The Hazelpage

The internet is a storm of URLs, wi-fi and strings of dangerous code, whirling and thundering. Out in the wilderness you can only survive so long unaided, but in here, behind the mellow yellow windows, a safe and comforting place awaits. This place is a respite from the internet; the fire crackles invitingly and alluring rainbow-coloured drinks are poured into glasses. Exciting chatter fills the rooms from tables bustling with friends, eating from trays of warm, rustic carum bread and hearty stews. Gentle music comes from the band in the background.


[image description: a busy tavern lit by orange light]

Come in, chat away, have a great time! The old location may have been overrun by the Codekind, but this new building has three-meter thick walls, three floors and turret bedrooms to rest in at the top! We’ve returned, free from the battles of the secret pages! A safe micro-community of equality and no judgement. Hang up your HTML-reflective suit at the door and settle in with a drink and a meal.

Notice Board:
Free candy in the bowl on the counter! What types of candy are there? Yes.


  • The door to the tavern flies open as Blazestrike rushes in, wild-eyed. “Close the door, close the door!” A cat called out, “What’s wrong?” It’s a long story that involves Darkstalker’s ghost, an animus dragonet, and a lovesick pig, but here’s the scoop. I was minding my own business one day when a huge dragon stepped out of a portal and plopped a baby dragon into my hands. Without any explanation, the huge dragon disappeared, leaving me alone with the baby. Or so I thought. The portal suddenly reappeared and a horde of lovesick pigs flew out! The baby must have enchanted them somehow. Thats how I got here.” With a sigh, Blazestrike collapses due to exhaustion, and the tavern returns to normal, none of them noticing the faint oinking sounds coming from outside.

    • “Are you okay?” Sparkpaw asked. “Where are these lovesick pigs? You should probably see a medicine cat…”

      • “Must.. stop.. pigs” Blazestrike gasped out. “Had.. to.. run… fast.. to get.. here.” Blazestrike dragged himself off the ground with great effort, then collapsed onto the table and started snoring.

  • Shimmers, tired of all of the chaos, started her master plan to calm down the Hazelpage for at least a little bit. She dragged out a large, brightly colored box that read: “ENCHILADAS OF CHAOS HERE!”
    Then, Shimmers swiftly opened the front of the box to reveal that the inside of the box was much larger it appeared on the outside. Lined up at the very back of the box were large plates of enchiladas.
    Shimmers clapped her paws, making spotlights move to herself and the box. “Come one, come all to my wonderful box of enchiladas!” She grinned. “Definitely not a trap for chaos-causers!” She covered up the mechanics that made the front of the box slam shut after enough chaos-causers entered with a large bit of fabric. Shimmers knew that the box wouldn’t hold them for long, but any peace was good enough.

    • Leopardkit climbed out of the inactivity hole. She glanced around looking VERY frightened, for she had hit her head and couldn’t remember anycat at all. She hid behind a wall. She summoned a force field around herself and curled up under the couch while holding a book.”Safe.” She whispered. She summoned a candle to read.

    • “ENCHILADASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!” Mistfeather screeched and ran into the box.

    • “Haha I am too smart for your evil trap! You can’t fool me!” shouts Freekit while shaking Misty out of the box.

  • Daydream grabbed Blazestrike and gave him a bottle with liquid in it. “It’s the secret ingredient” she whispered, “It’s more tasty than the other one” Daydream yeeted out a big bag and started throwing the bottles at Blacky clones. “I have more for everyone!” A Blacky clone dumped the secret ingredient on his head and then it dissolves. “Yeah don’t do that” All the Blacky clones start doing that and they all dissolve. “Oh my…” Daydream poured a bottle of secret ingredient into a spray bottle. This might be handy She put some dynamite in her pack along with a lighter. “Who wants to come blow up Dovewing’s, Millie’s, Sol’s, Darktail’s, Onestar’s, Spiderleg’s, Rowanstar’s, and Foxheart’s grave with me and Blaze?”

    • ¨I´m in for it!¨ Leopard (I don´t feel like writing the rest of her name) meowed, her thoughts coming back to her. ¨Look at this thingy!¨ She holds up a shiny bright red potion that has a tag saying ¨DESTROY STUFF WITH ME¨. ¨You might want it!¨ Leopardkit chirps with a mischievous look on her face. ¨I-have-a-map-of-where-Sol´s-grave-is… GLOW!¨ She hollers and a young yellow dragon with her tail barb around her neck pops up. Leopard flys out the Hazelpage door riding a yellow dragon (aka Sandwing). ¨Hurry up!¨

    • Blazestrike waved something in the air and shouted, “Wait! I bought a flamethrower from Viper this morning and it might come in handy!” Then he hurriedly climbed on Mirage, his Sandwing-Raingwing hybrid, and flew out.

        • (Meanwhile, in the sky.) Blazestrike looks down at his map and asked, “Where’s the nearest grave? I’m itching to blow up a grave or two. TNT can’t be wasted, ya know?”

          • “It seems that Dovewing’s and Foxheart’s are” Daydresm mewed excitedly. Then she fell off Sidon. Then she gets dragged back up and put back on Sidon.

    • “Wait I want to come!” Mistfeather hopped on taquito (who is now a dragon teenager) and flew out.

  • Goldenbee edged through the tavern doors, ducking to avoid a random flying pig, which flew out the door from behind her. Vaguely concerned, she snagged an empty table. She clapped her paws and an old fashioned typewriter appeared on the desk, along with a rainbow slurpee.

    • “Hey, me want slurpee!” shouted Shimmerkit, pushing her way to Goldenbee. She tried grabbing it, but it broke because clawed it, and it splattered all across Shimmerkit’s face! A flying pig flew through the tavern, nearly hitting Shimmerkit, but she ducked away just in time. She started licking the rainbow slurpee off her face.

  • Ravenmask enters the page as Daydream had instructed her to. Looking out on the dragonets, enchiladas, and whatever her sister was holding, she sighed. “I regret all of my life decisions,” she muttered, leaving the room.

  • Moonkit and Moonwatcher stop watching hunter x hunter to go blow up rainflowers grave

    • Shimmerkit runs across the tavern, following the Moonies. She jumped, tumbled, and ran into a flying pig, which she threw out the window. Shimmerkit jumped again, this time landing on the head of Ravenmask. She fell on the floor, rolling and rolling until she found another rainbow slurpee. This time, she had her claws sheathed, just so the cup would not break while she drank it.

      • Swiftpaw runs because a horde of of flying pigs is blocking his ufos liftoff so he exits the ufo and remembers what cheetospark told him “Run!” So he runs across the wall and starts running circles around the tavern and from all of the heat and friction,there were no longer flying pigs but a lot of flying bacon😉

      • Swiftpaw suddenly sees cats from the dark forest entering through a portal and he yells “Who wants to help me summon some warriors heroes!”-“and quick”(he didnt like the way tigerstar was looking at him)

  • Shimmer appears out of a thick wall of mist that surrounded one area of the Hazelpage. (No one knows why it’s there….) Shimmer jumps up and sticks a sign to it that says, “Time Machine! Limited time offer!!” She then grabs a stool and jumps on top of it. “Hear ye, hear ye!! I have an important announcement!! I am selling the right to use my time machine, one time only, for the highest bidder!! Who’ll go first?” She yowls, looking around the room with a challenging gleam in her eyes and a smirk on her face.

    • “MEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!” Shimmerkit shouted to Shimmermist, riding on a flying pig. “Yeow!” The pig crashed and Shimmerkit fell off, into a pile of rainbow slurpee. Since she was the Shimmer, she began licking the slurpee off her fur.

  • Moonkit grabs 6 rainbow slurpies and shimmerkit, and she, opalkit, blackkit, and shimmerkit get on Moonwatcher (nightwing), and Blade (Rainwing, leafwing, and silkwing hybrid), to go blow up graves using da secret ingerdient and some other stuff including TNT, While watching HXH on a portable TV

  • Blacky ducks while escaping blacky clones on blade (metalwing) Moonkit grabs 6 rainbow slurpies and shimmerkit, and she, stormpaw, opalkit, blackkit, and shimmerkit get on Moonwatcher (nightwing), and sky (Rainwing, leafwing, and silkwing hybrid), to go blow up graves using da secret ingerdient and some other stuff including TNT, While watching HXH on a portable TV

  • “WHO WANTS TO BLOW UP THIS GRAVE!!!” Blazestrike gleefully shouted as he held up a block of dynamite and a lighter. They had made it to Foxheart’s grave, and the others were gathered around him waiting for the big moment. The dragons clustered around the cats looked confused. “What are they doing?” Mirage growled. The others all shrugged.

    • “I will totally help!” shouts Turtle as xe runs over. “Also,” xe adds, “after this, can we blow up Tom’s grave? He’s a complete jerk who is responsible for my favorite character’s death, and I despise him!”

      • “Yes! Tom is horrible!” shouts Freekit.

        • “Then Tom will be next on the list! But first…” Blazestrike said, lighting the dynamite, “this grave has to be taken care of.” BOOOOOOM!!!!! There was a huge explosion, and dirt rained down on everyone. But Foxheart’s grave had been erased off the face of the Earth. Every cat cheered.

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