• Sorry I’m late! I was on a bit of a blog break, but I’m back!

    Character Name: Crescent
    Appearance(BlossomClan are in the autumn kind of colors, Ash Tribe darker colors, and so on):light blue vixen with black paws and a tail, but a white tail tip and amber eyes

    Tribe(or list the Frostbite Skulk if they’re in there): Frostbite Skulk

    Fox picture that looks similar to their appreance? https://freeimage.host/i/fox.HkvYwZB

    Family, optional: Mom: Mist (dead), Dad: Blizzard (dead), Brother: Fang, Sister: Nova

    Backstory, also optional: Crescent was bullied as a pup by her parents because of her amber eyes, as all the foxes in her family line had blue eyes. Her family had the reputation of being the prettiest family of foxes. She got mad one day and decided to work up to be what her family wanted her to be instead of cowering. Her siblings helped her. Soon, she became the best fighter in the skulk, and kept getting better.

    Anything else? Could she be a friend to the pov in Frostbite Skulk? But, I guess that’s a question for Dusklight 😛

  • another character

    Character Name: Midnightpaw/mask
    Appearance(BlossomClan are in the autumn kind of colors, Ash Tribe darker colors, and so on): bluish-black vixen with a red circle on her forehead and a red-tipped tail
    Tribe(or list the Frostbite Skulk if they’re in there): Ash Tribe
    Fox picture that looks similar to their appreance? https://iili.io/HkvD0mP.jpg (this but the golden markings are red, also ignore the multiple tails) credits to WwWLINA13
    Family, optional: mother: Twilightfall, father: Lightningsight, brothers: Acornpaw/ember and Thunderpaw/spark, sister: Cinderpaw/poppy, younger brothers: Coalpup/skip, Badgerpup/flame and Timberpup/hollow, younger sisters: Hollypup/breeze and Echopup/sun
    Backstory, also optional: she was born to Twilightfall and Lightningsight along with her brothers and sister. Midnightpup was less naïve and playful than her siblings, she only cared about becoming a good warrior when getting older. when they became apprentices, Midnightpaw got more secretive and trained and hunted by herself in secret, which made her mentor angry and she was called “disrespectful”. her parents had another litter of pups, but Midnightpaw didn’t care. she then befriended two apprentices, Minkpaw/moon (female) and Hollowpaw/pounce (male).
    Anything else? none

  • Here’s some information on my OCs!

    Emberstep: Black dog-fox, red paws, red wings, red bandana. Very calm, sensible, level-headed. He feels at home amongst his herbs, and only gets stressed when his stores are left in the control of someone else.
    Stagleap: Dark brown striped vixen, green eyes, black wings. Cold and unwelcoming. Not mean, but quite quiet. She constantly seems sad, and that’s because she misses when Emberstep and her were best friends.
    Beepup: Black dog-fox, amber eyes, bee-like amber wings. A bully.
    Moonpup: Dark grey dog-fox, blue eyes, blue wings. Quiet, and doesn’t draw attention to himself. He avoids Beepup and Redpup and doesn’t get into fights.
    Redpup: Dark red vixen, brown eyes, lighter red wings. She’s a typical bullied victim. She struggles with self-doubt and doesn’t think she’s worthy of an apprentice rank. She’s good friends with Emberstep and Rubymist because they support her.
    Rubymist: Very, very dark red vixen, hazel eyes, darker wings. Hot-tempered and gets into arguments easily. She’s very kind-hearted though, and apologises when she shouts.
    Mistypaw: Dark grey vixen, white belly, blue eyes, dark blue wings. Shy and nervous. She doesn’t trust Emberstep.
    Blackpaw: Black dog-fox, white markings, purple wings, blue eyes. Very boastful and confident in himself. He’s annoying, but nice enough.

  • Reposito burrito: Emberstep Plot

    So basically, alongside Emberstep’s medicine cat duties, he collects poisons to study and hopefully find a cure to. He’s not trusted in the Clans, but he doesn’t care about their remarks.
    There’s one fox in particular called Beepup who’s a bully to his littermates, but also he loathes Emberstep because his other littermate Sunpup died from poison (which wasn’t Emberstep’s fault and it didn’t come from his poison stores) but Beepup blamed him.
    Emberstep decides to teach Beepup a lesson. The latter is almost six moons and Emberstep asks the leader if Beepup could become his apprentice. Once the pup had learnt some respect he’d allow him to continue training as a warrior, should he want to.
    1-2 moons later Beepaw finds the opportunity to frame Emberstep. He eats some foxglove seeds from Emberstep’s stores knowing that he would be saved with Emberstep’s yarrow. But he blames Emberstep, saying that he force-fed him the seeds and that it was lucky that he was near to some yarrow. The leader, who had been suspicious of Emberstep, believed Beepaw, and exiled Emberstep. Emberstep’s friend, Rubymist, joins him.
    The next day at sunset an apprentice, Redpaw, joins them. She’d ran away because Beepup had been bullying her. She says how Beepaw had been given his Medicine Fox name, Beespring, and that the Tribe had fallen into chaos.
    They go back to see for themselves and see Mistypaw, a young apprentice, who is really ill. No herbs that Beespring tries can cure her. Emberstep knows that deathberries would be able to cure her, but that Beespring wouldn’t thibk to see them.

    But I’m not sure what happens next. Any ideas?

  • I cannot stop adding characters now apparently >:)
    Character Name: Lavenderpaw/sky
    Appearance(BlossomClan are in the autumn kind of colors, Ash Tribe darker colors, and so on): pale golden vixen with a white underbelly and tail tip and brown paws and ear tips, pale blue eyes
    Tribe(or list the Frostbite Skulk if they’re in there): Blossom Tribe
    Fox picture that looks similar to their appreance? https://static.demilked.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/beautiful-foxes-wildlife-photography-18.jpg
    Family, optional: brothers: Pinepaw/spirit and Stempaw/spark, foster mother: Peachsnow, foster father: Wildsight, foster sisters: Primrosepaw/wind and Fawnpaw/wish, foster brother: Dustpaw/mouse
    Backstory, also optional: she was born as an outsider along with her brothers. they were found by a Blossom Tribe patrol in the forest with their parents nowhere to be seen. she was named Lavenderpup and her brothers were named Pinepup and Stempup, and were fostered by a vixen named Peachsnow, who had pups of her own: Primrosepup, Fawnpup and Dustpup. Peachsnow loved her foster pups as if they were her own, especially Lavenderpup, but Primrosepup and Fawnpup were jealous. they started bullying Lavenderpup, but always in secret so that nobody found out. Pinepup and Stempup became friends with Dustpup, and that fueled the sisters’ bullying even more, but one day, Dustpup saw their bullying and tried to stop it, but his sisters injured him when he tried to stop them. Peachsnow found out about it, but instead of stopping her daughters, she viewed her son as ‘weak’ and ignored him. when Lavenderpaw became an apprentice, the bullying didn’t stop, but her brothers stood up for her. she then befriended Featherpaw and Marigoldpaw, who also stood up for her, and the bullying almost stopped. but Lavenderpaw still knew that she was an outsider, and hopes to find her real parents one day.
    Anything else? she is Featherpaw’s (a character I submitted earlier to you) friend

  • 💮🌸Skye🌸💮 [Skypaw//Skymist//Misty Moon On A Fareway Sky//Has two fanfics going on! Check out Shinign Shadows and my newest: Shadowed Path!] says:

    Part 1
    Creativity finally knocked my door 😛
    Character Name: Willowpaw/Willowclaw
    Appearance(BlossomClan are in the autumn kind of colors, Ash Tribe darker colors, and so on): Dark reddish-brown vixen with green eyes (I think you meant Blossom Tribe?)
    Tribe(or list the Frostbite Skulk if they’re in there): Blossom Tribe
    Fox picture that looks similar to their appreance? Uhhhhh…*uses AI site because no picture on internet* *AI site makes a amber-eyed fox picture* *tries again* *amber-eyed Willowpaw again* …Try to imagine it…
    Family, optional: Birchpaw/song (brother) Cypresspaw/spirit (sister) Sunblossom (mother, dead) Oak (father, dead) Softcall (foster mother) Ravenpup (foster brother) Plumypup (foster sister)
    Backstory, also optional: She, Birchpup and Cypresspup were born from a crosstribe relationship. Oak and Sunblossom loved each other, but their secret was spilled, and Sunblossom’s family rejected her. She felt so humilhated she ran away to never be seen again. In the road, Oak’s sister Sparrow murdered Sunblossom, because Oak had also been humilhated and she really loved her brother. But she spared the pups. Oak was devastated when he heard his mate had died, and he attempted to kill Sparrow. She was shocked but managed to fight him off, and he was exiled from their little group. Sparrow’s mate, Hay, felt furious at his brother-in-law and craved vengeance.

  • 💮🌸Skye🌸💮 [Skypaw//Skymist//Misty Moon On A Fareway Sky//Has two fanfics going on! Check out Shinign Shadows and my newest: Shadowed Path!] says:

    Part 2
    He hunted him down and killed him in cold blood. He attempted to kill the pups, but Sparrow didn’t let him. Feeling betrayed and horrified, she accidentally killed her own mate while defending herself. She went into self-exile and took the pups with her, giving them tree names to honor their father. However, her group searched for her, and when they found out she had killed Hay, they attacked her. She had pups during the battle, and three of her four pups died, and the other one was taken hostage. She saw the last pup be tortured before they were torn apart, and silently named her Hope, and the dead ones Spirit, Soar and Star. Grief-stricken, Sparrow once again commited acidental murder: This time her own mother, Clover. With that, she ran away, but didn’t manage to save the pups. They were left bleeding, and the experience traumatized Willow. A warrior named Cherryheart found them and took them to Blossom tribe, where they were nrused back to health. Softcall fostered them and everything went fine, until Softcall’s mate died. She was maddened by grief and blamed the pups for his death. They became distant, and Willowpup was relieved when she was named an apprentice. She was apprentice to Cherryheart, and they formed a close mother-daughter bond.
    Anything else? Thnx

      • 💮🌸Skye🌸💮 [Skypaw//Skymist//Misty Moon On A Fareway Sky//Has two fanfics going on! Check out Shinign Shadows and my newest: Shadowed Path!] says:

        Thanks!! I added four villains (Sparrow/Glacier, maybe the leader fo the Frostbite Skulk?, Nightshade/Softraven, Frozen and Shatter), but they didn’t get modded! Gonna summarize here:
        After everything that happened to her, Sparrow joined the Frostbite Skulk and wants revenge on Blossom Tribe
        Frozen and Shatter are mates, and their only daughter, Primrose, was killed in a battle against the Rain Tribe, so they want to destroy it
        Nightshade used to be a medicine fox of Ash Tribe named Softraven. She was forced into the role and saw her mentor accidentally feed her best friend Adderpaw deathberries, mistaking them for juniper. She murdered her mentor, became full med and threw the Ash Tribe into chaos with her murders. The deputy saw her and exiled her after she’d killed LOTS of cats, and she changed her name to Nightshade, beautiful and poisonous.
        I hope they get modded soon! I thought we’d need villains for the story ;D!
        Also, would you mind putting the allegiances link here? You don’t need to do it, but I’d liek to see all the characters!

  • 💮🌸Skye🌸💮 [Skypaw//Skymist//Misty Moon On A Fareway Sky//Has two fanfics going on! Check out Shinign Shadows and my newest: Shadowed Path!] says:

    Part 3
    Character Name: Sparrow/Glacier
    Appearance(BlossomClan are in the autumn kind of colors, Ash Tribe darker colors, and so on): Brown vixen with amber eyes and bluish-white wings
    Tribe(or list the Frostbite Skulk if they’re in there): Frostbite Skulk, former loner/rogue
    Fox picture that looks similar to their appreance? https://i.pinimg.com/originals/26/c4/25/26c42592bb69a116e6424d1514595789.jpg
    Family, optional: Oak (brother, dead) Beech (mother, dead) Bark (father) Soar (son, dead) Spirit (son, dead) Star (daughter, dead) Hope/Fang (daughter, alive)
    Backstory, also optional: Read Willowpaw’ first. Sparrow’s puphood was wonderful, with loving family and friends. She soon found a crush, a dog-fox named Hay. When they wre adults, they fell in love and became mates. Moons later, Oak’s big secret was revealed: He’d had pups and fallen in love with a Tribe vixen. The group humilhated Oak and Beech and Bark disowned him. Sparrow was shocked at all her brother had to face and wanted vengeance against who she believed had caused it, Sunblossom. So she found the vixen and killed her. Oak then tried to kill her, and she felt betrayed and shocked but didn’t let him. She barely noticed how her mate was becoming more and more angry…Until she found Oak’s body with his scent all over it. She stopped Hay from killing the pups, but he attacked her, and she accidentally killed him. She was devastated and ashamed and put herself in self-exile, bringing the pups along. She found out she was going to have Hay’s pups and felt even more guilty. Then her group attacked her, and Beech attempted to kill her so she killed her instead. She was shocked, and the group murdered Star, Soar and Spirit and took Hope.

  • 💮🌸Skye🌸💮 [Skypaw//Skymist//Misty Moon On A Fareway Sky//Has two fanfics going on! Check out Shinign Shadows and my newest: Shadowed Path!] says:

    Part 4
    She ran away but couldn’t bring the pups along. She met a oddly white vixen who took her to the Frostbite Skulk. Sparrow was cared for in there and changed her name to Glacier. They nurtured her hatred for the Tribes that had ruined her life, and she started to kill Tribe foxes, including pups like the ones her group had taken from them. She became threatening (and if you don’t have a Frostbite Skulk “leader” or “deputy” already, can she be it?)
    Anything else? Thanks!

  • 💮🌸Skye🌸💮 [Skypaw//Skymist//Misty Moon On A Fareway Sky//Has two fanfics going on! Check out Shinign Shadows and my newest: Shadowed Path!] says:

    Part 5
    Character Name: Winter
    Appearance(BlossomClan are in the autumn kind of colors, Ash Tribe darker colors, and so on): White vixen with silver paws and icy-blue eyes
    Tribe(or list the Frostbite Skulk if they’re in there): Frostbite Skulk
    Fox picture that looks similar to their appreance? Kinda like https://www.animalspot.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Arctic-Fox.jpg
    Family, optional: Storm (father, dead) Haze (sister) Icy (sister) I can’t think of a name for her mother xD
    Backstory, also optional: Winter’s lived a good life, hating the Tribes and training in her group, very close to her sisters and parents, until something terrible happens. Her father, Storm, dies because a “Rain Tribe fox” killed him. She and her family are devastated, and she overhears Frozen and Shatter talking about how THEY killed her father, and gets terrified. They catch her and threaten to kill her family if she tells anyone. So she lives haunted with this secret, and realizes more and more foxes are being murderered in her group…
    Anything else? For personality: She’s an anxious, quiet, shy vixen who prefers to fade into the background. She’s paranoid and loves her family. Thanks!

  • 💮🌸Skye🌸💮 [Skypaw//Skymist//Misty Moon On A Fareway Sky//Has two fanfics going on! Check out Shinign Shadows and my newest: Shadowed Path!] says:

    Part 6
    Character Name: Shatter
    Appearance(BlossomClan are in the autumn kind of colors, Ash Tribe darker colors, and so on): Sleek white dog-fox with piercing blue eyes
    Tribe(or list the Frostbite Skulk if they’re in there): Frostbite Skulk
    Fox picture that looks similar to their appreance? https://m.media-amazon.com/images/W/IMAGERENDERING_521856-T1/images/I/71FDZeC6icL._AC_SX522_.jpg
    Family, optional: Frozen (mate) Primrose (daughter, dead)
    Backstory, also optional: Shatter was young when he fell in love with his groupmate Frozen. She was smart, a good friend and a great hunter. Turns out she loved him, too. They became mates and soon had a daughter, Primrose (primroses survive winter). She was adventurous, sassy and rebellious. Some could say they spoiled her. Primrose was always eager to fight and very headstrong; she was the light of their lives. That is, until she died. It was in a battle against the Rain Tribe, and they saw a young Rain Tribe fox kill Primrose. The murderer soon disappeared in the crowd, and they were with Prirmose in her last moments. They grieved for a long time, and Shatter started to see every Rain Tribe fox as his daughter’s murderer. He desperately wanted to avenge her death. So he and Frozen swore that they would not settle until every Rain Tribe fox was dead, and their daughter was properly avenged. They murdered lots of foxes from the Tribe and even staretd to kill foxes from their own group and frame it on the Rain Tribe so they could stir up ressentment towards the Tribe. It was going smoothly until a young vixen named Winter heard them talking about how they’d killed Storm, who was by coincidence her father. They threatened to kill the rest of her family if she told anyone and basically haunted Winter’s pawsteps. They will continue to kill foxes until the last Rain Tribe fox is dead, or until they are defeated…
    Anything else? Thanks!