
Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this year’s gift exchange! As always, your creations were absolutely wonderful and you never fail to blow me away with your talent and creativity! To find your name in...
Okay, so this post is a little later than what I would’ve wanted, but I’ve had a busy week 😛 I’m also a little tired, so, only one cat pic this time 😛 You’re getting plenty from Cadvent, anyway...
The seventh edition of the Blog Monthly is here – written by Lil, fresh off the printing press Hello, everyone!! The Blog Monthly is back and better than ever! I hope you all love this edition, in my opinion it is one...
Pandapeltl gives warrior names to dragons from Wings of Fire.
Rosefern shares some thoughts on Jayfeather and Jay’s Wing.
Purrsona:A ginger and black footed vixen with a tulip always weaved into her outfit somewhere
Personality:Might seem Quiet, but bubbly if you’re close with her. Is actually murderous and evil
Tribe:Blossom Tribe
Role:Newly made um. I forgot what’s it called in the fox world,,,,,, umm let’s justs say warrior
Backstory:Tulipfoot was born as Tulip to an unknown vixen and abandoned at the Blossom Tribe camp, not knowing there were more foxes living there. Blossom Tribe took her in, but when Tulippaw(foot) discovered her origins, she wanted to plot and destroy everything
Can be killed off:Sure
Thanks for the pizazz Polar:)
appearances of the characters I made that I didn’t put
Lightningswoop (Featherpaw’s dad) – dark red dog-fox with blazing amber eyes and long silver wings https://iili.io/HvUyTVn.jpg
Sorrelcloud (Featherpaw’s mum) – pale ginger vixen with brown streaks on her fur, green eyes and golden-tipped brown wings https://p1.pxfuel.com/preview/773/820/931/fox-animal-wildlife-wild.jpg
Marigoldpaw/fern (Featherpaw’s sister) – bright ginger vixen with a few cream spots, lively amber eyes and golden wings https://www.jacksonwild.org/uploads/2/4/3/7/24374754/published/pintrest-tail.jpg?1504303796
Aurora (Flurry’s mum) – thick-furred silver and white vixen with dark green eyes https://factzoo.com/wp-content/uploads/img-fz/mammals/grayish-arctic-fox.jpg
Lapis (Flurry’s dad) – white dog-fox with a blue tinge on his fur and dark blue eyes https://i.pinimg.com/564x/0b/49/4a/0b494a5ae94b9bb7e613647ca50a17bf.jpg
(PART 1)
Thanks for the pics! I’m surprised how accurate they are, it’s hard to find stuff like that!
(PART 2)
Twilightfall (Midnightpaw’s mum) – silver and black vixen with a white-tipped tail, dark amber eyes and purplish-black wings https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2022/12/05/15/25/fox-7637062_960_720.jpg
Sparksight (Midnightpaw’s dad, he was originally Lightningsight) – dark brown and ginger dog-fox with amber eyes and dark brown wings https://www.wildlifeonline.me.uk/assets/ugc/images/cross_fox.jpg
Acornpaw/ember (Midnightpaw’s brother) – dark ginger dog-fox with yellowish-amber eyes and dark reddish-brown wings https://www.wildlifeonline.me.uk/assets/ugc/images/fox_on_shed_roof.jpg
Thunderpaw/spark (Midnightpaw’s brother) – black dog-fox with ginger streaks on his fur, amber eyes and dark amber-coloured wings https://mymodernmet.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/black-orange-fox-sam-gaby-6.jpg
Cinderpaw/poppy (Midnightpaw’s sister) – dark silver vixen with fiery ginger spots, dark amber eyes and black wings with a red tinge https://natureandwildlife.tv/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Photographer-Captured-A-Rare-Unique-Orange-and-Black-%E2%80%98Fire-Fox.jpg
Coalpup/skip (Midnightpaw’s younger brother) – coal-black dog-fox with amber eyes https://images.fineartamerica.com/images/artworkimages/mediumlarge/1/black-fox-kit-in-field-2-max-waugh.jpg
Badgerpup/flame (Midnightpaw’s younger brother) – dark grey dog-fox with a white chest spot and a white-tipped tail https://i.pinimg.com/originals/a0/26/63/a02663c9a5f8c73d50c8726adf501c65.jpg
Timberpup/hollow (Midnightpaw’s younger brother) – dark brown dog-fox with ginger ears https://i.pinimg.com/564x/da/42/7e/da427e29346db03ce236f30e1ea3e523.jpg
Hollypup/breeze (Midnightpaw’s younger sister) – black vixen with silver tinges on her fur https://images.fineartamerica.com/images/artworkimages/mediumlarge/3/black-fox-kit-patrick-nowotny.jpg
Echopup/sun (Midnightpaw’s younger sister) – dark grey vixen with pale ginger spots https://i.pinimg.com/736x/f2/34/bb/f234bbd7ef18326709326ec12dab71cd.jpg
More Characters! These are shorter though. (Also can you fix Sageflight so he’s not in the Apprentices?)
Name: Talontail
Purrsona: A mild red tom with orange stripes, and white ear tufts, and tail tip. He has a light pink muzzle, and a purple eye, and a blue/inigo eye. He has a scar along his tail, reaching from his tail tip to halfway down his tail.
Tribe: I think you can guess, but it’s Blossom Tribe.
Purrsonality: He is a nice fox, but he sometimes is more snappy then he means. He loves to play with the kits, and he’s prob a permanent nursery dad.
Name: Butterflyswoop
Purrsona: A darkish brown she-cat with little flowers growing near her tail. She has light brown stripes, and light amber eyes.
Tribe: Rain Tribe
Purrsonality: Really kind vixen, not to mention beautiful. She can be beautiful, but she is one of the most fierce Rain Tribe foxes, so nobody takes her seriously, so she is a bit snappy.
Name: Pine
Purrsona: A blackish brown she-cat with light orange eyes. Her tail tip, ear tips, and paws are a light brown.
Tribe: Frostbite Skulk, Formerly from Ash Tribe
Purrsonality: Kind, but wants revenge on Ash Tribe for “accidently” killing her brother(Plumshade). She loves to be in what her “Tribe” calls the Sleeping Nest(Nursery)
That’s it for now 💗
Hi Bree! A few things:
1. I’ve got an idea for the apprentices rank for Frostbite Skulk. What if, the apprentices were the ones called frosters, and warriors are called freezers? (Just realised that’s an actual word…)
2. I think that the prologue might be best to show a cat dying of poison. That’s what the Fanfiction is about, so it would be a nice way to set the scene. It coukd be from the dying cat’s PoV, and they wake up dead in StarClan so that StarClan can tell them a prophecy.
3. I had some allegiance fillers for Ash Tribe on the other page!
4. Marshsky is a brown and white vixen
5. Dustyheart is a dark grey dog-fox
6. Why is Sageheart listed as an apprentice?
Hi Ambi! For the apprentices in the Frostbite skulk, I also had an idea for the names! My head cannon for the foxes is that they were formerly clan, but we’re driven away (for some yet to be explored) reason, and harbour a deep resentment towards the clans.
This would also explain why their ranks resemble that of the clans. I’m following suit with this, I wondered if a good name for the apprentices would be ‘Frosty Paws.’ Most cats in the skulk wouldn’t understand that clan cats have the paw suffix (since the skulk cats don’t), but it might be a nice allusion to their roots?
Dusklight that idea is AMAZING!! Yes, it would definitely add a lot of spice to the plot, I already added in “Frosty Paws!”
Bree you never answered my questions 🙁
Sorry that I’m late Ambi! I’ve had a crazy week 😅
1. I changed it to that, but when I saw Dusklight’s comment I decided that Frosty Paws is best! I like the idea of having Frostbite Skulk have some kind of connection to the Clans instead of just a random rogue group:)
2. Yes, Skymist’s comment gave me an idea, I’m pretty sure I will have a cat die of poison, then receive a prophecy! It will be finished soon(hopefully!).
3. 👍I’ll look at ’em now! Or maybe I did…I have a bad memory sorry 😅
4. Changed!
5. Got it! I gave you access to the doc so you can correct any mistakes, it’s better to have two people work on the allegiances:)
6. You mean Sageflight? He’s a warrior in Ash Tribe, maybe you corrected that:)
(PART 3)
Pinepaw/spirit (Lavenderpaw’s brother) – ginger dog-fox with dark brown eyes and a dark tail https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1601237638950-cf0c4c46c37d?ixlib=rb-4.0.3&ixid=MnwxMjA3fDB8MHxwcm9maWxlLXBhZ2V8OHx8fGVufDB8fHx8&w=1000&q=80
Stempaw/spark (Lavenderpaw’s brother) – pale golden dog-fox with tan streaks on his fur and amber eyes https://media.istockphoto.com/id/1286284832/photo/red-fox-standing-in-woodland-in-autumn-nature-from-close-up.jpg?s=170667a&w=0&k=20&c=TPDooTQvg-xQQRvVht8Hn23Fla2hxfRQMMOSlgs_HVk=
Peachsnow (Lavenderpaw’s foster mother) – plumy, fluffy pale red vixen with white spots, golden eyes and pale reddish-orange wings https://i0.wp.com/robinbarefield.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/DSC_0744.jpg?resize=604%2C634
Wildsight (Lavenderpaw’s foster father) – reddish-brown and white dog-fox with piercing yellow eyes and umber-brown wings https://cdn.britannica.com/23/24623-050-C54756A5/Red-fox.jpg
Primrosepaw/wind (Lavenderpaw’s foster sister) – pale red and white vixen with dark amber eyes and white-tipped pale pink wings https://iili.io/Hv4fkXf.jpg
Fawnpaw/wish (Lavenderpaw’s foster sister) – pale reddish-brown and white vixen with dark brown eyes and tan wings https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQvQYOpICDHbZqu5TLaJ6hh29kJVx8n3OA4OwlD0IYdDJfGn1xbNdTm2qdoxa4boTOtyhU&usqp=CAU
Dustpaw/mouse (Lavenderpaw’s foster brother) – small, sleek ginger dog-fox with a tan tinge on his fur, pale yellow eyes and pale brown wings https://www.ryde.nsw.gov.au/files/assets/public/environment/animals-and-plants/fox_sq.jpg?w=1200
My comment disappeared.. :'(
Character Name: Rockpaw
Appearance(BlossomClan are in the autumn kind of colors, Ash Tribe darker colors, and so on): Dark grey dog-fox with silvery wings and blind blue eyes
Tribe(or list the Frostbite Skulk if they’re in there): Star Tribe (Formerly of the Ash Tribe)
Fox picture that looks similar to their appreance? Sorry! Don’t have time!
Family, optional:
Father: Darkstar
Littermates: Rookleap, Leopardclaw, Mintflower (Background characters)
Backstory, also optional: Darkstar was always slightly worried about Rockpaw’s blindness, but Rockpaw alwats had an eager attitude toward becoming a warrior, and he ensured Darkstar that being blind won’t affect his future much. Darkstar believed him, and let him train like a normal apprentice, and his training was going well, he was as strong as his littermates, and he was growing tall and strong. His assesment was soon, and he wanted to prove that he was passable by doing something brave and heroic. One day, a patrol scented a badger on their territory, and Darkstar decided that Rockpaw and his littermates, now almost warriors, should be on the battle patrol. The patrol fought well, and Rockpaw even managed to scratch the badger’s eyes, making it run away. But Rockpaw didn’t think that was enough. He chased after the wounded badger and tried to fight it in his weakened state. But as I said, he was weakened by the fight, so he kept missing his swipes and that drained his energy. In the end, he didn’t sense a blow coming toward his throat, and the blow striked it perfectly. Rockpaw was dead. The badger, perpetually weakened, died only hours later.
Anything else? His personality: Rockpaw was friendly and eager, but he took risks easily and was slightly reckless.
I would love for Rockpaw to be in the prologue, since there’s no allegiances for Star Tribe! Is that okay with you?
Yes, of course! I only added Rockpaw because I need him for another character, so I didn’t think he would be of much use, but thank you so much for that amazing idea!
Minkpaw/moon (Midnightpaw’s friend and Hollowpaw’s sister) – very dark brown vixen with a white-tipped tail, amber eyes and hickory-brown wings https://c4.wallpaperflare.com/wallpaper/823/565/287/fox-dark-moss-rocks-wallpaper-preview.jpg
Hollowpaw/pounce (Midnightpaw’s friend and Minkpaw’s brother) – black and ginger dog-fox with amber eyes and dark amber-coloured wings https://canadiangeographic.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/cross_fox-1024×576.jpg
Thx Marb! 😀
AGSPIFDPAP? We hit 234 comments! though it will be at least 235 comments when I commented this…
Hi, Sandi! I’m looking at your icon rn while you add characters, and I have an idea for the Prologue (Am I adding too many things since I’m not a writer? I’m also super excited for this xD)
-A fox dies, poisoned. They might claim something as “The vines seemed to trap them, lurking around and covering their body” or smt (do nightshades have vines? No idea). They receive a prophecy while they are dying, and after some thinking their eyes close forever. A vixen (I was thinking Nightshade, maybe we could add some other rogues so it isn’t that obvious?) watches from the plants, and she steps forward and puts a paw/rakes her claws on the cat’s (a body part, idk). She says something like “{prophecy}? Interesting” and the nightshades grow bigger. Something like that *shrugs* I really want to knwo everyone else’s ideas!!
Notes: I’m pretty sure Drizzlepaw and her family are from Rain Tribe, just because you put them in the Blossom Tribe (I’m not completely sure, though!) Also, could you add Willowpaw and her family, please?
There is a form if nightshade called Climbing Nightshade that has vines!
I’m gonna do so much research for Emberstep 😭
ooooh!! I looked it up and there was one article called “weed warning: climbing nightshade”! That would explain why the nigthshade is growing around the territory so much: it’s a weed!
(Mmm, that’s what weeds do, right? /j)
Redkit is my favourite character from Ash Tribe :p
She’s so sweet <3
Hii Sandi!
Tysm for adding my name to the bw, editors and artists! So it’s not a kit, here’s a new one: https://64.media.tumblr.com/0a08da54050c544d0d840954215921a7/tumblr_inline_o0471karPe1tqfdb3_1280.jpg (I’m pretty sure the eyes are green 😛 but they look like ocean color so that’s good xD) Sorry to annoy you again!
Some more characters for Rain Tribe!
Dark red/brown tabby vixen with snowy blue eyes, with redder/browner wings, and little ferns growing on the backs of her paws
A med fox/Med fox app
A nice vixen, but has a sharp side. She loves to heal, and is a side character, but she can have an intresting story.
Light pink/Cream vixen, with sharp mint eyes, and even lighter/darker colored wings. She has some small flowers growing on her tail,neck, and ears.
Mediator/Mediator app
Mates with Sageflight? A loving vixen with lots of friends. She can show a bit of sharpness, but, in all, she loves making friends, training(She likes to train as both a warriors, and a mediator), and Sageflight??? She is also very lovable.