• 💮🌸Skye🌸💮 [Skypaw//Skymist//Misty Moon On A Fareway Sky//Has two fanfics going on! Check out Shinign Shadows and my newest: Shadowed Path!] says:

    Part 7
    Character Name: Nightshade (formerly Softraven)
    Appearance(BlossomClan are in the autumn kind of colors, Ash Tribe darker colors, and so on): Black-and-silver smoky vixen with dark, misty blue eyes
    Tribe(or list the Frostbite Skulk if they’re in there): Loner, formerly Ash Tribe
    Fox picture that looks similar to their appreance? https://i0.wp.com/800010.xyz/files/funotic/animals/black_foxes_rare_01.jpg?w=618&ssl=1
    Family, optional:
    Backstory, also optional: Softpup loved the idea of being a queen, having pups of her own and naming them. So when the medicine fox mysteriously decided she was to be his apprentice, she was heartbroken. She wanted to step down, but her Clanmates thought it was spoiled to throw away such a chance. As an apprentice, she watched her mentor accidentally feed her best friend Adderpaw poison instead of juniper berries. She pretended to be fine, but stored much, much grief and bitterness. She started to study poison, in special a berry called nightshade, that she thought was pretty and poisonous. Then she poisoned her mentor and became full medicine cat. She contineud to poison cats, always using nightshade, and threw the Ash Tribe into chaos. Softraven was discovered when trying to poison the deputy (after killing the leader) so they didn’t get their nine lives. She was exiled and made a plan of vengeance. Mysteriously, nightshade patches have started growing around the Ash Tribe’s camp, and some may claim they see a silloete of a cat behind them…
    Anything else? If Ambi agrees, she manipulates Emberstep after he gets exiled. He eventually finds out she’s evil and..Does whatever Emberstep does. Also, she changed her name to Nightshade, pretty and poisonous, and is planning to overthrow the Tribes…

    • Ooohh, that’s interesting! She’s like, evil Emberstep… I can’t see him getting manipulated, but, DEFINITELY Redpaw and possibly Rubymist. I was planning RubyXEmber drama as well, so I have a feeling that Nightshade could play a role in that. Here:

      So, Rubymist, Emberstep and Redpaw are travelling together when they come across the mysterious Nightshade. Emberstep is intrigued by her as she claims to be studying poison for the same reasons as Emberstep.
      They share their stories and Nightshade and Emberstep discuss how they could use poison to their advantage. Emberstep is thinking of curing Mistypaw but Nightshade says she was thinking of something else.
      Suddenly, Redpaw starts having dark thoughts, saying about how she wishes Beespring is dead, and that the Tribe would be better off without him.
      Meanwhile, Rubymist and Emberstep are falling for each other. Emberstep tries to fight away the feelings until Rubymist confesses that she loves Emberstep and wants to be his mate. (Nightshade is jealous.) Emberstep declines, saying that he’s a medicine fox and that his duties always come first. Rubymist is upset, saying that Emberstep isn’t a medicine fox anymore, but respects him, unlike Bumblestripe.
      But soon, Nightshade finds out, and without Emberstep’s knowledge manipulates Rubymist, who’s always been fiery, to take revenge on Emberstep.
      With both Rubymist and Redpaw plotting murder, Emberstep realises that he is no longer leading the cats. But with the evil Nightshade in charge, Emberstep has nowhere to turn too…

      It definately doesn’t have to be like this! But, oh boy am I excited to start this project.

      (Nightshade, huh? You all know who I’m thinking of…)

      • 💮🌸Skye🌸💮 [Skypaw//Skymist//Misty Moon On A Fareway Sky//Has two fanfics going on! Check out Shinign Shadows and my newest: Shadowed Path!] says:

        (Yeah. Nightshade. Totally a coincidence…)
        This sounds really cool! I feel like Nightshade wouldn’t truly be in love with Emberstep, and would be more like trying to manipulate him to get revenge on the Ash Tribe, and probably wouldn’t share her WHOLE story. Also, I think her quote didn’t get modded (it doesn’t have to be added to the story, it’s just her personality)

        “You’re so much like me”, she murmured.
        Emberstep backed away. “We are nothing alike. You’re a rogue, I’m a medicine fox. You kill foxes. I heal them.”
        She stalked forward. “Oh, Emberstep”, she purred silkily. “Naiveness’ a blessing.” Her eyes gleamed in the dark. “Has no one told you? Nightshade is not my birth name.” She slid out her claws and laughed grimly.
        “Softraven is.”
        What do you think? I tried to give them all different personalities, and to make them scary ;D Maybe not as scary as, say, POISON, but still scary…

  • 💮🌸Skye🌸💮 [Skypaw//Skymist//Misty Moon On A Fareway Sky//Has two fanfics going on! Check out Shinign Shadows and my newest: Shadowed Path!] says:

    I thought we needed villains, so I made all those! Also, Frozen is a silvery-white vixen with pale blue eyes. I’m actually pretty proud of the backstories, and tried to give them all a “reason” to hate a specific Tribe. Also, I specially made Nightshade as some sort of fuel for Emberstep, since their stories are similar, but their reactions to it were different, so to contrast that. She (and the nightshade growing) also refers to the title
    Here are some quotes for them. You don’t have to use it, it’s more so that you know their personalities.

    She let out a furious yowl. “How dare you?” She roared, leaping at [Blossom Tribe POV], pinning them down. “How dare you ask how could I? How could you?” Her eyes gleamed with anger and grief. “Your Tribe killed my brother!”

    “You are probably wondering why am I doing this”, he said calmly. “Why do I want to hurt foxes so much? Why do I kill so many?” His piercing blue gaze flicked towards her. “Did you know, Drizzlepaw, that once a Rain Tribe fox killed my daughter?”

    “I was there”, she whispered softly, teardrops glittering in the moonlight. “I watched her screech in pain, fall in the ground and bleed. I saw the light leave her eyes.” She slid out her claws, a menacing glare in her eyes now. “And I have never forgotten.”

  • I’ve realised that Emberstep is kinda turning into a Mary Sue.

    “No EmBErsTeP wOulD nOT Be maNIpUlAted bY NigHtShADe” -Ambi

    But I do have plans for him! Emberstep is going to really struggle with his past. He tries tot forget about it. He’s too serious for his own good and he doesn’t allow himself to enjoy himself- focusing solely on the poison. He needs to try to lighten up a bit.

    • https://imagesvc.meredithcorp.io/v3/mm/image?url=https%3A%2F%2Fstatic.onecms.io%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2Fsites%2F47%2F2020%2F07%2F20%2Forange-british-shorthair-1070960066.jpgM

      Could you add this picture? The cat has green eyes :p

      Duskstar: Black dog-fox with golden wings
      Can Stagpounce be the deputy? She’s Mistypaw’s mento
      Falconflower: Black and gold vixen with gold wings
      Swiftnight: Black dog with red wings
      Dustydash: Dark grey dog-fox with yellow wings

    • 💮🌸Skye🌸💮 [Skypaw//Skymist//Misty Moon On A Fareway Sky//Has two fanfics going on! Check out Shinign Shadows and my newest: Shadowed Path!] says:

      Thanks! (BTW, Winter’s an apprentice)
      Idk about the names, some suggestions could be…Uhhh…
      Deputy could be Icyheart or smt?
      Warriors could be Frozenclaws, idk?
      Maybe apps could be Snowypaws or -paws smt, or is that too much like the Tribes? I can’t really think of names for those!

      • Oh, sorry about that! I changed Winter’s position!
        I’ll think about your names, Frozenclaws gave me the idea of Frosters, actually. Maybe I’ll do that:)
        Also, can you tell me your purrsona? I’m adding you to the writers and there are four skypaws in the allegiances, so… 😛

        • 💮🌸Skye🌸💮 [Skypaw//Skymist//Misty Moon On A Fareway Sky//Has two fanfics going on! Check out Shinign Shadows and my newest: Shadowed Path!] says:

          I was the first one in this wave!
          Lilac tabby she-cat with ocean-blue eyes and a plumy tail 🙂 I’m the mentorless one

    • I think you forgot to add my oc, Crescent? Sorry if I sound pushy, but I think you might have forgotten her. 🙂 Her form is on page 3! 😀

    • I’m good with the writer image!! Sorry I haven’t commented the past few days (read all the comments tho!) I’ve been very busy finishing up my fanfic, Gaining Height!!! Now that it’s done I’ll allot more time to this project!

      (Also, since I’m writing for the Frostbite Skulk, is it okay if I have some creative freeway? Like if I want to change some previous lore when I get down to actually writing, is that okay?)

      • It’s okay, take your time! The more Gaining Height that I can chillax and read, the better:)
        Of course you can change the lore as you’d like to! I want everyone to be involved in this, adding their own things, not just me seeming to control everything as power-hungry queen 😛
        Anyone else that sees this, you can change the lore, just as long as you don’t change them into an entirely new tribe! 😀

  • So with Nightshade, was she Emberstep’s mentor’s mentor? (Haildash) She’ll probably be kinda old.
    Emberstep is a medicine cat who’s around 35 moons old, and Haildash was 42 moons when he died. Emberstep got his medicine cat name at 15 moons, so Haildash was 27 moons when he gave Emberstep his name. Would Nightshade be a cat in her 60s-70s? Did she even have an apprentice? Haildash could’ve been trained by Blossom Tribe and Rain Tribe medicine cats, but that would’ve made Nightshade older. She would still have been a medicine cat should she have stayed in Ash Tribe, but she probably would’ve been retiring in 20-30 moons.

    • 💮🌸Skye🌸💮 [Skypaw//Skymist//Misty Moon On A Fareway Sky//Has two fanfics going on! Check out Shinign Shadows and my newest: Shadowed Path!] says:

      She didn’t have an apprentice, and she murdered her mentor when she was young, so she became a medicine fox young, and was exiled as a young adult. Haildash was probably forced into the role or smt. Emberstep never met her, and she keeps it a very well kept secret. yes, nigthshade is old xD

    • 💮🌸Skye🌸💮 [Skypaw//Skymist//Misty Moon On A Fareway Sky//Has two fanfics going on! Check out Shinign Shadows and my newest: Shadowed Path!] says:

      I love that!!

    • This is great so far! It’s just as I imagined it!
      Just to let you know, you mentioned the wings thankfully, but I don’t think you mentioned “fox” once 😂
      But anyways, I’m thinking of assigning all the writers an editor to go through the chapter. This can also help with them going faster and better because the writer doesn’t take too much time to edit, and they get helpful suggestions from editors:) It looks as a lot of people have lost the link or forgot, since Skye and you are mostly the ones hanging out on here. I’ll repost the link again, and then we’ll be doing a few more plot modifications and I’ll write the prologue. Yours will probably be Chapter One or Chapter Two, I haven’t decided on that yet.

  • Flamepaw/spirit || Ospreysplash's awesome apprentice!! || She/her || Arson is life || Spirit of Flaming Arson in Newleaf Sun says:

    AJKLNFNHELFNJWF I’M SO SORRY I HAVEN’T BEEN ACTIVE HERE I COMPLETELY FORGOT!!! :((( If it’s okay, I’ll add some characters to this!! :DD
    Name: Meadowflare
    Appearance: Soft auburn vixen with striking green eyes and white speckles along her back
    Tribe: Blossom Tribe
    Fox picture similar to appearance: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRv-xvHIk82VAllW7_7gbrGDu6ZM8j8IBsLSf4biLXl6CYcwgUG-Wqp24MPZVDl2EzkKSg:https://i.natgeofe.com/k/6496b566-0510-4e92-84e8-7a0cf04aa505/red-fox-portrait_square.jpg&usqp=CAU
    Family: Mate is Berryflare (member of Ash Tribe), expecting his children (would it be called kits??) Mother is Flowerstep, father is Rainwillow, brother is Mistflicker
    Backstory: As an apprentice, excelled in all of her training, but was exceptionally aggressive. After a battle, she was scarred, both mentally and physically, and decided that she wouldn’t fight unless necessary anymore. But after a while, she fell in love with Berryflare, a warrior of the Ash Tribe.
    Anything else? Nope! Overall, Meadowflare has a great family relationship and is welcoming and open to all. You can add some D R A M A if you want, it’s up to you! 😀

  • Hi! Can I join this? I can’t really write well, but I think I could supply warriors/apprentices/kits(Yes their called fox kits). If you’d have me here is a warrior already.
    Name: Sageflight
    Tribe: Ash Tribe
    Purrsona: Dark gray tom(What is the name of a boy fox again?) with long gray wings, with strikingly beautiful sage green eyes, and a faint pink muzzle.
    Do I have to do a fox that kinda looks like it?
    Family: Petalbloom(From Rain Tribe), Mate, expecting his kits. Talontail, Brother, Rivermist, Sister, Mooncloud, Mother, and Sneakslash(Deseased), Father.
    Backstory: Sagepup had a wonderful life in Rain Tribe(Before Nightshade was born), until his father died from wounds of a battle that got infected. Sagepup turned into an apprentice,(I don’t know the word for apprentice for foxes yet) and got a good mentor. Keeping busy helped him stay focused on the activity they were doing. He worked way harder than the other apprentices, and got more into fighting, and his mentor showed him ways of hunting he never knew about. After his moons of training, the leader gave Sage___ his warrior name, Sageflight. He met Petalbloom from a hunting patrol, going along the border, by himself, found himself staring into the gaze of Petalbloom, on a border patrol. Petalbloom asked to stay behind for a bit, and the other patrol members said okay. They met several times, then Sageflight expressed his love for her. She said “I love you too, Sage.” Then they met at the border multiple times, until she said she’s expecting his kits. Then he was overwhelmed with joy, the same amount as he was a kit, before his father died.
    Anything else? Thank you Ambi for making this. Even if I can’t help, I’ll enjoy watching you make the story more intresting. He is a warrior of his Tribe, and he will fight for his right to be in his tribe. He is more of a backround character, but his “Forbidden” romance might make a cool plot.

  • Shadeleap (she/her) | Shades, Shade, Shadey | Shade lit up by Leaping Flames | Mentor to the amazing Sandbreeze! <33 | Running for SW! says:

    dhsjklafdh how did I miss 2 new pages djakfhdsajfdhlsakjfhdkasjfdsa
    okay well……………………… do you need more backstory for Drizzlebreeze or is she good?

  • Hello y’all!
    I’ll be needing some allegiance fillers(just names and purrsonas, don’t make the apperances too detailed please)and ideas for the prologue!
    I didn’t know whether to…
    -Make a prologue where it shows the backstory of the Frostbite Skulk leader(though that would probably be Dusklight’s job. I’m thinking of moving Glacier to Deputy, sorry Skye)
    -Make some prophecy prologue
    -Make a prologue that shows a kind of epilogue thing
    -Or something else!