorry if there’s too many! I just want to understand a bit more about the world, before I create my main character!
1. Do all the foxes have wings (tribes, Frostbite skulk, outsiders, etc?)
2. Where is the main setting of the story?
3. I noticed in the picture for Frostbite Skulk that they are arctic foxes! (So cute)!! I’m guessing they’re all Arctic foxes?
4. Is there any additional lore elements you currently have for the Skulk? Like do they operate very differently/similarly from the tribes? (Location, rank names, lifestyle, etc?)
5. Is there a vague idea for a plot/major themes?
Thankssss! I have a vague idea for a character, but I want to see what the other writers have so we don’t experience major overlap!!
Sorry, sorry I’m very late! Easter has just gotten too crazy with family visiting and all.
1. Do all the foxes have wings (tribes, Frostbite skulk, outsiders, etc?) I’m pretty sure that all the tribes will have wings. Frostbite Skulk and outsiders do not have any, though I’m thinking of giving something to Frostbite skulk to make them seem ferocious and alien to the Tribes. But maybe they’ll just be ordinary foxes with fierceness and stuff like that. I’d love to hear your opinion on it!
2. Where is the main setting of the story? I’d love for everyone to pitch in and help create a world together, everyone can contribute to establishing unique territories and things like that. Though there is the vague idea of Ash Tribe living in a Pine tree forest/swamp, Rain Tribe in the jungle, and all the other things that are in the google doc.
3. I noticed in the picture for Frostbite Skulk that they are arctic foxes! (So cute)!! I’m guessing they’re all Arctic foxes? Yes, they are, the cute furballs are ferocious animals:) They’ll be living in some snowy mountains.
4. Is there any additional lore elements you currently have for the Skulk? Like do they operate very differently/similarly from the tribes? (Location, rank names, lifestyle, etc?) They’ll operate differently to give some variety to the different groups,
5. Is there a vague idea for a plot/major themes? I have a very vague idea of having something poisonous involved, whether it be physical or not. Though the title does give me the idea of a physical “poisonous path,” whatever that may be. I do know that Frostbite Skulk will attack, though that isn’t the major part, since I think a rogue group attacking is overused.
I took a lot of inspiration from the title while creating my PoV, the medicine fox Emberstep. I’ve kinda got something planned for him, can I share it?
Of course! I love any plot ideas:)
So basically, alongside Emberstep’s medicine cat duties, he collects poisons to study and hopefully find a cure to. He’s not trusted in the Clans, but he doesn’t care about their remarks.
There’s one fox in particular called Beepup who’s a bully to his littermates, but also he loathes Emberstep because his other littermate Sunpup died from poison (which wasn’t Emberstep’s fault and it didn’t come from his poison stores) but Beepup blamed him.
Emberstep decides to teach Beepup a lesson. The latter is almost six moons and Emberstep asks the leader if Beepup could become his apprentice. Once the pup had learnt some respect he’d allow him to continue training as a warrior, should he want to.
1-2 moons later Beepaw finds the opportunity to frame Emberstep. He eats some foxglove seeds from Emberstep’s stores knowing that he would be saved with Emberstep’s yarrow. But he blames Emberstep, saying that he force-fed him the seeds and that it was lucky that he was near to some yarrow. The leader, who had been suspicious of Emberstep, believed Beepaw, and exiled Emberstep. Emberstep’s friend, Rubymist, joins him.
The next day at sunset an apprentice, Redpaw, joins them. She’d ran away because Beepup had been bullying her. She says how Beepaw had been given his Medicine Fox name, Beespring, and that the Tribe had fallen into chaos.
They go back to see for themselves and see Mistypaw, a young apprentice, who is really ill. No herbs that Beespring tries can cure her. Emberstep knows that deathberries would be able to cure her, but that Beespring wouldn’t thibk to see them.
But I’m not sure what happens next. Any ideas?
Wow, that is really good so far! I’d also like for the other POV’s to meet together, so we could put them in there somewhere.
I’m still deciding between having Emberstep give her the deathberries in front of everyone, or do something else. I know that some people like when POV’s reveal things and some people like it when they’re hidden.
Maybe Emberstep could disguise the deathberries as a different herb, and since they’re not deathberries she’ll eat them? He could/could not reveal that they were deathberries later on.
I don’t really know if Emberstep would do that. His tribemates’ trust in him, although nonexistent, is important, and he spends his whole life trying to convince the Tribe that he’s a good guy. Therefore, I can’t really imagine that he’d hide the deathberries, seeing as when the secret eventually came out he would lose all trust he once had.
Hi Sandbreeze. Does it require a very good art talent to be an artist? I’m OK with being a backup writer, but since there is an artist role, I would love to take it! Problem is, I’m an amateur, and my art is unpopular. And I usually don’t have a lot of time to create digital art, so it may be that my art would mostly be consisted of Traditional ones. But is it OK if I can be an artist? I’m in too many co-fanfics right now, so it’ll be pretty difficult for me to write here, too.
I’ve never seen your art! I bet it’s great, could you send some photos?
Trust me, it’s not. No one liked it…
Well, I like it! It’s really good, Shadedpaw!
Shadedpaw, I am super sure your art is amazing, of course you can be an artist! My desktop is acting weird with image hosting sites, so when I get on my school laptop tomorrow I’ll be sure to check it out!
Hey Sandi! I’m a little late, but can I help? Like with editing and everything?
Of course! You can be an editor, or artist, if you’d like. You can also help plan plot and things like that:)
How does the Burn work for medicine cats?
I think you mean medicine foxes..
The Burn? What do you mean?
Oh…do you mean the markings? I just added them in for you!
Not me, stalking this page because I’m desperate to start writing
Sorry, this was on pause for a sec because my week has been crazy 😅
Will we have different names for StarClan (Star Tribe?) The Dark Forest, and Twolegplace?
Probably! I’m thinking of using Star Tribe, something else for Dark Forest, and the Twolegs will be called something else, but the Erins seemed to have used every name possible already. Flatfaces, Longpaws, Nofurs, Upwalkers…
For the DF, maybe smth like the Skulk Forest or Shadowed Caves?
ooo, I love Shadowed Caves! Maybe we’ll use that one!
lol! Glad to be able to help!
OH! How about TwoPawed Tribe? For the TwoLegs