
Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this year’s gift exchange! As always, your creations were absolutely wonderful and you never fail to blow me away with your talent and creativity! To find your name in...
Okay, so this post is a little later than what I would’ve wanted, but I’ve had a busy week 😛 I’m also a little tired, so, only one cat pic this time 😛 You’re getting plenty from Cadvent, anyway...
The seventh edition of the Blog Monthly is here – written by Lil, fresh off the printing press Hello, everyone!! The Blog Monthly is back and better than ever! I hope you all love this edition, in my opinion it is one...
Pandapeltl gives warrior names to dragons from Wings of Fire.
Rosefern shares some thoughts on Jayfeather and Jay’s Wing.
another character! this one’s for the Frostbite Skulk
Character Name: Iris (I researched plants that can survive winter, and one flower called the Siberian Iris was one of them and I thought it was perfect!)
Appearance(BlossomClan are in the autumn kind of colors, Ash Tribe darker colors, and so on): soft-furred white vixen with streaks of silver, black ears, a scar on her cheek and golden eyes with flecks of blue. her lithe frame is hidden by her thick fur
Tribe(or list the Frostbite Skulk if they’re in there): Frostbite Skulk
Fox picture that looks similar to their appreance? https://iili.io/H8JJZGV.jpg
Family, optional: mother: Wish (white vixen with a black-tipped tail and blue eyes, deceased), father: Slate (bluish-grey dog-fox https://www.mediastorehouse.co.uk/p/251/blue-arctic-fox-pyramiden-vulpes-lagopus-19350600.jpg.webp with dark amber eyes, living), brother: Spruce (bluish-grey dog-fox with a white stripe on his chest and amber eyes, living)
Backstory, also optional: Iris was born to Slate and Wish along with her brother, Spruce. a few weeks later, her mother was killed by a Blossom Tribe fox after stepping on their territory. her father was devastated, and soon found the fox who killed his mate, and killed them in revenge. this fueled his hatred for the tribes even more, and he told his pups about how terrible the tribes are. he went on a killer spree, killing more tribe foxes, and even though Iris knew that her group was supposed to hate the tribes, she thought that murdering tribe foxes was too far. she went to tell Slate that he probably needed to step off killing foxes a little. her father instead got angry at her and called her ‘disrespectful’, and left the scar on her cheek. Iris never talked to him again, and never was close to Spruce. she then befriended another fox in her skulk, Flurry.
Anything else? she is Flurry’s best friend
Oh yeah, can you change Butterswoop to Butterflyswoop? And check my comment from the other page for some more characters for Rain Tribe!
Hi Sandi, could I claim adding the King of the Frostbite Skulk? I’m still writing his backstory, but it’ll only take a day or 2. If not, that’s fine by me.
Of course! I don’t think anyone else applied for that one:)
Link Repost!
Since I have not contributed a single character to this yet, I figured I’d stop being a couch potato and start adding. So, with that being said, I present to you my character! An evil one, obviously, because everyone likes villains :)))))
Name: Rossignol (Nightingale in French, hint hint nudge nudge)
Appearance: White and russet dog fox with lighter fur around the neck and striking hazel eyes, a black-tipped tail
Tribe: Frostbite Skulk
Fox picture: https://live.staticflickr.com/4192/34716240785_4fedabf5f0_b.jpg
Family: Cardinale (Cardinal in French), deceased, an auburn colored vixen with a white chest and cold amber eyes, https://s.hdnux.com/photos/01/31/21/77/23404483/3/1200×0.jpg
Backstory: Rossignol never knew his father, and according to his mother Cardinale, never needed to. Raised in the harsh alleys of the Twolegplace, he never truly knew a home, with his mother constantly ferrying them around to avoid predatory dog foxes and the dreaded twolegs themselves. With no one to talk to and his mother strict and often cruel, Rossignol learned how to observe. How to stay silent. How to notice things. How to blend in. And, most importantly, how to close his heart off to others and hide his emotions under a hard, unfeeling mask.
He joined the Frostbite Skulk not because he wanted to, but because he needed a group to protect him while he achieved his true goal. Finding his father.
Why? Because the last thing his mother uttered to him before her shrivelled, twisted heart stopped beating, was Blossom.
It seemed, that Rossignol, the upstart nothing raised by the streets, had Clan blood running through his veins.
Personality: Cold, brusque, quiet, untalkative, selfish, determined, fierce, strong
Anything else? Le rossignol se lèvera encore une fois.
I just translated your text in the anything else box and it says, “The nightingale will rise again.” 😛 😛 😛
Oooo, a french-themed villian! I love the style of how you do your backstories, it’s so cool!
Usually people will go like:
(Character)’s mother got hit by a monster and they struggled a lot through their life, trying to find a place where they belonged. Their sisters died soon after and they became very grief striken.
But your backstories are like summaries of a fan fic!! Super cool! :DD
I translated your “anything else?” thing and I love the translation:)
Rossignol is SO COOL!
(Nightingale, huh? Just a random name you JUST came up with…)
Yeah, totally :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Hey Bree! I read the first bit of the prologue, and it’s great BTW, but… Amberstar, huh?
Oh, that!😅 That wasn’t meant to be you at all, it’s just I was thinking of having BlossomClan’s leader be killed by Nightshade in the prologue, and then have the prophecy be delivered to her(Skymist’s idea) Or someone else…I really don’t know. And I did Amberstar because I was desperately trying to think of an autumn-themed prefix and Amber was the first one that came to mind.
Are you okay with that, or do you have a better idea for the character that’s killed by Nightshade?
Oh, Bree I was joking!!
Oh really? Woops😅
So one subplot idea for the Frostbite Skulk is that since I believe some of the Frostbite Skulk possess wings while others do not, maybe you could weave in something about a rift between the two groups? This could be explored more in a FroSkulk POV.
That would really awesome! I’m pretty sure Dusklight is still watching the comments so she can weave that into there:)
Yep! I’m always lurking 😛
In all honesty, I didn’t realise that members of the Skulk had wings at all 😅 I thought they were traits of their enemy tribes, and as such the Frostbite skulk hated all winged cats.
Since the Skulk members were exiled from the tribes, they lost their wings. As such, I assumed that all Skulk members didn’t have wings! (Also, I didn’t see any winged members on the allegiances)
Do you want the Skulk members to have wings, though, Blazey? If so, I’ll incorporate them.
Oh, then never mind! I assumed that since some of the FroSkulk were former Clan that they retained their wings, but I thought wrong.
Perhaps, the wings could be like a Gift from Star Tribe. So the very old members of the group would have wings, but most wouldn’t as they were born outside the Tribes.
As a tribe, would they have been known as Frost Tribe?
Hey Sandbreeze! The ADC(A Destiny Calling) Team is looking for you! Could you please check this page?
I’m… adding more characters. All of these I have added to the allegiances already!
Character Name: Snowyfoot
Appearance: Black vixen with one white paw
Tribe(or list the Frostbite Skulk if they’re in there): Ash Tribe
Fox picture that looks similar to their appreance? Not rn
Family, optional: Father- Sharp, Mother, Stormmoon (Dead), Mate- Moonmist, Kits, Fawnpup (Dead) and Cloudpup/ash
Backstory, also optional: Snowyfoot never knew her father, and her mother died when she was an apprentice. Emberstep and co. discovers that her father was a Frostbite Skulk fox called Sharp.
She is expecting Moonmist’s kits and gives birth not long after Emberstep is exiled. Beespring gets kinda grossed out by the birth and doesn’t help, but Marshsky does even though she isn’t much use. The birth was hard as it was early, and both Snowyfoot and Fawnpup die. Cloudpup is left extremely weak.
Anything else? She dies!
Character Name: Cloudpup/ash
Appearance: Unusually white dog-fox with blue eyes
Tribe(or list the Frostbite Skulk if they’re in there): Ash Tribe/ Loner/ Frostbite Skulk
Fox picture that looks similar to their appreance? Not rn
Family, optional: The same as Snowyfoots
Backstory, also optional: When Emberstep’s group find out what happened to Snowyfoot, Rubymist desides to foxnap Cloudpup, because she knows that he will never survive alone. He is raised alongside the loner Dawn’s pups, Snail and Grape.
When he meets his father, Sharp, they get along like a house on fire (I love Arson) and Cloudpup desides to join the Frostbite Skulk as a Frosty Paw, but he takes the warrior name Cloudash so that he won’t forget his origins.
Anything else? Not rn 🙂
Sorry, Sharp is his grandfather.
Part 2!
Character Name: Dawn
Appearance: Pretty gold and black white vixen with green eyes
Tribe(or list the Frostbite Skulk if they’re in there): Loner
Fox picture that looks similar to their appreance? Not rn
Family, optional: Mate: Sage, Pup: Grape and Snail, Adopted Pup: Cloudpup/ash
Backstory, also optional: Emberstep, Rubymist, Redpaw and Cloudpup find her and Sage travelling with her very young pups because they were kicked out from their group. Not sure about that bit yet.
Emberstep welcomes them to join his group but she had to feed Cloudpup alongside Snail and Grape.
Nightshade manipulates her by saying that Emberstep only wants her in the group so that he could use her (not true)
Anything else? Nah
Character Name: Sharp
Appearance: soft-furred white dog-fox with blue eyes
Tribe(or list the Frostbite Skulk if they’re in there): Frostbite Skulk
Fox picture that looks similar to their appreance? Not rn
Family, optional: Same as Snowyfoot’s
Backstory, also optional: Sharp never liked fighting, and he fell in love with an Ash Tribe fox, and had to keep it secret. He never got to meet his Pups, and Stormmoon stopped meeting him after her Pups were born. But he never forgot about her, and when he met Cloudpup he was overjoyed.
Anything else? He’s listed as a Freezer rn, but could he be a permanent nursery dog-fox? Would the Skulk allow that?
Emberstep’s mini-skulk! (Poison Tribe as Nightshade calls it)
Why do I want more foxes but I also don’t want more foxes
Replace Marshsky with Dawn. Whoops
So…. I’m in wayyy too many collabs 😛 would it be okay if I was an editor or test reader instead of a writer? I still want to be a part of this but I’m not sure if I could be a writer. Thx for understanding 🙂
It’s fine, Shades. I see your point. I’m also in too many collanoration fanfics, and that’s shy I’m an artist. I was very excited to see your writing skill in APP, but I know it’s your choice to write. Don’t worry, I think Sandi will allow one of the Backup Writers to take over. I don’t want to pressure you to write. Just take it easy.
Of course you can be an editor, Shades! I understand, I procrastinate easily and I have a short attention span, so I’ll have to take a lot of breaks sometimes.
One of the backup writers would love to take over, so I’ll see if anyone would like too!
You know what? The cover for a poisonous path looks like
What will you choose
A Poisonous path
a bit funny in my opinion.
Lol, I meant for it to be like Ash, Blossom, Rain, Frost, and then a dramatic What Will You Choose? And then I sort of stuck ‘The Poisonous Path’ at the bottom as the title.
😛Yep, together it sounds weird but on the cover it’s pretty cool:)