
Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this year’s gift exchange! As always, your creations were absolutely wonderful and you never fail to blow me away with your talent and creativity! To find your name in...
Okay, so this post is a little later than what I would’ve wanted, but I’ve had a busy week 😛 I’m also a little tired, so, only one cat pic this time 😛 You’re getting plenty from Cadvent, anyway...
The seventh edition of the Blog Monthly is here – written by Lil, fresh off the printing press Hello, everyone!! The Blog Monthly is back and better than ever! I hope you all love this edition, in my opinion it is one...
Pandapeltl gives warrior names to dragons from Wings of Fire.
Rosefern shares some thoughts on Jayfeather and Jay’s Wing.
Hi Sandi, Shatter already has a mate – Frozen! If you want me to, I can make a background character to be Feather’s mate. Thanks!
Oh sorry! I was trying to think of a dog-fox to show the kit’s father, so I just picked a random one as a placeholder until I could find a permanent one. Thanks, I’ll remove that!
Edit: Oh wait…Shatter…aggh that was gonna be a villain in another fan fic…I’ll just pick another name…maybe…
Sure! Would you mind me adding just a…Normal? cat as the father?
Yep! No backstories are needed since it’s a lot to keep track of 😛
hey Sandi, sorry to sound a bit pushy but can you add the characters I gave to you to the allegiances? thanks!
Done! Sorry for being late:)
Can you add Willowpaw and her siblings then, please?
thanks! also, can you add the character I added on the previous pages?
Hi, Bree! I’m almost done with sketching the outline for the first piece of art, but could you tell me what colour the fox paw is?
The fox paws are Emberstep’s, so they are dark red!
Character Name: Blanco
Appearance(BlossomClan are in the autumn kind of colors, Ash Tribe darker colors, and so on): Fluffy white dog fox with amber eyes
Tribe(or list the Frostbite Skulk if they’re in there): The Frostbite Skulk
Fox picture that looks similar to their appreance? https://i.pinimg.com/originals/2e/8f/1d/2e8f1ddc667e2e42d63b54d51aef4516.jpg
Family, optional: Feather (mate) Snowy (younger sister)
Backstory, also optional: Normal stuff
Anything else? He is cheerful, playful, optimistic and positive
Character Name: Snowy
Appearance(BlossomClan are in the autumn kind of colors, Ash Tribe darker colors, and so on): Fluffy white vixen with chocolate brown eyes
Tribe(or list the Frostbite Skulk if they’re in there): The Frostbite Skulk
Fox picture that looks similar to their appreance? https://yukonwildlife.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/MG_8647-YWP-Jake-PalecznyBanner-scaled.jpg
Family, optional: Blanco (older brother)
Backstory, also optional: Normal stuff
Anything else? She is subborn, impulsive and optimistic. She is a Frosty Paw while her brother is a Freezer.
Character Name: Quail
Appearance(BlossomClan are in the autumn kind of colors, Ash Tribe darker colors, and so on): Plump, pretty white fox with a black tail-tip
Tribe(or list the Frostbite Skulk if they’re in there): The Frostbite Skulk
Fox picture that looks similar to their appreance? https://i.natgeofe.com/k/4cf56024-edd3-4ed7-8a80-d81d90ab78ba/arctic-fox_3x4.jpg
Family, optional: Hare (mate; small white dog fox) Holly (daughter; small white vixen with reddish tufts and a black tail-tip, green eyes) Bumblebee (son; small white dog-fox with gray tufts and yellow eyes) Polar (pup; small white fox with a black tail-tip and icy blue eyes)
Backstory, also optional: Normal stuff
Anything else? She is gentle, protective and passionate
Character Name: Solstice
Appearance(BlossomClan are in the autumn kind of colors, Ash Tribe darker colors, and so on): Slender white vixen with silver tufts and sky-blue eyes
Tribe(or list the Frostbite Skulk if they’re in there): The Frostbite Skulk
Fox picture that looks similar to their appreance? https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/beautiful-arctic-fox-most-blue-eyes-world-136329654.jpg
Family, optional: Birch (sister; silver-and-white vixen with green eyes) Hail (mother; fluffy silver-and-white vixen with icy-blue eyes) Cardinal (father; white dog-fox with reddish paws and green eyes) Seal (older brother; white-and-silver dog-fox with icy-blue eyes) Evergreen (older sister; white vixen with bright green eyes and reddish paws)
Backstory, also optional: Normal stuff
Anything else? She and Birch are Frosty Paws, while her older siblings are Freezers.
Thanks for the characters Skye, but I’m feeling really overwhelmed with the sheer cast size of the skulk. Since their backstories are just normal, do you require all their family and such to be included?
Sorry if this sounded rude, I’m just frankly struggling with the massive number of characters people submitted and want to have included and developed, and you already submitted plenty of characters! Perhaps we could reach a negotation about not including all the family members? I know how much time you out into these characters, and I’m sorry that my message about how large the skulk was sort of got buried. Thanks and sorry again.
You don’t need to include the families! Sorry 🙂
(Maybe you could include Quail’s pups and mate, thought? Since she’s a queen and there were few queens. The pups wouldn’t even have to appear, since they’re in the nursery and all.)
I was thinking the same thing, I just didn’t know what asking to remove people’s characters would sound to them. Thanks for saying that, Dusk!
And this will probably mean that we don’t want anymore Frostbite Skulk characters, sorry guys!
Character Name: Coppermoon
Appearance(BlossomClan are in the autumn kind of colors, Ash Tribe darker colors, and so on): golden-brown vixen with brown eyes
Tribe(or list the Frostbite Skulk if they’re in there): The Rain Tribe
Fox picture that looks similar to their appreance? https://i.pinimg.com/474x/5d/d5/0b/5dd50baa20ee08d0ec6857fab4c51bd8–pet-fox-african-mythology.jpg
Family, optional: Goldenpaw/light (golden-brown dog-fox with brown eyes) and Marigoldpaw/pounce (golden-brown vixen with green eyes) are her pups. Her mate is Dawnflight (pale orange dog-fox with green eyes). She has a older litter of pups who are Brightfall (pale orange vixen with light blue eyes), Honeysong (golden-brown vixen with amber eyes) and Dewleaf (pale brown dog-fox with green eyes). She has a brother, Leafdawn (pale brown dog-fox with amber eyes), and their parents are elders, Honeyclaw (golden-brown vixen with fiery amber eyes) and Brightstorm (pale brown dog-fox with dark brown eyes). Her fatherline aunt is a elder too, Streamwhisper (pale brown vixen with pale blue eyes). And Coppermoon has adopted two pups, Swiftpup (white vixen with very dark blue eyes and gray paws) and Snowpup (fluffy white dog-fox with one green eye and one blue eye)
Backstory, also optional: Normal stuff mostly! Her Tribe found two oddly white-furred pups at the border and she decided to foster them alongside Marigoldpup and Goldenpup. Despite Swiftpup having grown to be fierce and snarky while Snowpup prefers to keep to himself, both pups were the aim of scorn originally. But the Rain Tribe soon grew fond of them and forgot they were ever outsiders. Someone living in the snowy mountains hasn’t forgotten, though…
Anything else? I added as many family members as I could, I think this will increase the allegiances significantly!
YES there is finally another Rain Tribe character! While Frostbite Skulk is in the background being overpopulated, Rain Tribe is struggling to be stable! I’ll put Coppermoon and Goldenpaw in soon!
Hi everyone! The first draft of my first chapter for the Frostbite Skulk is finished being written and is now ready for revisions! The link is below. I would appreciate constructive feedback from anyone willing to give it!
This is a awesome chapter! The cliffhanger in the end was specially powerful :DDD
Editor tips:
“Welp, I’m too strong to die,” he meowed simply.
(They’re foxes, so maybe change it to “barked”?)
“Get back to camp, Frosted Paw!” He meowed brusquely.
(Same thing)
Then, I’m going to kill all the tribe cats.
I’ll kill all the tribe cats and prove I’m not some freak.
(Same thing)
Shatter and the vixen were the two strongest Frosted Paws, which meant that they got to sit in front.
(Shatter isn’t a Frosted Paw, he’s fully grown and had a daughter and a mate, he’s a Freezer :))
Snowy yawned tiredly from where he lay down a little away from the rest of the foxes
It wasn’t because he was weak, it was simply because he didn’t care.
(Snowy’s a vixen, she/her)
Thank you so much Skye! The first chapter of anything different is bound to be riddled with mistakes!! I managed to fish most of them out, but this was really helpful. With the Shatter thing, I meant Shard. It seems that there are many people who included ‘s’ named characters!!! And I will change the pronouns of Snowy if that is what you want – I’m currently dealing with a ratio of 4 males to over 15 females, but I’ll figure out another way to balance it out. Thanks again!
Seal was actually a dog-fox if it helps :D!
It’s amazing! I love how you described Shadow’s personaloty well and how it’s like for the PoV in the Skulk. One thing thoigh, could you maybe include the King (AKA Spireshadow) more? I was hoping he could be one of the main villains. Like maybe he tries to kindle Shadow because he gets unfair treatment because of his difference, just like the King himself when he was younger.
Hi Shadedpaw!! All the characters I included were the OCs of others. The entire skulk is made of the OCs of others. I know that I have to include everyone’s character, and don’t worry, I will give your character time to shine in the next chapter 😀
(My editing time ran out 😛)
Yeah, and I’ll totally try to make him a main villain! I just had a few questions, and you mentioned you were going to write a bit of a follow up on them. Here’s what they were:
How old is he?
How did he rise to power in the skulk?
Thanksss! And sorry for any inconvenience!!
hey Sandi, also, could you add the characters that I added on page 3? thanks!
Added! I don’t have a sharp eye, so I probably didn’t see them:) Also, thanks for adding all these characters, Marb! They’re really interesting foxes and do fill up the allegiances!
Sandi, I found a few mistakes on your prologue:
A growl rumbled in Nightshade’s throat. “You’re acting like an oh-so-powerful StarClan fox.”
Amberstar knew that Nightshade used to be a clan member, but that was all.
Editor duties, sorry 😛 Can you fix that, please?
I had to correct myself a few times while writing that, the word StarClan was etched into my brain from so much book-reading that I slipped 😛
I even say “Great StarClan” a lot irl when I’m annoyed 😅
I do too xD!
Oh, and also “Maybe it would be better in StarClan…”
Character Name: Bramblepelt
Appearance(BlossomClan are in the autumn kind of colors, Ash Tribe darker colors, and so on): Dark brown dog-fox with darker brown and black points, green eyes and a bushy tail
Tribe(or list the Frostbite Skulk if they’re in there): Rain Tribe
Fox picture that looks similar to their appreance? https://live.staticflickr.com/4210/35802271866_217b9f1d4e_b.jpg
Family, optional: Sunpaw (small golden-brown dog-fox with amber eyes; son) Earthpaw (fluffy dark brown vixen with black points and green eyes; daughter) Ambersky (light orange vixen with sky-blue eyes and a long, plumy tail; [adopted] daughter) Creekrose (golden-brown vixen with amber eyes and a rosy-red tail; mate) Goldsong (brother; dark golden dog-fox with bright golden eyes)
Backstory, also optional: Normal stuff mostly! He crushed on Creekpaw since she became an apprentice, and Goldpaw was there to play the annoying matchmaker. Creekpaw then showed signs of liking him back and they tried not to be awkward about it. She, her brother Lightpaw (creamy brown dog-fox with amber eyes and a rosy-red tail) and sister Topazpaw (creamy brown vixen with milky gray eyes) became warriors alongside Bramblepelt and Goldsong, earning the names of Lightberry, Topazmist and Creekrose. Once when they were laughing at their apprentice memories together, Creekrose and Bramblepelt recalled their crushes and admitted their feelings had grown, deciding to become mates. When Creekrose became pregnant with their pups and moved into the nursery, the queen Firedawn (light orange vixen with pale amber eyes) died in a battle alongside Sandpup and Rootpup. As the only other queen at the time, Creekrose nursed Amberpup – the last of the litter – and later on adopted her -given her father Rootpounce had died before she was even born, raising her alongside her biological pups. They were very proud of her when she got her warrior name Ambersky recently.
Anything else? Ty!
hey Sandi, I looked at the allegiances again, and I meant that Lightningsight’s name is actually Sparksight, and he and Twilightfall are in the Ash Tribe. also, I think you got rid of Featherpaw and Marigoldpaw?
So I realized that we don’t have a lot of worldbuilding in this, so maybe we could add a bit more detail in it? I don’t think we even know what Tribe borders who:)
We also don’t know where they go for their Moonpool/Moonstone, and maybe we could add in little things like Sky Oak and stuff like that!
Each tribe should border each other, with their gathering place in the centre.
-Underneath the gathering place is the Mooncave, a beautiful cave lined with crystals that sparkle in all colours of the rainbow. Cats go there to collect crystals for their mates but also to speak to the Star Tribe.
-In Blossom Tribe there is a Twoleg herb-garden that they share with cats from all Clans.
-Blossom Tribe has Cherry Glade which is pretty much a hollow full of Cherry Blossom Trees.
-A river runs through Rain Tribe that is covered in things like Lily Pads which is called the Lilystream. It’s a bit polluted.
-Nightshade grows in Ash Tribe most, Foxglove grows in Blossom Tribe, Twoleg-borne poisons are found in Raintribe most and Deathberries are everywhere.
-There is a Greenleaf Twolegplace in Blossom Tribe and a Twolegplace quite close to Rain Tribe.
-There is a farm very close to Ash Tribe.
-Not many twolegs come to Ash Tribe because most humans don’t like going to swamps.
-Mangrove trees grow exclusively in Ash Tribe.
I’ll make a map quickly of my ideas and when we’ve thought of better ones, I’ll actually draw it myself!
Also thinking that maybe Rain Tribe could have a Twoleg problem?
The Map and Ideas look awesome! Thx for the help Ambi!
Here is the Map Draft!
Awesome! How’d you make this map draft, by the way?
I used a website called Inkarnate. YES, you get about 1% of the features without paying, but it’s pretty good.
You use it too :D?? I have the paid version (after a long time trying to get my parents to pay it), do you want me to make a full-version version (only if you want!!)?
You inspired me to use it! That’s okay though, I’m probably going to draw it myself when we finalise the ideas! Thanks for the offer though!
Yay! (I’ve never seen one of your drawings :DD)